Monday, April 10, 2023

The Efficiency Journal by Misha Saidov - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
This journal, created by renowned coach and psychotherapist Misha Saidov, will help you become the hero of your own life. It was created to assist you in setting important goals, reaching them, and winning. It will support you along the way, especially when you find yourself lost or confused. The Efficiency Journal will help you stay on track.

You don't need to schedule your day by the minute. If you want to succeed, you only need to complete three key daily tasks, set goals that fit into 12-week sprints, and honestly reflect on your results once a week.

You will learn to manage your energy and analyze your actions, achievements, and experiences.

The result will be a formed character, created by daily volitional actions.

What's inside?

– Weekly and daily planning sheets
– Space for summarizing weekly results and for reflection
– Wise thoughts and tips along the way

Any goal reduced to daily tasks will be achieved, no matter what.


For those who want to succeed in business, improve themselves, move forward, maintain their motivation and eliminate distractions.

Many of us have meaningful ideas that could change the world. Without embodiment, they will remain just a dream. A dream about the future.

Read an Excerpt

Peter was born with achondroplasia or dwarfism. He dreamed of becoming an actor his entire life. Yet, in the world of theater and film, there are very few roles for people with dwarfism. They are usually offered jobs as clowns or leprechauns. After finishing school, Peter could not get even a single proper role as an actor. Since he needed to make a living, he found a low-paying position processing applications. Peter spent six years at this job and was constantly depressed and drunk on the weekends. At the age of 29, on one of his sober days, he promised himself that he would find work as an actor, and it did not matter where. He got a role in a play in a small theater. This role led to another under the direction of the same playwright. That one, in turn, led to another, and so on. Peter never again processed applications.

You may recognized Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones, one of the most popular television series of all time. The day Dinklage decided to quit the job he hated, his heart pounded in his chest out of fear about the future. In his early years, he endured a lot of criticism and failure, but gradually, Dinklage built his brilliant acting career.

So what are you waiting for?

If you work 8–10 hours per day and commute to and from work for about 90 minutes, you will spend more than 75% of your adult life either sleeping or working.

Life is short. If you have a dream, the best moment to start making it a reality was yesterday. The next best moment is today.

About the Author:
Misha Saidov, a life performance coach and author, is the founder of IMCP (Institute of Metacognitive Programming) and Think Meta, a coaching company that conducts 4000+ client sessions per month.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Wizard War by Paul Smith - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
Wizard War is the story of Maxwell, who discovers he has magical powers. He is trained by the council of wizards who provide Maxwell with his introduction to magic and the wizarding world while teaching him about the perils of dark magic.

Read an Excerpt

It was Remembrance Day. Maxwell and the council were attending the ceremony in Avalon at the epitaph in front of the Circle. It was dedicated to all magical beings who had died or been experimented on during the war. This year, compared to his other twelve, Maxwell had a deeper appreciation for why Canadians paused to remember the dead every year and honoured the service of those who had survived. Maxwell was standing between war veterans. Wizards who played their own part in helping to defeat Hitler. They were not only there to remember the lives lost, but also why the war was waged in the first place. To safeguard in memory and commit to never again seeing such bloodshed. Never again would one madman plunge the world into war.

Maxwell was haunted by something Oscar had said. “It’s all happening again.”

About the Author:
Paul Smith is an author who was born and raised in British Columbia and now lives in Newfoundland and Labrador. He is an avid dog lover and former nurse who now lives with PTSD.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, April 3, 2023

Cold Sleep by Luke Hindmarsh - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
It’s the perfect score—stealing valuable data from a VIP in cryo-freeze midway through a decades-long interstellar crossing. If it works, Kara will have enough money to buy what she’s always wanted—a Captaincy.

But with the rest of the crew and the cargo of one hundred thousand colonists still frozen, Kara and her accomplice, Zed, realize they’re not the only ones awake. The murdered woman they find is only the first victim of whoever or whatever has woken from Cold Sleep.

Read an Excerpt

Stretching out the stiffness, my joints pop and crackle. One of the problems with lying in cold-sleep: you wake up feeling like arthritis has set in. With the synthetic dopamine and endorphins fading, I’d probably just want to curl up somewhere but good old synthphenethylamine’s still getting me going. A few seconds more for the upload of the quasi-intelligent virus to the ship’s system to finish.

Speaking of risks, getting caught with QI tech would see me court-martialed and spaced before any appeal notice could reach Earth. But this gig is worth it; it’s not for the thrill, it’s for what the payoff will get me.

Upload complete. And the ship’s systems stop registering our unscheduled revival.

A quick check back through the records shows all evidence of disruption to the normal cold-sleep routine has been erased. My little QI viral hitchhiker is back safe in the link-key, its work done for now.

Of course, a full virtual forensic check, stripping away every level of the programming and examining the source code, will make my tampering as obvious as a cometary impact. But the QI virus has laid the same evidence trail to each of the eighteen crew, four officers, and one hundred thousand passengers on board.

If you can’t hide your crime, make sure the evidence points to someone else. Better yet, everyone else.

For now, we’re ghosts aboard a sleeping ship.

About the Author:
A Brit now living in the Scandinavian wilds of Denmark with his wife and half-Viking kids, Luke worked as a Criminal Barrister in and around London for over a decade dealing with everything from minor theft cases to a real life axe murder and everything in between. Thanks to parents in the military he grew up being dragged around the world--while living in the Far East he picked up a love for the martial arts which continues to this day, as he passes on what he’s learned to a select dojo of students. Cold Sleep is his third novel. His first was Amazon cyberpunk bestseller Mercury’s Son, his second a UK set supernatural suspense novel 3:33 AM.

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