Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Exile in Darkness by Annalisa Carr - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Annalisa Carr will be awarding a $30 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Heritage and magic matter to the London covens. Aristocratic witch, Isabella Pethany, has heritage but not magic.
Underworld powerbroker, amnesiac vampire Maldit, has magic but no heritage.
Lukas Sindis, coven sorcerer and famous psychopath, has both.

Isabella’s null magic status makes her an embarrassment to her family, but since her sister was murdered, she is all they have left. Guilt makes her willing to do almost anything to compensate for her lack of value, but her grandmother’s proposal to match her with Lukas, in a bid to bring strong magic back to their bloodline, is a step too far.

When Maldit rescues a strange witch from hunting vampires, his main concern is to limit trouble in his territory. Witches are notoriously troublesome, and this one is no exception. Her proximity slashes through his damaged memory, allowing him to catch glimpses of his forgotten past.

Drugs have suppressed Lukas’s magic for almost twenty years, filling him with a reservoir of trapped power. When he escapes, his magic bursts free, falling like a tidal wave on Maldit and Isabella, sweeping away the spells paralysing both of them.

The dark secrets of the London coven are about to explode into the light of day.

Read an Excerpt:

Isabella? Isabella Pethany?

Whispers of her own name floated through her mind. She pushed the pillow aside and sat up, pressing her hands against her ears. It didn’t stop the insistent repetition of her name.

Someone called to her, but who would do a thing like that at this hour of the morning? The family would all be asleep by now, and the only servant awake should be the doorman.

Her imagination was running riot. She lay down, closing her eyes, but the feeling of being summoned didn’t go away.

Isabella. Isabella. Isabella.

Her name echoed around her skull, louder now.

She sat up abruptly. Next to her, Alfie stirred, growling in his sleep. She ran the palm of her hand over his shaggy flank and switched the bedside lamp on, before walking to the window and drawing the curtain back.

Pools of dim light surrounded the bases of the old-fashioned streetlamps. Between them, the pavement was dark, and the trees in the square cast black shadows over the iron railings. She opened the window and leaned out.

“Isabella?” The voice was a seductive whisper from below. It was definitely real this time, vibrating through the air, rather than her mind.

She squinted into the shadows.

The vampire from the bar stood on the opposite pavement, his figure almost hidden in the darkness.


Her heart beat faster.

His face tilted upwards towards her second-floor window, green eyes glinting.

“What do you want?” She pressed two fingers to the point in her neck where the skin was thinnest. Her pulse hammered against them.

About the Author:

Annalisa Carr lives in the English Lake District with her two cats. She writes in multiple genres, but has a weakness for paranormal romance and urban fantasy.

As a child Annalisa wanted to be a scientist, wear a white coat and explore outer space. She worked as a scientist for a very long time, but never got to fly a spaceship or even travel beyond the solar system. This was a huge disappointment given the reasons for her career choice, so eventually she made up stories instead. Probably just as well, as she is claustrophobic.

Exile in Darkness is set in the same world as the Children of Poseidon series; a slightly skewed version of London.

Annalisa also writes dystopian science fiction under the name ‘Anne Cleasby’.

Buy link for Exile in Darkness: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07P1JLVF7

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, April 29, 2019

Justice Gone by N. Lombardi Jr. - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

When a homeless war veteran is beaten to death by the police, stormy protests ensue, engulfing a small New Jersey town. Soon after, three cops are gunned down.

A multi-state manhunt is underway for a cop killer on the loose. And Dr. Tessa Thorpe, a veteran's counselor, is caught up in the chase.

Donald Darfield, an African-American Iraqi war vet, war-time buddy of the beaten man, and one of Tessa's patients, is holed up in a mountain cabin. Tessa, acting on instinct, sets off to find him, but the swarm of law enforcement officers gets there first, leading to Darfield's dramatic capture.

Now, the only people separating him from the lethal needle of state justice are Tessa and ageing blind lawyer, Nathaniel Bodine. Can they untangle the web tightening around Darfield in time, when the press and the justice system are baying for revenge?

Read an Excerpt

Tessa had given much thought as to how she should dress for the occasion. Her first instinct was her Karen Kane pants suit, but dismissed that idea to wear her copper-brown print kaftan in its stead.

Now, with its folds caught in the vigorous September breeze, giving the illusion of a multitude of miniature flags fluttering around her, her thick locks of hair dancing around her head, she spoke to the crowd, slowly, deliberately taking her time. “Hello, my fellow citizens.” She stopped to survey the mass of people standing in front of her. Dramatic pauses replete with eye contact, if not overdone, were quite effective in getting one’s message across. Not surprisingly, Tessa knew how to get her message across, a special art in the realm of behavioral scientists. Public relations firms, advertising companies, political campaigns, all hired an army of psychologists to sell a product. And Tessa Thorpe, as someone who had thirty years’ experience as a criminal psychiatrist, could sell as well as any of them.

“We are here today for two reasons, two very important reasons that are essential to our well-being in a modern society. Freedom is one, and justice is the other.”

Enthusiastic cheers.

“When the call for war came, we were told that our enemies hated our freedoms. We were told that the citizens of Iraq had been held hostage by a ruthless dictator who denied his own people these freedoms. Our invasion of that country was sold to us as Operation Iraqi Freedom. And so we sent our young men and women off to war, the most traumatic experience a human being could ever go through, with the belief that they were fighting for liberty and freedom. And yet, one of those whom we had sent…had come back to us only to have his own freedom denied. His single offence at the time he was approached by law enforcement officers was that he was exercising his freedom to stand on a street corner.”

This elicited a roar from the crowd.

“This is not merely tragic, it is an act of deplorable fraud, being denied the very thing he fought for!”

More heartfelt cheering.

“When I was young, we were made to pledge allegiance, an oath that ended with the phrase, ‘with liberty and justice for all.’ Well, Jay Felson was denied liberty…let us make sure he is NOT DENIED JUSTICE!”br>
About the Author:
N. Lombardi Jr, the N for Nicholas, has spent over half his life in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, working as a groundwater geologist. Nick can speak five languages: Swahili, Thai, Lao, Chinese, and Khmer (Cambodian).

In 1997, while visiting Lao People's Democratic Republic, he witnessed the remnants of a secret war that had been waged for nine years, among which were children wounded from leftover cluster bombs. Driven by what he saw, he worked on The Plain of Jars for the next eight years.

Nick maintains a website with content that spans most aspects of the novel: The Secret War, Laotian culture, Buddhism etc.: http://plainofjars.net

His second novel, Journey Towards a Falling Sun, is set in the wild frontier of northern Kenya.

His latest novel, Justice Gone, was inspired by the fatal beating of a homeless man by police.

Nick now lives in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Buy links:

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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Soul of the Storm by Jean M. Grant - Book Tour and Giveaway

Charlotte MacGregor lost the thrill of conquering mountains five years ago when her sister disappeared on a hiking adventure without her. Still guilt-ridden, Charlotte heads for a vacation to rustic Vermont with a friend—where she's surrounded by reminders of her devastating loss and plagued with unanswered questions.

Matiu Christiansen is an outdoors buff. He works multiple jobs to save for his dream of owning an outfitter in New Zealand. He's never quite felt at home in the United States and he yearns for his Maori roots, but his attraction to Charlotte puts a kink in his plans to move home later this year.

Thrown together by coincidence, Charlotte and Matiu form a kindred bond through their shared love of the outdoors. Can Charlotte surmount her demons to assist Matiu on a rescue when a late-season snowstorm hits? And can Matiu help Charlotte heal from the pain of the past?


Charlotte sat on the top porch step instead of in a rocker. Her breath puffed in a misty cloud before her as she waited. Again, the scent of a fire from the back pit infused the air. She traced the knots in the planks of the porch with the toe of her shoe, ignoring her thudding pulse. Matiu shuffled through the side door. She rose to help him with the cups. 


“Kia ora,” he said, smile deep and teeth bright beneath the lamps. “It’s colder tonight.” 

“You need a jacket,” she said with a nod to his thinner long-sleeved top that clung nicely to his muscles. 

“I’ll sit closer to you. Nice quilt.” 

“I’m always cold. I won’t have much heat to share.” 

“Logging in my assessment file.” He tapped his temple. 

She shivered from nerves as he settled beside her on the top step. 

“Ya know, we could have tea inside,” he suggested. 

“What about consorting? Besides, I like the clear sky and fresh air. Night is my time.”

He nodded. “Ah, clear skies are amazing. I prefer morning. Not sure about tomorrow. Neil’s sick with the flu, and so is Kelly. They work on the search and rescue team, and Kelly also does mucking with us for the US Forest Service. Seems like the germs haven’t left for the season.” 

“Nor the cold temps. Both tend to bite us in the ass in April.” 

“I was serious. You going to share that quilt with me?” He inched closer. 

“Nope. Get your own.” 

He pressed a hand to his heart. “Shot down!” Tea splashed as his laugh vibrated. 

Her pulse quickened with the idea of sharing warmth with him. 

He said, “I’m knackered. That paddle got me sore. Bit more wind today than I’d expected.” 

“You’re not the only one.” 

He was so close. She subtly inhaled his natural scent. She couldn’t place it. Probably his shampoo… combined with sweat and cooking oils. They sat quietly, unsure what to say next. His nearness upset her equilibrium. She drank the tea.


Where did you get the idea for your most recent book?

I adore New Zealand and live in New England. I wanted my characters from both places. I also love to hike, have some heartache in my past (I lost my sister young), and I just sat down one day and churned this idea onto paper. I submitted the idea to my editor and the rest is history. It’s interesting how real life (and our imagination) can inspire us. I don’t usually have a set specific moment when I get inspired, but rather my stories are overlapping memories, life experiences, or ideas generated from visiting places, speaking to people, or daydreaming. This one though came fast and easily.

What 5 words would you use to describe your main characters?

Oh, I’ll dig out my Character Development charts for this one! I enjoy spending a good deal of time with my characters before I even type the first word of the story. I make charts, analyze their backstory, and dig into their goals, motivation, conflict, emotional wounds, mannerisms, and many other things.
Matiu Christiansen: spiritual, restless, outdoor enthusiast, ambitious, competent, even-keeled, but messy! (Okay that was more than 5)
Charlotte MacGregor: Practical, guilt-ridden, over-organized, reliable, naturalist.
Some of my characters are like fire and water: opposites attract! But in this case, I had more overlapping commonalities that naturally brought these two together.

What is your favorite scene in the book?

I am an outdoors lover, so all those outdoorsy scenes: climbing a rocky cliff beside a waterfall, kayaking the Mad River, and the final rescue scene up the Long Trail.

The best book/s you ever read?

Outlander! All of them, including the novellas.

What do you think makes a book a really good/bestseller?

Voice and character(s) we can relate to. The real/rawness to some characters or plot lines. Of course, I do appreciate a good mystical or paranormal adventure, too. It all comes down to characters, and a polished manuscript with relational writing. We want to be inspired. We want to be swept away or cry. We want to close the book with a sigh of completion and connection.
Have you started your next project?

Always! I am juggling the promotion of three books coming out each a month apart (don’t ask…I did not plan this, but I am riding this fun wave!). I’m writing the third book in my historical trilogy and have an idea percolating for a mainstream/upmarket edgy women’s fiction.

Anything else you might want to add?

Thanks for hosting me!


About the Author

Jean’s background is in science and she draws from her interests in history, nature, and her family for inspiration. She writes historical and contemporary romances and women’s fiction. She also writes articles for family-oriented travel magazines. When she’s not writing or chasing children, she enjoys tending to her flower gardens, hiking, and doing just about anything in the outdoors.

Social Media links:

Jean M. Grant will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Oh, Baby! by Jill Blake - Book Tour and Giveaway

Lena Shapiro. Successful surgeon. Dutiful daughter. She sacrificed her personal life to build her career and take care of her mother and sister. Now thirty-nine and single, she watches her peers pairing off and having kids, and wonders if she missed out on her own chance at happiness.

Assigned to mentor a visiting colleague, Lena finds herself falling for the man instead. But Adam Sterling is all wrong for her: he’s too young, too arrogant, and too willing to push personal and professional boundaries. And he’s leaving L.A. for a job on the opposite coast.

With the date of Adam’s departure looming ever nearer, will Lena retreat to the safety of her familiar solitary life, or will she take a chance on an uncertain future with the man who might make her dreams come true?

(Please note: This is a steamy contemporary romance that contains mature themes and explicit content, meant for adults 18 and over. It is a stand-alone novel, with no cliff-hangers, and a guaranteed HEA.)


Copyright © 2019 by Jill Blake

Adam folded his arms across his chest, blocking her way. “The world won’t grind to a halt if you cut back your hours or take a day off once in a while.”

“I know that,” Lena said, glancing at the clock. “I’ll make some adjustments. But right now I feel fine, and I still have patients to check on.”

“Are you kidding me? You’re still hooked up to an IV.”

“Which the nurse is about to remove. Dr. Goodman said I’m good to go. He didn’t specify where.”

“Because any reasonable person getting discharged from the ER would go home.”

“I’ll go home after I finish rounding,” she said.

He glared at her, then cursed, pivoted on his heel, and strode out of the room.

Lena stared at the privacy curtain that continued to sway in his wake.

Where was the feeling of triumph at having won the argument? She should be glad that Adam was finally gone. But all she felt was deflated. 

“Here we are,” the nurse said, bustling in with a clipboard. “We’ll go over your discharge instructions after I get that IV out.”

Minutes later, Lena was alone again, pulling on her clothes. There was a cursory knock, followed by the squeak of wheels.

“Your carriage, Princess.” Adam pushed the wheelchair toward her.

She blinked against the prickle of tears. Damned hormones. “I can walk.”

“Not to your car,” he said. “Hospital policy.”


“Your patients are all taken care of,” he said. “Your partner will see the post-ops shortly. He said you should go home, and congratulations on the pregnancy.”


Tell us about your book, what inspired it?

Oh, Baby! addresses an issue that is particularly close to my heart. Specifically, the difficulty of achieving work-life balance.
Doctors spend years in school and then in training before becoming full-fledged attending physicians. During this time, we often work 80-120 hours a week, sacrificing our personal lives and relationships in the process. In some medical fields, this kind of brutal work schedule persists well beyond the training period. 
Oh, Baby! deals with the consequences of this unforgiving lifestyle. The heroine, Lena Shapiro, is a successful surgeon who suddenly realizes that she’s thirty-nine, single, childless, and facing a very lonely future if she doesn’t do something drastic to change her life. Assigned to mentor a visiting colleague, she finds herself falling for the man instead. But Adam Sterling is all wrong for her: he’s too young, too arrogant, and too willing to push personal and professional boundaries. And he’s leaving town in a few months to pursue a job on the opposite coast. 
This is a romance, so Lena and Adam eventually get their happily-ever-after. But how they get there is a whole other story…

What is your favorite scene in the book?

It’s about a third of the way in. Adam, the hero, has just been rebuffed by the heroine. He phones his older sister, Amanda, to get some insight into the female psyche. What he gets is an earful of the chaos that Amanda, a mom of three, is struggling to contain. You can read an excerpt of this scene on my website.

How long have you been writing?

Writing – since I could hold a pencil. I am happy to report that those early efforts have all been destroyed. 
Publishing contemporary romances – since 2013.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I’d like to keep on writing, and keep on publishing, and maybe when the kids are grown and I can retire from medicine, I can turn to writing full-time.

What’s something unusual or fun that most people don’t know about you?

I speak Russian, as well as a smattering of French and Hebrew. Oh, and medical Spanish—which means I can’t give you directions to Pasadena en español, but I can ask you where the pain is. On second thought, even if my Spanish were better, I’d still have trouble giving you directions, because I am what they politely call “geographically challenged.”

Anything else you might want to add?  

I love hearing from readers! You can contact me through my website or via Facebook
To sign up for giveaways and get notified when I have a new book out, you can sign up for my  newsletter.


About the Author

A native of Philadelphia, Jill Blake now lives in southern California with her husband and three children. During the day, she works as a physician in a busy medical practice. At night, once the charts are all done and the kids are asleep, Jill writes steamy romances with smart heroines, sexy heroes, and guaranteed happy endings.

Book is on sale for $0.99 during the tour

Oh, Baby! (A Prescription: Romance! Book) - https://amzn.to/2SLCaZ2

Jill Blake will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Edger Lives by David Beem - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. David Beem will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Our dork of destiny rides again!

Edger is falling for Mary, his bodyguard, kick-ass spy, and cover wife. But she’s so hopelessly out of his league, it’s clear someone’s going to get hurt. Less clear? That someone may be the Prime Minister of Australia.

When Mary confesses her desire to kill the world leader whose assassination Edger’s supposed to prevent, Edger’s superpowers pick the worst time to stop working. Without a fully functional psychic superhero, their team of spies can no longer order him to probe Mary’s mind for ill intent. The stage is set for a confrontation that threatens to strip a defenseless Edger of his loyal protector just when he needs her most.

Return to the Collective Unconscious, this time with Listerine-chugging stoners, Hollyweirdos, commie-alien-kung fu robots, one space gorilla-unicorn, and an exceedingly lovesick Vladimir Putin.

Mind your fingers and toes on page 270. Those skydiving mind-control monkeys have been known to bite!

Read an Excerpt:

All the trucks are in the air.

“Run!” Dad yells, peering upward, one leg bent, hands raised toward the airborne fleet rocketing toward space.

My knees buckle, and the action serves to reboot my body mechanics. I hobble off as fast as I can manage, making it three steps before the shock force of an explosion slams me from behind. My ears pop. My feet leave the ground. Shoulder raking across concrete, I skid to stop. More explosions ring out behind me. I cover my head.

Something wet drops from my brow. I prop myself up on one elbow, wince, collapse onto my side. My arm is a mass of gravel and scrapes. I touch my finger to the inside of my cheek—blood. A spike-like blast erupts, so loud it glows in my ears, a pure white sound. The movie reel of life sputters and jams. The air is incinerator hot. Someone’s moaning. It takes me a second before I realize it’s me. I’m on my side.

The air shimmers. Another explosion erupts from the far side of the parking lot, the flash briefly outlining Dad and Nostradamus. Dad falls backward. Nostradamus faces me, his head cocked sideways. His arm makes another throwing motion. High above, a tiny Peterbilt is bearing down on me like a meteorite. I struggle to get to my feet, twist my ankle, fall. The rising trill of the incoming missile hollows my throat. This is it. I’m going to die.

About the Author: David Beem loves superhero movies, taekwondo, and flossing. He lives in Djibouti with his family and crippling self-doubt. To help actualize David’s inner confidence, visit his website and buy all the stuff: http://www.davidbeem.com

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, April 8, 2019

The Virgin Club by Kayley Wood - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kayley Wood will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Challenge: Lose my virginity before my 24th birthday. Time Left: 23 days.

Appletinis, a semi-meltdown, and a ‘Lose My Virginity Challenge’ post. That's all it took for my little blog to go viral.

I’m going to be fine. I’m anonymous. I can just delete the post and pretend it never happened. No big deal, right?


My co-worker crush, Logan—gorgeous, yummy and out of my league—found out about my secret deadline-driven cherry popping quest.

Humiliated would be an understatement.

Fortunately, my besties come to the rescue with a brilliant plan that involves my trending blog. If all went smoothly, I'd not only win over the untouchable Logan but also live my dream of becoming a full-time writer.

The plan isn’t just brilliant, it's perfect… until my new boss, Alexander Freeman comes into the picture with his Brooks Brothers suit and Tom Ford briefcase.

So what if the Stiff is hot? I will not ruin my one chance with Logan or my dream career.

But I'm in more trouble than I originally thought.

Turns out Alex has a few intentions of his own and a huge secret I'm totally unprepared for.

Read an Excerpt

Group Text
To: Jada, Lauren
From: Emma

E: Logan knows I’m the author of The Virgin Club which means he knows about my stupid Virgin Challenge!!!

E: He was working at Freeman Foxx when I broke my nose. I told him it was me and I totally forgot I wrote a post about it.


J: Wow!

E: Yeah, been through that stage already. What the hell do I do now??? How can I go into work tomorrow and face him? That’s it. I’m quitting my job. Hey Lauren, if I lose my apartment can I take your spare room?

L: Of course you can.

J: You’re not quitting your job or moving out! Take a deep breath and let’s take this one step at a time.

E: Ok. I’m semi-calm now. So what’s the first step?

J: Are you sure he knows it’s you?

E: Yes, he sent me a message. It was definitely him and he obviously found the blog because my dumb Virgin Challenge post is trending.

L: Was his message flirty?

E: Yes, like he was teasing me with it.

J: Is he still with that obnoxious girl who needed a smack upside the head?

E: No. They broke up a few weeks ago.

J: Well this is interesting news :)

L: I can almost see the light bulb going on in your head lol.

E: Oh no. What?

J: Confession time. Do you still like Logan?

E: I’ve already been there. I’m not embarrassing myself again. Logan knowing I’m a virgin is bad enough.

J: Answer the question, Emma. Do you like him or not?

E: Yes.

J: Enough that you would welcome him “taking on your over-expired V-card”?

E: Yes, but I obviously suck at reading signals. I don’t even know if he’s interested, single or not.

J: There are ways to get around that and they start with your blog.

E: My blog? No. Absolutely not.

J: FaceTime me. I think once you hear my plan, you’ll change your mind :)

L: Count me in too! I am NOT missing this.

E: Ok, but it better be good.

J: It’s not good. It’s brilliant.

About the Author:

Kayley has three simple rules in life:

1. Surround yourself with some incredible, kick-ass women you call friends.

2. Don’t worry about failure or mistakes. It’s how you respond to them that makes all the difference.

3. An appletini is never complete without two cherries.

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Friday, April 5, 2019

Velvalee Dickinson: The Doll Woman Spy by Barbara Casey - Book Tour and Giveaway

Velvalee Dickinson was born in Sacramento, California, graduated from Stanford University, married three times, and then in the early 1930s moved to New York City where she eventually opened her own exclusive doll shop on the prestigious Madison Avenue. It was there that she built her reputation as an expert in rare, antique, and foreign dolls. She traveled extensively around the country lecturing and exhibiting her dolls while building a wealthy clientele that included Hollywood stars, members of high society, and other collectors.

When medical bills started to accumulate because of her husband’s poor health and business started to fail with the onset of World War II, she accepted the role as a spy for the Imperial Japanese Government. By hiding coded messages in her correspondence about dolls, she was able to pass on to her Japanese contacts critical military information about the US warships. After surveilling Velvalee for over a year, the FBI arrested her and charged her with espionage and violation of censorship laws. She became the first American woman to face the death penalty on charges of spying for a wartime enemy. 

Velvalee Dickinson: The “Doll Woman” Spy is a carefully researched glimpse into the “Doll Woman’s” life as a collector of dolls, and as the highest paid American woman who spied for the Imperial Japanese Government during World War II.


As the country absorbed the shock of the bombing at Pearl Harbor and tried to adjust to the new and difficult reality of rationing and travel restrictions while tearfully watching their loved ones depart for war zones in places unknown, the “Doll Woman,” Velvalee Dickinson, continued sending out her chatty, gossipy correspondence to her clientele and other doll enthusiasts. 

One letter about dolls, however, posted from New York and sent to Señora Ines de Molinali in Argentina, was intercepted by wartime censors because of its unusual and somewhat confusing contents, as well as incorrect postage. The letter, dated January 27, 1942, was brought to the Bureau’s attention in February 1942. Purportedly written by Maud Bowman of Portland, Oregon, the letter mentioned a “wonderful doll hospital” where the writer had left her three “Old English dolls” for repairs. Also mentioned in the letter were “fishing nets” and “balloons.” 

If dolls were somehow being used to assist the enemy, it wouldn’t be the first time. During the American Civil War, contraband, medical supplies, and messages were smuggled across the Northern lines inside the hollow interiors of dolls carried in the protective arms of little girls. More recently, smugglers from the United States concealed amphetamines inside small, soft “Minion” dolls and shipped them to Israel.

FBI cryptographers, and in particular C.A. Appel, examined the letter and eventually concluded that it was likely the “dolls” in question were possibly three warships and the “doll hospital” was a West Coast-based shipyard where repairs were made. They also speculated that the “fishing nets” referred to an aircraft carrier with antitorpedo netting on its sides, the “wooden doll” was an older battleship, and the “little boy” was a destroyer. “Balloons” mentioned in the letter probably disclosed information about coastal defenses and other critical information on the West Coast.


What should readers expect when they pick up your book?

Velvalee Dickinson: The “Doll Woman” Spy is a carefully researched glimpse into the “Doll Woman’s” life as a collector of dolls, and as the highest paid American woman who spied for the Imperial Japanese Government during World War II. 

Velvalee built her reputation as an expert in rare, antique, and foreign dolls. She traveled extensively around the country lecturing and exhibiting her dolls while building a wealthy clientele that included Hollywood stars, members of high society, politicians, and other collectors. 

When medical bills started to accumulate because of her husband’s poor health and business started to fail with the onset of World War II, she accepted the role as a spy for the Imperial Japanese Government. By hiding coded messages in her correspondence about dolls, she was able to pass on to her Japanese contacts critical military information about the US warships. After surveilling Velvalee for over a year, the FBI arrested her and charged her with espionage and violation of censorship laws. She became the first American woman to face the death penalty on charges of spying for a wartime enemy. 

The fascinating world of doll collecting is revealed in Velvalee Dickinson: The “Doll Woman” Spy, and even today doll collecting remains one of the most popular hobbies. Beyond that, however, is the rich historical narrative of how this diminutive woman put the United States Government in jeopardy when war was spreading around the world.

What was the hardest part to write in this book?

Because it is nonfiction and no other books have been written about Velvalee Dickinson, researching her life and activities was difficult. I used the FBI, the FBI Vault and FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), period articles and newspapers, personal documents and letters, and other sources.

How long does it take you to write a book?

It depends on whether it is fiction or nonfiction. For my novels, I basically work out the storyline, characters, plot, beginning and ending, and interesting marks along the way, in advance of actually sitting down to write. When I write a nonfiction book, I do as much research as I can in advance. Then I have a clearer idea of what I want to write and how I want the chapters to fall. It is a different process.

Which character is your favourite and why?

In Velvalee Dickinson, she had no redeeming qualities having been convicted of being a spy. Even her reputation as an “expert” doll collector was suspect. In one of my novels, however—The Gospel According to Prissy—I introduce a little girl who has the gift of prophesy. Born in a prison where her mother is an inmate, having been convicted of murder and dying of aids, Prissy has the unusual ability to quote Bible scripture based on her understanding of life that includes Santa Clause, the Easter bunny, and other things young children love. It is Lara Kruger, the woman who is drawn to Prissy and who tries to give her a good life that is one of my favorite characters. 

Do you have a favorite quote?

Adversity is the opportunity to develop character. 

Do you have any unusual writing rituals?

It isn’t really a ritual, but I write early every morning. My writing time is between 4 a.m., after I feed the pets, and 9 a.m.  I am my most creative at that time.

Any last words? 

As a writer, I really enjoy hearing from my readers. So I hope if any of your bloggers get a chance to read my book about Velvalee, or any of my other books, they will let me know.

Thank you so much for your interest in my writing. I hope to be able to visit with you again soon.

My best,


About the Author

Barbara Casey is the author of several award-winning novels for both adults and young adults, as well as book-length works of nonfiction, and numerous articles, poems, and short stories. Her nonfiction true crime book, Kathryn Kelly: The Moll behind Machine Gun Kelly, has been optioned for a major film and television series. Her nonfiction book, Assata Shakur: A 20th Century Escaped Slave, is under contract for a major film. In addition to her own writing, she is an editorial consultant and president of the Barbara Casey Agency. Established in 1995, she represents authors throughout the United States, Great Britain, Canada, and Japan.

In 2018 Barbara received the prestigious Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award and Top Professional Award for her extensive experience and notable accomplishments in the field of publishing and other areas. Barbara lives on a mountain in Georgia with her husband, and three pets who adopted her: Benton, a hound-mix; Reese, a black cat; and Earl Gray, a gray cat and Reese’s best friend.

Barbara Casey will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Mona Lisas and Little White Lies by John Herrick - Book Tour and Giveaway

She’s America’s hottest new celebrity. But her identity remains a secret.

Lily Machara is a wisecracking auto mechanic. She’s never cared for glitz or drama. But when Ryder Flynn, a rising star in the world of commercial art, adopts Lily as his muse after a random sighting, Lily discovers herself painted into his hot new pieces … and becomes America’s newest — anonymous — celebrity. 

The only problem: The woman Ryder imagines isn’t the true Lily.

Or is it?

Now, as Lily and Ryder give in to mutual curiosity and a budding romance, Lily’s life — secrets and all — fall victim to a pop culture with one question on its mind: Who is the woman in Ryder Flynn’s art?

In the spirit of Cyrano de Bergerac and Pretty Woman, MONA LISAS AND LITTLE WHITE LIES is a delightful new romantic comedy from John Herrick, bestselling author of Beautiful Mess.


Ryder rubbed his eyes. No wonder they felt so sore—one glance at his watch told him it was almost two in the morning. Although he could still hear well, the loud music seemed to have whittled his sensitivity to about 85 percent, as though he’d wrapped his eardrums in cotton.
After dinner, he’d allowed Chase to drag him to a nightclub, which was where Ryder had last seen his friend before returning to the hotel alone by way of a taxi. They would find each other before the art show opened that morning at ten o’clock. Chase might push his limits, but he was never late.
Now, upon entering the hotel, he found the lobby empty except for a concierge at the front desk. The room’s silence rivaled that of a funeral parlor. Ryder made a beeline for the elevator bank and pushed the round button to hail a ride upstairs. With a glance around the corner, he found the doors to the art show shut and locked. He detected no pulsating rhythms, which meant the wedding reception had ended, as well.
Ryder heard the elevator tone—followed by the swish of fabric coming from his left. He halted. Listened.
Another swish, like the chiffon of a bridesmaid’s dress.
When the elevator doors opened, Ryder wasn’t standing in front of them. With one eyebrow furrowed and his ear cocked upward, he eased toward the far end of the elevator bank, then peered around the corner.
More rustling of fabric, then tiny sobs. Step by step, he followed the sounds. On his right, he noticed someone had left open the door to a dark room. Another sob came from inside that room. A female voice.
“Hello?” Ryder whispered. His eyes adjusted to the dark as he brushed his hand along the wall in search of a light switch. At last, he located the switch and flipped it on.
The room was small. He wandered to a far corner, where a desk topped with random clutter sat, a four-star hotel’s answer to a dumping ground. When he peeked behind the desk, he discovered a young woman. Weeping, she sat crumpled on the floor with her back against the desk. A peach-colored rose trampled by life.


What should readers expect when they pick up your book?

Expect to have fun, laugh a little (if I’ve done my job well!), find a sweet love story, yet find the rich character development you can find in all my novels. I kept this novel lighthearted, but I also dedicated myself to capturing the psychological aspects of my characters. I owe my readers a solid story.

What was the hardest part to write in this book?

During the planning process, I knew who the characters were, I knew what would unfold during the story, and I knew how it would begin and end. But something was missing. Lily has very low self-confidence and self-esteem. I realized I needed an explanation for why she was that way. Someone must have hurt her in the past. So before I had all the pieces for this puzzle of a novel, I needed to search for something deeper for her character. And that takes the novel from being a mere romantic comedy to a testimony that everyone has a story. Everybody has a past.

Which character is your favourite and why?

I enjoyed Lily, the auto mechanic, the most. Likely because she’s the opposite from me. And she knows much more about cars than I do. I had a lot of fun stepping into her character’s shoes and speaking through her mouth.

Have any hidden talents you would like to share?

As a teenager, I taught myself songwriting. I spent years working on that hobby, poring over the lyrics of people like Diane Warren, who have mastered the craft of writing a Top 40 song. Specifically, Diane is a genius at capturing emotion through accessible language. She’s written songs like Unbreak my Heart, When I See You Smile—hundreds of songs. Songs are a snapshot in time. They teach you how to capture a story and emotion in two verses and a chorus. They teach you how to select each word with care. If I have the ability to capture emotion or dialogue, I can trace it to those years I spent writing songs.

Where’s your favorite place to write?

These days, I love waking up before dawn, grabbing a table at Starbucks, and watching the sunrise as I write. I was never a morning person, but once I rescheduled my daily routine and started the day with book work, it was like I had discovered a beautiful new facet of life.

What are you working on next?

I’ve finished the first draft of a family drama with a touch of the paranormal, based in Manhattan. I’ve broken new ground with it as an artist and hate having to wait to share it!

Any last words? 

Thanks so much for letting me visit! Readers, find out more about Mona Lisas and Little White Lies and my other books at www.johnherrick.net. If you enjoy modern-day fairytales or lighthearted romantic comedies along the lines of the Julia Roberts film Pretty Woman, then Mona Lisas should be a perfect fit!


About the Author

John Herrick is best known as a chronicler of the human heart. His complex characters and earnest tone prompted Publishers Weekly to write, "Herrick will make waves." When he is not writing, he loves long drives on the interstate. He is a sucker for 1990s music. Herrick lives in St. Louis.

In addition to novels such as BEAUTIFUL MESS and FROM THE DEAD, he authored the nonfiction bestseller, 8 REASONS YOUR LIFE MATTERS.
Visit his website at www.johnherrick.net.

You can find John online at:

John Herrick will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Basement by Dianne Hartsock - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Dianne Hartsock will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Alex is haunted by visions of the dying, but now it seems the ghosts he’s seeing are real as well.

In this sequel to ALEX and THE SHED, Alex wonders if he’s seeing ghosts. His friend Justin has bought the Fulton place, a beautiful old mansion on the edge of Oakton. But something’s wrong in the house. Alex has visions of a small boy, trapped in the basement, and a man at the top of the stairs who won’t let him leave.

And Logan Fulton has come to town, Helen Kramer’s cousin, a psychic medium who wants something from Helen, whatever the cost. He and Helen had spent time in the Fulton house as children and Alex suspects Logan has something to do with the spirits now awakening in the old mansion. But whether Logan is calling them forth or if something else is controlling them, Alex can’t be sure.

The child’s spirit calls to Alex, as do others trapped in the house. There is a dark entity holding them there, keeping the child forever in the basement, the others for his amusement. But Alex has never believed in ghosts, so what is really going on? As he strives to learn the boy’s secret, his friends are one by one pulled to the Fulton place and put in danger while Logan works against Alex, having an agenda of his own. Will Alex be able to solve the haunting of the old house, or will he and his friends be taken one by one, doomed to walk the dark hallways forever?

Read an Excerpt

Something tugged his coat sleeve. Startled, he looked down. Nothing. Goddammit.

“Either help me or get away from me,” he muttered, nerves pulled taut. He moved into the room and gasped as the light on the walls disappeared, the candle’s flame the only illumination. It flickered on the surface of the inkblack liquid in the basin, drawing his eye. Without thought, he crossed the room and crouched opposite Logan, but instead of looking into the bowl, he searched the slack continence across from him.

Logan kept his gaze focused on the bowl as if unaware of Christopher’s presence. He appeared pale, hollow-cheeked, haggard, a death mask, and Christopher sucked in a breath.

“Logan? Are you okay?”

No reaction. Logan remained frozen in place. A slow shiver traveled through Christopher. What did he see in those dark depths? The water stirred, radiated outward as if a breath had touched the surface. The candle’s flame flashed, light splintering through the liquid. Christopher bent closer to the bowl. Had something moved in there? He parted his lips on a hiss of dawning horror as eyes, dark as pitch, appeared, the image of a terrible face taking shape.

He pulled away, his limbs unaccountably heavy as he struggled to his feet, the terrible face breaking the surface, continuing upward, a dark figure climbing into the world. The room grew cold, ice forming where the creature stepped out onto the wooden floor. The air seemed sucked from the room. Unable to scream, Christopher stumbled back until he came up against the wall. The specter moved closer, and Christopher’s chest heaved, fear holding him immobile.

About the Author:
Dianne grew up in one of the older homes in the middle of Los Angeles, a place of hardwood floors and secret closets and back staircases. A house where ghosts lurk in the basement and the faces in the paintings watch you walk up the front stairs. Rooms where you keep the closet doors closed tight at night. It’s where her love of the mysterious and wonderful came from. Dianne is the author of paranormal/suspense, fantasy adventure, m/m romance, the occasional thriller, and anything else that comes to mind.

She now lives in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Oregon with her incredibly patient husband, who puts up with the endless hours she spends hunched over the keyboard letting her characters play. Dianne says Oregon’s raindrops are the perfect setting in which to write. There’s something about being cooped up in the house with a fire crackling on the hearth and a cup of hot coffee in her hands, which kindles her imagination.

Currently, Dianne works as a floral designer in a locally-owned gift shop. Which is the perfect job for her. When not writing, she can express herself through the rich colors and textures of flowers and foliage.

Blog: http://diannehartsock.wordpress.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/diannehartsock
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/diannehartsock
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4707011-dianne-hartsock
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Dianne- Hartsock/e/B005106SYQ/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/Dianne-Hartsock-Author-107985445959828/

Buy Links:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Basement-Dianne-Hartsock- ebook/dp/B07MCVMFJN/ref=sr_1_18
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1130301217
Solstice Publishing: http://www.solsticeempire.com/products.aspx?categoryid=102

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, April 1, 2019

Kindred by Indie Gantz - Book Tour and Giveaway

In Kindred we find the Damuzi twins settling into their new home with Kori Lark’s family. Desperate to keep the dangerous truth of their identity a secret, Charlie and Tirigan educate themselves on everything that was kept from them, while delving deeper into their mother’s past.

In the future, Tirigan is dealing with the complicated emotions that overwhelm him after the events of Passage. In an attempt to control the situation, Tirigan turns inward and cuts himself off from those who need him most.

By the time Charlie and Tirigan’s timeline’s merge, a burning mystery is solved, and more than one relationship begins to unravel.

Friendship. Trust. Dependency. Lies.

The Damuzi twin’s story continues.


“Sorry for taking over your room,” I tell him, walking until the hallway ends in a slatted wooden door. I push it open as Oleander sighs dramatically behind me.

“Yes. I am incredibly put out. You should be ashamed of yourselves.”

Even though Oleander laughs, a jolt of guilt runs through me. He must see my regret in the sudden tension of my shoulders, because the Gyan’s laugh immediately disappears.

“I’m kidding, of course.” He places a hand on my shoulder, essentially swallowing it whole and forcing me to look up at him. “I’m thrilled to give you my room, Charlie. Over the moon about it. Really! Are you in the market for a new limb, by chance? Because I’ve got a couple with your name on them.”

“My name? Really?” I tease, challenge in my eyes despite the kindness in his.

“Don’t believe me?” Oleander’s brow’s raises comically. “Have a look, yourself.”

The tall Gyan raises his arms out as much as he can in the small hallway, exposing his forearms. There, written in long, flourishing strokes, is my name.
“How?” The question escapes before I can think better of it. Oleander searches my baffled expression for what feels like several minutes. I haven’t a clue what he finds there, but whatever it is makes him smile ruefully.

“You really don’t know what you’re capable of. Do you?”

“I… I guess not. No,” I respond quietly. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, Charlie.” Oleander shakes his head. “You are who you are.”


Tell us about your book, what inspired it?

Kindred and the book that preceded it, Passage, are a part of a multi-book series inspired by the need for more diverse and progressive genre fiction. The Akasha series also boasts complex relationships, realistic character growth, and interesting family dynamics. Via the Sc-fantasy genre, I am able to push extraordinary ideas and messages alongside an extraordinary world.

What 5 words would you use to describe your main characters?

Charlie Damuzi (female twin): Confident but naive. Quick-witted yet unknowingly cruel. And above all else, Charlie Damuzi is brave.
Tirigan Damuzi (male twin): Logical but kind. Heedful yet somehow also oblivious. And against all odds, Tirigan Damuzi is forever loyal.

If your book was made into a movie, who would you want to play your characters?

I have written up a character breakdown on my website, although some of the actors have aged out by now. What’s most important to me as the writer, is that readers and casting agents alike keep the diversity in the Akasha series. 

Link to character cast: http://www.thisisindieg.com/characters

How do you react to a bad review of your book?

I try to take reviews with a grain of salt. There is merit in all authentic reviews, and I can only hope to grow from critical ones, but I do not allow negative reviews to weigh heavy on me. I take what I can from it, grow, and then move on.

The best book/s you ever read?

I like books that break the mold, where it’s obvious the writer is challenging themselves along with the reader. Among my favorites, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, The Waves by Virginia Woolf, The Shining by Stephen King, Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin, Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, and the Saga comic book series by Brian K. Vaughan.

Favorite place to read?

There’s nothing better than reading outdoors. Rays of sunshine and a chorus of wildlife, both the perfect backdrop for a good story. Of course, I’m also partial to romance, and reading by my fireplace is rather romantic.

Anything else you might want to add?  

One of my favorite things about writing a series is all the little hints I get to leave for readers along the way. When your series is projected to be about nine books, it’s important to weave the end of the series into the beginning. A mystery is only fun if you give the most observant of readers the chance to figure it out before the reveal!


About the Author

Indie Gantz grew up in Northern Virginia and received her Psychology degree at George Mason University. Despite her passion and curiosity for the human mind, Indie left her chosen field of study to finally give voice to the many imagined minds she has created.
Indie lives with her family in North Carolina. She spends her days drinking tea and clacking keys.

Twitter: @ThisisIndieG
Instagram: @thisisindieg

Indie Gantz will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveaway