Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Prodigal Son (Sister Christian, 4) by Lisa Beth Darling - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

In the final installment of the Sister Christian Series, the Court has demanded a hearing regarding Hannah's capacity. Hannah and Nick are falling deeper and deeper in love. Looking forward to a bright future together they begin planning their life together. A shadowy stranger from the past has set his sights on Hannah and her 3.5 million dollar trust fund. Is he really Rick MacNeill, the son Hannah thought died in the terrible fire at Saint Anne's? Is he someone sinister? The last of the family secrets come to light in this roller coaster ride of suspense, love, betrayal, and faith.


Grabbing a second piece of pizza and again settling into the comfortable chair Mason answered, "I'm not bi-polar I'm just a temperamental geni—" the pizza fell from Mason's hand to the paper plate.

Nick felt movement and thought Aphrodite was going after the food again but when he moved his hand to shoo her away Mason grabbed his wrist to stop him. His eyes shifted upward to meet Mason's gaze and saw him raise a finger to his lips before he pointed to the bed. Nick looked down to see it wasn't Aphrodite moving on the bed it was Hannah's fingers and they were going for the pizza sitting on the flat of his stomach. Nick's mouth opened and Mason's grip tightened to silence him. Both of them sat frozen watching Hannah's slow hand make its way toward the cooling slice of cheese and pepperoni. In their current positions only Mason could see Hannah's face, her eyes looked a little clearer but her expression was still blank until her fingertips touched upon a slightly burnt slice of pepperoni. 

Hannah snatched the pepperoni from the top of the pizza along with a gooey strand of melted mozzarella and popped it into her mouth like a thief in the night making off with someone's family jewels. A splash of tomato sauce burst off it as she chomped down nearly biting her fingertip. It stuck on the corner of her mouth with a strand of cheese clinging to it.

Even though he was slightly awestruck, Mason had enough experience with family members to anticipate Jackson's next move even before he thought of making it. He wrestled the man's arm to the mattress to keep him from jumping up and shouting out something that would startle her. "Not a sound," Mason whispered. "Don't move."

About the Author

Lisa Beth Darling is 49 years-old, lives in her hometown of New London, CT with her husband of 30 years, Roy and is mother to their two daughters.  She is the author of more than fifteen novels along with several short stories and non-fiction books. When she’s not writing she likes to garden and is an avid movie buff.

Author Links:

Lisa will be awarding a digital copy of Prodigal Son to 3 randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Defragmenting Daniel: The Organ Scrubber by Jason Werbeloff - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

7 stolen organs.
1 vengeful victim.
A gruesome sci-fi thriller.

Organ scrubbing was a bloody job, but somebody had to do it. Daniel, an orphan from the Gutter, was put to work scrubbing kidneys at aged twelve. The job had its perks: a warm bed, Law and Order reruns, and an all-you-can-eat Mopane worm buffet.

Until the Orphanage stole Daniel’s parts, and sold them on the organ market.

Now Daniel has grown up, and yearns to become whole again. The cybernetic organ replacements just aren’t the same – he needs his parts back. But the new owners of his organs won’t give them up. Not without a fight.

Just how far will Daniel go to regain his missing pieces? And how much more of himself will he lose along the way?

Defragmenting Daniel is a cyberpunk crime thriller that will unnerve you. Every part of you.

“A work of great imagination. Powerful and gripping.”
“A stark and moving experience.”
–, 5 Star Review

The book will be free on Amazon for 4 days, August 24 – 27 2016.


The sun beat down on the crown of Daniel’s mop of thick, black hair. The hanging smoke in the air thickened. His left eye cried. His lungs protested, spasming as he penetrated deeper into the warzone. About a hundred yards into New Settlers Ways, the sweet stink of burning flesh competed with the smoke. Daniel remembered that smell from the operating theatre, when they’d removed his amygdala. But it was stronger here. Omnidirectional. As though the entire area were a seeping wound, and the sun its surgeon.

Daniel tried to count. To find sevens in the chaos. But the buildings weren’t in rows or columns. There was no order here.

We had you cleaned

We had you eat

He rubbed his eye. Tried to bury the memory of the song.

We love your toes

We love your meat

Odin crawled out of the rucksack and perched on Daniel’s shoulder. They surveyed the destruction together. Daniel could hardly feel the cat’s claws burrowing into his clavicle.

“No good,” said Daniel, echoing the old shopkeeper.

He walked over to one of the mounds of rubble. Heat radiating from the stones baked his cheeks.

Odin meowed. Dug his claws deeper into Daniel’s chest.

“What do you want here?” called out a voice.

Odin darted into the satchel as Daniel whirled around. His cybernetic knee grinded with the sudden turn.

“You have no business here,” said a man. He wore a holey t-shirt and a week-long beard. His eyes were swollen. Frantic.

“I’m looking for Porcu–”

“We don’t need your help,” hissed the Holey Man.

“I’m not here to help. I’m looking for Porcuperry Road.”

“You PeoPle …” The man spat his P’s “… from up north think you better than us. What with your implanted parts and such.” He nosed the air in the general direction of Daniel’s cybernetic knee.

“Sir, I mean no disrespect, but I don’t like my knee. I’d rather have my original.”

The filthy man’s eyes snapped back to Daniel’s face. “What’s that you say?”

“The Orphanage took my parts to pay my debt. I never wanted the replacements they gave me.” Daniel flexed his leg. The joint wheezed as he lowered it slowly to the earth.

“Hmmm.” The Holey Man stroked his grizzled chin. He had a gash along the bottom of his arm. Were those maggots wiggling along the edges? The man needed a good scrub of Rejek.

“What was it you’re looking for?” asked the Holey Man.

“84 Porcuperry Road.”

“Porcuperry was … fi-si-seven blocks down.”

Daniel’s heart quickened. He eyed the broken streets. Doubted he’d be able to make out city blocks in this mess.

The man sighed. “I’ll take you.” He turned on his feet and walked off, not waiting to see if Daniel followed.

About the Author

Human. Male. From an obscure planet in the Milky Way Galaxy. Sci-fi novelist with a PhD in philosophy. Likes chocolates, Labradors, and zombies (not necessarily in that order). Werbeloff spends his days constructing thought experiments, while trying to muster enough guilt to go to the gym.

He's written two novels, Hedon and The Solace Pill, and the short story anthology, Obsidian Worlds. His books will make your brain hurt. And you'll come back for more.

Author Links:

Jason will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Clementina by Simon Cann - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Leathan Wilkey has been hired to babysit Clementina, a seventeen-year-old whose rich daddy is going through a messy divorce and is over-compensating.

Leathan soon tires of her spending habits, her selfie obsession, and her social media preoccupation as his ward drags him from shop to boutique to jeweler, approaching each with the self-possession that comes from a lifetime of getting her own way and never once having to worry about money.

But when Clementina snaps her fingers and her boyfriend doesn’t come running, something is up. He doesn’t appear because he’s been murdered.

When Leathan investigates, he finds that the boyfriend has no background and met Clementina through a connection made by daddy’s business partner.

Daddy’s business partner who has been slowly and progressively putting daddy in a vice, grabbing more of the business, and who is now menacing Clementina directly to manipulate daddy.


Clementina was clearly offended.

Offended by my apparently uncouth utterance. Offended that I was not paying due reverence. Offended that I was thinking money, when I should be appreciating the art. Offended in the way that only a seventeen-year-old can be offended.

She was able simultaneously to be both a child and a world-weary adult. Neither of whom was accepting of my situation; both of whom were deeply saddened by my obvious circumstances.

She was saddened that I could live in a world like this.

Some people are saddened about famine in Africa. Some are saddened about wars or religious fundamentalists imposing their unyielding doctrines on populations, killing and mutilating children and innocent adults. Clementina was saddened and offended—on my behalf—that the world of jewelry and the exquisite pleasure of fine gems set in delicate pieces of lovingly shaped precious metal had been withheld from me.

She knew—as only one who had been indoctrinated into the secret society knew—that if I had been exposed to the world of bijouterie, then I would appreciate the treat that was waiting for me.

What she didn’t know was that I hated being patronized by seventeen-year-olds. Even if their father was paying me. Not that her father and I had actually done anything as tedious as agreeing a fee.

Or meeting.

Or talking. Even on the phone.


What are four things you can’t live without?

Oxygen, food, sleep, and the internet.

What is your favorite television show?

The Wire, followed by Justified.

If you could be any character, from any literary work, who would you choose to be? Why?

Honestly? I wouldn’t. I’m happy being me and have enough trouble keeping my own characters in line without worrying about someone else’s characters.

What have you got coming soon for us to look out for?

After Clementina, there are two more Leathan Wilkey/Paris books coming. The first is Diplomatic Baggage, the second, The Camera.
I’ll put up details on my website ( as soon as they’re available for pre-order. If you join my readers group mailing list (details are at the top of the home page on my website) I’ll let you know as soon as the next books are out.  If you join the readers’ group, I’ll also send you my free introductory library.

What books or authors have most influenced your own writing?

Frederick Forsyth—everything he’s written and Robert Harris—most of his books, but in particular Fatherland. Both authors are masters of the intelligent modern thriller.


About the Author

Simon Cann is the author of the Boniface, Montbretia Armstrong, and Leathan Wilkey series of books.
In addition to his fiction, Simon has written a range of music-related and business-related books, and has also worked as a ghostwriter.
Before turning full-time to writing, Simon spent nearly two decades as a management consultant, where his clients included aeronautical, pharmaceutical, defense, financial services, chemical, entertainment, and broadcasting companies.
He lives in London.

Author Links:

One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Free of Malice by Liz Lazarus - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Laura Holland awakes in the middle of the night to see a stranger standing in her bedroom doorway. She manages to defend herself from the would-be rapist, though he threatens to return as he retreats. Traumatized with recurring nightmares, Laura seeks therapy and is exposed to a unique treatment called EMDR. She also seeks self-protection— buying a gun against the wishes of her husband. When Laura learns she could have gone to prison had she shot her fleeing assailant, she decides to write a hypothetical legal case using the details of that night. She enlists the help of criminal defense lawyer, Thomas Bennett, who proves to be well versed in the justice system but has an uncanny resemblance to her attacker. As the two work together to develop the story, Laura's discomfort escalates particularly when Thomas seems to know more about that night than he should. Reality and fiction soon merge as her real life drama begins to mirror the fiction she's trying to create.


“I told you I don’t want to see a psychiatrist,” I pushed back. “I just need more time. I’ll bounce back. You know I almost came in the house on my own today. Besides, if I see a psychiatrist, on every job application I complete in the future, I’ll have to check the ‘Yes’ box when they ask if I’ve had mental health treatment.” 

“Jesus. No you don’t. You’re too innocent sometimes.” 

He gently tapped me on the nose. 

“You can check the box ‘No.’ Besides, if that’s the only thing stopping you, I think you should give it a try. Her name is Barbara Cole. I’ll take you to Houston’s afterward,” he added. 

I ignored the bribe. “But what can she do that you can’t? All she’ll do is listen and you do that for me already. Psychiatrists are for people who don’t have friends or husbands to talk to.” 

Chris shook his head. 

“Please? Do it for me.” 

The tone in his voice was different—more helpless than normal. Chris had been so understanding, so comforting this past month, especially considering I had been waking him every night. How could I refuse his request? 

I sighed. “Okay,” I relented. “I’ll go.” 

“One visit. That’s all I’m asking. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to go back. She’s a psychologist, by the way, not a psychiatrist. She does therapy, not drugs.”

He glanced at the clock. It was 3:30 a.m. 

Chris grabbed Konk, my stuffed animal gorilla that I won at the state fair by outshooting him at the basketball game. He had sworn the scum running the game couldn’t take his eyes off my butt and let me win. 

“Here’s Konk,” he said. “I’m going to finish my presentation since I’m up. I’ll just be in the office. Want the door open?” 

“Yes,” I said as I wrapped my arms tightly around Konk. 

“Hey, we’ll celebrate your first therapy visit and my signed contract, I hope, this evening.” 

“You mean you hope my first visit?” I said with a playful smile. 

He gave me a look—he was in no mood for jokes. 

“Fine. Fine. I’ll go,” I assured. 

“If you’re asleep when I leave, just come by my office after the appointment and we’ll head to dinner. Try to get some sleep. I love you.” 

“I love you, too.”


What inspired you to write this book?

Like the main character, I was attacked by a stranger in my home in the middle of the night. In order to heal, I started to write about how I was feeling and what had changed in my life. At the time, I didn't know about EMDR therapy to heal from trauma, so used writing as a catharsis. Also like the main character, all I had for self-defense was a can of Mace. After the attack, I said to my brother-in-law, if I had owned a gun, I would have shot the guy as he left. My brother-in-law informed me that I was fortunate that I didn't - as the shooting might not have been a clear case of self-defense. That idea sparked my interest in learning about the criminal justice system and inspired me to write the hypothetical case portrayed in the book. The ending, which I won't spoil, was prompted by a question from my mother. Once you've finished the book, you can write to me at and I'll tell you more about that.

What is your favorite scene in the book?

I have a few favorite scenes. Without giving too much away, I like when Chris and Laura go on their anniversary trip to Ellijay, Georgia. I also like with Laura and Vicki do some sleuthing. Some people have said the “sleuthing” scene seemed too bold for Laura, but I’d like to think that I made her so single-minded and determined that she threw caution and reason to the wind.

Tell us about the cover and the inspiration for it.

There’s a funny story about the man’s profile on my book cover. Years ago when I was at work, one of my colleagues decided to be silly and Xeroxed his face. (Let’s be glad he chose the face – could have been worse!) The picture came out so blurred and creepy that you couldn’t tell who he was. I actually saved that piece of paper and years later showed it to my graphics designer, Tracy Glenn, to use as the inspiration for the profile on the book.

Some people thought the profile shot was of Thomas, as in Thomas Barnette, my college friend and favorite singer who created the book’s theme song, Let Me Breathe. They do look similar, and yes his CD cover is a profile shot, but that was some unexpected serendipity. I actually hadn’t considered that we both used profile shots until I put the two side by side, and how interesting that they face each other! Now, if you ask Thomas, he may still swear it’s him.


As you can see, the Advance Reader Copy of FREE OF MALICE had only the profile, and the rest of the cover was black. My thinking was that in the age of so many “busy” covers, wouldn’t a plain one stand out? But then, after receiving advice from several people (Candy Brakewood, Lynn Epstein, and Esther Levine at Book Atlanta to name a few), I decided to add more color.

The bullseye was a natural choice as it was already part of our Website design and has significance in the book for two reasons. First, the Laura character takes shooting lessons at Sandy Springs Gun Club and Range and practices with a target. Secondly, Laura’s attacker had what looked like a bullseye on the back of his shirt—she got a glimpse of it as he ran away.

We offered up two choices of bulls-eye designs via social media and asked for votes. (Thanks to Jill Dible of Jill Dible Design for options A and B.)  Surprisingly, the race was nearly 50/50, but I had a stronger preference for Option A because it “pops”.

One comment I did take to heart from the voting was that the cover doesn’t fully describe the book, and I suppose that would be a challenge for any novel. It’s true, the cover doesn’t portray Laura’s therapy and healing, her trauma and suspicion, the hypothetical legal case or the racial tension. But maybe the eerie profile and the colorful bullseye will be enough to intrigue you to take a peek inside.

What exciting story are you working on next?

My book has a theme song written and sung by Thomas Barnette. Thomas and I met our first day at Georgia Tech and have been close friends ever since. I co-produced his debut CD and the song, "Let Me Breathe," is featured in Free of Malice. As you may have guessed from the book trailer on my website,, the character of Thomas Bennett is loosely based on my friend.

What is your favorite TV show?

Suits is about a law firm in New York:  “big-time Manhattan corporate lawyer Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht) hires the only guy who impresses him—college dropout Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams). The fact that Ross isn't actually a lawyer isn't lost on Specter, who believes his new right-hand man is a legal prodigy with the book smarts of a Harvard law grad and the street smarts of a hustler.” I love really clever shows and Suits does not disappoint. The plot line, characters and acting are superb, and this season is getting really hot as Mike’s secret has unraveled and he has been sent to prison.

Anything else you might want to add?

My book has a theme song written and sung by Thomas Barnette. Thomas and I met our first day at Georgia Tech and have been close friends ever since. I co-produced his debut CD and the song, "Let Me Breathe," is featured in Free of Malice. As you may have guessed from the book trailer on my website,, the character of Thomas Bennett is loosely based on my friend.



About the Author

Liz Lazarus is the author of Free of Malice, a psychological, legal thriller loosely based on her personal experience and a series of ‘what if’ questions that trace the after effects of a foiled attack; a woman healing, and grappling with the legal system to acknowledge her right to self-defense.

She was born in Valdosta, Georgia, graduated from Georgia Tech with an engineering degree and the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern with an MBA in their executive master’s program. She spent most of her career at General Electric’s Healthcare division and is currently a Managing Director at a strategic planning consulting firm in addition to being an author.

Free of Malice is her debut novel, set in Atlanta, and supplemented by extensive research with both therapists and criminal defense attorneys. She currently lives in Brookhaven, GA, with her fiancé, Richard, and their very spoiled orange tabby, Buckwheat.

Author Links:

Liz Lazarus will be awarding $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway