Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Shattered Blades by Aidan Russell - Book Tour and Giveaway

The rivers turn to blood and the mournful cry for judgment.

Reslo returns to his family in the forest of Miradep, but his quest is not finished, and he will not fail in his duty.

Gratas and Jerah return to the idyllic town of Dunkhau, their bodies wounded and spirits scarred by battle. But if they thought war was tiring, they must now face the unknown horrors of peace.


The captain turned in his desk chair toward the door. The Rovichian swordsman thrust the gladius into the Esivion captain’s throat and held it there. Red, arterial blood squirted across the blade and splattered the swordsman’s black tabard. The captain tried to curse, but no air could pass his lips. He made one jerk, trying to pull the blade from his throat, and died.

The swordsman behind the Rovichian descended on the woman stretched out on the captain’s bed. She had only begun to stir before the gladius split her skull. The others swept into the room. No words were exchanged. The others rushed the captain’s desk and grabbed handfuls of papers and ledgers. They stuffed them into the backpack that one of the Nolterite knights wore. Anfor gave them one minute to grab up what documents they could and ordered them out of the quarters with a slap to Thrain’s shoulder.

Sir Fashtin awaited them at the bottom of the quarter’s steps. The team fell into line behind Sir Fashtin and quickly made their way through the darkness. Fashtin’s sword came out and took a guard’s head off. He caught the body and lowered it to the ground. Then he continued to lead the column of soldiers down a ladderwell below deck.

The ship’s creaking seemed amplified in the enclosed space of the crew quarters. Other than that, the only sounds were of snores and a group of sailors in one room doing what sailors do best: gambling and swilling the liquor. They were the first to die. Fashtin and one of the Nolterites rushed the room and cut the four men apart before they could raise an alarm. They checked the room quickly for any records or information Gwynnud or Maras could exploit, but found none.

Two by two, the men moved quickly and silently into each room and slit the throats of each sleeping crewman, wizened petty officers, and slave-boys pressed into service aboard the ship.

Guest Post

A Beginners Guide to Story Structure and Outlining
Aidan Russell

When I wrote my first book, I did very little pre-planning. I had no idea where I was going when I started and was going one chapter to the next with no plan. This ultimately delayed the release of my first book by years and it took nine drafts until I got it right. If you’re a new writer, this probably sounds pretty familiar. By the time I released the third book in the series, The Shattered Blades, I had been all across all the writing blogs, read a few books on craft, and honed by planning abilities. I outlined the book during my free time across three days and had it ready for publication after three drafts, which includes the draft after being reviewed by my editor.
Before we go on, I need to give a huge thanks to Cary over at Her blog is a great resource for learning more on this topic.
The first step I take is to lay out a sort of timeline that hits all the major points along the four-part story structure. Below is what I made for a Warhammer 40k adventure I will probably never actually write:

From the beginning of the story to your 1st Plot Point is your Setup. You are preparing the reader to go on an adventure. At the 1st Plot Point, your hero(s) are off; they’ve passed the point of no return. This plot point should happen around the ¼ mark, but this is art, not science, after all. The next part is your response. Something happened at your plot point, and now your protagonists must react to the catalyst that has sent them on their adventure. Somewhere along the way to the midpoint, you should have your 1st Pinch Point, a demonstration of the antagonistic forces at work in your story to remind the reader what’s at stake and what’s keeping your hero from achieving their goal.
The Midpoint, this is your big unexpected twist. There’s not a whole lot to tell you on how to execute this one. It doesn’t necessarily have to be some grand double-cross, it just needs to make your reader’s eyes go wide.
After the Midpoint, we enter the Attack. Your hero has been reacting up until this point. Now they’re taking charge and getting stuff done. But oh no! We have a 2nd Pinch Point along the way to make sure the hero can’t get too much done too easily.
We then hit the 2nd Plot Point and are on our way to the Resolution. We have the plans to the Death Star, we know it’s inbound to blow us all the smithereens, and it’s time to end this. Hop in your X-Wing. Things are going down.
We now have a few checkpoints along our journey. There’s plenty of wiggle room for us to work and some of these points we’ve plotted may not actually end up being those defining moments in the story at the end. But, we at least know where we’re going and how we want to get there.
What I do next is make my outlining grid. This is often called a series grid, but as an epic fantasy writer, I use it to keep track of all the moving parts, conflicts, and characters inherent to the genre rather than underlying and recurring themes. Below is the beginning of my outline to The Shattered Blades:

I have the chapter numbers on the left, when that chapter occurs (so I can keep track of the passage of time), and then the main plot of the chapter. After that is a breakdown of all those moving parts: The main party, Reslo, the Great Weapons Detachment, and the Seelie Court. I used the Seelie Court column as a notes section as well since that plotline didn’t have quite as many chapters devoted to it as the others. This meant I had room to come back later and jot something down or I had extra room if the details of a certain chapter’s plot just kept coming.
If you’re a dedicated pantser and it’s been working for you, keep doing what you’re doing. If you’re new to writing, I highly recommend you start out plotting. I don’t have to put much thought into hopping in my car and driving to the grocery story, but when I turned 16, I had to plan and plot my course just to go down the street. And if you’re new to writing, there’s one piece of advice that every author seems to agree on more than plotting vs pantsing: Get your butt behind the keyboard and WRITE!

About the Author

Aidan Russell is a Marine Corps veteran living in Las Vegas. He spent his youth following the adventures of wizards and space demons and decided one day to write his own tales. His short fiction is available in the Never Fear and Uncharted Worlds anthologies. When not writing, he enjoys skiing and heavy metal.

Aidan Russell will be awarding a Kindle Paperwhite (INTERNATIONAL) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Another Five Minutes by Destiny Booze - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Destiny Booze will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Loving him is easy.

Fearing him is necessary.

Trusting him could be a deadly mistake.

Born deaf and living with an anxiety disorder, Brooke Hartley manages life in five-minute intervals. It’s all she can do to get out of bed each morning. She’s hidden inside her sister’s apartment for over a year.

Everything changes when Brooke’s sister goes missing. Her fragile world crashes. She is desperate to find her, and she’ll need help.

Haunted by a past he needs to forget, Scott Derrico keeps to himself until his gallery manager, Autumn Hartley, suddenly disappears. He is forced out of his isolation to help a woman that needs him with a terrifying intensity.

Scott tries to deny his attraction to Brooke. He doesn’t want to get emotionally involved but he craves her like nothing else. And, for her, he is a dark and sexy diversion to overcome her fear.

With a genuinely flawed and relatable heroine and a mysterious and protective hero, you won’t want this love story to end. You’ll beg…for another five minutes…

Read an Excerpt:

Brooke watched as Scott poured a double shot of liquor and drained it. He faced her long enough for her to see him say, “I’m sorry. It looks like we’ll have to wait to go see Zack.”

When he turned back to pour another, Brooke put her laptop down, hurried to him, and covered the glass with her hand, shaking her head back and forth. She worried about him. The cops would be back to talk to him, and she didn’t want him to be drunk when they did.

She took his hand away from the glass and traced, S.O.B.E.R.

He gave her a humorless grin. “Do you really think you want me sober right now?”

It wasn’t so much his words as the look in his green eyes that scared her, and she backed away from him.

He advanced. “If you don’t want me to drink, you’re going to have to give me something else to do.”

Gulping, she retreated further, and her back bumped the wall behind her. In the next instant he was standing right in front of her. Grasping her face between his hands, he tilted her head up and kissed her.

Brooke spread her arms wide in surprise, and he came closer, trapping her to the wall. She had no time to object, and she didn’t want to. He kissed her hard, the anger she sensed earlier radiating out of him. It should have scared her, but it didn’t. She wanted more.

About the Author:
Destiny Booze is an interesting name, true? Destiny’s mom found her first name in a romance book. Her last name was a gift from the man she loves.

She writes novels with intense conflicts, ongoing suspense, romance, and happy endings. She grew up at a campground where she spent her summers working long hours mowing, cleaning bathrooms, lifeguarding, and leading activities.

Destiny resides in Botetourt County, Virginia where she strives to be the best wife, mother, and writer that she can be. Her family is always priority number one. Other things of great importance to her are friends and her readers!

Follow Destiny on Amazon, Facebook, Twitter @destinybooze, or her website Go to her website and sign up for her mailing list for updates on book releases and book giveaways.

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Monday, August 27, 2018

Musing Mediterranean by Beth Daigle - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Beth Daigle will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

A trip to the Mediterranean—who wouldn’t be thrilled? Beth Daigle should be doing back flips as she prepares to escape her humdrum suburban life, but travel anxiety gets the best of her. This is a trip of a lifetime, something to look forward to, yet Beth is dreading it.

The daughter of an Italian mother and Greek father, Beth has always dreamed of visiting Greece and Italy. Her Type A husband, Tony, revels in planning every detail of their two-week vacation. The plan expands to include not only Beth and Tony’s two tween daughters, but Beth’s parents, sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew.

As her family’s excitement mounts, so does Beth’s trepidation. She experiences serious anxiety about the flight itself, plus spending two solid weeks with her extended family.

Despite her worries, Beth manages the eight-hour plane ride to Rome, and the adventure begins.

If you’ve never experienced the beauty of the Mediterranean, or even if you have, Musing Mediterranean will take you there through Beth’s eyes, page by page.

Read an Excerpt


The moment we were all comfortably seated, we were inundated with food, in the best way possible. We didn’t order one thing; it was all brought to us. Whatever the chef was cooking was what was served, and we thoroughly enjoyed it.

Every plate was also a work of art: each was hand-painted, colorful, and artistic. And before we knew it, music filled the air when the owner’s niece took a microphone and asked all the patrons to join in on a sing-along.

The Italian blond beauty entertained us with her soothing voice, ethnic songs, and gregarious hospitality.

Her rousing renditions of both familiar and unfamiliar songs left us ready to sit back and enjoy the end of our memorable meal. Served family style, it was a meal that included five appetizers, five entrees, homemade wine, pear grappa, and five desserts. It was extravagant, yet unpretentious.

As desserts and limoncello came to the table, so did the owner–chef. Every bite that was served was natural and simply prepared, yet it was the most delicious food I’d ever eaten.

About the Author:
Beth Daigle is a lifelong New Englander residing north of Boston with her husband and daughters. Prior to settling into her role as a writer, Beth was a marketing professional whose favorite part of the job was writing. As a freelancer, Beth has enjoyed contributing to numerous lifestyle and home publications, yet she yearned for something more than a magazine article. Then along came Musing Mediterranean. Beth quickly became immersed in chronicling this travel event and articulating her perceptions of the places she visited, the people she met, the foods she enjoyed and the crazy moments she encountered. The idea that someone who may never travel to Greece, Italy or Turkey could appreciate this experience through Beth’s eyes became a driving force behind the story. Revealing her struggle with travel anxiety helped Beth move forward and embrace, once again, how very wonderful it is to travel the world.

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” St. Augustine.

Beth is a creative soul who finds joy in art, home design, gardening, reading, writing, a good laugh, and an even better television show.

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Friday, August 24, 2018

Single and Looking Daisy (Secret Lives of Sisters) by Belinda Austin - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Belinda Austin will be awarding a $10 or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


Daisy will turn 40 in eleven months and has never married. Her family figures Daisy is a loser because she is still in college trying to avoid paying off her student loans which have amassed over 22 years of a miseducation. And all Daisy has is a cat to keep her company. To make the crises worse, her cat begins talking to Daisy, when she is sober! The mess of Daisy's life is even kookier because the cat is cursing and smoking now and drinking more alcoholic beverages. Mm, there must be a connection to all this flowing alcohol, which may explain the bubbly in Daisy's brain. Her sisters and mother insist on setting Daisy up on six blind dates and all the men are named after liquor.

A heartwarming, LOL book that will make you smile.

Read an Excerpt:

Alrighty then, Daisy would dive into the swamp of blind dating, feet first. She would trust her sisters to hunt down the right man for her, men vetted by referrals, five blind dates. From the lucky candidates, she would choose which man was right for her.

Daisy leaned back against the sofa with her eyes closed. The experience would be like The Bachelorette television show, starring her.

Daisy could see herself arriving in a white stretch limo wearing movie-star sunglasses.

She waves her hand at the crowds lined with encouraging posters.




She climbs out of the limo, wearing a white fur coat and walking as if she owns the world.

Two yummy tuxedo-dressed men swing open the doors for her.

She smiles with sparkling-diamond teeth as each doorman kisses a hand.

There stand five hunky handsome men, each with a rose twirling in his hand.

She spins to the camera, showing a flash of panty and making the men swoon.

“Hi, I’m Daisy, and I’m your newest Bachelorette.”

Daisy winks at the camera. “You’re in for some steamy hot tub moments this season so don’t change the channel. I may seem like a lunatic talking to my cat, but I’m not crazy. Trust me.”

She drops the fur coat exposing the strait jacket she’s wearing until Shakespeare stuck his rear in her face, tail up. “Scratch my butt, won’t you Daisy? There’s a good girl; I can’t reach that spot.”

About the Author:
Belinda Austin writes Women's Fiction, Romanic Comedy, Humor, Psychological Thrillers and Suspense. She has a degree in Applied Mathematics and once worked as a Software Engineer. She was born in the Los Angeles Area and is an award-winning author. She is a Zumbaholic.

Belinda, also, writes Science Fiction and Fantasy under the name of B. Austin. She writes Historical Fiction under the name of Belinda Vasquez Garcia, along with Middle Grade Fiction.

She has occasionally dreamt or her cat, Shakespeare, talking to her in English. She once had a cat named Whiskey who used to sit like a human in a chair for half an hour or more with an empty beer can on his head, which proves that life often emulates fiction.

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Thursday, August 23, 2018

My Wonderful Wobbly Life by Charles Irwin - Book Tour and Giveaway

Having survived quite a few birthdays and had some interesting experiences, I wrote them down. That's how "My Wonderful Wobbly Life" was conceived. It was nearly born in 2004, but decided to hang on until 2018 to become 'Born again' Alleluia!!!!



Contemplating my entry into this incarnation, from where Iam now, I am able to formulate various scenarios regarding it.

• At the moment of my conception, my soul knew of the difficulties my mother would experience while giving birth to her childand therefore chose to be born to my parents in a damagedphysical body.

• The forceps slipping during my delivery was an unforseen accident,as was the subsequent struggle for life of the child. Duringthis struggle, my present soul took over from the soul which had originally chosen my parents to fulfil its karmic requirements.

• However it was organized at birth, the result is I AM HERENOW. My soul has experienced much during the seventy-one years it has inhabited this damaged body on its way to fulfilling the contract it made with spirit prior to incarnation.

My gut feeling is I am a ‘walk in.’ When the soul, which had chosen my parents as its vehicle to incarnate through, found the physical body had been damaged due to an accident it returned to the Soul Pool. When the soul left the damaged body and the baby was dying, my soul, which was waiting in the Soul Pool for an appropriate vehicle to incarnate into, ‘walked in.’ This is one explanation for the lack of feeding and lethargy during the first few days of my life.”

Guest Post

“There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book.
Books are well written, or badly written.”
                                                     Oscar Wilde.
My age is showing when I tell you, written material to masturbate by always used to end in  …….!  In my mis-spent youth ‘a naughty novel’ meant that, at the end of a chapter, there was a line of dots, leaving what was happening to a reader’s imagination,  The more ‘…..s’ there were, the more salacious was the scene imagined.
Today, most of society does not understand the difference between ‘erotica’ and ‘pornography’.  Dictionary definitions of each word are very similar, which begs the question, “Is the difference in the education of the reader?” 

To cater for the ‘dumbing down’ of readers’ education, authors have become more explicit in writing sex scenes and leave very little to the imagination. Every breath, every movement every sensation is graphically explained. Could that be because people have no need to use much imagination nowadays. 

 My introduction to erotica was a book whose title I forget, except that it included the word ‘Moon’.  The story centred on a tribe of people who were different to the norm, in that both sexes had three breasts, which were kept covered in public.  Within the tribe, sexual intercourse was a natural and normal bodily function that could be satisfied with any partner, anywhere, at any time; even publicly was quite acceptable.  However, there was something couples did in private that, to me, was erotic and sexually arousing.  The couples would bathe together then lie naked as they dried in front of a fire.  Then, very gently, they would caress each other before entwining their bodies so that each could suck on the other’s third breast.  The build-up to that scene, which finally revealed the secret of the marriage bed, was extremely erotic.  I discovered that book in 1949, when I was working as an office boy for an export bookseller in London.  The staff were allowed to borrow books waiting to be sent to clients.  Therefore, we had the pick of current publications and special orders, some of which were risqué.  ‘No Orchids for Miss Blandish’ by James Hadley Chase and ‘Forever Amber’ by Kathleen Windsor were really naughty books back then.  I can truthfully say the ‘brown paper covers’ we had to use when borrowing books were never singed or scorched by the ‘naughty bits’ e.g. ‘Forever Amber’ pp. 135.

In England, prior to 1960, books such as ‘Delta of Venus’ by Anais Nin, ‘Tropic of Cancer’ by Henry Miller, ‘Roman Erotic Poetry’ by Ovid,  ‘Story of my Life’ by Giacomo Casanova and ’Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ by D. H. Lawrence among others, were all forbidden erotic publications.  The land mark legal decision that changed things was handed down in London in 1960 and allowed the publication of “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”.  That was the first English language novel to describe sexual intercourse, recognising it as an awakening of emotional as well as physical passion.  The gardener’s verbal description of his sexual partner ’Lady C’ used colloquial, coarse, working-class language, complete with ’F’ and ’C’ words, which had previously been banned in published English literature.  In my opinion, that decision was the thin edge of the wedge, because it widened yesterday’s field of erotica into today’s paddock of para-pornography. 

About the Author

Charles was born in London U.K. in 1932. During his birth the forceps slipped, resulting in brain damage to the motor control nerves of his right side and causing total body spasticity. However, his intellect was not damaged. Throughout his life the two adversaries, controllable brain and semi-controllable body, always needed to be balanced. After several years of work and study he became a Chartered Production Engineer. In 1971 he emigrated to Australia and became a senior examiner in the Australian Patent office. This autobiography illustrates the rhyme: “He started to sing as he tackled the thing, That couldn’t be done - but he DID IT!” Charles chronicles his journey from useless to useful, with humour and joie de vie. He pays tribute to friends who only gave him help when it was asked for. At a young age he recognized his psychic abilities and, by using lessons at the end of each chapter, shares some insights with readers

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One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Tail of the Dragon by Connie di Marco - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Connie di Marco will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

San Francisco astrologer Julia Bonatti never thought murder would be part of her practice, but now, Julia’s former boss and current client has asked for help. He has serious problems at his law firm. Three people have received death threats and the only common denominator between them is a case long settled -- the infamous Bank of San Francisco fire. Julia’s convinced a woman is behind the threats, perhaps even the widow of the man who died in that same fire, but no one wants to believe that astrology could provide a clue. Before Julia can help her client, two lawyers are dead and her own life is threatened. Can she unmask the killer before he (or she) takes another life?

Read an Excerpt:

I followed the curve from Sutro Heights down to the Great Highway. Here, the road runs parallel to Ocean Beach. Sheets of sand had blown across the highway and formed dunes every so often high enough to block the ocean view. Waves crashed against the concrete abutment sending salt water spray across my windshield. I turned east on Ulloa away from the roiling Pacific and spotted Sarah Larkin’s address on the opposite side of the street. The wind off the ocean picked up, blowing east. Particles of dust and beach sand hit my face as I climbed out of the car. Keeping my head down for protection, I hurried across the street.

I climbed the long stairway to the front doors where a sign indicated 3102-3104. At least here, in the shelter of the entryway, there was respite from the wind. I pressed the buzzer to the door on the right. After a moment, a woman called out. “Who is it?”

“Hi. My name is Julia Bonatti. I’ve come from Meyers Dade & Schultz.”

The door was quickly yanked open by a woman in her late forties. Her face was round and slightly puffy. She wore no makeup and was dressed in a nondescript brown jumper over a black sweatshirt. Her long hair, streaked with gray, was combed back behind her ears.

She peered at me. “For God’s sake. What now? I told him I didn’t want anything from him or his damn law firm.” Her eyes were thin puffy slits.

“I . . . I’d just like to talk to you about your brother. I was hoping maybe you could help us in finding his murderer.”

“His murderer . . . I’d give his murderer a prize if I knew who he was,” she sneered. She looked me up and down and finally decided she’d talk to me even if it was only because I offered a sounding board for her bitterness. “Come on in,” she said resignedly.

“I gather you and your brother weren’t close, but I am sorry for your loss.”

“Don’t be. Wasn’t a loss. Believe me. I haven’t talked to Jack for years. Since my son died.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” A familiar pain flickered in my chest. My loss seemed small in comparison.

“Nicky was sixteen when he died. He had a drug problem. He got mixed up with the wrong kids and they were into some heavy stuff. I was sure if he had one more chance . . . a good chance, he might make it.” Her voice trailed off. “I begged Jack for the money. I never asked him for a thing in my life. Never. But I begged for that.”

“He refused?”

“Said he didn’t see why he should pay for rehab or counseling. The other places hadn’t done Nick any good, so what difference did it make?” She looked at me, her eyes betraying a deep well of pain. “Jack never really loved anyone in his life. How could he possibly understand what it’s like to love a child? I didn’t have anyone else to ask. My husband was killed in a car accident when Nick was seven. Our parents are dead, and Jack had plenty of money. Big, successful lawyer . . . but he didn’t give a damn about me or Nick. Yeah, I hated him. I still hate his guts. I don’t care if he’s dead, I only wish he had suffered more.”

About the Author:

Connie di Marco is the author of the Zodiac Mysteries from Midnight Ink featuring San Francisco astrologer Julia Bonatti. The Tail of the Dragon, third in the series, will be released on August 8, 2018.

Writing as Connie Archer, she is also the author of the national bestselling Soup Lover’s Mysteries from Berkley Prime Crime. You can find her excerpts and recipes in The Cozy Cookbook and The Mystery Writers of America Cookbook. Connie is a member of MWA, Sisters in Crime and International Thriller Writers.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Crying of Ross 128 by David Allan Hamilton - Book Tour and Giveaway

America has splintered into various independent republics after a brutal civil war. Against this backdrop, space exploration is on the cusp of new technological breakthroughs. Jim Atteberry, a mid-30s English professor at City College in San Francisco, spends his free time listening for alien signals on the amateur radio astronomy bands. His life as a single parent to his precocious daughter is turned upside-down when he hears an intelligent cry for help from the Ross 128 system and realizes we are not alone. This signal unleashes a chain of events pitting Jim and his brilliant, mysterious colleague Kate against a power-hungry scientist with his own secret agenda. Jim must learn the truth about the signal, the strange disappearance of his wife Janet, and the meaning of true love before it’s too late in this first contact thriller.


Whitt continued talking while he worked. “So, there are the two Americas, our own government of course, the Russians, Indians, Chinese... not to mention those terrorist groups out there who would love to exploit our human fears about hostile aliens and such.”

“I hadn’t thought about all that.”

“I’m sure if you spend any time at all on this question, you’d come up with a list of 50 organizations all wanting to know how you discovered the signal, and how to use that for their own goals.”

Whitt replaced the cover on the computer and wiped his hands on his coat. “There’s someone else you may want to consider, too. Someone closer to home as it were.”

“Who’s that?”

“I hesitate to say because I recognize how close you are.” He put his tools back in a small pouch.

“Who is it, Dr. Whitt?”

“How well do you know Kate Braddock? I mean, how well do you really know her?”

Atteberry threw his head back and laughed. “That’s insane! I trust her more than anyone in the world.”

“Oh, I understand, truly, I do. But the work she did in the past was highly specialized and top secret. Where does she come from? What kind of dubious alliances has she forged over the years? In short, she may have been playing you all along.”

“No, no, I don’t believe that for a second.”

“Fair enough, Mr. Atteberry, but if you’re considering who could be behind this mysterious tracer, I think you have to consider all possibilities. Even the ones that appear impossible.”

Guest Post

A Day Behind The Scenes With David Allan Hamilton

I am lucky and blessed to be able to write and create for a living. It wasn’t always this way, of course. After I graduated from the University of Western Ontario, I took a job with the Canadian government and drifted around in there for many years before teaching part-time at Carleton University and offering writing workshops.

So here’s a typical weekday for me.

I usually wake up between 4:30 and 5:00 in the morning. The first thing I is make the coffee for me and my wife, then I settle in for some early morning reading. I have a routine of reading ten chapters from the Bible every day (following Professor Horner’s reading plan), and then a chapter or two of whatever fiction I’m reading at the time. Currently, I’m reading the James SA Corey “Expanse” series. I’ll also check my email and social media for any overnight fun things, then hang out with Susan until she goes off to work at 7:30.

When I’m writing, I spend the next couple of hours at the dining room table working from 7:30 to around 10 or 10:30. That way, I get my own writing work done. After that, I usually work on one of the many other projects I’ve got going. For example, these days, I have two collections of short stories from my workshop that I’m busy editing and preparing for publication with DeeBee Books (, and I’m also working a writing client on his novel. I’m helping a colleague at Carleton University prepare a graphic novel for his students too. So depending on the current priority is at this time, that’s what I’ll focus on until lunch time around 12:30.

After lunch, I usually change things up a bit. If the weather’s nice, I’ll go for an hour long bike ride. If it’s lousy (or if it’s winter), I’ll often knit and listen to an audiobook or music. I’ll do that for an hour or so, then get back to my writing projects.

Around 4:30 or so, I’ll start getting supper ready for us. We’ll eat together, and then I’m off to teach a workshop.

Finally, when I get home from that, I’ll catch the end of a ball game or some other sport before getting to bed. I try not to watch the news—too depressing—but I do follow some interesting space and science discussions and other human interest stories. I eschew politics as much as possible, unless I’m looking for new story ideas!

About the Author

David Allan Hamilton is a teacher, writer, and multipotentialite. He is a graduate of Laurentian University (BSc. Applied Physics) and The University of Western Ontario (MSc. Geophysics). He lives in Ottawa where he facilitates writing workshops and teaches. When not writing, David enjoys riding his bike long distances, painting, and knitting.

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One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Rescued by the Captain by Laura A. Barnes - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Laura A. Barnes will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
Abandoned at sea

When Ivy Mallory awakens; she finds herself on the ship of the man who rejected her love years earlier. While he was away working for the Crown, she embraced the London Seasons trying to forget him. Caught in the middle of a treason plot; she must help save her brother. To do so she needs to put her trust in the one man who can protect her. But can she protect her heart from loving him again?

Found at sea

Captain Marcus Thornhill never imagined he would find a lady floating unconscious in a lifeboat out in the middle of the open sea. But it wasn’t any lady, it was Ivy. Seven years earlier he rejected her love for a life at sea. As he rescues her he gets involved in a treason plot that will bring the war to their beloved shores of England. As he unravels the plot he is unable to deny his desire for her. Is he too late in saving her and the love he has for her?

Read an Excerpt:

But he was caught off guard instead; he paused in the doorway stunned by the sight before him. Then he slowly smiled and quietly shut the door. His eyes slowly devouring the sight before him. She thought it would be a perfect time to get cleaned up. As she was sliding off Thorn’s shirt, the door flung open, startling her. Ivy stood in shock as she looked up and saw Thorn standing in the doorway with a growl on his face. Then she watched as he silently shut the door and leaned back against it with a devilish smile covering his face. She didn’t know whether she would rather deal with his growl or the smile. Either way she was in danger and needed to cover herself. She reached for the towel and covered her body. Thorn just stood there smiling at her, watching her become flustered. He had her right where he wanted her now. One way or another he was going to get his answers. Also, he was going to make her his. This was going to be a productive afternoon after all. He didn’t speak; he was waiting for her to talk. His silence would be his weapon. Ivy was speechless. His silence was unnerving. She was caught, she knew it. He was not going to show mercy on her anymore. He was going to get all the answers to his questions. Ivy was powerless to him. She knew deep in her heart that she would be unable to resist whatever he asked or wanted from her.

About the Author:

I have always dreamed of being an aspiring author. I am making my dreams come true, one word at a time. When I am not writing, I am spending time with my family. I love reading books on lazy afternoons, and late into the night. Anytime really. Married 28 years to the love of my life and we have three wonderful children and two sweet grandbabies. Besides writing, I have always wanted to travel. In the last few years we have gotten our passport stamped in England and Scotland. We are hoping to add Italy to the list soon.

Rescued By the Captain – Sale Links

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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

A Match for the Marquess by Lillian Marek - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Lillian Marek will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Decisions, decisions…

Should Lady Anne Milhaven marry the wealthy and handsome young marquess, or should she resign herself to living out her life in poverty and disgrace, exiled from the world she was born to?

Should Philip Tremaine, the new Marquess of Penworth, redeem his honor and marry the proud and beautiful earl’s daughter whom he has unintentionally compromised, or should he prove himself as dissolute as his contemptible family?

They are not fools, but marriage is only the beginning. Now can they learn to work together and thwart the vile plots of their scheming relatives?

A Match for the Marquess is the prequel to the Victorian Adventures series.

Read an Excerpt:

Lady Hadlow arrived first. The feline smile she turned on Anne was clearly not intended in friendship.

“My dear child,” she said, “you must be quite overwhelmed with all that is happening. It hardly seems right for such a little innocent to be married off to a man of such wide experience as Penworth. Do feel free to ask if you have any questions about how to please a man.”

Anne started to freeze up so she could allow the comments to slide past without touching her, the technique she had perfected while coping with the Craddocks. Then she realized that she did not have to retreat. Thanks to Penworth, she now had a place of her own, a standing quite as secure as that of Lady Hadlow.

She offered a smile as sincere as Lady Hadlow’s. “Oh thank you so much, Lady Hadlow. Not every older woman is generous enough to offer the fruits of her experience to the next generation. I am sure we could all profit”—here she gestured at her new friends, who were listening avidly to the exchange—“from the lessons of your many years in…society.” She lifted her hand to her breast so that her betrothal ring glittered in the candlelight.

Lady Hadlow had not been expecting any riposte, and since she was staring, mesmerized, at the ring, it took a few moments for the import of Anne’s words to sink in. Her eyes widened, and her fingers curled. “Next generation! Why you little chit…”

About the Author: When she retired after too many years in journalism, Lillian Marek felt a longing for happy endings and stories where the good guys win and the bad guys get their just deserts. Having exhausted her libraryís supply of non-gory mystery stories, she started reading romance novels, especially historical romance. This was so much fun that she thought sheíd like to try her hand at writing one. So she took her computer keyboard in hand, slipped back into the 19th century, and began.

She was right - writing romance novels is as much fun as reading them.

Buy links:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, August 6, 2018

Becoming Magic by Michelle Garren Flye - Book Tour and Giveaway

Carole Barnes once believed she would make her own way in Hollywood, but those days are long gone, leaving behind only a dark, slimy secret that Carole has never shared with anyone. Now she hides in the bright sunshine of the Crystal Coast of North Carolina. As far away as she can get from Hollywood. But what to do when Hollywood comes knocking in the form of a sexy movie star?

Connor Wallace has everything going for him—looks, talent, a successful career—but what he really wants is to perform magic on stage. His love of magic leads him back to his mentor Walt Bryson. At first, he’s pleased when Walt suggests his assistant Carole produce a documentary of his transformation from movie star to magician. He’s worked with Carole before—but the ambitious girl who had a crush on him is gone now, leaving a beautiful, withdrawn woman.

It’s the perfect arrangement. Carole knows she can make a success of the movie and Connor wants to work with her. But as they grow closer, Connor determines to find out her secret. Can love overcome the boundaries of fear? Or will Carole’s past return to plague them both?


Connor pulled the linking rings back out of their velvet bag and began practicing with the engagement ring on them. “I may need your help, too.”

“With the trick?” She raised her eyebrows. “I’m not sure I’m the one—”

“Nonsense. You know how it works. You just have to catch it correctly.” He tossed the ring to her. She caught it neatly, but the engagement ring went flying. 

“Damn.” She cursed softly. “I thought I could do that.”

“No, you weren’t sure. You said so.” He found the engagement ring and replaced it on the linking ring. He fixed her with a stern look. “Be certain.”

“Okay.” She shrugged, but she knew what he was talking about. Every movement in magic—or any showmanship, really—had to be done with certainty. No rethinking yourself or doubts allowed. The audience should never be aware that you might not know what you’re doing. And so she banished any doubts and looked at him expectantly.

“And don’t look at me like that.” He twirled the rings in the air, absently connecting and disconnecting them. She knew how it was done, but he’d gotten so good at it, she couldn’t catch him.

She laughed. “Why not?”

He paused in the act of juggling the rings, caught them and displayed them all connected with the engagement ring dangling at the bottom. “Because you make it hard for me to be certain.”

She tilted her head, wondering what he meant…


Tell us about your current release.

Becoming Magic is my fifth book in the Sleight of Hand series. I call it “a new kind of romance” because with the #metoo movement, I started wondering what I could do to help. I write in a genre that has become more and more dominated by themes like S&M and alpha heroes who boss women around. I looked back at my own writing and realized that, while I’m not as guilty as some, I still have some questionable themes that some might see as glorifying victimization of women. So I made a vow to wipe those particular fantasies out of my writing. I mean, why do we have themes like rape and sadomasochism in a genre that is mostly read by women when what we really want is men who respect and care about us? If you ask me, that’s what makes a man sexy, and that’s what “a new kind of romance” is about.

How do you react to a bad review of your book?

Ha! This is actually one of my best kept secrets. I never want anyone to know what my first reaction to a bad review is. I mean, first reaction is somewhere between hurt and rejection, like: That guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But then I always calm down and re-read and adjust my attitude. Because there’s something to learn from even the worst reviews. So my public reaction is always: Thank you for your opinion. I love other people’s opinions about my work because it helps me see what it is and isn’t for others. 

The best book/s you ever read?

This is tough. I love everything Barbara Kingsolver has ever written. My favorite books that I’ve read over and over are things like Little Women and Anne of Green Gables. But I think the book that made the biggest impression on me was Helen Simonson’s Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand. Such a beautiful book and Simonson has a lovely way of capturing a character.

Favorite place to read?

A screened in porch at the beach with the surf pounding on the shore below and the sound of kids in the pool. Not my kids because then I have to be paying attention. But kids, nonetheless.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

To put it simply, I want to write something that matters to someone, even if it’s just brightening their day a little. Recently, I’ve realized I want to make a difference in my chosen genre, too, though. I don’t like some of the normalization of themes like S&M in the romance genre that has been happening. I’m sure there are people who practice this “safely”, but teenagers read romance and while adults can handle and process and throw out the bad, teenagers might not be able to do that. It’s like some authors feel like they have to keep pushing the envelope, but by doing so, they don’t realize they are bringing themes into the mainstream that maybe should be kept on the sidelines. I’m by no means a prude, but my writing, which once would have been considered “hot” is now labeled as “sweet”. 

What’s something unusual or fun that most people don’t know about you?

I recently started acting with my daughter in community theater. It’s nothing serious, but I’ve been in two local productions and they’ve been so much fun, I’ll probably do another if I get a chance. In fact, when I was in A Christmas Carol last Christmas, I loved it so much I decided to write a book set in the same theater. Dickens Magic, Book 6 in my Sleight of Hand series, will be out October 31, just in time for Christmas!

Anything else you might want to add? 

Nothing, except thank you so much for having me back! I hope your readers will want to try out my new kind of romance and let me know what they think. 


About the Author

Michelle Garren Flye is an award-winning romance author of eleven novels and counting. Her short stories have been published by the romance anthology Foreign Affairs,, and, among others. She has served on the editorial staffs of Horror Library, Butcher Shop Quartet and Tattered Souls. Michelle has a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is the mother of three and lives in North Carolina.


Michelle Garren Flye will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway