Monday, November 16, 2020

Alien Legacy-The Empath by Keri Kruspe - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Keri Kruspe will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The aliens we thought were long gone are coming back. 

Just his luck, alien-hybrid Ben Duncan is the only one for the job. Being an empath and a financial wizard, he’s called in to uncover an essential ally at a small regional bank in Vegas to thwart a plot his alien ancestors, the Akurns, seemed to have started there. If their heinous plans are successful, the global economy would crash and weaken mankind for their invasion in less than five short months. When Ben arrives at his assignment as a covert consultant, he meets the intriguing Julienne and is instantly alarmed at the intense attraction he has for her. He’d love to indulge in his obsession with the delectable woman, but knows he has no choice but to stay as far away from her as possible. The fate of billions don’t leave time for anything personal.

As senior vice-president, Julienne King leads a stressful life immersed in organizing a huge merger for a local bank in Vegas. And meeting some arrogant, hotter-than-hell, aloof outside consultant makes things worse. When she stumbles on an insidious money laundering scheme that threatens the global economy, she’s caught and kidnapped by one of her hateful bosses. While in captivity, she’s threatened with alien experimentation, death, or both. But what shocks her the most is it turns out she may not be who or what she thought she was.

Now it’s a race against time. Can a banker and an alien-hybrid overcome their misconceptions and to not only work together, but to realize their love is the key to mankind’s salvation?

Read an Excerpt

Crap on toast! She’d never seen such a gorgeous man in the flesh before.

Her mouth dried. He had to be in his early thirties, around six foot two or three, with curly dark-blond hair styled in a professional cut. The thick lashes around his light-blue eyes contrasted with the dark tan of his skin. He had a slight overbite, giving him a boyish look around full, lavish lips. Which was a stark contrast to the masculine cleft in his chin.

She sucked in her bottom lip while she scanned down his expansive torso. A costly gray silk suit molded a fit, trim body that no tailor had to hide. His conservative red tie and Italian dress shoes completed the outfit. He screamed high-priced and exclusive. If this man was a banker, she was a cheerleader for the Vegas Golden Knights’s hockey team.

She bit that lip. Damn, every woman in the bank would be hot after this guy.

Yeah, and she’d be first in line.

After the man and Claude exchanged greetings, her boss turned to introduce her. With a flourish, he waved between them.

“This is Julienne King.” He clasped his hands behind him and nodded to the younger man. “Julienne, this is Ben Duncan.”

Her hands twitched, eager to touch any part of his flesh. Whoa, where did that come from? Shrugging off her inappropriate urge, she let a goofy smile plaster her face.

Then the man, Ben, did a strange thing. He leaned toward her with a slumberous half-lidded gaze.

About the Author:

Keri Kruspe, award-winning “Author of Otherworldly Romantic Adventures” loves nothing more than to write about romances that feature “feisty heroines who aren’t afraid to take a chance on life… or love”. Her writing career started when she became irritated that most SciFi romances had women kidnapped before they could find love. Determined to create something different, she turned “the alien kidnapping trope upside down” (Vine Voice) and the ALIEN EXCHANGE trilogy was born.

Keri’s latest SciFi Romance novel, ALIEN LEGACY: THE EMPATH, is the first in a five-book series of the Ancient Alien Descendants, taking the Ancient Alien motif and mixing it with a sensual, romantic twist. 

A native Nevadan, Keri is a lifelong avid reader who lives in Northwestern Michigan with her hubby and the newest member of the family, a Jack Russell Terrier named Hestia. When not immersed in her made-up worlds, she enjoys discovering the fascinating landscape of her new home and pairing red wine with healthy ways to cook. Most of all, she loves finding her next favorite author.

If you want to know when Keri’s next book will come out, please visit her website at http:/, where you can sign up for her mailing list. You’ll get a FREE copy of the novella, The Day Behind Tomorrow that is a prologue to the ALIEN LEGACY series. Not to mention being kept updated on the life of a dedicated, obsessed author.

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The book is on sale for $0.99 on Kindle or Nook during this tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, November 2, 2020

The Sinister Superyacht by Ana T. Drew - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Ana T. Drew will award a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

French tycoon Jean-Louis Ponsard is having a bad year. 
Unwise investments, canceled orders, deals falling  through…
In the thick of it, his yacht becomes the scene of a suspicious death, and his year of misfortune hits the bed of the Mediterranean Sea.
To make matters worse, the victim isn't just anybody.
She's his much-hated mother-in-law.

Onboard, caterer Julie Cavallo and her quirky grandma Rose do some poking around.
But every luxury cabin hides a secret.
Every passenger has an alibi or no reason to want the victim dead.
Discretion rules.
The crew keeps mum.
So do the marble countertops, gem-incrusted walls, and gold sinks.
When the cops take charge, things go to pieces, and not only for the Ponsard family.

Can Julie dive to the murky bottom of the sea, unravel the case, and come back up still breathing?

About the Author:

Ana T. Drew is the evil mastermind behind the recent series of murders in the fictional French town of Beldoc. When she is not writing cozy mysteries or doing mom-and-wife things, she can be found watching “The Rookie” to help her get over “Castle”. She lives in Paris but her heart is in Provence.

Visit for a free cookbook and a game!

Releases November 20

a Rafflecopter giveaway