Friday, June 29, 2018

The Melded Child by Jane Routley - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Jane Routley will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

For ten years the peace negotiated by the Tari has held firm. But greedy eyes watch in the distance, coveting the peaceful lands of Yarmar and even the Tari themselves. A new demon master rises bringing pollution and violence. When Yani the Raven is kidnapped, sorceress Marigoth and her companion Ezratah are drawn to Armaya and a trap set by a brutal necromancer and his insane sister. Meanwhile Elena Starchild’s daughter Alyx, heir to the throne of the Mori finds herself wounded and on the run in a forest full of dark magic. And in the company of a bitter Mirayan enemy.

Can the insular Tari dreaming in the secret land of Ermora be awoken before the demon fire consumes them? And can a Melded Child bring harmony in clasped hands before it is too late?

Read an Excerpt

Mortal enemies, Alex Verday and Serge Madraga, find themselves trapped hiding from a Death Angel in a cave beneath a waterfall.

Outside something cackled, a loud sound of mad amusement. With a sharp intake of breath, the Mirayan pressed himself against the ground and covered his head. Alyx looked at the waterfall. Something was moving beyond it, a grey blue shape that leaned forward and peered in through the curtain of water, just like a person would. Looking for her. She froze, struggling not to panic.

A grey-blue hand thrust through the water and the creature hissed and pulled back obviously stung by the touch of it. A sulphurous stench filled the cave.

There came a hissing intake of breath and suddenly a blast of orange fire bloomed outside. A cloud of stinking steam filled the little cave, but there was still a lot of water falling over the opening. The creature let out a predatory screech of annoyance and was gone. As the steam settled damply over them, she could hear it back again just beyond the thin barrier of the waterfall. She heard its hand thrust through the water again, smelt the sulphurous stink of it, heard it hiss. But this time the hand did not withdraw. Claws scrabbled on the rock surface at the front of the cave, reaching out towards them, slowly deliberately scratching along the wall, feeling for them. Surely it could not reach them back here.

Alyx squeezed her eyes shut and fought down an almost overwhelming urge to scream.

About the Author:

I write historical fantasy with feisty female characters and four of my books have been published Harper Collins, U.S. Two of them won the Aurealis award for Best Australian Fantasy in their year. The Dion Chronicles have now been reprinted in ebook format from Clan Destine Press and in paperback from Ticonderoga Publications. The Three Sisters and The Melded Child are now available from Clan Destine Press in Ebook and from Bernarra Press in hardcopy.

I was born and live in Melbourne, Australia

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Mischief and Mayhem by L.E. Rico - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. L.E. Rico will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Welcome to Mayhem, Minnesota, home of the Knitty Kitty, The Little Slice of Heaven Pie Shop, and O’Halloran’s Pub—owned by the four young women known as The Whiskey Sisters.

In the wake of her divorce, Jameson O’Halloran has gone man-vegan. And this is one diet she’s determined to stick with. Even when her long-lost ex-brother-in-law shows up looking like two scoops of double dutch dipped in chocolate… She’s not giving in. Been there and still wearing the messy T-shirt.

It’s been a decade since Scott Clarke left his family and his hometown, never to return. But when tragedy strikes, he finds himself dragged back to the land of gossip, judgment, and the one woman he absolutely, positively, without a doubt can never have. His brother’s ex is off-limits. He just needs to keep repeating that to himself until it sinks in.

Read an Excerpt:

The shelf is a little too high for my short self, and I’m only able to brush the dishes with my fingertips.

“Oh, here, let me help you with that…”

Before I can object, he’s standing behind me, reaching over me to get the dishes. For a brief second, his front is pressed against my back. His broad, muscled, perfectly sculpted front. I feel a wave of unwelcome warmth beginning under my collar and creeping up my neck.

“Thanks…” I murmur awkwardly, keeping my back to him for a moment longer in an attempt to quash my blush.

“Okay. I’m just going to grab a shower before my brother gets here, if you don’t mind.”

“Nope. Not at all,” I say quickly. “You go right ahead.”

Once he disappears around the corner, I silently smack my palm to my forehead.
What was that, Jameson? Why the blush? He’s just your ex-husband’s brother, that’s all. This is insane. I’ve got to stop this childish behavior. No. More. Men. Remember? No thinking about men. No looking at men. No fantasizing about men.

Especially not that man!

I’m still shaking my head and silently berating myself when I hear him behind me.

“Hey, Jameson, do you happen to know if my dad keeps an extra toothbrush around? I dropped mine in the toilet and…” I don’t hear the end of his sentence because, when I turn to face him, I suddenly can’t hear anything. I’m too entranced by the sight of him wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.

Oh, crap, oh crap, oh crap… I am in so much trouble here. No men. No men. No men… I repeat the mantra over and over again in my head, but clearly the rest of my body isn’t getting the memo.

About the Author:

L.E. Rico didn’t set out to be an author. In fact she’s made a name for herself as a classical music radio host—doing her best to make the music and the composers relevant by putting them into a modern context. It was just a few years ago that she discovered a passion for writing that blossomed into an entire novel. And then another. And another. And, while she still spends plenty of time on the radio, telling the stories of the great composers, she spends even more time composing her own great stories.

Name the Nanny Contest
In addition to the tour wide Rafflecopter, the author is offering an additional special contest: “Name the Nanny!”

Create a quirky character and they could be featured in Lauren’s next book! Contest page link:

A Note From the Author:

Name Mayhem, Minnesota's newest resident!
Welcome to Mayhem, MN where the cats wear sweaters, the priest gives love advice, and you can find your fortune under a slice of pie.

Mayhem is filled with all kinds of quirky characters and I’m looking for one more!

In honor of the release of Mischief and Mayhem, book two of the Whiskey Sisters series, I’m in the market for a brand new character—a nanny who will fit in with the wacky bunch who live there.

Can you help?

Fill out this form and tell me about the nanny YOU think should become Mayhem’s latest resident! Name, physical features, and, most importantly, what makes them so quirky? Bonus points for snippets in the character's voice and dialogue with existing characters from book one, Blame it on the Bet.

If your character is selected, he/she will be featured in an upcoming Whiskey Sisters storyline and you’ll get a shout-out in the acknowledgements!

All entries will be evaluated by myself in consultation with Entangled Publishing, LLC.

In the event that there are an insufficient number of viable entries, as determined by me, then I’ll create an assortment of characters—one to be chosen by popular vote with all voters entered in a random drawing. In this event, the winner will help select the character’s name & physical description and will receive a mention in the acknowledgments.

Haven’t read Blame it on the Bet yet? What are you waiting for? Pick it up for a limited time at just 99 cents and start getting acquainted with the Mayhem of Mayhem, Minnesota!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Love. Local. Latebreaking. by H. Laurence Lareau - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Professional passion in the tradition of Julie James, Love. Local. Latebreaking. is a page-turning romance shining a spotlight into television news.

"Heart-tugging relational tension but with a sophistication that raises it above the romance genre." -- Jlaird, verified purchaser

"Mr. Lareau manages humor beautifully--I was able to envision certain scenes/situations/people so clearly that I was chortling into my coffee. I highly recommend this novel as a light-hearted (and sexy) diversion." -- Sarah K. Clark, verified purchaser

"The heroine had a career that she worked hard for and that she didn't give that career up simply because she'd found love" -- A. Geek, verified purchaser

Local TV news reporter Karli Lewis has one goal: escape Iowa's cornfields and podunk local news scene to hit the bright lights of the Chicago's newsrooms. Karli’s career is on the rise, thanks to her talented, dizzingly handsome, yet enigmatic news photographer, Jake Gibson, a dedicated hometown boy who is staying put. Will Karli listen to her heart, or will she choose a dateline over her favorite date? Can she reconcile her unbridled ambition and her longing for the man she could lose forever?


Her eyes and the smell of her skin and the pulse beating in her neck all told Jake that she was ready to be his. Her raised eyebrows and her erect, squared-off posture told him to stay away. He saw all of this in an instant, then fumbled for something to do that wasn’t kissing, in spite of the thudding pulse and the insistent twitch that urged him—now—to find the sweetness of her lips. 

Jake wasn’t thinking through the feelings, the urges, the choices. Evolution or God or something had equipped men—and Jake more especially than most—with a finely calibrated system to gauge a woman’s readiness. Something—the pheromone density in the air or her posture or the pace of her breathing or some combination of those things or some other primal indicator—wasn’t yet right. One more moment of intimacy, though, and they would both be ready. Instinct guided him to the movie’s moment of consummation.

“When the heroine finds out that he really does love her and wants to marry her—that’s pretty powerful, isn’t it?”

Jake knew immediately that he’d said the wrong thing. Karli shook her head slightly and turned her blue eyes from his. She reached up and took Jake’s hand and the napkin it held from her face. 

“Shut up,” she ordered him. “You think I was rooting for that insipid girl?” she asked. “No, Jake, I don’t identify with girls who need men to define them. I was cheering for the reporter. He had finally found his way to a real news job in a real market. He had escaped Des Moines.”

Guest Post

When the host asked me to tell readers what I want them to know about me—a male romance author—it felt like an odd exhibitionism project. Most of all, I want my readers—who are predominantly women—to be comfortable enough with who I am and what I hope to accomplish with my books that they’ll be willing to spend several pretty intimate hours with me—or if not me, at least my characters.

In as sense, then, I’ve been tasked with writing a dating profile: you should be comfortable enough to risk getting close to me because. . .

Because the Newsroom Romance series springs from a deep respect for strong women. The heroines are gifted and driven professionals who are incredibly responsible about their journalism and about doing the best work they possibly can. They’re serving their television news viewers, yes, yet they also have the courage to be unashamed about wanting to advance their own careers. They’re badass. From my Ph.D. mother to the countless female journalists and lawyers I’ve worked with through two careers, I’ve been continually impressed with powerful women and how they exert their power.

Because The Newsroom Romance series respects the human vulnerabilities and self-doubts that plague even the most-badass women (well, and men, too, of course). We all live with doubts about our own worth, with fears about exposing our vulnerabilities, with the conflicts between our professional lives and our personal need for connection, self-revelation, and completion with a partner. Romances are all about reaching the happily ever after, in the end, anyway, but authentic conflict—the kind that resonates with actual life experiences—is what makes the happily ever after satisfying. Faithfulness to the conflicts that shape each of our lives is the fulcrum around which good romance pivots. 

Because the settings and action are authentic. Spending my first career in television newsrooms provided me with any number of events to draw from in shaping the stories my characters live through. I met the broadcast journalists, I covered the stories, I tried to do work I was proud of. (For a sample from that long-ago time, check out this series report: The second book in the series, Traffick Report, has a pretty intense courtroom drama creating a source of conflict between hero and heroine. I’ve lived more or less non-stop courtroom drama for the last 25 years. My recent arguments at the Illinois Supreme Court (skip ahead to about 18:20 if want to see me in action) establish some credibility on that score: . (My response to the Chief Justice’s question at 31:50, by the way, is not only a true story, it also made every single justice laugh!)

And more on the dating profile aspects of things: Because my I speak most of the love languages with some fluency. Physical Touch—cuddling on the couch with Quality Time conversations, books, or movies is near the top of my list. Cooking and cleaning up afterwards are Acts of Service I love to perform, as well as laundry, vacuuming, carrying, and the like. My Gifts are seldom lavish (I’m not a man of significant means) but they’re always thoughtful. Put forth some good effort into whatever your project is, and I’ll tell you I’m proud of you or that you look great or that you did an awesome job.

Because I’m a doting father. Two kids adopted from Russia and two from scratch, and each of the four owns my entire heart. From at least equal-time diaper changing to essentially exclusive bedtime reading or lullaby-ing to answering nearly all the night-time service calls (“Papa, I feel sick.” seems always to have been followed by a splashy demonstration.), I’ve been an active and loving father. Parenthood is going to feature in an upcoming installment. It’s the hardest work of all, and it can certainly create conflict to challenge even the most robust romance.

Because I crack wise. Mary Rose, the irrepressible production assistant in both Love. Local. Latebreaking. and Traffick Report, is a genuine smart-ass. She’s bawdy, she teases her friends lovingly, and she encourages them to find their way through humor. She’s my soul sister.

Rather than swiping right, I’m hoping this is enough for you to feel comfortable with my novel proposition: Spend a few hours with me, and I hope you’ll fall in love.

If you do decide to enjoy my company, or if you’re looking for a little more comfort before you take the plunge, please contact me at:; FB: @HLLareau; Amazon:

About the Author

H. Laurence Lareau fell in love with romances the first time Pride and Prejudice came home from the library with him. Since that high school summer, he has earned an English degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, worked as a television and print journalist, built a career in law, and has remained a Jane Austen junkie through it all.

The Newsroom Romance series draws from his careers, his voracious reading, and his curiosity about the tensions between real life and real love.

Real life now is dramatically different from the real life of Austen’s times—privileged women no longer choose between eligible members of the landed gentry, nor are they imperiled by the sexist mysteries of the entailed fee simple estate in land.

Modern women with the privileges of education rather than birth now embark upon careers that can satisfy many personal and material dreams. Seemingly inevitably, though, careers fall short of the promise that they’ll fulfill women as people.

Strong, modern women have defined Lareau’s professional and personal lives, and strong women fully occupy center stage in their own newsroom romance stories. Their high-profile journalism and legal careers matter deeply to them and to the people they serve.

Then love comes walking in. These book boyfriends don’t have kilts or billions or pirate ships, though. Their career goals meet and often clash with their romantic counterparts, requiring both the men and women to make hard choices about what happily ever after should look like and how to achieve it.

When he isn’t writing, practicing law, or raising children, he’s working on martial arts and music.

H. Laurence Lareau will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Sons of Charlotte: Torn by AnnaMarie Cantrell, Dr. Matthew Chavis, & Dana Lynn - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The authors will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

How many secrets can the Queen City conceal?

Charlotte, NC - 1966

After a head injury on the basketball court, Tony Malone, a firefighter, confides in his best friend and captain, Steve, about a strange dream he had while unconscious. It was as if he were living a different life. Steve brushes it off as related to his injury, but Tony begins to experience more phenomena with these new memories, unbeknownst to his wife, Lana. Tony struggles to live with his secret until a fire opens up a whole new world.

Charlotte, NC - 1996

Chuck Thomas began his ascent to greatness at a graphic design firm headed by Elizabeth Wheaton, the battle-ax of the Queen City corporate scene. A series of Chuck’s immoral decisions leaves the very powerful Wheaton with a raging vendetta. The playboy eventually meets Valerie Meyers, a shy girl with a complicated past, and the two marry. Their idyllic life is halted by a suspicious brush with death leaving Valerie once again picking up the pieces.

Two Souls, Too Many Questions

Literally torn between two worlds, Valerie must once again deal with the loss of her husband and come to terms with what happened to Chuck Thomas and who Tony Malone really was.

Read an Excerpt:

After a few sideways looks from the attendees, Dr. Paul suggested they walk to the parking garage together. They were so caught up in conversation that didn’t revolve around Chuck, the coma, or the medical world, an hour had quickly passed. Valerie leaned back onto the bumper of her Jeep and tilted her porcelain face up towards Dr. Paul. It felt as though the thick air were a magnet, drawing them inexplicably to each other in that moment. Before they knew it, the pair found themselves in the midst of a soft, sensual kiss. Pausing for a moment, they looked into each other’s eyes, unable to refrain from the tension that had been building for years. After a few passionate moments, Valerie willed herself to gently push him away. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. That can never happen again,” Valerie stuttered as she walked around the Jeep and reached for the handle. Dr. Paul stood frozen in his place, mesmerized by her every move. Without a word from the doctor or a second glance from Valerie, the blue Jeep sped out of the parking garage.

About the Authors: Along with being a successful writer and editor, AnnaMarie Cantrell is a self-made entrepreneur, starting her first consultation firm at the age of 18. She is Co-Founder and Vice President of Captive Ink Media, a literary consulting firm offering expertise to authors at all stages in their careers, and providing clients national exposure in media outlets such as The Chicago Times, Reader’s Digest, and Bustle. Her work with veterans was recently featured on the CW.

Dr. Matthew Chavis is an accomplished author and speaker. His works have been featured through a plethora of avenues. His inaugural book Old Highway 316 offers readers a glimpse into his life, as he loosely based this fiction novel on his testimony and was recently featured on the 700 Club. Many of his stories encompass the best aspects of romance, drama, paranormal and suspense/thrillers.

Through her own unique marketing plan, Dana Lynn transformed a self-published book into a serious work garnering national attention and bestseller status (under the pen name Katharine DeBrecht). She has appeared on every national cable news network numerous times and on over 500 radio shows across the country, repeatedly requested for additional appearances. As a self-syndicated writer, her opinion-editorials have appeared in major newspapers throughout the United States and across the globe.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, June 25, 2018

Shenanigans by Gail Koger - Book Tour and Giveaway

Kandi Cain inherited her Dr. Doolittle abilities from her grandmother and became a psychic pet detective. To her dismay, she just acquired the power to communicate with the spirit world, but dead people give her the willies.

Just when Kandi thought her life couldn’t get more complicated, the neighbor from hell moved in next door. The nasty guy’s name is Dutch Callaghan. How can someone so gorgeous be such a dick? Kandi could chalk some of it up to his job. Dutch is a Phoenix PD homicide cop.

Kandi’s current case is rescuing a Yorkie from a brutal dog fighting ring. Little does she know her dog napping suspect is involved in a series of brutal murders. Disguised as an elderly nun, Kandi rescues the Yorkie and, in the process, blows the hell out of Dutch’s undercover operation.

Kandi now finds herself a person of interest in her client’s murder and her sexy-as-hell, pain-in-the-butt neighbor is in hot pursuit of the Ninja Nun. Is Dutch about to slap the cuffs on? Only time will tell.


“I know you’re the Ninja Nun,” Dutch rumbled in my ear.

Doing my best clueless impression, I stared up at him. “Are you talking to me?”

“Yes.” The word was a snarl.

I tapped a finger against my face. “Do I know you?”

“You’re a real riot.”

“Oh, now I remember. You’re the cranky bastard that lives next door to me. Forget your tuxedo?”

“Cut the act, Sister. You know why I’m here.”

“No, I don’t, and my name is Kandi, not sister. Go away before I call security.”

Dutch leaned down until his nose touched mine. “I don’t know how you did it, but you sic’d those damn pigeons on me.”

“Are you off your meds?”

“You also assaulted me, and that, sweetheart, is a class 1 felony.”

I gave Dutch a disbelieving look. “When and where did this horrible assault occur?

“Today at the warehouse.”

“What warehouse?”

“I’m in no mood to play games,” Dutch snapped.

“Me either. I don’t know what you’re talking about and I’ve never laid a hand on you.”

“True,” Dutch nodded. “You kicked me in the stomach. Repeatedly.”

“Teensy-weensy me, beat you up?  Please. You outweigh me by sixty pounds.”

Dutch pulled out a set of cuffs. “You’re under arrest.”

Tinkerbell growled viciously.

Dutch twitched and pulled his gun. “Bite me, you little rug rat, and I’ll shoot your ass.”

My temper flared to life. No one threatened my Tinkerbell. I stepped in front of the Yorkie and poked Dutch in the chest. “Back the hell off.  Only a dickless pussy threatens an itty-bitty dog.”

Jana suddenly yelled, “Oh! My! God! He’s got a gun!”

Chaos erupted as people ran screaming in every direction.

Dutch held up his badge. “I’m a cop!”

Two security guards tackled Dutch, knocking him to the ground.

I watched as they wrestled. Damn, someone was having a really bad day.

About the Author

I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for the Glendale Police Department and to keep from going totally bonkers – I mean people have no idea what a real emergency is. Take this for example: I answered, “9-1-1 emergency, what’s your emergency?” And this hysterical woman yelled, “My bird is in a tree.” Sometimes I really couldn’t help myself, so I said, “Birds have a tendency to do that, ma’am.” The woman screeched, “No! You don’t understand. My pet parakeet is in the tree. I’ve just got to get him down.” Like I said, not a clue. “I’m sorry ma’am but we don’t get birds out of trees.” The woman then cried, “But… What about my husband? He’s up there, too.” See what I had to deal with? To keep from hitting myself repeatedly in the head with my phone I took up writing.

Author links:

Gail will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, June 22, 2018

Rescued by the Spy by Laura A. Barnes - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Laura A. Barnes will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Kidnapped for revenge

Haunted by the man who murdered her family, Raina LeClair must always be two steps ahead of her sworn enemy through disguise and espionage. When her newest masquerade lands her back in the hands of the man she had previously kidnapped, she is awakened to the pleasure of his touch. When the threat of treason comes into play, Raina can no longer work alone to stop the destruction of England. Can she learn to trust the man who she once betrayed or will her obsession for revenge own her heart forever?

Kidnapped for love

Kidnapped and left for dead, Charles Mallory is always two steps behind in the quest to find his lady kidnapper. Discouraged, Charles turns his attention to a treason plot that is threatening his beloved England. Only to discover the lady who not only held him hostage, but stole his heart, mixed up in the crossfire. Unable to persuade her of the danger she is truly in, Charles resorts to kidnapping her to his family’s cottage. There they learn the true threat lies within their passion for each other. Can he convince her of the love in his heart or will he be left destroyed by this lady once more?

Read an Excerpt

IN THE BACK CORNER of the tavern, he sat there and scrutinized as his fellow man, made fools of themselves in their drunken debauchery. He never quite understood how as an ordinary person you wanted to lower yourself to this behavior. As he waited patiently for news of any kind, he observed as the men drank themselves into imbeciles.

Lifting the mug to his mouth he took a long swallow of the disgusting ale. It tasted like soap water. Drinking it quickly, he swiped his lips on the sleeve of his coat. He wanted to spit the brew onto the floor, but he resisted as the barkeep scrutinized him with suspicion. Banging the mug on the table he nodded at him for a refill.

The barkeep kept an eye on him as he spoke to a man at the bar. They exchanged words as the stranger glanced over his shoulder, looking him over. After they spoke a few more words, the man made his way out the tavern door. The barkeep shouted for the serving girl to bring him his refill.

Charles propped back in his chair, rocking it on its back two legs. When the tavern girl approached him, he landed the stool on all fours. She leaned over placing his ale before him, lowering her bosom in his face. When she rose, he was able to catch an eyeful of her breasts filling out of her tight dress. Her corset pushed her breasts up tight and high while her dress laid low right above her nipples. One quick tug and they would fall out into his hands; if he so desired.

She tipped his hat back, so she could look into his eyes and smile. “Is there anything else I can get for you sir?”

Charles pulled her hand away from his face tightening his grip. When she gasped in pain, he realized he needed to play his part better. To distract her, he drew her in his lap, nuzzling her neck. When she purred and went soft against him, he sensed she had forgotten the pain he inflected on her a few seconds ago. To continue his seduction, he traced his fingers across the neckline of her dress, his finger dipping inside to trace along her nipples.

“What is your name darling?”


“There is a lot you can do for me Bessie, maybe later after your shift is done?” He raised his eyebrow in question.

“I get off in a few hours, I have a room above we can use.” She told him as her hand wandered down to his lap.

“Well Bessie that does sound promising. In the meantime, do you think you can help me with some information?”

He continued to caress her as he saw her look back and forth between the barkeep and him. As a stranger in town; he was under suspicion. If questions were asked to too many people, it could draw unwanted attention upon himself. He nodded his head to the barkeep and smiled as if he enjoyed what was being offered in his tavern. That appeared to pacify the man he was a stranger passing through the village wanting a night’s enjoyment before he left.


When she noticed she was not being watched any more, she shook her head yes.

“Now Bessie, I do not want to get you in any trouble with your boss. So, when I ask you a question, just play along with me, okay, honey?”

About the Author:

I have always dreamed of being an aspiring author. I am making my dreams come true, one word at a time. When I am not writing, I am spending time with my family. I love reading books on lazy afternoons, and late into the night. Anytime really. Married 28 years to the love of my life and we have three wonderful children and two sweet grandbabies. Besides writing, I have always wanted to travel. In the last few years we have gotten our passport stamped in England and Scotland. We are hoping to add Italy to the list soon. My debut novel is Rescue By the Captain.

Rescued By the Spy Buy Links

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Chasing Lacey by January Bain - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. January Bain will be awarding $25.00 via Paypal to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Think being a PI is all dull divorce cases? Think again.

Lacey Cameron, private investigator and treasure hunter, takes being headstrong and passionate to a whole new level. It takes exactly one morning in a school teaching young minds for her and her identical twin sister to break the whiteboard pointer in half, throw their keys on the teacher’s desk, and heed the seductive call of wide open spaces and awesome adventures.

William James Thornton III, a renaissance man and warrior poet who defended his country in Iraq and Afghanistan, knows he’s got his hands full trying to get Lacey to see him as more than just a friend. He’s ready to settle down, marry the woman of his dreams, and make his mother a happy grandmother. Hell, he’s got enough treasure in his bank account for two lifetimes.

And then things go from normal craziness to extremely dangerous in a heartbeat as hired killers are sent after Will and Lacey to prevent them from discovering the truth. They stumble on such an unexpected twist to the story that no one in their right mind would believe it or have suspected. If Will can get them out of this mess, he vows to lay all his cards on the table with Lacey. Get her to recognize what they can share as a couple. Passion. Love. And a commitment to blending her wild nature with his own—the perfect spicy blend. Even if it looks like it might just be the death of him.

Read an Excerpt

Grasping the cross like a vampire hunter and mentally crossing herself with a prayer, she kept the leviathan in her sights. A macabre dance with death began. one she was determined to win—had to win. It would have been made a whole lot easier with an outcropping at her back, but she was in shallow waters, close to shore with no hope of that. He lunged without warning, opening his mouth and re-exposing ivories gleaming evilly in case she’d missed them the first time around. Don’t worry, I get the picture. His humongous body moved fast as sheet lightning, preparing to strike.

Steady. Steady.

But instead of grasping the expected flesh and bone of a leg, he got a sharp jab in the eye for his trouble. Her father’s angry face flashed in her mind. She struck out. Harder.

Take that! If only her mother had flattened him just once, had fought back, like she herself did when practicing her karate moves. No man was ever going to get the drop on her. She’d fight tooth and nail, take them down with her, if necessary.

But the big fish didn’t learn his lesson either. Kept coming. Need conformation, eh, that I’m a force to be reckoned with. She struck again, punching him right in the snout, the cross a decent substitute for the spear, if she didn’t mind the close, disgusting quarters of a shark with food stuck in his teeth. The guy needed a good dentist. Pronto.


He backed off. She threatened with a gesture.

He parried again, a shark who obviously practiced evasive sword-fencing techniques. What was his problem? If it was hunger, she was less than sympathetic. Besides, to this gigantic beast, she was just a morsel. Go after something your own size.

A movement in the water to her left drew her attention for a micro-second, but she could ill afford to check out what her peripheral vision hinted at. Keep your eyes on him. Turn from a shark, especially run from a shark, and he thinks he’s found his din-din.

A spear whizzed by her shoulder, but instead of sinking into the sand-paper-like thick hide, it flew on by, entirely missing its target. She groaned and quickly moved her physical body between her sister and the shark, her heart in her throat. Had Lily missed because she couldn’t bear to hurt another living being, or because she was a terrible shot? Because now he was a whole lot more confident, looming larger than life and almost grinning at his prey. Them.

About the Author:
January Bain has wished on every falling star, every blown-out birthday candle, and every coin thrown in a fountain to be a storyteller. To share the tales of high adventure, mysteries, and full blown thrillers she has dreamed of all her life. The story you now have in your hands is the compilation of a lot of things manifesting itself for this special series. Hundreds of hours spent researching the unusual and the mundane have come together to create a series that features strong women who don’t take life too seriously, wild adventures full of twists and unforeseen turns, and hot complicated men who aren’t afraid to take risks. She can only hope the stories of her beloved Brass Ringers will capture your imagination as you follow their exploits as much as they did when she wrote them.

If you are looking for January Bain, you can find her hard at work every morning without fail in her office with two furry babies trying to prove who does a better job of guarding the doorway. And, of course, she’s married to the most romantic man! Who once famously remarked to her inquiry about buying fresh flowers for their home every week, “Give me one good reason why not?” Leaving her speechless and knocking her head against the proverbial wall for being so darn foolish. She loves flowers.

If you wish to connect in the virtual world she is easily found on Facebook, twitter and writes a weekly blog about her journey on Blogger. Oh, and she loves to talk books…

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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Curse of the Ancients by Hawk MacKinney - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Hawk will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

As Craige Ingram climbed the stairs of the derelict building, that peculiar stench of a dead body hit him. It was the same smell no matter where—SpecOps SEAL encounter gone sour, or in a vacant, roach-infested apartment. Inside, his SEAL buddy-turned head of Buckingham Parish Homicide’s Investigative Support Division, Grayson MacGerald, was huddled with the coroner next to a swollen decaying corpse that was days old and hardly more than oozing dead meat. The PI inside Craige had a gut feeling that there was more to this than a dead body, and Craige’s Grannie always told him, “Trust your feelin’s.” But that was before Mihály Keaulescu set down two of his Black Falcon choppers on Craige’s Moccasin Hollow private airstrip in an uninvited stopover. It got worse. From his airstrip to Israel, to Turkey and a nightmare-dream of one-of-a-kind ancient artifacts that not only threatened the serene life Craige knew and loved at Moccasin Hollow, it would destroy the world.

Read an Excerpt:

Craige cinched his chinstrap tighter and in the distance, glimpsed a profile of what looked to be a Bell Textron’s 62X KW warrior carrying an ALQ 131 or a 144 or a modified 147A white-noise jammer in the crook of his arm. Craige pressed his goggles to the ground tighter. Ready as he could get for the back-blast inferno and flesh-boiling incandescence. The ground punched his belly. He felt more than heard the rumbling plasma-searing waves tearing the ground with seismic jolting thuds. The pressure waves jarred his eardrums.

Follow-up chopper runs unleashed a consuming churning hell along the steep walls and dry wadi. Low-altitude chopper sorties took over with end-of-the-world sunbursts sterilizing a morass of targets. Laser guided missiles pulverized crumpled ledges and overhangs into igneous mini-lahars. Bunker buster smart bombs whistled into caves smashing tunnel walls, roasting any bottom feeders hiding inside. Secondary strikes continued, napalm, thermite, and phosphorous blanketed the area. The smothering white-heat boiled in the solar-hot overkill incineration of containers of stored Marburg-Ebolapox, leaving a sterile landscape of glazed sand, gravel, vaporized odds-and-ends, and a few recognizable body parts. The fearful kill-beauty of magenta and mauve mushrooms and cherry-white red-orange acrid plumes left the eerie shimmering moonscape. Avram ordered re-targeting the whole valley, including the passageways that had been tunneled into. He was taking no chances.

Craige felt a sad lament as the gunships made their final runs, missiles and bombs slammed into the mountain. Undiscovered artifacts destroyed, the site possibly entombed beyond recovery. It wasn’t the worst of what might’ve been. If the virus had been loosed, there’d be damn few survivors.

About the Author:
With postgraduate degrees and faculty positions at several medical universities, Hawk MacKinney has taught graduate courses in both the United States and Jerusalem. In addition to his work in classrooms and laboratories, he has written numerous professional articles on chordate neuroembryology and authored several novels that reflect his southwest upbringing in Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma. Moccasin Trace, a historical novel nominated for both the prestigious Michael Shaara Award for Excellence in Civil War Fiction and the Writers Notes Book Award, details the family bloodlines of his protagonist in the Moccasin Hollow Mystery Series. Hidden Vault of Secrets and Westobou Gold, Books 1 and 2 in the series, have received national and international attention. Hawk is also writing a science fiction series, The Cairns of Sainctuarie.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Away by Meg Benjamin - Book Tour and Giveaway

Grim Morrigan, Guardian of the Ward and part-time private detective, polices the Folk, the clans of fairies who live in the foothills outside Denver. But his main job is concealing their true nature from the mortals around them. 
Enter mortal Annie Duran, who hires him to look for her brother Richard, missing and presumed dead for ten years. Annie has seen Richard in the parking lot of the nightclub where she works. Now she wants answers, and Grim’s supposed to find them.
The quest for Richard ensnares both Grim and Annie in a sinister conspiracy involving kidnapped women and outlaw magic. But they also discover their own overwhelming attraction to each other. 
When Annie herself disappears, Grim’s need for answers becomes even more urgent. With the help of a dissolute prince and a motley crew of unlikely fairies, Grim confronts a rebellion among the Folk. 
And it may take more than just magic and luck to save both Annie and Grim this time.


A wall of darkness had appeared in the road, snuffing out the light. The illumination from their chemlights seemed to bounce back, unable to penetrate the gloom.

Behind her, Grim brought the car to a stop. “What is it?”

“Darkness,” Bertie said tersely. “All dark.”

A sound seemed to grow in front of them, a roaring grumble, like a distant waterfall. A distant waterfall that was somehow getting louder. Annie bit her lip, piercing the dark with her suddenly puny flare. 

“It’s coming closer,” Bertie said softly.

Annie stared. The wall of darkness was moving, blanking out everything it touched. Annihilating the night around them.

The SUV door opened behind her.

“Annie,” Grim urged. “Get inside.”

“What about the light?”

“Screw the light! Get in the damn car.”

Bertie stepped in front of her, taking the flare from her hand. “Do what he says.” He moved into the middle of the road, extending his arms with a Cyalume in each hand.

Annie ducked into the car beside Grim, slamming the door behind her. The rumble seemed to be coming from the inky wall, like the sound of darkness advancing. 

In front of them, Bertie extended his arms from his body in a V. The Cyalumes trembled. Grim opened the door again. “The flares don’t help. Get in, Bertie. Now.” 

After another moment, Bertie opened the back door, bringing the lights with him. Their orange tinge glowed, ghostly inside the SUV.

“What is it?” Grim’s voice sounded tight.

“No idea. I’ve never seen anything like it before. What are you going to do?”

Grim pushed the SUV in gear. “Play chicken. With the armies of the night.” 


What should readers expect when they pick up your book?

They’ll be introduced to the world of the Folk, fairies who moved to the USA several hundred years ago and learned to “blend in.” They look like us and act like us, but, well, they’re not us. They have special powers, depending on the nature of their clan. Some can talk to animals. Some can freeze beer with a glance. Some can throw you across the room with a hand gesture. And apparently some of them are working on a rebellion that will turn everything in their world upside down.

Have you started your next project?

Yep. Book 2 of The Folk, Unseen, is scheduled for release in August by Soul Mate Publishing. It picks up where Book 1 ends.

What are your future ambitions?

I’d love to go on working with The Folk series. Their world is a lot of fun to expand upon. The first three books are already in draft, and I have another three planned. And I want to keep my contemporary books going as well—I have a new book in my Konigsburg, Texas, series almost ready to go to the editor.

What advice would you give to unpublished authors?

The same advice that was given to me at the beginning of my career: find someone who doesn’t love you to read your stuff. Your mother or your Significant Other will probably be more concerned about not hurting your feelings than giving you an honest reaction of your writing. And you really need to know how a reader feels about your book before you send it to a publisher or try publishing it yourself. Things that may not seem confusing to you (because, of course, it’s your book) may seem mystifying to a reader. And if you decide to self-publish, spring for a an editor. Yes, they’re expensive, but they can save you a world of grief when it comes to making the book work.

The best book/s you ever read?

That’s a hard one because I have favorites in lots of different genres, but since we’re talking romance here, my favorite romance is Loretta Chase’s Lord of Scoundrels. Chase is a masterful writer and she does a wonderful job of blending humor and pathos. It’s the only book I know of where the heroine shoots the hero (he deserves it), and he still marries her!

Favorite place to read?

Weirdly enough, on the treadmill. I try to get sixty or seventy minutes of exercise every day or so, and walking on the treadmill while reading is a remarkably painless way to do it. It’s really easy with my Kindle, and I have a book holder that makes it relatively easy with a regular book, too.

Any last words? 

I hope your readers will enjoy Away. It was great fun to write, along with all its sequels.


About the Author

Meg Benjamin is an award-winning author of contemporary romance. Her newest series, the Folk, is a paranormal trilogy set in Colorado. Meg’s Konigsburg series is set in the Texas Hill Country and her Salt Box and Brewing Love trilogies are set in the Colorado Rockies (both are available from Entangled Publishing). Along with contemporary romance, Meg is also the author of the paranormal Ramos Family trilogy from Berkley InterMix. Meg’s books have won numerous awards, including an EPIC Award, a Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award, the Holt Medallion from Virginia Romance Writers, the Beanpot Award from the New England Romance Writers, and the Award of Excellence from Colorado Romance Writers. Meg’s Web site is You can follow her on Facebook (, Pinterest (, and Twitter ( Meg loves to hear from readers—contact her at

Meg Benjamin will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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Monday, June 18, 2018

The Fortress by Madeleine Romeyer Dherbey - Book Tour and Giveaway

The war has not made much of difference in Alix’s life. Her father has seen to it that she grows up unaware, unworried, but safe in her tiny village under the cliffs of the Vercors. All around her he has built a fortress whose walls are impregnable—until the 27th of April, 1944. That day he makes a stupid mistake up on the cliff, and the walls of the Fortress start crashing down. Reality breaks into Alix’s life with unrelenting violence, unforeseen possibilities. From now on, every decision she makes will mean life or death


“Honey, if anybody’s looking for it up here, it means you’re already dead. So it won’t matter to you. Listen now. People will call you on the other phone, the one downstairs, and give you coded messages. As a rule it will be about movements in our direction, Germans, Militia, or even new recruits for our camps. Remember, the security of Mortval depends on you. Here is a list of codes. You must memorize all of them and get rid of the list.”

She started to read. “The strawberries are in their juice. Your walnuts were wormy. You can’t put rabbit in the cassoulet.” She looked up. “Are they all about food?”

“No. Read the next one.”

“Yvette préfère les grosses carrottes. Well?” 

“Well, it’s not about food.”

“Yvette préfère… Oh. I understand now. Did you come up with that one?” 

“I thought it would be memorable.”

“It’s lovely. I bet the British are impressed.”


What do you think makes a good story?

You have to stay far away from formulas, and trust your instinct and your emotions. Where do you feel good? Share that, and share it with passion. Remember that your characters don’t do what they do so you, the writer, will make money. They don’t care about how many books you’re going to sell, or whether you will be famous. They’re not your puppets, they’re not your slaves. If you want your story to be good, write for the story and not the money. 
Now, at a more practical level, it’s amazing what fifty rounds of editions will do for your story. My first draft was abysmal, although I did not know that, thank God, or I would have never submitted it.

What was the hardest part to write? 

For me, it was technical. I am not a writer, not even a native English speaker. I struggled with the American writing format, POV—French people don’t care about POV, anthropomorphism, and even commas. My agent was very patient with me, and although I stood firm against a few of his recommendations, he is the professional touch behind the project. 

What profession would you choose if you were not a writer?

I don’t identify as a writer. I am a wife, a mother, a teacher. I am Christian, I am a woman—but not a feminist. In fact, I am nothing that ends in ist, unless it’s individualist. My day job is teaching a wonderful bunch of non-verbal high-schoolers, a real challenge for someone who lives to share ideas. The positive side is that I won’t get in trouble with my school district for jumping on my soap box and voicing politically incorrect ideas. I like to work, it provides a wealth of details and ideas I can adapt to my stories, particularly the MS I’m working on now.

Do you have any unusual writing rituals?

Yes, of course. A French notebook—thick, silky paper with special lines, a couple of drinks, and Finnish Death Metal. My favorite are Wolfheart, Insomnium, Ghost Brigade, and Swallow the Sun. Sometimes a little Beethoven.

What’s next for you?

My agent said I should do a sequel, but I think I’ve said everything I had to say on the subject, so I am working on the contemporary tale of a young school teacher who is entrapped in a scheme to cast her as a terrorist. There are strong political and religious themes, as well as a romantic element. I guess you could call it a tale of modern resistance. 

Do you prefer ebook, paperback, or hardcover?

Anything but a ebook. I have lots of shelves at home, and there’s a special pleasure in looking around at millions of pages, knowing they’re part of who you are. 

Any last words?

If my four hundred pages make it to someone’s bookshelves and contribute something positive to who they are, I will be happy.


About the Author

Madeleine Romeyer Dherbey was born in the French Alps, moved to the United States twenty-five years later, and currently lives in the mountains of Virginia with her husband, two daughters, and Mikko.


Madeleine Romeyer Dherbey will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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