Thursday, February 28, 2019

First Love by A.M. Cummins - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. A.M. Cummins will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Everyone has had a first love. The one they had new experiences with and the one they can’t forget. Whether it be the boy next door, a loyal princess, or a supernatural being, all of these stories have two things in common: love at first sight and elements of fantasy.

Featuring stories by Meg Boepple, Sofi Laporte, Kathryn St. John, Zoey Xolton, Melinda Kucsera, A.R. Johnston, Simon Dillon, A.M. Cummins, Edeline Wrigh, D.S. Durden, A.D. Carter, and Galina Trefil.

Read an Excerpt:

Drew fixed his eyes on the dead man’s face. The eyes stared back unseeing and empty. An uncomfortable tingle ran down his spine. The Indian woman rose from her knees and walked away from them. But he had a hard time taking his eyes away from the haunting look permanently etched on that cold, dark face.

About the Author:

A.M. Cummins is a fantasy author, graphic designer, and a self-proclaimed organizational freak living in Toledo, Ohio with her husband, son, and two spoiled cats named Indiana Jones and Dollface. When not working her day job, she enjoys making characters come to life in her yoga paints and messy bun while munching on an egg roll and sipping bubble lemonade. She adores hearing from her fans!

Contact her at

Publisher: Dragon Soul Press

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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Beyond a Veiled Reflection: Anachronistic Dimensions Book Two by Christine Church - Book Tour and Giveaway

Prepare for a new world, and a new Dimension.

Dane and Meirah are back, but they are not alone... 

An enemy from their past has returned and is determined to get revenge on those he felt betrayed him and destroyed his life, his home. You've seen Mikaire, now enter Almareyah, where even a mere step into a puddle of water can mean torture, agony, and death.

After a fight separates Dane & Meirah, they discover their enemy has survived the death of Mikaire and he is out for revenge. And this time he has powers - wizard powers! Creating his own Dimension in the folds of time, he is unstoppable in his quest to make Meirah his Queen and Dane his blood slave.

Though this is Book Two, there is enough information to understand the plot without having read Book One.



Dane Bainbridge died under the heat of a desert sun. At the moment of death blackness surrounded him and the pain of life vanished. Then came the light. Beautiful azure bound his body-less mind. And everywhere flowed water.


All the troubles, tortures, fear and worry drifted away on the tides. He could have remained there forever. But soon there was something else. Red. Just a color, but not a color. Hair. Red hair. A word.


The word drifted through his unconscious mind, but he didn’t know what it meant. 


Yes, that was a name he knew all too well. Kaeplan had killed him. They’d been fighting for centuries. And it was Dane who lost in the end.

But, if Kaeplan was here, then he must be dead too. But, where were they? Heaven? Hell? Or some other place? Hell. If such a place existed, they both deserved its fiery end. 

So, even those from other dimensions went to Hell. But then…what was Hell but another Dimension in the folds of time. Just as Mikaire had been. Just as in Almareyah.

Someone was speaking. He couldn’t yet hear the words. He blinked open his eyes. That’s when he saw it. Just a sliver at first, but it grew into a ball of bright white light. Not Heaven, for if he had landed there, Bruce would be chastising him for his disbelief.

A face came into focus then, blocked out the light. She was beautiful with long brown hair that perfectly framed a sculpted face, high cheekbones and big brown eyes. She drew closer to him, and behind her he saw another. Both scantily clad.

As beautiful women closed in around him, Dane reveled in the paradise of his own thoughts.

A dream.

He tried to move, to reach to them. But the pain returned. His back aflame, his arms ached, legs stiff and sore. 

Hell hath no fury… And the blackness returned once again.


What inspired you to write this book?

It’s the 2nd book in a series. I had written the first book (Beyond Every Mirror) 20 years ago and put it aside, not sure what to do with it. Several years ago, I pulled it out, updated it and self pubbed it. But, then I discovered the tale didn’t end there. I have just finished book three in the series and have book 4 in mind.

What should readers expect when they pick up your book?

Something different and well written, where they can disappear into a world with rich characters, strange worlds, and beasts beyond imagination. Where time can be bent, people reincarnated at the will of a Wizard, and a love story so deep it defies the confines of time. This entire series is very unique, a result of over 20 years of work, study and research on how to bring to readers something fast and exciting, romantic and tearful, fantastical and real.

Have you based any of your characters on someone you know, or real events in your own life?

Nope. I write to escape the real world. Everything is from my mind.

Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?

Hardcovers or paperbacks

Where is the best place you’ve traveled to?

Scotland in the late 1990s. I went there to meet with a man I met online and fell in love with. Everyone thought I was crazy to fly all the way across the ocean to meet a stranger. As it turned out, he had “met” another woman online he fell in love with (back in the USA). So I eventually went home and moved to the US. Last I saw of him, he’s living in England now.

What is your favorite TV show?

The Walking Dead


About the Author

Christine Church is the bestselling author of the Fate of the True Vampires series.

Amazon Author Page:

Christine Church will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
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Monday, February 25, 2019

A Hundred Breaths by Jean M. Grant - Book Tour and Giveaway

1263, Scotland

Simon MacCoinneach’s vengeance runs deep. The blade is the only way to end the blood-thirsty Nordmen’s reign upon Scottish soil. His soul might be lost, but the mystical Healer he kidnaps from the isles could be the answer for his ailing mother…and his heart.

Isles-born Gwyn reluctantly agrees to a marriage alliance with this heathen Scot in return for the sanctuary of her younger brother from her abusive Norse father. Her brother’s condition is beyond the scope of her Ancient power, for larger healings steal breaths of life from her own body.

As Simon and Gwyn fight to outwit her madman father and a resentful Norse betrothed, Gwyn softens Simon’s heart with each merciful touch. Gwyn’s Seer sister foresees a bloody battle—and an end to the Nordmen—but Simon will also die. Will Gwyn save Simon on the battlefield even if it means losing her last breath?


“I’m your wife, and still I am guarded?” 

Simon shrugged though she couldn’t see. He’d given up on excuses. “What must I do to prove I won’t flee? I signed your marriage contract. I said my vows.” Her voice broke on those words. 

Was she crying? He laid the tray of food on her table and approached. He didn’t touch her, as much as he wanted to link his arm within hers as they’d done during their walks. He reached inside his ganache and withdrew her small, simple dagger. Unadorned with jewels or carvings, it possessed a bone hilt and a blade worn from use. Likely from tree limbs, flowers, and household use. His smith had sharpened it and cleaned the hilt. 

“Here,” he said, placing it in her lap. Gildy had retrieved the sheath from Gwyn’s laundered gown. 

Gwyn stared at it, her fingertips dancing butterfly wings hovering over the hilt. After a moment, she drew her hand around it and pulled it from its leather sheath. She rose and whirled on him, the dagger pointed out before her, barely pressing into his chest. 

He didn’t retreat as he met her fiery, misty gaze. 

She made no move to remove the dagger’s tip. 

“A smidge to the center, Gwyn, and you’ll be square over my blackened heart.” He held her glower. The heat blazed in her entrancing blue eyes like the devil. He fought a smile.


What should readers expect when they pick up my book?

Ah, great expectations…we have them all when we pick up a book. First we judge it by the cover, then we skim the back blurb, and a few bold ones open it up, pick a random page, or skim the first pages. Admittedly I’m a bit of all three. I do tend to rely on those methods for books I choose to read. 

What should you expect from A Hundred Breaths?

Mystical Ancients from the Scottish isles, a people with a long history that no Scot truly knows when they first appeared. These people harness the natural elements of Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth—for good only, of course. However, there are people, namely the Norsemen, who while conquering many foreign lands, stumbled upon these people and have exploited their powers. Enter a war of Scots and Norse, culture and religion, blade against bow. My story sweeps you across the machair of the isles to the enchanting Eilean Donan castle in the Highlands, then off to the spiritual haven of Dryburgh Abbey…and ultimately to a very timely battle. Who will win? And can love heal the heart? 

The second book in this trilogy is also already published (A Hundred Kisses). Though written before A Hundred Breaths, it takes place 30 years after it. Here, the Scots are fighting to reclaim the throne from the English, and we delve into the mystical Silver Veil even more as a young woman discovers how influential her own Ancient ability is. This book is laced with secrets, haunted pasts, and a powerful curse.

And no trilogy would be complete without the third book. That one is being written. No spoilers today but you can expect the culmination of another spiritual element, a clash of wills, and a rewarding resolution.

What exciting story are you working on next?

On the horizon…in addition to writing the third book in the “hundred” trilogy, I have two more books being released this spring (dates TBD…any day now!). One is Soul of the Storm, a contemporary romance novella, part of the Deerbourne Inn series by The Wild Rose Press. The second is Will Rise from Ashes, a contemporary women’s fiction novel. The best places to catch updates on these books is on my website, Facebook, or Twitter.

About the Author

Jean’s background is in science and she draws from her interests in history, nature, and her family for inspiration. She writes historical and contemporary romances and women’s fiction. She also writes articles for family-oriented travel magazines. When she’s not writing or chasing children, she enjoys tending to her flower gardens, hiking, and doing just about anything in the outdoors.

Social Media links:

Buy links:

The Wild Rose Press
Barnes and Noble

Jean M. Grant will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Mage Tales Prequels (books 0-11) by Ilana Waters - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Ilana Waters will be awarding a $75 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

From USA Today bestselling author Ilana Waters:

Vampire. Witch. Hero. Monster.

Titus Aurelius is all of these things. Ever since he rose from the ashes of ancient Pompeii, this former Roman general has fought for survival.

A few millennia later, bloodseeker Titus isn’t looking for trouble—just a quick meal. But when his path crosses the witch Abigail’s, that plan gets shot to Hades. They find out the Paranormal Investigation Agency (PIA) is plotting something monstrous—something that involves exploding gas mains, lethal bird-shifters, and sadistic vampire minions.

Will they uncover the PIA’s murderous secret before every supernatural in its path is destroyed?

And what is Titus and Abigail’s connection to the mage who, almost twenty years later, is exiled to a paranormal boarding school? Can this mage solve a mystery concerning a stolen potion and ghostly figure before students—including him—wind up dead?

Together for the first time, the Mage Tales Prequels: Books 0-II are action-packed, edge-of-your-seat suspense stories shot through with a megadose of snark. If you love authors like Kevin Hearne, Lev Grossman, and Ilona Andrews, give these a try! This box set contains one novella and two full-length novels:

When Darkness Falls
Blood and Magic
Mage Lessons

Read an Excerpt

From Blood and Magic:

Abigail knew it would take more. They had to make the current even stronger. What was it Mom said about never dropping a hair dryer in the bathtub? She was about to do the equivalent—on a much larger scale.

I need you, she thought to the sky, the sea. The whole world. To magic, to energy, to life itself. We need you. Come to us!

The rain hit the ship like a meteor. Waves rose up over the sides. Tunnels of water bore down. The ship lurched violently from side to side. Abigail rose in the air a little so she wouldn’t fall onto the deck. The sound of thunder filled her ears.

But that was nothing compared to the fireworks of electricity coming from the net. The addition of the rain had made it absolutely lethal. The wind blew Cunningham’s hair and clothes behind her, as if she were standing in front of a giant fan. She fought not to go backward into the web of death, and even managed to advance several steps. Abigail’s heart hammered against her chest. Blood raced like quicksilver through her veins.

“She’s getting away!” Abigail shrieked. “Dammit, Titus, do something!”

Special giveaway for the first book in the series, Blood and Magic

About the Author:

Hi! I'm Ilana Waters, USA Today bestselling author of the Mage Tales.

I write urban fantasy for those who like it fast, funny, and fierce. If you're into cross-blended creatures (think witch-vampire hybrids and half-breed mages) and supernatural ass-kicking, I'm all over that. Ditto if your book turn-ons are equal parts creepy and action-packed (think ancient cities and crypts combined with beheadings and bombs).

Sign up for my newsletter here, and I'll give you a free book:

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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Texas Splendor by Bobbi Smith - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Bobbi Smith will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

He Claimed Her Body. . .

Though an Easterner born and bred, Trista Sinclair fell in love with the rugged Texas terrain the moment she arrived to join her fiancé. But the warnings she heard around the ranch about the dangers awaiting her in the wild terrain of Texas come to life when she is captured while out riding by a blue-eyed Comanche warrior...a man whose sensual touch is far more dangerous than his brute strength.

But Wanted Her Heart And Soul. . .

Lance Barrett has never been tempted to take a captive until he sees a beautiful woman with hair like spun gold taming a magnificent stallion. Trista Sinclair is his half-brother's fiancé, and the perfect means of revenge against the white father who rejected him. Yet what Lance wants most is the one thing Trista swears never to give--her willing surrender. Torn between the life each has known and a desire neither can resist, only together can they claim a love as vast and wild as the West itself...

Read an Excerpt

Lance was closing in fast on the golden stallion. His heartbeat quickened at the prospect of finally attaining the prize. The golden one would be his.

It was then that Trista came into Lance’s line of vision. Lance glanced back, wondering if others were with her, and he was relieved to find she was alone. The last thing he wanted was a confrontation with any whites. Right now, only the golden one mattered.

Trista grew even more excited as she closed in on the wild stallion. She rose up and threw her rope, but just then Lance charged past her. Shocked at seeing the warrior, she dropped the rope and reined in, but her faithful mount stumbled and she was thrown.

Lance captured the golden one and, after tying the stallion up, went back to search for the woman. He had no idea if she was armed, so he moved slowly and silently. He came upon Trista just as she managed to sit up. She looked up at him, and he felt a sudden unexpected jolt of recognition. The woman was none other than the beautiful female he’d seen from a distance at his father’s house the night before.

Terror filled Trista as she stared up at the warrior. She saw only sun-bronzed nakedness and streaks of red and black paint slashed across his face. She had heard of the horror of Comanche raids and knew she had to act. There was no time to think. In a lightning move, she grabbed a handful of the sandy soil and threw it in the warrior’s face, and then ran.

Lance had not been expecting her attack. Angered, yet respecting her daring, he wiped the grit from his eyes and started after her.

Trista rushed down the hillside, but lost her footing and tumbled to the bottom, crashing against a bolder. Excruciating pain wracked her, but she staggered to her feet, clutching her side. A pebble fell, and she looked up. Her eyes widened as she saw the warrior silently standing atop the hill, his arms folded across the powerful width of his chest. She forced herself to keep moving.

She managed only a few tortured steps before it was over. He grabbed her and held her pinned against him in submission. Terror filled her, but she fought to keep her fear from showing. Someone had told her the Comanche respected only strength, so she bravely raised her eyes to meet his. It was then she discovered the startling color of her captor’s eyes – his gaze was a riveting, vivid blue. She tried to fight, but his hands were unyielding cuffs of steel.

Lance was unaware of the mercilessness of his grip as he stared down at her. He saw the ring she wore on her left hand that bore the insignia of the Barrett brand. He wondered coldly at her connection to the Royal Diamond and the Barretts.

About the Author: After working as a department manager for Famous-Barr, and briefly as a clerk at a bookstore, Bobbi Smith gave up on career security and began writing. She sold her first book to Zebra in 1982.

Since then, Bobbi has written over 40 books and 6 novellas. To date, there are more than five million of her novels in print. She has been awarded the prestigious Romantic Times Storyteller of the Year Award and two Career Achievement Awards. Her books have appeared on numerous bestseller lists.

When she's not working on her novels, she is frequently a guest speaker for writer's groups. Bobbi is mother of two sons and resides in St. Charles, Missouri with her husband and three dogs.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Millionaire B & B by Robin Daniels - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Robin Daniels will be awarding a $50 mazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Sadie is a successful romance author. She can write a swoon-worthy man with the best of them but can’t seem to find one for herself. Miles is the cute and wealthy heir to Copeland Press, Sadie’s publishing house. It’s hard to find a woman in his social circle who appreciates a down-to-earth book nerd.

When a twist of fate has Miles and Sadie double booked in the same vacation rental, they decide to share the cabin. Even though Miles isn’t Sadie’s type, she can’t deny the chemistry between them. Sadie’s down for a flirty fling, but Miles has other plans. He’s got a huge crush, and just one week to convince Sadie they were meant for a happily ever after.

Read an Excerpt


Miles set the bowl down and turned to face me. He was wearing a black apron that had red lips all over it and read Kiss the Cook. Underneath the apron were some nicely-fitting jeans and a maroon T-shirt that said something about Gryffindor. “Kiss the Cook, huh? Is that the price for breakfast?”

“No, breakfast is free…but I do accept tips.” He winked, and I shoved a giant strawberry in my mouth to stave off a giggle. Seems I also had a fourteen-year-old girl inside of me who was fighting the horny sixteen-year-old boy for control of my body.

Time to put the ball in his court. “If you plan to cook like this every morning, you should probably just stay for the rest of the week.” It came out sounding more forward than I’d intended. I popped in another grape and held my breath while I chewed. Miles cocked his head to the side, searching my eyes for what felt like minutes. I was starting to feel stupid because I’d just thrown it out there, not bothering with subtlety.

Before I could withdraw my offer, he asked, “Let me get this straight. I can crash your vacation, and the only thing you want in return is breakfast?” His tone held a hint of innuendo, and his mouth tipped up at the corners, making his eyes crinkle.

There’s no way I was reading into that one. I gave him a playful smile and nodded. “Yep. Breakfast is the only fee. Of course, I do accept tips.”

About the Author:

Robin is an overgrown child who fancies herself a bit of a comedienne. She loves to laugh, crack jokes, create flirty characters, write witty banter and believes in happy endings. Robin lives outside of Phoenix with her wonderful husband, five crazy kids and naughty labradoodle puppy. Millionaire B&B is her first adult rom-com, but she has six YA titles that are equally fun.

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Monday, February 18, 2019

My Darkest Prayer by S. A. Cosby - Book Tour and Giveaway

Whether it's working at his cousin's funeral home or tossing around the local riff raff at his favorite bar, Nathan Waymaker is a man who knows how to handle the bodies. A former Marine and Sheriff's deputy, Nathan has built a reputation in his small Southern town as a man who can help when all other avenues have been exhausted. When a local minister with grandiose ambitions is found dead, Nathan is approached by his parishioners who feel the local police are dragging their feet with the investigation. What starts out as an easy payday soon descends into a maze of mayhem filled with wannabe gangsters, vicious crime lords, porn stars, crooked police officers and a particularly treacherous preacher and his mysterious wife. Nathan must use all his varied skills and some of his wit to navigate the murky waters of small town corruption even as dark secrets of his own threaten to come to the surface.


The Cove had once been a small biker bar with a clientele that ranged from convicted felons to soon to be convicted felons. Two years ago, the owner, Ricky Callipher, and his girlfriend had disappeared. The last time anyone ever saw them was after the bar closed one hot and sticky Friday night in June. They had been observed at the gas station at the corner of Rt.198 and Rt.14. Most people thought they had run out of town ahead of debts. Both legal and otherwise. Word on the street was they had run afoul of some boys who went by the regionally influenced sobriquet of the “Dixie Mafia.” The local grapevine postulated they would show up one day after the heat had died down. I didn’t think so. A week before Ricky and his lady had gone missing I ran into my friend Skunk in town. I knew Skunk sometimes did some freelance work for the Dixie boys. If they had sent Skunk after Ricky, you could probably cancel Ricky’s newspaper subscription.


Tell us about your book what inspired it?

In the summer of 2015 I had published several short stories in different anthologies and magazines.  I felt the next step in my writing career was to challenge myself by taking on a novel.  At the time my day job was working at family owned funeral home. I felt a funeral home was a ripe setting for a mystery novel and i didn't think it had been done to death. I  finished MY DARKEST PRAYER  in June of 2016.

What was the hardest part to write in this book?

I think the hardest part to write in the book were the scenes where the main character Nathan Waymaker discusses the death of his parents. Those sections were difficult to envision and even more difficult to write because of the incredibly painful place i had to go to mentally to find the words to make the scenes seem realistic. 

What are you working on next.

Right now I am in the midst of edits for a southern heist novel tentatively titled BLACKTOP WASTELAND  and I also working on a new revenge thriller that will hopefully be completed by the end of March.

What do you think makes a good story?

I think a compelling story is one that not only makes you think but also makes you feel. Those two things are not always sympatico. Strong characters who challenge your sense of complacency. Those are the stories that stay with you long after you have close the book. 

Do you have any unusual writing rituals?

I don't know about unusual but I can't write without listening to music. Different songs help me write different scenes. Hard rock or hard rap help me write fight scenes. Soft jazz or instrumental music helps me write more staid or calm scenes. I used to have a lucky hat but i lost it in St. Petersburg FL.

What do you do when you are not writing?

I love to read any and all types of books. Fiction ,nonfiction, historical novels ,crime and mystery stories. I like to work out and lift weights. Working out sometimes helps me clear up plot issues that come up in my writing . I'm also a poor chess player and somewhat competent cook. I'm also an avid hiker. 

Any last words?

I hope that readers will enjoy MY DARKEST PRAYER. If they have half as much fun reading as i did writing it they will really enjoy themselves. 


About the Author

S.A. Cosby is a writer whose work has been published in numerous magazine and anthologies. His story "Slant-Six" received an honorable mention in Best Mystery Stories of 2016. His life experiences include being a retail manager, a bouncer, a forklift driver, a landscaper, a roadie, a construction worker, a mortuary attendant, and he once wore a cow suit when he worked for Chik Fil-A. He majored in English at Christopher Newport University and now lives in Gloucester, Virginia.

S. A. Cosby will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Bella Toscana by Nanette Littlestone - Book Tour and Giveaway

An explosive yearning that can’t be denied.
Disturbing visions from an ancient past.
A mysterious stranger that somehow feels familiar.

On the night of her fiftieth birthday, the comfortable ride of Toscana’s life takes an alarming plunge. Haunted by seductive visions, she tries to push aside the desire and focus on the husband who adores her. Then she falls for Flynn, a younger man with an eye for adventure and a heart full of romance, who leaves her doubting everything she’s believed about love and passion. 

In Atlanta, Rome, and the lush scenery of Tuscany, Toscana searches for answers to the mysteries of her life while she faces her biggest question. If she listens to her feelings will she lose everything she holds dear, or does her heart hold the key to love and joy?


I want something exciting to happen. Something wonderful like selling my brownies in Italy. They’re perfect for the Italian market, the quick savor of delight at the end of a meal with a glass of wine. Or in the morning with the first cup of cappuccino. A little shot of sweet to start the day. If I can just find the right person, the right words. Without Jackson, though . . .

The flutter moves to my collarbone. Persistent. Steady. Like the soft beating of a dove’s wings. My mother’s voice whispers to me. Words she said to me many times as I was growing up. Puoi fare tutto quello che vuoi. You can do anything you want. I close my eyes and see her sweet face, the luminous eyes that glowed with a wisdom I wanted to have. Sì, Mama, I say and nod my head. She’s right. And with that acceptance comes the yearning for my other home, the place of my ancestors. Graceful olive trees that surround my aunt and uncle’s villa; lush gardens filled with jasmine, roses, and lavender; hills of green that roll to the horizon. The memories spring to life and catch me by surprise. Nonna’s golden cakes as light as clouds. Nonno’s hearty hug that squeezed the air right out of my lungs. The moon skimming the tops of the trees. The stars so clear and bright I knew I could touch them if I just reached out my hand. 

I need to go. I need to stuff my face with chocolate-dipped biscotti and cassata and torta di nonna and listen to sappy love songs that I barely understand and dance in the moonlight under the stars.


What should readers expect when they pick up your book?

Expect to be immersed in good food, chocolate, love, and passion. Toscana owns an Italian sweets shop and loves to cook and bake, especially brownies, so there are loads of mouth-watering descriptions of food and chocolate. She’s half Italian and a lot of the story takes place in Rome and Italy, and she has to eat, so they’ll probably want to hop the next plane to Italy to try out some torte di mele, tiramisu, cacio e pepe, krumiri, fettucine con carciofi, etc. plus all the gelato.  The love story with Flynn and the connection to ancient Rome opens the doors to passion and forgiveness. And underlying all the scrumptious food and longing is Toscana’s journey of self-discovery, learning to open her heart , trusting herself and her instincts, and all the obstacles and pitfalls and mistakes she makes along the way as she travels (literally and figuratively) in search of what she truly desires.

Have you started your next project?

Yes. In the past I’ve focused on women’s fiction or historical fiction with some aspect of love as the underlying theme. This new book is taking me into uncharted territory. It’s developing as a YA fantasy with a teenage girl who tries to heal the heart of the planet. There are a lot of areas that I’ve never delved into before—the human heart, the ocean, math and logic, synesthesia, fractal geometry, Hebrew traditions—so I have my work cut out for me. But love and forgiveness make up the underlying theme, so the structure may be different but the core feels the same.

How did you choose the genres you write in?

I love love. I know that sounds trite, but  I’m a hopeless romantic, always looking on the bright side of things and wanting the best for people, and everybody wants love and to be loved. So when I started writing I began with romance. As I matured and my writing matured, I became more aware of complex relationships, the struggles and challenges, the effort and compromise, the needs and fears that we all exhibit. I’m fascinated by the choices people make or don’t make and how some environments are hostile and unsupportive and others are safe and loving and nurturing. I’m also a huge fan of historical fiction. I never liked reading history straight out of the textbook, but weave a story around it and you have my attention. Besides all of that, I listen to my intuition and Spirit and when those crazy ideas come to me I do my best to follow.

What do you think makes a book a really good/bestseller?

Characters and a story that people can relate to. And hope. The human spirit wants to believe in the best, in fairness and justice for all and a safe world to live in. That’s why we all root for Superman or any of the superheroes. We love a good fight but in the end we want the good guy to win. Stories that show a journey for the character get our attention, especially if we can root for them along the way. Even tragedies that break our hearts stay with us because we want so much for the characters to prevail. 

The best book/s you ever read?

How much space do I have? I’ve been an avid reader since I was a little kid so I know there are hundreds, maybe thousands of books that I’ve loved over the years. Favorite books, like movies, are ones that I want to read again and again. Here are my top 25 right now: Gone with the Wind (Margaret Mitchell), The Mists of Avalon (Marion Zimmer Bradley), Dancing on Broken Glass (Ka Hancock), Cloud Nine (Luanne Rice), Illusions (Richard Bach), The Outlander Series (Diana Gabaldon), The Gallaghers of Ardmore Trilogy (Nora Roberts), Born in Trilogy (Nora Roberts), The Last Chinese Chef (Nicole Mones), The Art of Racing in the Rain (Garth Stein), The Thorn Birds (Colleen McCullough), Almost Heaven (Judith McNaught), Comfort & Joy (Kristin Hannah), The Nightingale (Kristin Hannah), A Fall of Marigolds (Susan Meissner), Magonia (Maria Dahvana Headley), Every Day (David Levithan), Timekeeper (Tara Sim), The Other Einstein (Marie Benedict), The Reluctant Midwife (Patricia Harman, The Scribe of Siena (Melodie Winawer), The Bookseller (Cynthia Swanson), Delirium (Lauren Oliver), Everything Everything (Nicola Yoon), The Enchanted Life of Adam Hope (Rhonda Riley).

Favorite place to read?

I read in bed, in a chair by the window, on the couch, just about anywhere that’s comfortable. My dream place would be on a long, wide couch in a warm room with lots of pillows and a cup of tea by my side. The couch would face a huge window that looked out over the ocean with a view of the beach and the waves and the sun. That would be heaven.

Anything else you might want to add? 

I sincerely hope you enjoy reading Bella Toscana. And if you do read it, please drop me a line. Authors lead lives of solitude, plying our craft and hoping that we’ve created a story that entertains, that makes you think, that inspires you. Hearing from a reader is the most amazing thing. So please reach out. I’d love to hear from you.


About the Author

Nanette Littlestone never knew she wanted to be a writer until she was over forty. But once she began, the ideas didn’t stop. Her fascination with relationships, history, and the spiritual path has opened her writing to women's fiction, historical fiction, and inspirational nonfiction.

A native Californian, Nanette lives in Atlanta, Georgia, far from the beach (which she loves) but a place that’s warm with spectacular scenery. On the professional side, she helps entrepreneurial women write and get published with Words of Passion. On the fun side, she takes walks with her husband, cooks, plays with graphic design, and makes origami butterflies. She loves to travel, but she’s waiting for the teleportation machine to whisk her off to Greece or Asia. In the meantime, she’s happy with dark chocolate and romantic movies that make her cry.

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Nanette Littlestone will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Can't Let Go by Chrissy Brown - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Chrissy Brown will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner, also an ebook of the second installment of the series Come a Little Closer (tentatively to be released 2/9), to another randomly drawn winner, both via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

A sweet, yet steamy new adult romance about a girl who's not ready to fall in love and a boy who isn't ready to let her go.

She is beautiful, probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, but she's damaged.
Her a-hole exboyfriend broke her.
I still want her.
I can show her that all men aren't the same
That I'm different.

He's everything I need to stay away from, and I try.
I really do, but he's relentless.
So, I give in and let him have me.
All of me.
I should have known better.

Read an Excerpt:

Sitting up, I look around. The room’s the same as yesterday, although I don’t know why I expected it to be different. Tiptoeing to the door, I peek my head out and listen. Silence. Did he ditch me? Well, I reason, if I have to do the walk of shame I might as well be clean. If by chance he is in the house somewhere, I don’t want to be caught. I scurry to the bathroom, lock the door, and take a shower.

“Morning!” he shouts when I walk out of the bathroom.

In just a towel.


His eyes widen, giving my body a once, no, a twice-over. In two long strides, he closes the gap between us. He sucks in a breath, holds it, then lets it out so slowly. It warms my neck, sending goosebumps down my spine. He cups my face, forcing me to look at him. My heart’s racing. His big brown eyes suck me into an abyss I’m not sure I’m ready for.

“I just can’t get over how pretty you are.”

“Uhh.” I look down my nose, only able to see his chest, he’s so close. But it’s better than his face. If I keep looking at that face, I might just let my towel slip. I can’t let him see me naked. For one, I need to wait, put off having sex a little while longer. Secondly, I’m not sure I could handle the rejection if he didn’t try to do something with my naked body. “Thanks.”

About the Author:

Chrissy Brown is a Contemporary Romance and New Adult Romance author. She lives in Central Florida with her husband, twin girls, two dogs, and the neighborhood cat.

She enjoys the simple things in life, like cuddling on the couch watching movies with her family, reading, Netflix, and beach trips. She reads two to three books a week, but favors stories with strong women, true love, and steamy scenes.

When Chrissy is not sitting at her computer, fantasizing about gorgeous country boys, she is teaching third graders how amazing books are...and writing, and math. She has also been an amateur wedding photographer and a CNA (to which she gives kudos but says never again.)

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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Navy SEAL to the Rescue by Tawny Weber - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Tawny Weber will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Injured in the line of duty, navy SEAL Travis “Hawk” Hawkins retreats to paradise. But R & R takes a turn when he runs smack into a beautiful blonde who just witnessed a murder. Travis offers to help, only to find himself equally taunted and titillated by irresistible Lila Adrian. Can the wounded warrior protect Lila and take down a deadly crime ring?

Read an Excerpt

The life of a beach bum was getting old.

Grinning a little because, yeah, those had been a great three hours of sleep, Travis headed for his temporary home.

But before he taken ten steps toward the hut, he had his hands full of a hysterical blonde. Her hair flew around him in silken ropes. He felt rather than heard the loud crack as his knee gave out, but the woman continued to grab at him, her fingers clutching his back like he was a lifeline.

Despite her violent shaking and gasping sobs, he knew the only thing keeping him from planting his face in the sand was the woman grabbing at him.

If that wasn’t annoying, he didn’t know what was.

Travis gritted his teeth against the pain and grabbed her right back. He damned well wasn’t letting go until he had his footing. After a few seconds, her continual squirming and wriggling had a different effect on his body than vicious, shooting pain.

Whoa. Now that was a sensation he hadn’t enjoyed in a long time. Too long, he figured, if a panicked woman hell-bent on knocking him on his ass was a turn on.

“Nice to meet you and all,” he said, reaching around to grasp her wrists and unleash himself from her hold. “But I think that’s enough for now.”

“No. No, no, no,” she gasped, her words breathy with terror. “You’ve got to help me.”

“As soon as you let me go.”

But instead of releasing her hold, she tried to burrow deeper.

“Lady, you grab me much harder, you’re going to be inside my skin.”

He managed to break her arm’s lock on his waist, but before he could unwrap himself, she jumped in his arms, shoving him off balance again.

Travis didn’t bother to censor his curses as he struggled to find his balance.

“What the hell is your problem?” he finally snapped, getting a firm grip on her shoulders and pushing her to arm’s length. She shook harder, her hair flying as she looked behind her then back at him.

It was the sexy blonde from earlier that afternoon, he realized. The one he’d flirted with. If this was her follow-up, it was seriously twisted.

And, based on his body’s reaction, it kinda worked.

“They’re after me. Bad men. They saw me. Police. We need the police.”

Seriously? Adjusting his weight onto his left leg, Travis rolled his eyes.

“Get a grip,” he told her.

“Dead,” she gasped, almost sobbing the words. “They killed him. He’s dead.”

About the Author:

New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling author of more than forty books, Tawny Weber loves writing about sexy heroes, most notably her popular Navy SEALs series. Her sassy, emotional romances are filled with men dedicated to being the best—and women determined to have the best. Tawny credits her ex-military alpha husband for inspiration in her writing, and in her life. The recipient of numerous writing accolades, including Romantic Times Reviewers Choice and in addition to the NY Times and USA Today bestseller lists, Tawny has also hit the number one spot on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

A homeschooling mom, Tawny enjoys scrapbooking, gardening and spending time with her family and dogs in her Northern California home.

You can find Tawny on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.

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