Monday, November 20, 2017

You Taste Like Whiskey and Sunshine by Kimberly Love - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

There's an evil queen, a demented father, some amateur boxing and a trailer park story. Even a silver fox makes an appearance. Why wouldn't that entice you?

If you are looking for something different from the rest of the books out there, something that might make you question your sanity then you will love this book


You see, my father was evil—seriously evil. During his relationship with my mother, he brutalized her and some of my siblings in ways that she won’t speak about to this day. He was often filled with rage and that rage showed in his physical violence. His brutality was never just saved for my mother. He once punched out my five-year-old step-brother; literally punched him in the face. I couldn’t even imagine what that would be like for a small child. Miss B hated him so much that her hatred poured into me from the time that I was just a toddler. She couldn’t stomach the sight of me for the simple reason that I was a part of him.
These aren’t my memories and most of which I know is fragmented, as no one wanted to talk about the man. What I know of him was learned in piecemeal over the years.

He was the kind of man who would rather see you dead than see you leave. I’ve seen several men like that while watching Law & Order. It’s shocking to know that things like that actually happened in my own family. My mom is such a great woman that the thought of her being hurt is a little hard to take at times. When my mother finally decided to get us all away from him, she had to wait until he went to work. Then, she packed up our things and left home. There was no warning; no threats of leaving him. She knew what he was like and she knew it was best to slip out without telling him.


Tell us about your current release

You Taste Like Whiskey and Sunshine is a reminder that good things can come out of the ashes of terrible experiences. Despite betrayals, lies and heartbreak it’s possible for someone to crawl out and find redemption in a new life. You Taste Like Whiskey and Sunshine is written with unrestrained honesty and it forces you to ask yourself what it means to be happy and to discover your own worth.

Tell us about the cover and the inspiration for it

Gosh, the cover took a really long time to figure out. All I knew was that I wanted it to be simple. The cover designer was trying to convince me to put a picture of myself on the cover since the book is about my life but I was not at all comfortable about that. I’m a little shy at times. In the end, we decided to focus it around whiskey since the title is based on a guy I once knew so one thing led to another and it ended up bright yellow and looking pretty badass. 

What exciting story are you working on next?

I’m just about finished a thriller actually, a story based on a serial killer that wreaked havoc in Thailand during the 90’s. I’m in the editing process, so I’m hoping to be finished it this year. 

What do you like to do when you are not writing?

Read mostly or spend time with my daughter. I write so much that I don’t have a lot of time to read, so it’s refreshing to get into a new book. I love summer days outside with my girl though, time with family is the best. 

What sacrifices have you had to make to be a writer?

Probably the finer things in life. I left a cushy job to write full-time and for a few years, it was a struggle. But I knew what I wanted in my life and now I make a lot of money doing it. So, I guess I can say it was worth it in the end. 

What’s your advice for aspiring writers?

Don’t give up. I know the struggle. I’ve lived as a “starving artist” for a while and it’s not fun by any means. But if you believe in yourself and really want to be a writer than I say never give up. It’s so much better to wake up and know that you are doing what you love. 

Any last words?

I’m very thankful to everyone that has supported me through the good times and the bad. I’m able to do what I love because of that support. So, thank you.


About the Author

Kimberly spend her days writing about serial killers and playing on her blog while trying not to get sucked in by her Facebook notifications or get into the whiskey decanter (just kidding...kinda). Check out her blog

Book Description:


There's an evil queen, a demented father, some amateur boxing and a trailer park story. Even a silver fox makes an appearance. Why wouldn't that entice you?
If you are looking for something different from the rest of the books out there, something that might make you question your sanity then you will love this book.
Seriously! The comedic and sassy perspective will make you see things differently, and you may even find yourself laughing out loud. It's a good story and one that I truly believe needs to be told. Period.
It’s dark, raw and takes you to a door that keeps all my innermost secrets. I hope that the book makes you laugh, makes you cry, and inspires you to be the best version of yourself.


Kimberly Love will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Creating Places by Randy Ellefson - Book Blitz and Giveaway

About the Book

Creating a unique, immersive setting one place at a time.

CREATING PLACES (THE ART OF WORLD BUILDING, #2) is a detailed how-to guide on inventing the heart of every imaginary world - places. It includes chapters on inventing planets, moons, continents, mountains, forests, deserts, bodies of water, sovereign powers, settlements, and interesting locales. Extensive, culled research on each is provided to inform your world building decisions and understand the impact on craft, story, and audience. You’ll also learn how and when to create history and maps. Experts and beginners alike will benefit from the free templates that make building worlds easier, quicker, and more fun.

Learn the difference between types of monarchies, democracies, dictatorships and more for realistic variety and believable conflict. Understand how latitude, prevailing winds, and mountains affect climate, rainfall, and what types of forests and deserts will exist in each location. Consistently calculate how long it takes to travel by horse, wagon, sailing vessels, or even dragon over different terrain types and conditions.

CREATING PLACES is the second volume in THE ART OF WORLD BUILDING, the only multi-volume series of its kind. Three times the length, depth, and breadth of other guides, the series can help fantasy and science fiction creators determine how much to build and why, how to use world building in your work, and whether the effort to create places will reap rewards for you and your audience.


The term “tidal locking” will make many of us think of tides, but these are unrelated phenomenon. Our moon is tidally locked to the Earth. The same side is always facing us because the moon rotates on its axis in the same number of days it takes to orbit us. This might seem coincidental and unique, but most significant moons in our solar system are tidally locked to their planet; those nearest experience this first. Tidal locking is an eventual result caused by gravity. Early in a moon’s orbiting, it might not be tidally locked, but ours may have become locked in as few as a hundred days (its proximity and size having much to do with this).  A moon that is not tidally locked may have recently formed or been captured by the planet. Either way, the stabilization process hasn’t completed.

As world builders, we have some leeway to claim a satellite is locked or not. Most people are unfamiliar with the concept and we should only mention it if locking has occurred, as readers will assume the opposite without being told. Note that a close, large moon like ours will almost certainly be locked; during the brief period when ours was not, it and the Earth were molten and devoid of life.

Normally, only the satellite is locked to the planet, but they can become mutually tidally locked, as happened with Pluto and its moon, Charon. This means that each of them only sees one side of the other. If we stood on our moon, we’d see all sides of Earth as it rotates, but from Earth, we see only one side of the moon because they are not mutually tidally locked. If they were, the moon would stay in the exact same spot in the sky. About half the planet would see it, while the other half wouldn’t even know it existed unless traveling to the far side of the world. This would eliminate most tides (see next section) except those caused by the sun.

About the Author

Randy Ellefson has written fantasy fiction since his teens and is an avid world builder, having spent three decades creating Llurien, which has its own website. He has a Bachelor’s of Music in classical guitar but has always been more of a rocker, having released several albums and earned endorsements from music companies. He’s a professional software developer and runs a consulting firm in the Washington D.C. suburbs. He loves spending time with his son and daughter when not writing, making music, or playing golf.

Creating Places universal buy link:

The Art of World Building Podcast (launching a week before the tour)

The Art of World Building Website:

Author Website:

FREE eBook:




NOTE: The book series has a new podcast where even more details are discussed. This podcast is free to listen! Follow along here:

Randy Ellefson will be awarding an ultimate world builder's package to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Oath: Maddy and Silenus by Susan Badaracco - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

When her past merges with her present, Maddy is not sure what to think. Was that really an abduction she witnessed? Does she have the courage to find out?

Silenus is a unicorn haunted by his past failure to protect his charge. He trains relentlessly but is he fierce enough to protect this innocent? Will she even trust him?

Can a mortal and immortal pursue the truth together or will Maddy pay the ultimate price?

The book will be FREE during the tour


Mr. Sheldon turned slowly, releasing Allison from his grip. “Excuse me,” he said softly, ominously, “what did you say?”

Maddy looked up, caught his menacing glare a moment before his face relaxed back into a more benign expression. Slowly, deliberately, he strolled back to the center of the room, placed his hands on his hips and tilted his head in mock confusion. Maddy’s grip tightened on her notebook until her knuckles whitened. Her stomach rolled, churned. 

It was as if all noise was sucked out of the room, as if all the surrounding white walls absorbed every acoustic and left the room as bereft of noise as it was of color. She opened her mouth to answer but snapped it shut again under his intense scrutiny. He nodded to himself and pressed his lips together in irritation.

Guest Post

What would you like to tell readers about yourself

  I’m on a mission. Kids need saving and I want to help. I’m a pediatrician and over the years I’ve seen a change in the reasons why children come to the office. It used to be sore throats, scrapped knees and ear infections. Now 25% of my visits are for depression, anxiety or behavioral problems. Over the years, we’ve adapted, learned to treat these children for conditions we once consider ‘adult’ problems.
  But then I went to a conference and heard one of the speakers make a comment. He said that children keep throwing themselves into the river and pediatricians keep jumping in to save them. He stopped for a moment, giving us time to see the imagery, before continuing. Someone should go upstream and stop them from jumping in the first place, he pointed out. 
  I have several goals. 
  I want to write books that empower children, especially girls. One half of girls will lose their confidence by puberty. That needs to change. I want to write books with characters who demonstrate persistence, strength, responsibility…honor. That’s right. I want to brainwash our children into believing they should have the same virtues. 
  Secondly, I want to donate to charities that help and protect children. All of the proceeds of this book go to the Children’s Advocacy Center where they work to convict sexual predators and counsel their child victims. Once you hear their stories, you can’t get them out of your head. 
  Lastly, I want to write great books. This only works if I do. I’ve read about writing, attended conferences, hired an editor…done my best to provide the reader with an enjoyable experience. One I hope they want to repeat….

About the Author

Susan Badaracco is the author and independent publisher of “The Oath: Maddy and Silenus”.
In her real life, she is a pediatrician at Kids First Pediatrics where she routinely consoles anxious moms, retrieves interesting objects hidden in ears and laughs at made up knock-knock jokes.
She lives with her husband, a dog (ADHD is not limited to humans) and a cat. Her daughter and son both made the unfortunate decision to grow up which means she travels more than she used to.

Susan Badaracco Author Information




Book Buying Link:

Susan Badaracco will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, November 13, 2017

Devil's Gamble by Michele Arris - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

Sienna Keller saw how men used her mother, and from an early age she swore she’d never allow it to happen to her. So when she meets smooth-talking billionaire Gavin Crane, who uses his connections to help her art career, she resolves to keep things strictly professional—no matter how gorgeous he is.

Gavin might be the son of the head of the Kavanagh organized crime family, but he wants no part of that life. It’s important to him to prove to Sienna that he’s a good guy. But when she winds up in the hospital with a gunshot wound, he is driven to exact revenge. His father agrees to provide security to watch over her as well as find the man who shot her, but at a cost—Gavin must come back into the family business.

As Sienna begins to let her guard down around Gavin, seeing the kind, caring man he’s always wanted her to see, his secrets begin to pile up. Has she done the one thing she vowed never to do—trusted her heart to the wrong man?


“You have your room keycard?”

She pulled it from her black leather clutch purse. He took it from her, and with a quick swipe at the lock, opened, and stood just inside the room with his back braced flush against the door, giving her a wide area to pass without them making contact.

Just then her cell phone rang. She took it from her purse to view the display and quickly connected. “Hey. Hold on a moment.” Pressing the phone at her chest, she looked at Gavin, whose attention was laser focused on the phone in her hand. “I have to take this.”

“I’ll see you in the morning,” he said with little inflection as he reached to his right and set the keycard on the entry table, then his steady stare held hers briefly. “Sleep well.” He stepped out. The door closed quietly behind him.

Sienna waited for the resounding clank of the door across the hall before she let go a breath, and her pulse managed to calm. Wow. She’d expected he’d ask to come inside. A small part of her, that perverse side of her, wanted him to, only so she could turn him away. Turning down his invitation wouldn’t have been just because she felt he was a player or a pain in the ass on occasion, it was something else, some kind of deeply embedded feeling that her mind fought against.

About the Author

Award winning author, Michele Arris, writes steamy contemporary romance.
Michele is always plotting out her characters’ next move. Even when she’s not seated in front of her laptop writing about strong-willed, professional heroines and the complex heroes who strive to have them, she’s plotting scenes in her head.

“I love to write story where my characters are guaranteed their Happily Ever After.”
In her spare time, Michele enjoys reading all types of romance genres. She loves paranormal romance as well as historical romances, enjoys watching period classics (Little Dorrit, The Buccaneers, and Persuasion to name a few), actually looks forward to working out, is a holistic enthusiast/vitamin junkie, and spending time with family and friends – simply enjoying life.




TWITTER: @ArrisMichele

Barnes & Noble:
Google Play:

Michele will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Master Me, Please by BJ Wane - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

Krista Matthews thought nothing could be harder than losing her husband and Master to suicide until the man he’d entrusted her care to left her also.  By the time Dr. Dax Hayes returned from an overseas, volunteer medical tour, she thought she was over his deflection and ready to re-immerse herself in the BDSM world she needed and missed so much without his help.  One scene proved how wrong she was and after Master Dax’s timely rescue, she agrees to let him tutor her back into the lifestyle.  She hadn’t counted on her growing feelings for the strict Dom or his refusal to take her over completely, like she craved.

Dr. Dax Hayes fell for Krista Matthews the minute he looked into her blue eyes and saw the sated, content look she shared with her husband, Dr. Kurt Matthews.  He managed to keep his feelings and lust under control until his friend and colleague asked him to join him in gifting Krista with a menage for her birthday.  Knowing it was a mistake, but unable to resist, Dax succumbs to the temptation of this one-time scene, never realizing where it would lead.  A year later, after sealing his fate with a questionable act, he flees on a guilt trip only to return and discover nothing had changed-he still wanted Krista Matthews with an ache that wouldn’t be assuaged by anyone else.

Unable to resist stepping in when she gets herself in trouble, Dax again gives in to temptation and aids the one woman he can never have back into the lifestyle her submissive nature needed.  When a vindictive woman tells Krista the truth, will her feelings be strong enough to forgive him, or did he gamble everything only to lose it all in the end?

DISCLAIMER: This book is intended for adults only. It contains elements of power exchange, BDSM, including explicit sexual scenes and anal play. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase this book.


“Why didn’t you stop?” Dax growled at the other man, each of them positioned at Krista’s sides and reaching to undo the cuffs.

“I didn’t hear her,” he snapped in defense, his posture as rigid and unapologetic as his icy tone.  “She should’ve spoken up louder.”

Dax snapped his mouth shut and turned his attention to Krista’s shaken, perspiration damp body as she collapsed into his arms.  Regardless of the less than favorable circumstances and his guilt, it felt damn good to feel the press of her soft, lush curves again.  Lust joined his rage, the two volatile emotions a bad combination when they revolved around her.  Wrapping one arm around her slender shoulders, he allowed her to bury her face in his shoulder for now as he reached for the clothes the Dom handed out.

“My apologies.”

Nodding, Dax watched the man stalk off without a backward glance and gritted his teeth against the urge to snap at him again.  His indifference to Krista’s struggles proved what an asinine Dom he was, but nothing else.  He sure as hell didn’t intend to call him back to fulfill his duties and take care of his sub.  That job just landed in his arms, and he wouldn’t turn away from it this time like he had after Kurt’s death.  Temporarily, for good or bad, she’d just become his to see to, at least for now.   

“Get dressed.  We’re leaving.”

About the Author

I live in the Midwest with my husband and our two dogs.  I love dogs, enjoy spending time with my daughter, babysitting dogs and kids, reading and working puzzles.  We have traveled extensively throughout the states, Canada and just once overseas, but I much prefer being homebody.  I worked for a while writing articles for a local magazine but soon found my interest in writing for myself peaking.  My first book was strictly spanking erotica, but I slowly evolved to writing erotic romance with a touch of suspense.  My favorite genre to read is suspense.
Buy Links:

The author will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Jalapeno Cupcake Wench by Carol Kilgore - Book Blitz and Giveaway

About the Book

During the day, law enforcement consultant Gracie Hofner is on assignment at a small San Antonio bakery, waiting for a delivery. No one knows what it is or when it will arrive. The upside? Working next to Donovan Beck, a flirty hunk and a half, who is perfect fling material.
At night, Gracie resumes her search for a little girl and her mother who went missing following a double murder. Finding the pair is imperative or the girl will become a target.

At the girl’s aunt’s house, she experiences an unexplainable need to leave immediately. She tries to deny the urge to flee and pushes the pressure aside, but the compulsion intensifies. Gracie thinks she must have a brain tumor. Or is losing her mind. When similar events occur, Gracie hopes the new quirk will help her find the missing girl before time runs out.


The Beginning

Cold! Cold! Gracie Hofner looked down. I can’t believe I did that. While reaching for her buzzing phone, she’d poured the remains of her water bottle, intended for her impatiens, over her bare feet. She pressed the button. “Hi, Nicky.”

“Morning. I’ve got something you may want to see.” The voice on Gracie’s phone belonged to Nick Rivera, her partner.

Former partner. Their paths had been the same—patrol, homicide detectives, and then detectives in the San Antonio Regional Intelligence Center—SARIC. San Antonio Police Department all the way. Except unlike her, Nick had found his niche there.

In addition, they were friends. “Fun or work?”

“Nothing fun about murder, Gracie.”

She went inside for a pad and pencil, greeted by the aroma of the coffee that had brewed while she jogged. “Are we cleared?”

“Negative. Double homicide. Missing family.”

“If the family’s missing, who’s dead?”

“Hector and Therese Cantu. You ever heard of Cantu Electric?”  

“Don’t think so.”

“Good reputation on the West Side. They’ve been around since my dad was a kid—started by Hector Cantu’s father back in the fifties. The old commercial was like Cantu can do. Hector’s son runs the business now. Mr. Cantu’s retired. Rephrase—now he’s good and retired. He and his wife are the deceased.”

She moved to the table and put her phone on speaker so she could take notes. “Who’s missing?”

About the Author

Carol Kilgore is the author of Jalapeno Cupcake Wench, the first book in The Amazing Gracie Trilogy, and three romantic suspense novels: In Name OnlySolomon’s Compass, and Secrets of Honor. She’s married, guardian to two quirky dogs, and lives in San Antonio, the setting for the trilogy.
You can learn more about Gracie and be among the first to know when the second book in The Amazing Gracie Trilogy will be released by subscribing to Carol’s newsletter at her website: or connect with her on her blog, Facebook, or Twitter.

Author Links:

Carol Kilgore will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Sentinels of the Night by Anita Dickason - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

FBI Tracker Cat Morgan has an unusual talent, one she has successfully concealed, even from her fellow agents. That is—until she finds a body with a strange symbol carved on the forehead during a stop in Clinton, Mississippi and crosses paths with the town’s rugged police chief, Kevin Hunter. Despite his instant attraction to the sexy agent, Kevin is suspicious of her presence at the crime scene and isn’t buying her dubious explanations. He wants her out of the investigation and out of his town.

The discovery of another mutilated body with the same symbol sends Cat back to Clinton, and this time she isn’t leaving. To stop the killer, Cat must find a way to overcome Kevin’s distrust and will face an impossible impasse—truth or lies. But will either one matter, when the killer fixates on her for his next sacrifice?


The air reeked with the stink of marijuana. Blackened matches, remains of joints, empty plastic bags, and beer cans littered the kitchen table and floor. He pushed the burnt stubs around to find one large enough to light. What was left crumbled to ashes. Damn, the weed’s gone.

At least, he still had beer and grabbed one from the refrigerator, cracked the lid, then chugged half the can. Even though the cold liquid eased the raspy pain in his throat, he needed something stronger than beer.

Old prescription bottles filled the drawer under the bathroom sink. He shoved the containers around until he spotted one labeled Vicodin. Yeah, there were still a couple left. His hand trembled as he shook one out and popped it in his mouth. Head tilted back to swallow, his eyes drifted to the mirror over the sink.

The sight caused him to gag, and the pill caught in the back of his throat. Another face overshadowed his image. The gleam of eyes, dark with hatred, stared at him. A tremor of panic made him look over his shoulder. No one was there. JD leaned toward the mirror. The swish of a bat, then a scream echoed in his head. Images flickered, the knife, a face, blood splatters flying in the air, and a voice laughed. Terrified, the can slipped from his hand. Clanking, it rolled around the sink.

He rubbed his hand across the mirror trying to wipe away the image as he shouted, “No, no, you can’t be here, you’re dead.”


Where did you get the idea for your most recent book?

When I decided to write my first fiction novel, what to write wasn’t a problem. Since I am a retired cop, I’d write about what I know; crime. 

Developing the characters was more difficult. I have always been intrigued by characters with a special edge to overcome danger and adversity. How could I add that special ability and make it unique? Over the years, I have spent countless hours reading about the myths of the Native American Indians as well as Scottish and Irish folklore. It was in those ancient stories that I found my paranormal abilities. 

In Sentinels of the Night, I created a new FBI team, code name—Trackers. Each of the agents has a different ability, a secret that defies logic and reason. Agent Cat Morgan has an uncanny gift based on a Native American myth. As for the plot, it is based on my encounter with a serial killer. That experience shaped the character in the book. The book trailer highlights the eerie nature of Cat’s talent.

What 5 words would you use to describe your main characters?

Cat Morgan and police chief Kevin Hunter square off in Sentinels of the Night. In their first encounter, the sparks fly. Despite their different personalities, they are tough, tenacious, ethical, intelligent, and intuitive.

What are your future ambitions?

I had an amazing career with the Dallas Police Department and would do it again in a heartbeat if that was possible. When I retired, though, I didn’t believe I would find anything I enjoyed more than being a cop. But I did. Every aspect of writing and publishing has brought new and exciting experiences, and I hope I can continue to add to what is a new career. 

What exciting story are you working on next?

I have finished the second Tracker novel, Going Gone! Tracker Ryan Barr, the unit profiler, is on the hunt for the children of high-ranking politicians who have been kidnapped. The story is action packed and intense from the opening scene when one of the children escapes and is rescued by an ex-homicide detective turned private investigator Kerry Branson. The book trailer has an amazing sound track that ramps up the action.

I have started a third. It doesn’t have a title yet. My titles come from a word or phrase in the story and so far, inspiration hasn’t struck. Tracker Adrian Dillard is sent to Laredo, Texas to investigate the disappearance of an ATF agent. What he discovers sends shockwaves through the law enforcement community and the White House. 

What sacrifices have you had to make to be a writer?

I am fortunate there have been none. As I am retired, my hours are flexible. I can spend as little or as much time as I want. If anything, I have found I am working harder than I ever did as a cop. I started a new business, Mystic Circle Books & Designs, LLC. I provide manuscript and designs services to help other authors publish their manuscripts. I just finished an illustrated children’s book. I am promoting my two novels which is a labor-intensive project. I also have a column, On The Hunt, in Indie Authors Monthly magazine. I write articles on publishing. The same column can be found on my website. All in all, my days are abuzz with activity.

Where is the best place you’ve traveled to?

I spent about two weeks touring Scotland. I stayed at some very intriguing bed & breakfast inns. One had beams in the ceiling that came from a sailing ship that were over 400 years old. There was such a sense of history everywhere I went. It was during that time I fell in love with the folklore. 

Thank you for hosting my book.
Anita Dickason


About the Author

Anita Dickason is a retired police officer with twenty-seven years of experience, twenty-two with the Dallas Police Department. She served in patrol, undercover narcotics, accident investigation and was on a sniper on the Dallas SWAT team.

Anita is the recipient of the prestigious Law Enforcement Professional Achievement Award from the State of Texas House of Representatives. Other awards include Officer of the Year—Texas Women in Law Enforcement, Officer of the Year—International Association of Women in Police, Runner-up Officer of the Year—Dallas Police Department, Officer of the Month—Dallas Police Department and multiple Police Commendations, Certificates of Merit and Citizen/Business commendations from the Dallas Police Department and the Dallas community.

Anita was a certified instructor with Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Her instructor certifications include Defensive Tactics, Batons, Spontaneous Knife Defense, Field Sobriety Procedures, Drug Recognition Expert program, and Accident Investigation.

She is a Past President of Texas Women in Law Enforcement, and Past Treasurer for the International Association of Women in Police.

Her first book, JFK Assassination Eyewitness: Rush to Conspiracy, is non-fiction and details the reconstruction of a 1966 vehicle accident near Midlothian, Texas that killed a key witness to the Kennedy assassination. The project opened the door to a new career, Author and Publisher. She owns Mystic Circle Books & Designs, LLC and provides manuscript and design services, helping other authors turn their manuscripts into a published book.

Her fictional works are suspense/thrillers and her plots are drawn from her extensive law enforcement knowledge and experience. Characters with unexpected skills, that extra edge for overcoming danger and adversity, have always intrigued her. Her infatuation with ancient myths and legends of Native American Indians, and Scottish and Irish folklore adds a touch of paranormal for the backdrop of her characters.

The experience of writing led to developing a knowledge of self-publishing and graphic design and a new business endeavor: Mystic Circle Books & Designs, LLC. It is a tossup of what Anita enjoys more, working on her books or helping another author publish their works. She has found an unexpected enjoyment in designing book covers, bookmarks, bookplates, etc. Email her for an autographed custom bookplate --

Book Video:




NOTE: The book will be on sale for $0.99.

Anita Dickason will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN CG to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, November 6, 2017

Welcome to Sortilege Falls by Libby Heily - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

Sixteen-year-old Grape Merriweather moved to Sortilege Falls expecting a fresh start and new friends. But things are never quite what they seem in this sleepy Missouri town. Her math teacher looks like a witch, her school is being stalked by a vampire, and Grape could swear the town’s garden gnomes are moving. None of that compares to the small group of teenage models, blessed with otherworldly beauty, who rule Sortilege Falls. Even the adults are powerless to tell them no. When the models fall ill from a mysterious disease, all of the town’s secrets start leaking out. Grape is determined to help her new friends, but searching for the cure might just get her killed.

The book is FREE on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords!


Grape Meets the Models:

Grape’s entire body stiffened as she looked up from her phone. Five of the most beautiful people to ever walk the earth stood scattered around two Porsches. Did I walk into a photo shoot?

“I mean, gross.”

The words came from an impossibly beautiful girl. Loose, raven-black locks fell over her shoulders, the tips lingering above her full bosom. Grape could almost hear the sizzle and static of her electric blue eyes. The sun had kissed the girl’s skin lightly, leaving a glow that made the air around her shimmer. Her pouty, pink, full lips begged to be kissed, though the guy standing behind her, his arm draped over her shoulder protectively, warned off all who would be so bold.

The boy behind her, if anything, was even more handsome than she was beautiful. Muscle stacked upon muscle until his clothes had no choice but to hug every inch of his body. His dark eyebrows and strong jaw lent him a tough look, one that was backed up by the playful anger in his eyes.

The raven-haired goddess turned and embraced her beau, her face tucked away into the heat of his chest. He sat propped up on the hood of a yellow Porsche, the sleek lines of the car offset by the disdain on his face. They were so incredibly, delightfully gorgeous that even though he looked as if he had seen a cockroach instead of a human being, Grape’s heart still melted at the sight of them.

“I think she’s in love.”

Grape snapped her gaze away from the Adonis with the nasty temperament and turned toward the twin boys standing in front of a black Porsche. Her eyes bounced between the two, taking in every perfect feature. Flawless, rich, dark brown skin. Sparkling hazel eyes. Muscles so tight that you could bounce a quarter off their abs, or arms, or anywhere on their bodies, really. They looked as perfectly engineered as the cars they stood by. But it was their lusciously long eyelashes that sent Grape swooning. Men were not meant to be this pretty.

“Leave her alone, guys.”

Grape’s head spun. Each person she saw was more beautiful than the last, and the redheaded girl standing off to the side was no exception. The baggy jeans and generic T-shirt she wore did not detract from her creamy skin and full lips. Her large brown eyes fascinated Grape—red flakes glimmered from inside each caramel-colored orb.

The air felt charged with a million volts. Her thinking grew cloudy. Were these angels? Was she daydreaming? How did anyone get to be this beautiful? She could sense their hostility, but something inside her felt warm and gooey. Snap to, Grape, she told herself. They want to hurt you.

“Awww, look. It likes us,” the twin with the goatee said. The clean-shaven twin’s face softened. Was that pity she saw in his hazel eyes?

“Stop being mean,” the redhead said, sounding more bored than angry.

“I’m not being mean. Where’d you buy that shirt?” Goatee asked. His quiet tone was laced with thorny edges.

Grape swallowed hard. The fuzz inside her head abated. Focus, she told herself, feeling like an idiot. “I don’t know. Kohl’s maybe.” She glanced down at her blouse. The shirt was a birthday present from her mother, and she wasn’t sure where it came from, but since her mother did most of her own shopping at Kohl’s, it seemed like a pretty safe guess.

Goatee turned toward his brother and smiled. “Pay up.”

Clean-Shaven shook his head at her as if she’d named the wrong store on purpose. He pulled a thick wad of cash from his pocket, peeled off a twenty, and handed it to Goatee. “I was sure it came from Kmart.” 

“Why does it matter where I bought my shirt?” 

The raven-haired girl glanced out from her hiding place in her boyfriend’s embrace. “It just looked familiar. I wore the same shirt. Three years ago.” She smiled, but there was no kindness when she bared her teeth. “Before it was a knockoff.” The girl hid her face against her boyfriend’s pecs. Their chests rose and fell at the same time, breathing as one.

“Okay. Well, I don’t really buy designer clothes.” Grape wanted to have a witty comeback, but she still wasn’t sure where the insult lay. Did they or did they not like the shirt?

What the hell is wrong with me? Of course they’re making fun of me. Why aren’t I angrier? 

“She means she modeled the design,” the redheaded girl said, cutting her eyes to the couple.

“You’re a model?”

The brothers snickered. “Pretending she doesn’t know who we are, that’s so cute. Is that the new fad amongst the Normals?” Clean-Shaven asked.

“I don’t understand anything you just said.” Grape felt completely out of her depth. This was the school parking lot, but she might as well have been on Jupiter.

The redhead took a step toward Grape, shooting a nasty glance to the others crowded around the cars. “Don’t worry about it. They’re just teasing.”

“I thought about modeling.” Grape hadn’t meant to say that, but no one else spoke, and she felt like she had to say something. Her skin grew hot. She knew she was was blushing beyond red and into crimson mode. She’d practiced runway shows off and on in her bedroom since she was twelve, but she had never told anyone she wanted to be a model. Ever.

“Ow,” Grape cried, only then noticing that she had twisted her ring so hard it was actually cutting into her finger. A tiny drop of blood oozed out and fell to the pavement below.

“Aren’t you a little fat to be a model?” the boyfriend asked. His voice sounded like pure honey even when he spoke acid. 

“You think I’m fat?” Grape stared down at her flat tummy. No one had ever called her fat before. There was still a bit of room in the waistband of her size four skirt.

“I’m just saying you could stand to lose a few pounds, unless you want the runway to collapse.”

“Ouch, Adam.” Clean-Shaven punched the boyfriend playfully on the arm.

Goatee winked at Adam. “My boy calls it like he sees it, and he sees a chunky monkey.”

“I’m well within my weight range.” She could feel her voice growing high-pitched. Damn nerves. These people were jerks.

“Of course you are, you look great,” the redhead told her. “These guys just don’t how to joke around without being completely mean.”

“We aren’t joking,” Adam said, giving his girlfriend a quick kiss on the top of her head.

Goatee pulled out his car keys. He turned his back on Grape, tired of their new toy. 

“Whatever. Class is about to start. Are we skipping or staying?”

“Skipping,” the raven-haired girl peeked out to say.

 Adam looked Grape over and made a face as if he’d smelled something terrible. “Yeah, I think I’m done for the day, too. I feel the need to hit the gym.”

She rubbed her hands over her stomach but it still felt flat like normal. What were they seeing that she wasn’t?

“The shirt looks nice on you,” Clean-Shaven said before climbing into the driver’s seat of the black Porsche.

“Like a muumuu on a water buffalo,” Goatee added and hopped into the driver’s seat of the yellow Porsche. The couple got into the back of his car and huddled close together.

“Mandy, you coming?” Goatee asked.

“No, I have a test,” Mandy, the redhead, said. “I’ll see you later.”

“Suit yourself.”

Grape waved stupidly at the drivers as the engines revved. You look like a goober, she told herself, but she could not stop waving. 

“Move.” Mandy grabbed Grape by the arm and pulled her toward the sidewalk.

Grape tried to shake her arm free, but Mandy’s grip was surprisingly strong. “Let go of me.”

Mandy stared at her with an I-told-you-so look as the Porsches sped off, right through where Grape had been standing.

“Oh my God, were they going to run me over?”

“Not on purpose. I’m sure they just forgot you were there once they started their cars.”


Mandy shook her head. She stared after the Porsches as they pulled into traffic and sped away. Finally, she turned back to Grape and offered her an apologetic smile. “Sorry about that.”

“Which part?”

“All of it, I guess.”

About the Author

I was born during a blizzard. I’m told it was pretty cool but I have no memory of that time. I grew up in two tiny towns in Virginia and spent most of my twenties moving around the US. I’ve lived in Virginia, Florida, Missouri, and Washington. I’ve settled down, for now, in Raleigh, North Carolina.

I’m a writer and improviser. I studied acting in college but spent more time rewriting lines than memorizing them. My first play, Fourth Wall, was produced my junior year. Since then, I’ve written several full length plays, one acts and screenplays. I started writing fiction in my late twenties. Now, I focus mainly on novels but still dabble in theater.

Fun facts about me: There are none. I’m sorry to disappoint you so soon. But, I do love to read, write, and run. My hubby is my favorite person on earth. Dogs are my second favorite. All dogs. I love orange juice, especially when it’s mixed with club soda. Carbonation is better than alcohol. Jaws is my favorite movie. Everything I’ve said so far is true.


Puschcart Prize Nomination for “Grow Your Own Dad” – Published by Mixer Publishing
Semi-finalist Eugene O'Neill Playwrights Conference – “STUFF”
Honorable Mention The Ohio State Newark New Play Contest – “The Last Day”

Contacting Libby:
Snail Mail:
PO Box 58251
Raleigh, NC 27616

Libby on the Web:

Purchase Links:

Behind the Scenes Info:

“Welcome to Sortilege Falls” is my second novel. My first, “Tough Girl” was about an eleven-year-old who is slowly starving to death and loses herself in an imaginary world to combat the misery of her life. I wanted to write something happy after that and WTSF is about as “happy” as my writing gets. The idea was to come up with a main character whose very name sounds like a smile, thus Grape Merriweather was born. Stories grow and writers hardly ever end up writing the book they intended. That is definitely true with WTSF. My “happy” story grew to encompass the themes of beauty worship, celebrity, as well as delving into the mysterious relationships between child stars and their parents. In the beginning of the novel, Grape is new at school and eager to impress. She was popular back home and has never had trouble making friends. She spends over an hour the night before trying on outfits and picking the perfect one for her first day. But she is ignored by students and teachers alike. Everyone is too caught up with the beyond gorgeous models to bother with one new student. We discover this weird world along with Grape and I tried to stay true to her voice. It was very important to me that Grape wasn’t perfect, that she partially fell under the Models’ spell as well.

Libby will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.