Monday, August 19, 2019

Julian Fox: The Dream Guardian by E.J. Miranda - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. E.J. Miranda will be awarding a 1st prize: $50 Amazon e-gift card, and a 2nd prize: $40 Amazon e-gift card, to two randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

It is said that dreams are just that: only dreams. But believe me, this is not always true. Some dreams are as real as the dreamer.

Thanks to their dreams, dreamers can receive the special visit of eternal wisdom that has inspired the creativity of great inventors, scientists, musicians, and even writers throughout the ages.

This creative wisdom is not always the type that appears to the eager conscience. Sometimes, a Defiler, a destroyer of dreams, is the one who tries to appear before the dreamer. These creatures were once humans, but they allowed their pain and desire for revenge to take over and seek the same miserable fate for the one who dreams.

You must not fear — Dream Guardians, also known as Kelsdrant, will always protect the one who dreams, even with their own life. They are people of flesh and bone, just like you and me, or at least they are on Earth.

The following story is dedicated to the fun, extravagant, and enlightening life of Julian Fox, the Dream Guardian.

Be prepared, dear reader. It is time to dream, laugh, reflect, and even maybe cry.

Welcome to the Land of the Wise Dreams.

Read an Excerpt

Chapter 3: Alminrach Kelsdrant

Solidarity transcends the differences caused by fear.

The excitement became smiles, and the happiness turned into an invitation. Enthusiastic about the upcoming tour, Brenda joked with Julian,

“I will serve as a tour guide.”

They happily walked the few feet that separated them from the Palace. The end of the road revealed the surprise, and the magnificent edifice made one’s heart alternate between feelings of fascination and disbelief. Born of marble and sculpted with the most exquisite inspiration, what towered before them was a work of colossal proportions and delicate details.

The Guardians slowed their pace to admire such grandeur. Brenda took a deep breath and proudly presented it to her pupil:

“Julian, this is Alminrach Kelsdrant, our Palace.”

The surprised Guardian admired it in silence until he could speak:

“It’s exactly the same as the Parthenon, only much bigger.”

“You're right, Julian, but the construction of our Palace precedes the appearance of man on Earth. As you might guess, it served as the inspiration for such a magnificent building.”

“How is that possible?” Julian asked in amazement, without lifting his eyes from the Palace.

Brenda simply replied:

“All in good time, Julian. What I can tell you is that in Mikangly Greydalash you'll find many surprises and the origin of many things you've seen or read on Earth.”

About the Author: E. J. Miranda is an avid reader, an enthusiastic traveler, and a passionate author. Her great sense of humor and love for nature have granted her a rebellious writing style: Her approach describes the adventures of life but in such a way that each reader can have an individual take on the matter. Her inspiration comes from her curiosity about other countries’ cultures and peculiarities. A few countries in particular that spark her curiosity are Colombia, Italy, Costa Rica, England, Belgium, Mexico, Spain, and the United States. Her favorite places to visit are historical sites and museums, locations that allow her to explore important and even overlooked details. She currently lives with her husband in Colombia but frequently travels to Houston to visit her daughter and son. E.J. Miranda has a degree in tax accounting, but she prefers interacting with people to calculating their taxes. To learn more about her life and work, visit

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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Alice, a Memoir by Alice Gilmore - Book Tour and Giveaway

Few, if anyone, could have had a life like Alice Gilmore. It was almost unbelievable yet carried on under the cover of a respectable middle-class existence.

You might strongly disapprove of what she did, but Alice was determined. She overcame insurmountable obstacles to keep the love she longed for.

Her single-minded fight to live out her love makes a gripping, riveting story that one eminent literary person called ‘staggeringly readable’. It is shocking. Her methods will upset some, but are you with her or against her? Your decision.

This is no misery memoir. It’s a story told with joy, wit and fervour – the astonishing story of the overwhelming love Alice Gilmour was determined to live out.


And then one day he was gone. 

A whey-faced professor and his wife, both good friends, knocked on my door and practically pushed me back into the house out of sight of anyone (not that anyone could see our front door from the road) to tell me that David had been shot dead while giving a lecture at the university. A student had come into the room waving a gun and looking for some girl he loved who had dumped him in favour of a female and then come out about her lesbianism. The gunman, already clearly unbalanced, had got a lot of ribbing about his inadequacy in causing her to change sides, so he was after both of them. They were in David’s lecture. He wanted to shoot them in front of the whole class, lesbian seducer first, former girlfriend to watch it before getting hers. All this came out later when it emerged that he had told his roommate what he was going to do and the wretched roommate had simply not taken this wimp seriously. He didn’t even own a gun but that was quickly remedied with some dollars and a driver’s licence. 

David knew the gunman well and as people dived for cover suggested he sit down if he had come for the lecture. He was reported as saying, ‘Howie, why don’t you give that to me, sit down and pay attention? You could use some of what we’re dealing with here.’ When this failed he stood between the gunman and the students and continued to try to talk him down. He was, apparently, having some success when a female voice shouted in fear, ‘Why don’t you fuck off, you inadequate creep?’


Do you have any tattoos?  Where? When did you get it/them? Where are they on your body?

Absolutely not, none. Apart from the visual aspects of tattooing the idea of sticking needles into myself for fun repels me. I hate the thought of any sort of needle or anything like that being stuck into me. It makes me quiver with horror. I always have to look away when even a drop or two of blood is being taken from my arm. To subject myself to perhaps hours of it revolts me. It isn’t the pain involved. It is something else. I always say that there is no fear of my ever becoming a heroin addict. The needles render it out of play.

Is your life anything like it was two years ago?

Roughly the same. The big change was ten years ago when my husband, the love of my life, was killed. Before that the world was a completely beautiful place. Since then it can only ever be partially beautiful; there will always be a reserve of pain in part of me.

How long have you been writing?

In small amounts, for the last fifteen to twenty years.  I had one very busy period after my husband was killed to try to get my memoir finished in case the truth about my life leaked somehow to my children. I wanted my version in their minds first.

What advice would you give a new writer just starting out?

If you don’t actually physically enjoy it, then don’t. If you do, it is a glorious way to spend your time and your mind. Just go for it no matter what.

Tell us something about your newest release that is NOT in the blurb.

I can’t. Not because the blurb has everything. It doesn’t. It is because there are certain aspects of this story that should be revealed as you read it. I hope that anyone who is thinking of reading the book is on spoiler alert and that reviewers don’t blow the important core of the story but they will. It only takes one short sentence. But what looks like the central matter actually isn’t. That is simply a means to an end. The theme of my story is… but I cannot say it until you have read it. It is there on the page, not the obvious one that will get the publicity but a more subtle one that runs parallel with the one that will be talked about.

About the Author

If you want to know about my life and background read this book. I can scarcely add to what I have written about myself in there. I earnestly hope that the rest of my life is too uneventful to even consider writing anything else, I am no novelist. The life I have described was full enough and rich enough for me. God knows what I would come out with if I had to invent. If you find you need a good chef I shall consider anything not too energetic – which rules out most jobs in the kitchen.

One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.
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Monday, August 12, 2019

The Persistence of Memory Book 1: Deja vu by Karen Janowsky - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Karen Janowsky will be awarding a digital copy of the entire Persistence of Memory trilogy: Deja vu, All Our Yesterdays, and The Beginning of Always, in epub or mobi, to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

When superheroes fall in love, anything can happen.

Daniel Hecht doesn’t belong in this century. Catapulted into the present from 1943, he’s out of place and out of touch. Still, he was the American war hero called “Lionheart” and his heroism has followed him into the modern world. He now leads an underground group of superpowered misfits, but the misfit he keeps turning to is Nina Asher.

Nina has a vast knowledge of history, yet no idea who she is or where she’s from. She has become the target of dangerous creatures that have appeared all over the world. As she and Daniel work to decipher an ancient, cryptic myth, they experience flashbacks to things that never could have happened. They are falling in love, but there’s something they’re sure they need to remember, and it’s keeping them apart.

The key to saving the world may begin with the act of remembering.

Read an Excerpt



‘It was foretold that when the Great Darkness descended, a Champion from Heaven and a Champion from Earth, would rise to combat such evil.’
— From the files of the World Intelligence

Security Endeavor, The Legend of Ishtar

July 11, 2011, Georgetown, Washington, D.C.


He stood at the bottom of the stairs and noticed a small sofa blocking the path to his apartment. He put his hands on his hips, let his shoulders slump, and his head dropped toward his chest as he shook it. Straightening and backing up from the first step, he ran toward the sofa and jumped. His left leg twisted between cushions, sinking into the deep crease where the seat and back met. Pressing his palms flat on the floor to balance his weight, he tried to dislodge himself, but ended up taking an awkward lunge. Letting out a deep sigh, he surveyed the mess he had made

“Sorry about that,” said a voice.

Daniel twisted in the direction of the voice. A young woman stood at the threshold of the building’s only first-floor apartment. From this angle, he couldn’t see her face right away. She was wearing light purple sneakers and torn-up jeans that hugged the bottom half of her hips. Her darker purple t-shirt, damp down the center, skimmed her narrow waist, emphasizing the roundness of her breasts.

She said something else, but his brain had gone momentarily numb. He looked up and stared at what seemed like Helen of Troy, come to life. She was stunning. Her eyes were large, with long eyelashes. Her nose was small and straight, and her mouth was full, evenly proportioned, and dark pink. Her black hair was pulled back in a long ponytail. The remote, artistic part of Daniel’s brain, which he’d thought long-buried, lit up. His long-abandoned sketchbook sprung to mind momentarily. He refocused.

About the Author:

Karen Janowsky has been fascinated by ancient mythology since childhood. She has loved superheroes since the first time she saw the Super Friends on television in 1970’s. Because flying an invisible jet was never a viable career option, and because running around in a cape, swimsuit, and bright red boots is not socially acceptable for adults, she teaches yoga and writing at the College of Southern Maryland. Her stories and poems have been featured in several anthologies and literary magazines since 1991. She received her master’s degree in English from Florida State University.

Where to Buy:

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Loved By The Beast by Anya Summers - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Anya Summers will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Anna has plans for her life. This fall, she will be heading off to medical school, well on her way to becoming a doctor. But first, she and her besties head to Ireland to celebrate.

Nowhere did her future plans even include serious dating, let alone becoming mated to a man who can turn into a freaking beast with wings. Nor did she reckon with being sucked through a portal onto another planet while on her way home from a great night out.

Yet from the very first time her new mate touches her, Anna wonders if this could be the real deal – as in: the big L. The only problem is, her mate says his kind do not love; they protect, they pleasure, and they provide. Can Anna really kiss goodbye to all her plans for the future, and agree to spend the rest of her existence without love?

Publisher’s Note: This steamy paranormal romance, while the third in the Alcyran Chronicles series, can be read and enjoyed as a standalone.

Read an Excerpt

His nose caught a whiff of sweetness on the breeze. The potency and flavor reminded him of dragonsbane wine. Being surrounded by the foreign stench, his beast wanted to roll around in the familiar scent.

He scrutinized the pavement below.

Then he spotted his prey. The women walked three abreast down a deserted lane, swaying slightly as they trod. He inhaled a giant whiff, needing to be sure. His people needed him to finish this task and succeed. Rhiannon had been correct. Their scent held trace amounts of Clovis blood, mingled with that of the people of this planet. It confused his internal sensors, made him want to call them Clovis—but they were not. They had far too much of Earth inside them. Their Clovis scent was so faint and diluted, if he had not been searching for that in particular, he would have missed it.

He swooped down near the trio. His senses were on high alert. He homed in, soaring near their location. One of the women, a black-haired wench with hair that fell to her waist, glanced skyward, lifting her face toward his position, and emitted an ear-piercing scream.

That face. Even in the dark he could discern her beautiful porcelain features, the arched brows, slim upturned nose and pouty lips that were presently drawn in abject terror. A lightning bolt of energy struck D’Vorak’s system. His wings stretched. His dick woke like a sleeping giant, straining against the confines of his leather britches. His entire being bellowed: mine. That, at long last, he had found his mate.

The urge to rut until his seed emptied into his mate’s sex and his staff became flaccid surged through him. It overrode his every thought. He had to claim her, bind her life force with his and plant his offspring in her belly.

The thought of being with his mate after believing he was doomed to walk alone made his head swim. He was exultant. Desire thundered through his veins. His blood roared.

And then his mate and the other two women sprinted away. D’Vorak snarled. How dare she run from him? She belonged to him, now and until the end of their days. Like they could outrun him.

He shot after them, weaving his great wings between buildings as he flew, speeding closer and closer. He grinned when they took the dead-end with the entrance to the portal. Rhiannon had said the women would be drawn to the magic of the vortex, that their blood would recognize the magic and it would act like a tether, leading them to it. The trap had been executed to perfection.

D’Vorak looked at the woman, his mate. She was a sprite of a thing, lush where it counted, and he felt himself nearly coming out of his skin at the sight. She was his mate, all right. His body and being exhibited all the signs. His feet touched down upon the firm, stone ground. Not breaking his forward momentum, he stalked forward. Voracious need battered his every footstep. He wanted to shake himself. It had been hundreds of years since any of his kind had found their mate. They slaked their lust on their harems full of concubines to quell the rising madness within. Every aspect of his being bellowed that he must take her, bind her to him at once.

About the Author:

Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Anya grew up listening to Cardinals baseball and reading anything she could get her hands on. She remembers her mother saying if only she would read the right type of books instead binging her way through the romance aisles at the bookstore, she’d have been a doctor. While Anya never did get that doctorate, she graduated cum laude from the University of Missouri-St. Louis with an M.A. in History.

Anya is a bestselling and award-winning author published in multiple fiction genres. She also writes urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and contemporary romance under the name Maggie Mae Gallagher. ( A total geek at her core, when she is not writing, she adores attending the latest comic con or spending time with her family. She currently lives in the Midwest with her two furry felines.

Don’t miss these exciting titles by Anya Summers!

Dungeon Fantasy Club Series

Her Country Master, Book 5
Love Me, Master Me, Book 6
Submit To Me, Book 7

Pleasure Island Series

Her Music Masters, Book 2
Their Shy Submissive, Book 3
Her Rockstar Dom, Book 5
Duets & Dominance, Book 6
Her Undercover Dom, Book 7
Ménage In Paradise, Book 8
Her Rodeo Masters, Book 9

Cuffs & Spurs Series

The Alcyran Chronicles

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