Thursday, November 29, 2018

Tar by Taylor Hohulin - Book Tour and Giveaway

Brendan Cobb calls it tar, but there might be as many names for it as cities left standing.

To some, it’s known as filth, or blight. Others call it the Black God in reverential whispers. Whatever name it takes, the effects are the same. Cities left in ruins. People turned into monsters. Living infections with no known cure. The best anyone can do is avoid it, but even that gets harder the more it spreads.

Brendan survives this waking nightmare by trading salvage for shelter and for repairs to his cybernetic arm, until a newcomer arrives, convinced Brendan is the key to ridding the world of tar once and for all. Reluctantly, Brendan and his mechanic join the newcomer on a journey across the desolate highways of a ruined world, where he learns the true history of the tar…and of the dark power inside him, which grows stronger every day.


Tiger Stripe barked something harsh and insistent, but Brendan barely heard it. He’d descended into a place ruled by impulse and instinct. Coldness enveloped him as his legs pumped, pulling the tunnel in the debris ever closer.

Tile exploded a few inches from Brendan’s feet, an errant shot from Tiger Stripe’s blaster. He did not fire again—a wise decision, considering Brendan was running toward the only way out. The last thing anyone needed was a collapsed tunnel.

Just as Brendan wondered if he would escape, a sound roared behind him, speeding closer at an alarming rate. Metal joints pistoned over and over, faster than any human could move on his own.

Brendan glanced back. The kid with two mods in place of his legs was sprinting after Brendan. The slender prosthetics looked more like they belonged on an insect than a human. As the thought crossed his mind, a single word cut through the coldness that surrounded him. The salvagers were chanting.

“Grasshopper! GRASS! HA! PER! Grasshopper! GRASS! HA! PER!”

Grasshopper leaned forward as he ran, with an expression equal parts grin and grimace. Brendan didn’t want to fight him here, not with four other salvagers waiting to join. It would be cleaner if he could separate them and take them one by one.

None of these things occurred to Brendan as thoughts. They were instincts, like don’t touch a fire, or don’t breathe underwater. They passed through his mind in an instant, registering deep within his very core.

Guest Post

What is your writing process?

My writing process could best be described as “one step at a time.” There’s a lot of problems you need to solve when writing a book, and trying to knock them all out in one go is just overwhelming to me. The good news is books aren’t written as live performances—you have the luxury of working on them for a long time and tweaking things here and there until you have something beautiful that you love.
So I start by hammering out the basic framework of my plot. Who wants what, and what’s in their way? From there, I start building in my story beats and fleshing things out bit by bit until I have a full scene-by-scene outline of the book. That doesn’t mean scenes won’t get added or deleted along the way, but at least I have a roadmap of where I’m going and what I need to foreshadow, as well as a bird’s eye view of things so I know each act is paced properly.
From there, I start writing the story. This is where I start playing with things like voice and tone, and where I start to get a feel for each of the characters. Anymore, I’ve kind of accepted that I’ll need to edit the first 15,000 or so words more heavily, because those are the ones where I’m trying different things and seeing what feels right. It’s usually somewhere in the second half of this rough draft that I get an idea of what themes the book might explore. I usually make a mental note of it and look for opportunities to sprinkle it in with word choices, lines of dialog, or even extra scenes when it comes time to edit. 
Once I’ve finished my rough draft, I like to take a break to start outlining the next book. The big thing this does for me is to allow me to create some emotional distance between myself and the book I just finished. Once I finish a draft, I’m usually completely in love with it, so it’s hard to edit with any objectivity. But when I’m outlining something new, it gives me some time to let the draft cool down, while also allowing me to get excited about something else. Plus, when I finish the main project, I have a full outline to work with so I’m ready to start the next project immediately.
When I do come back to edit, I focus each pass of edits on something different: Story continuity for one, clean prose for another, typos on another still. Rather than sitting down at an especially rough draft and saying “Okay, what are all the bad things in this book and how can I fix them?” I say, “Okay, let’s make sure all the characters are tonally consistent throughout the book.”
Then comes the tricky part: Deciding when I’m done. As an indie author, I don’t have an editor or publisher giving me a hard release date or telling me, “Yes, this book is ready,” or, “No, let’s tweak this.” Those decisions are all up to me. The best standard I heard is actually from an indie musician. He said he could keep tweaking every song he’s ever recorded forever, but he knows he’s done when he reaches a point that he can’t think of anything he could do that would make him love the song any more. There are always things I can think of to tweak in my books, but if those tweaks don’t lead me to loving what I’ve done any more, it’s probably time to get the publishing wheels turning.
And then I start the whole process over again.

About the Author

Taylor Hohulin is a radio personality by morning, a science fiction author by afternoon, and asleep by 9:30. He is the author of The Marian Trilogy, Tar, and other genre-blending works. He lives in West Des Moines, Iowa, with his wife, where they are owned by a dog and a cat.

The book will be on sale for $0.99.

Taylor Hohulin will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Company of Demons by Michael Jordan - Book Blast and Giveaway

The brutal murder of a friend leaves lawyer John Coleman stunned and sends shock waves through the city of Cleveland. The technique of the killing recalls memories of the Torso Murderer, who dismembered at least twelve people decades ago and vanished--eluding even the legendary Eliot Ness. Jennifer, the victim's beautiful daughter, hires John to handle her father's estate, and romantic feelings for her soon complicate his already troubled marriage. When John finds himself entangled with a cold-blooded biker gang, an ex-cop with a fuzzy past, and the drug-addicted son of the dead man, he struggles to make sense of it all. But he cannot escape a growing sense of dread.


A deep breath helped to calm me. Oyster’s death had brought an ugly past alive. Just as I’d been assuring everyone, though, there was nothing wrong. My main task for the day was to pick Molly up after school and hope that she wouldn’t be too disappointed when she learned that we wouldn’t be visiting the skateboard park. We would head straight home for a quiet, uneventful spaghetti dinner. Cathy would have polished and set the oaken table. We would talk of things other than serial killers. She would remind me of her upcoming birthday dinner, with her sister and brother-in-law. Her parents would stare down at us from faded color photographs arranged in thin wooden frames on checkered blue-and-white wallpaper. There were photographs of my mom, too, with her tight-lipped smile. 

One photo of my father, handsome in a blue uniform, hung on the wall. Whenever Cathy said grace, my eyes would wander to the particular picture, and I would recall games of catch, walleye fishing on the lake, our hikes through the Metroparks. We’d wander the trails there most Saturday mornings, just my dad and me. Afterward, he’d take me to Pete’s Hotdogs on Lorain, and we’d gorge on dogs stuffed into steamed buns and topped with local Stadium mustard and greasy fried onions. Those were the memories I’d try to focus on.

But I could never, ever block out the rest.


What should readers expect when they pick up your book?

Raw and honest characters who, along with the reader, are trapped in a series of unexpected twists and turns.

What inspired you to write this book?

I was captivated by the history of the Torso Killer, who brutally murdered at least twelve people, eluded legendary crime fighter Eliot Ness, and vanished without a trace. The Company of Demons asks this question: what if the killer returned today for a final act of vengeance? 

What is your favorite scene in the book?

When our troubled protagonist comes face-to-face with his worst nightmare. Will he succumb to the ghosts of his past or find an inner strength?  

How do you react to a bad review of your book?

I try to read them objectively to see if there might be a constructive basis for the criticism. 

What are four things you can’t live without?

Friends, travel, entertainment, and writing.

Favorite place to read?

A quiet, comfortable room.


About the Author

Michael Jordan obtained his undergraduate degree from Ohio Wesleyan University, with highest honors, and his law degree from George Washington University, where he was a member of the Law Review. A trial lawyer and arbitrator for over three decades, he has been recognized as an Ohio Super Lawyer and named to Best Lawyers in America. A member of the International Association of Crime Writers, The Company of Demons is his first novel.
An avid traveler, Michael has climbed Mt. Fuji, swam in The Devil’s Pool on the cusp of Victoria Falls, trekked a glacier in Patagonia, and visited numerous other countries. Yes—an international thriller lies in the future! He has also acted in several theatrical productions and his experience on stage is helpful in creating characters for his novels. He is currently working on his next book, a thriller set during the closing stages of WWII.
A native of Saginaw, Michigan, Michael and his wife, Linda Gross Brown, a soft pastel artist, divide their time between homes in Rocky River, Ohio, and Longboat Key, Florida. They enjoy traveling, pleasure boating, and very cold martinis.

Twitter:  @mjordanauthor  (
Facebook:  michaeljordanbooks  (

Buy links:

Michael Jordan will be awarding a $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Sea Archer by Jeny Heckman Book Tour and Giveaway

Raven Hunter, a musical prodigy, flees to the Hawaiian Islands to pick up the pieces after her 
marriage to her manager collapses. Instead, she experiences extraordinary and unsettling 
events that are beyond her understanding. 

Living in paradise, marine biologist, Finn Taylor has 
the unconscious but effortless ability to understand the needs of the animals he cares for. His playboy lifestyle is most men's fantasy. That is, until the night he meets the shy and elusive new island resident. Suddenly his life no longer feels like his own. 

The attraction is undeniable. However, vastly contrasting lives, peculiar dreams, and an unbelievable proclamation that they could be the direct descendants of Poseidon and Apollo threaten to divide them forever. Will they accept their destiny and begin the quest of a lifetime or will they remain in their comfortable yet separate existence?


"Where's the one place you've never been?" Que asked, trying to keep her on track. 

“Someplace you've always wanted to go to?" Wyatt asked. Enjoying herself, Raven turned pink. 

"You'll think it's stupid."

"No, I won't," both said in unison.

"I've never been to Hawai‘i."

"Hawai‘i?" Que's brow furrowed. "That's here. Don't you wanna go to, like, the Bahamas or something? How have you not been to Hawai‘i?"

"Donovan always wanted to play the massive arenas and big cities, and for some unfathomable reason that didn't include the islands."

"You should do it then. Take some time, figure it out."

"What about my tour dates?"

"You'll get ‘em from, whoever, then call and cancel them. Hell, you can even interview new people to run the works while you're there. You're in the position to do that now, Rave. People would fall all over themselves to come to you. The point is to go away and figure it all out." 
She bit her bottom lip and thought about all the problems this idea would bring until her brother spoke the next words.

"What're you afraid of Rave? What do you have lose?"


What inspired you to write this book?

I was inspired to write this story because I wanted to read something a little different from the same vampire, werewolf or wizard story. Don’t get me wrong I love those stories, and some are favorite books. However, I was looking for something different to read, and wrote one instead. I also enjoy Greek mythology. I was first introduced to it in my teenage years and thought it would be fun to go back to it.

What exciting story are you working on next?

Right now, I’m working on book two of the Heaven & Earth Series and it’s about half done. I can’t tell you too much about it without a spoiler alert. However, that characters gain more knowledge both in the modern world and the Greek world. The story unfolds when the Greek world touches the modern one a little more.

What 5 words would you use to describe your main characters?

Hmm, five words to describe my main characters
Raven: beautiful, scared, loving, exploited, curious
Finn: sexy, in control, arrogant, passionate, and damaged

How do you react to a bad review of your book?

Reacting to a bad review. Well, I’ve only gotten one, knock on wood, and I must say it hurt. You want people to understand what you write and love it as much as you do. When that doesn’t happen, it hurts. However, someone once told me you can’t take reviews too personally. Not all books are everyone’s cup of tea. Your vision of the story might not correlate with another person’s filters or vision, so you can’t take it personally. I also received another great piece of advice for the editing phase and that’s if someone is proofreading your book and you must explain something technical to them than you haven’t done your job yet. 

What are four things you can’t live without?

Things I couldn’t live without. Family and friends would of course be first. I have a very loving and devoted family and I wouldn’t give them up for anything, unless I’m writing, then they are on their own. (kidding, mostly). Some form of computer, internet and electricity. You can write pen and paper, but I make a lot of mistakes and it’s easier to edit. Finally, books! I’ve been a reader since my mom read to me in the womb. I love books across all genres and of course have favorites but books in general stimulate creativity, knowledge and vocabulary, all of which further you in life.

The best book/s you ever read?

Best books I’ve ever read. That is so hard! I have favorite authors and love their collective works. I believe the one series that includes many of the genres all together is probably Diana Gabaldon’s, Outlander. However, I want to clarify I started reading those books after book three and it has really been exciting witnessing the evolution of her success. 

Anything else you might want to add? 

I’d just like to say thanks for reading. I sincerely hope you enjoy The Sea Archer. Having others as interested in your story and characters is exciting. I’d also like to thank Edgar’s Books for hosting me today, I appreciated and loved every moment!


About the Author

Jeny Heckman, loves romance. She especially loves romance with a paranormal and/or historical twist. When not ignoring her family and friends by writing you will find her time exclusively on them and photography. Jeny lives in Stanwood, Washington.






Links for Purchase:
The Wild Rose Press Store


Barnes & Noble


Jeny Heckman will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Storm In Our Chests by Enrique Betancourt - Book Blast and Giveaway

After being separated abruptly, best friends Benj and Élan reunite after five years. They are not children anymore, and teenage and experience changed them.

Benj used to be an isolated antisocial child, now he’s popular and outgoing, leaving for college in the following year.

Élan used to be chipper, now he’s sad and insecure after years of being tossed around the foster system and realizing he is gay, crushing on a boy he thinks is unattainable.

Their reunion proves to be a challenge as they are the polar opposites of how they knew each other, the journey to healing and proves to be tough. Bonding again may be the only thing that saves them. Through small moments and swift dramatic turns, Benj and Élan will have to prove they are more than friends - they are buddies, and the epitome of unconditional love.



“Please! Don’t take my best friend away!”

I remember. Vividly. 

It was a scream that tore my vocal cords to shreds as I ran as fast as I could, as far as my young thirteen year old legs could take me. I remember. Sometimes I still dream about it, most times it’s just a repressed memory, sometimes it’s burning in my mind so badly that I have to wake up or else I’d drown in my sleep. I know that I wouldn’t actually drown, but it feels like I would. Can someone actually drown in their sleep? I don’t want to test that theory. Sometimes I’m afraid my mind would decide that it’s had enough and return to that day, that moment. It’s hard to explain, but it’s an intense feeling of helplessness. Of uselessness. 

“Please! Please! Don’t take my best friend away!”

I hear a beating, the drumming of my heart that threatened to break my ribcage, as I hear myself with a younger prepubescent voice scream against the cold air, watching as they drive away. I try to run faster. I try to save him. I try to be Superman. But I’m not. I can’t reach the car, I can’t reach it as it enters the highway and I see him for the last time. His eyes, tear-filled eyes, against the back window of the car, looking at me. Waiting for me to save him. But I can’t save him.

I’m not Superman. He was.

He was my Superman.

About the Author

I am the published writer of a novel called THE IMAGINARIUM OF THE INNOCENT by Austin Macauley Publishers, and also I have been awarded the Rosa Maria Porrúa Award for my Spanish-language novella SOBRE LAS CENIZAS. My books stand out for their literacy excellence that got me an award, and the dramatic and emotional way I handle my characters. I am Mexican who lived 6 years in the United States, I love to read, to write and music is such a powerful inspiring force for me.

Enrique Betancourt will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

House of Ashes by Loretta Marion - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Loretta Marion will be awarding a $50 mazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Thirty-seven-year-old painter Cassandra Mitchell is fourth-generation to live in the majestic Battersea Bluffs, a brooding Queen Anne home originally built by her great-grandparents, Percy and Celeste Mitchell, and still standing despite tragedies that have swept the generations. Local lore has it that there was a curse placed on the family and the house is haunted, though opinions are divided on whether it's by malicious or benevolent spirits. Cassie believes the latter―but now she stands to lose her beloved home to mounting debt and the machinations of her dream-weaving ex-husband.

Salvation seems to arrive when a nomadic young couple wanders onto the property with the promise of companionship and much-needed help―until they vanish without a trace, leaving behind no clue to their identities. Cassie is devastated, but determined to discover what's happened to the young couple...even as digging into their disappearance starts to uncover family secrets of her own. Despite warnings from her childhood friend, now the local Chief of Police―as well as an FBI agent who pushes the boundaries of professionalism―Cassie can't help following the trail of clues (and eerie signals from the old house itself) to unravel the mystery. But can she do so before her family's dark curse destroys everything in its path?

Read an Excerpt:

Eighty years ago ~ Whale Rock, Massachusetts ~ Cape Cod Bay
Friday, December 13th

The fire bell was ringing, and someone yelled in through the tavern door, “There’s a fire up on the north end! Battersea Bluffs. We need all the hands we can get!”

“No, it can’t be,” Percy whispered. The Bluffs was his home. He leapt from the barstool and ran for the street, bumping into a stranger as he passed through the tavern door. The man’s eyes were ominously familiar to him, but with more pressing concerns, there was no time to bring to memory why. He had to get home to Celeste.

It sickened him to see the flames as his Ford pickup rounded the top of Lavender Hill. How hard he and Celeste had worked to build this house, a grand Victorian with a widow’s walk and a proud front porch facing out to sea. Fire trucks were already there, and men he’d known these many years were working hard to contain the blaze.

As he ran toward the house, it came to him who the stranger in the tavern had been, and later one of the firefighters would recount that Percy had screamed: “Damn that lighterman’s curse. Damn you to hell, Robert Toomey!” Nobody was quick enough to keep Percy Mitchell from entering the inferno. Moments later he emerged, his clothing and hair afire, carrying a charred human form. Any man would have been delirious from the pain, but as the firefighters looked on in shocked disbelief, Percy walked with a purposeful bearing and a swift gait toward the bluffs. A few men chased after their friend, but before anyone could stop him, Percy reached the ledge and cried out, “I am not finished!”

And then, with his already dead wife in his arms, he hurled them both into Cape Cod Bay.

About the Author:

A true bibliophile, Loretta Marion's affection for the written word began in childhood and followed her like a shadow throughout her life as she crafted award winning marketing and advertising copy and educational brochures. She then applied her writing skills as a volunteer, establishing a Legacy Story program for hospice patients, which inspired her to create her own fictional stories. Her debut novel, The Fool's Truth, was a twisty mystery with whispers of romance. Her newest novel, HOUSE OF ASHES – A Haunted Bluffs Mystery, is the first in a series published by Crooked Lane Books.

When not whipping out words on her laptop, she is traveling, enjoying outdoor pursuits, or is curled up with a delicious new book. Loretta lives in Rhode Island with her husband, Geoffrey, and their beloved Mr. Peabody, a sweet, devoted and amusing “Corgador”.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, November 12, 2018

Mistletoe in Mayhem by L.E. Rico - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. L.E. Rico will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the rest of the stops on the tours.

A Christmas Wedding In Mayhem

You’re cordially invited to the wedding of the century! Please join bride-trying-not-to-be-a-zilla Hennessy O’Halloran and her prince-in-shining-snow-boots as they finally say, “I do.” Unless a rogue wedding planner and a blizzard that takes out the entire Midwest can stop them, these two will get married on Christmas. The town of Mayhem will make sure of it.

A Surprise Baby In Mayhem

The town of Mayhem, Minnesota, is about to have a population explosion…and the Whiskey Sisters are getting more than they expected! While newlyweds Henny and Bryan are anxiously awaiting not one but two little bundles of joy, Jameson and Scott are focusing on planning their own perfect wedding, with only one troublesome toddler in tow. But babies have a way of arriving on their own schedules…and fate has a way of intervening in this quirky hamlet. Now, the couple finds themselves scrambling to beat the clock—and the odds—to their own happily ever after before their unexpected special delivery arrives.

Travel to the quirky town of Mayhem, Minnesota, with these two companion novellas that prove love, and sisterhood, will always save the day.

Read an Excerpt

From Novella 1: Christmas Chaos

I pull her into my arms, reveling in the feel of her soft curves pressed against my chest, and rest my chin atop her blonde head. She buries her face into my sweatshirt.

“Hennessy, honey, you need to stop worrying about all the little details. We’ve come this far and, with the help of a whole lotta people, we’re going to have a beautiful wedding. With or without heat. With or without light. As long as you’re there with me, up at the altar, then nothing else matters,” I murmur into her hair.

She looks up at me with pale blue eyes, brows arched in concern.

“Bryan, I don’t consider heat and light ‘little details.’ And the roads—they’re like ice! How will anyone get here safely? How will we get here safely?”

I sigh and brush the hair back off her forehead.

“Do you have any idea how much I love you?” I ask. “And that’s not a rhetorical question.”

“I think I have some idea,” she replies, the corners of her mouth quirking up a little.

I shake my head.

“No, I don’t think you do. I wanted this wedding to happen fast because I couldn’t wait another day to be married to you. Don’t you see? It doesn’t matter—none of it matters. In the end, it’s just you and me taking a vow before God. It’s not the wedding, Hennessy. It’s the marriage.”

Her eyes study mine for a long moment before she puts a soft hand to my cheek.

“I’ll try to stay calm,” she assures me. “And I do know how much you love me…because that’s how much I love you, too.”

I lean down, my lips finding hers. It’s a beautiful, candlelit moment. Until it’s not.

“Noooooooooo, Mama! Miiiiiiiiiiine!”

Our kiss transforms into a double-sided snort of laughter. We pull away from one another, chuckling. When she opens her mouth to say something, I hold up my index finger to stop her.

“And before you worry about Jax being too young, or too unpredictable, he’s a little detail, too. An incredibly loud, incredibly destructive detail…but a little one, nonetheless.”

“Yeah, well, maybe we should reconsider letting him be the ring bearer,” she says.

“Why? You don’t think he can handle it?”

“Uh, well, you know the plastic bottle cap ring we’re using for practice?”

“Yeah…” I nod, wondering where she’s going with this.

“He just swallowed it.”

About the Author:

L.E. Rico didn’t set out to be an author. In fact, she’s made a name for herself as a classical music radio host—doing her best to make the music and the composers relevant by putting them into a modern context. It was just a few years ago that she discovered a passion for writing that blossomed into an entire novel. And then another. And another. And, while she still spends plenty of time on the radio, telling the stories of the great composers, she spends even more time composing her own great stories.

Buy Links:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Twisted Tales of Deceit by P.D. Alleva - Book Tour and Giveaway

Twisted Tales of Deceit is the first installment in the Beyond the Chamber Door series. Featuring three tales (The Calculated Desolation of Hope, Somnium, & Knickerbocker) chronicling an evil influence on the human psyche, tipping our hands into the engagement of what is most horrifying; our dastardly, human deeds steeped in self-destruction, desperation and the loss of dreams. Metaphorical warnings have been constructed inside these pages to reflect the everyday signs the universe provides under the guise of reflective light that return to mirror how evil tempts our hand so to not fulfill the dreams of the soul. Our doubts, our sadness, our indecisions rooted in fear, are toiled with by the presence of imps bent on hatred and in need of our nightmares to survive. Here, the human spirit is dripped like honey, tasteful to the dark corridors of human malevolence and taken advantage by the corrupt and seamlessly endless parade other worldly dimensions have on what should be our earthly utopia, creating rage in the cosmic hedonism of jealousy.


“Jim?” Charlie said. “Jim are you there?”

He stared into the mirror, hoping Jimmy would talk. But the room was too bright, and Charlie remembered that Jimmy liked the dark, so he turned off the light, lit a candle which he placed on the sink by the mirror, which started to waver, like a stone dropped into water causes circular ripples. 

“There you are,” Charlie said and smiled. “I was beginning to think you wouldn’t come.”

“Charlie,” Jimmy said. “I grow tired of you. You bore me too much with these dreams of yours you never do anything about. Wouldn’t it be better if you forgot about it? Went and took up a trade career, something where you don’t have to dream so big? I don’t want you to have to be disappointed.”

“But we’ve come so far, we can’t give up just yet.”

Jimmy touched his forehead shaking his head. “I just don’t know Charlie, you don’t seem like you want it enough. Like you’d do anything to have it. Don’t you know that dreams remain dreams unless you do something to capture them in your hand.”

“But I do…I write and read all the time, go to classes like I’m supposed to…”

“Class? Charlie really, schools where you hide not venture forth. Oh Lord Charlie you’re such a fool. Such a damn fool! I feel I’m wasting my time with you…and it’s been such a long road helping you.”

“But the lady,” Charlie said. “Remember the lady, the fortune teller, she said I’d make it if I passed the test…”


Tell us about your book, what inspired it? 

Twisted Tales of Deceit is the first book in a series I’ve titled, Beyond the Chamber Door. All installments will feature a multi genre blend of stand-alone stories. This first installment features three stories, The Calculated Desolation of Hope, Sominium and Knickerbocker. The Calculated Desolation of Hope was inspired by a dream I had a few years ago. The story features an innocent and naïve protagonist who becomes locked in a house controlled by demons and wolves who use video games and hallucinogens to keep their victims locked in the house. Somnium was inspired by my day dreaming antics during school; in fact the opening scene in the story is a direct reflection of daydreaming. The story involves the main character, Charlie, who talks to an imp in his mirror named Jimmy who dangles Charlie’s dreams to lead him into darkness. Knickerbocker is a reimagining of Washington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hallow, and is the featured story in this installment. I grew up in Sleepy Hallow and Irving’s tale always had a profound effect. I wanted to write a story that included the Headless Horseman but paid homage to the original tale. I used a modern twist to drive the story, namely addiction and the addiction treatment industry, for which I have been a part of for more than ten years. I like to reflect current society in my stories, utilizing dark themes as metaphors to drive messages and warning of evil influences and divine inspiration.

What are your future ambitions? 

The second installment, Presenting the Marriage of Kelli Anne and Gerri Denemer, is scheduled for release November 11th. There will be at least nine books in this series. Although each installment is a stand-alone story, with each book a pattern will emerge that reflects a journey through multiple lives spent in darkness and overcoming character defects to drive an evolutionary deliverance into the light. I am also currently writing a second series, The Indigo Trials, a dystopian science fiction trilogy that is a spin off from book three in Beyond the Chamber Door, The Rose. The Rose is a meditation practice used by alchemists and a useful tool when battling alien vampires at the tail end of World War III. As far as future ambitions, keep reflecting and keep writing and never stop. My hope is that the full body of work will have a strong impact on the reader allowing time to reflect on personal circumstances and hardships through spiritual eyes. I don’t need to be famous, but I hope the body of work will be.

How long have you been writing? 

I’ve been writing since I was a child. I wrote my first book in sixth grade and numerous stories before that. I’ve always known I was a writer. I enjoy creating new lives, different worlds and alternate universes. 

What are the 3 books that inspired your work/career? 

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein tops this list. I love the multiple themes she takes on in this novel. Man vs. man, man vs society, man vs God and man vs himself. It’s a novel that inspires blending themes of light and dark and the dark hearts of human beings and society.

Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises. He’s the master of prose and my favorite all time author. This book inspired me to write conscientiously, drawing the reader into the writer’s world. It’s not only critical to deliver appropriate prose but also to create a vibration within the written word that the reader can feel.

Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead. She’s awesome. I often wonder if James Cameron got the idea for the ending scene for Titanic from this book. The two seem to fit together all too perfectly. The book inspires great endings. That moment when the final sentence is read and the book is closed that drives a sensation similar to “My soul was just enriched.”

Do you listen to music when you're writing? 

ALWAYS! Music drives the content I’m writing about. Depending on the story or even the particular scene, there’s a song to go along with it that helps to drive the emotion I’m attempting to capture. It could be anywhere from 1980’s love ballads to Pink Floyd to 90’s grunge. For instance, my second book, A Billion Tiny Moments In Time, was written entirely while listening to one song, Procol Harum’s Whiter Shade of Pale. The books central theme is about dying, death immortality and loss so the song fit perfectly with the story. Sometimes I’ll still get caught up on one particular song but as the story changes additional songs always present themselves. 

What do you think of “trailers” for books? 

There’s a trailer for my first book, Indifference. It’s out there on youtube if you’d like to check it out. I find book trailers a bit strange, honestly. Not that they are without a place. It’s a commercial of course but I’m not sure if I’ll do any more of them since they put images in the readers mind that I believe is better for the reader to imagine on their own. 

Anything else you might want to add? 

Yes, thank you Edgars Books for hosting and thank you for reading this post, it’s greatly appreciated. I’m on facebook and twitter a lot so definitely follow me @pdalleva_author for updates on new releases for future installments.


About the Author

P.D. Alleva is an author, psychotherapist and hypnotherapist specializing in trauma, addiction and mental health. He is the author of several books, including fiction novels, Indifference and A Billion Tiny Moments In Time…, Seriously Twisted; These Gods of Darkness (Poetry), Let Your Soul Evolve (1st and 2nd ed), and Spiritual Growth Therapy: Philosophy, Practices and Mindfulness Workbook (non-fiction). He has developed behavioral protocols for addiction and mental health and teaches mindfulness, Buddhist meditations and manifestation techniques to his patients as a means and alternative to using pharmaceuticals. Go to to learn more. Mr. Alleva offers a special discount on his video tutorials for his readers, so please use Promo Code 7474 for a special 90% discount. He is currently in private practice with his wife, Lisa. He lives with his wife and children in Boca Raton, Florida.

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Follow the Author:
Instagram: pdalleva_author
Twitter:      pdalleva_author
Facebook:  @pdallevaauthor

P.D. Alleva will be awarding a $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

His Tempting Love by Anya Summers - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Anya Summers will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banners to see the other stops on the tour.

Cora Roberts has a plan: move to a new town and make a better life for herself and her son. As a single mom, she’s not looking for a relationship of any kind. But then she never expected to have the sexy Garrett offer her a night of uninhibited pleasure with no strings attached.

Garrett Brooks never expected Cora’s surrender to his touch to be so sweet – or tempt him to want more than just a single night with her. But as he pursues a deeper relationship with Cora, a threat from his past emerges.

Will Garrett be able to tempt Cora with his love, or will outside forces tear them apart?

Read an Excerpt

A pair of shirtless cowboys settled onto the stools at table ten in her station. Cora approached and couldn’t help but notice that the man with his back to her had one hell of a sexy back. Could a back be sexy? Because this one was. His muscles were defined, flexing with each slight movement. She had an image of herself dragging her tongue along the clearly distinct line of his spine, right down to the two dimples peeking above the line of his low-slung blue jeans.

She inhaled a steadying breath. Clearly her vibrator wasn’t getting the job done if she was having lusty thoughts about a strange man’s back.

The gentleman was a large guy—had to be at least six feet or taller—with dark chestnut hair peeping from beneath his ivory Stetson. His long, muscular, jean-clad legs were tucked beneath the table. The jeans rode low on his hips, even with the brown leather belt circling his waist, and the material lovingly cupped his behind. It wasn’t one of the flat butts so many men had but firmly rounded to give a woman something to hold on to as he thrust.

Clearly it had been far too long since she’d done the deed if she was envisioning holding on to his sexy butt while he had his way with her. She had to be careful or she’d wind up sleeping with someone she had no business getting entangled with.

The hot cowboy’s friend was an equally big fella. Although, for her at least, he was eclipsed by his friend.

Cora plastered a smile on her face as she rounded the table and faced the two Doms.

“Sirs, what can I get for you this evening?” she asked and finally lifted her gaze up to the man’s face. And holy smokes, what a face. Sinfully handsome didn’t even begin to describe her hot cowboy. Nor the fact that one glance at him made her skin feel three sizes too small.

“You’re new,” the cowboy said, and his voice reminded her of melted dark chocolate. Her gaze dipped from his ‘melt your panties off’ face to his brawny shoulders. Viewing them from the front, suffused with lines of ropey muscles, made tingles tighten in her core. Her gaze lowered to his solidly formed chest, the pectorals well-defined and liberally dusted with fine dark hair. Her mouth watered to taste the flat disks of his dusky brown nipples and then follow the singular line of his happy trail with her tongue over his ripcord abs. She inhaled a steadying breath. What the hell was wrong with her? She flashed her gaze back up to his face. His chestnut hair was shaded with hints of deep auburn and the color extended to the trim beard covering his square jaw. But it was the Dom’s eyes, framed by thick chestnut brows, the sharp cobalt orbs reminding her of the deep blue waters off the bay in Seattle, that caused her breath to catch in her throat. They stared at her, glittering with interest as they gave her body the same studious perusal.

“Perceptive,” she replied, as she attempted to reel her pulse back from its fluttering, thumping madness. Just because she found the cowboy sinfully attractive to the point that all her erogenous zones had taken notice, didn’t mean she could act on said lusts. “My name is Cora and I will be serving you this evening.”

“I’ve not seen you around here. New to the area?” the other cowboy said.

She directed her gaze his way. He was equally attractive, with his fawn-colored hair showing beneath the brim of his black hat and hazel eyes that leaned more toward brown with flecks of emerald and gold. His jaw was clean shaven, a bit more angular, and he had a slight cleft in his chin. The cowboy’s chest was certainly noteworthy, a tad leaner, his build more like a swimmer’s, and dusted with light fawn-colored hair. But this guy didn’t make a five-alarm fire ignite in her nether regions. Which made him safe territory, regardless of the fact that his eyes weren’t all that warm.

She addressed him and said, “Yep. Moved here two weeks ago.”

“From where?” Blue eyes asked and she swiveled her head, feeling her high ponytail swish against her shoulder blades. She was drowning in his stare, pin pricks of heat swarming her system. With a simple glance, the man caused every nerve ending to tingle with awareness. Her breath backed up in her lungs and she had to fight the very real desire to touch him. See if his skin would burn at the touch.

“Seattle. Would you two like anything to drink tonight?” she asked, wanting to steer away from her personal life.

“Quite a long way,” the other cowboy said, his stare assessing her, and she couldn’t help but feel he was attempting to divine all her secrets.

He had no idea. She missed her friends, she missed her tiny little house. She missed home. She shook herself. This was home now, whether she liked it or not.

“It is.”

Blue eyes said, “I’m Garrett and this is Jackson. Why don’t you bring us a bucket of Coronas to start?”

“Absolutely. Hungry? Anything to eat?” she asked.

“Not for anything on the menu.” Garrett gave her a lopsided, sexy grin. Laugh lines crinkled at the corners of his intense gaze. And Cora felt a resounding ache in her core. Smooth. This Dom was a charmer. A panty melting charmer, and by the wicked gleam in his cobalt gaze, he knew how to make a woman scream in ecstasy. And if she was reading correctly into his innuendo, sexy Garrett would only be too happy to show her just how exemplary he was in matters of the flesh.

About the Author: Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Anya grew up listening to Cardinals baseball and reading anything she could get her hands on. She remembers her mother saying if only she would read the right type of books instead binging her way through the romance aisles at the bookstore, she’d have been a doctor. While Anya never did get that doctorate, she graduated cum laude from the University of Missouri-St. Louis with an M.A. in History.

Anya is a bestselling and award-winning author published in multiple fiction genres. She also writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance under the name Maggie Mae Gallagher. A total geek at her core, when she is not writing, she adores attending the latest comic con or spending time with her family. She currently lives in the Midwest with her two furry felines.

Visit her website here:

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Don’t miss these exciting titles by Anya Summers!

Dungeon Fantasy Club Series

Her Country Master, Book 5
Love Me, Master Me, Book 6
Submit To Me, Book 7

Pleasure Island Series

Her Music Masters, Book 2
Their Shy Submissive, Book 3
Her Rockstar Dom, Book 5
Duets & Dominance, Book 6
Her Undercover Dom, Book 7
Ménage In Paradise, Book 8
Her Rodeo Masters, Book 9

Cuffs & Spurs Series

His Tempting Love
His Seductive Love releasing November 2018
His Secret Love releasing January 2019
His Cherished Love releasing March 2019

The Alcyran Chronicles

Claimed by the Beast releasing Fall 2018
Loved by the Beast releasing Winter 2019

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