Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Goddess Fish Promotions Tenth Anniversary - Giveaway

Welcome to the Goddess Fish Promotions Tenth Anniversary Month Long Celebration!

Who is Goddess Fish Promotions? And what do we do? We're glad you asked!

We didn't want your visit here to be dry and boring, so we decided to have a poetry competition and put what we do into verse. Here are the initial entries:


Roses are Red.
Violets are Blue.
I'm awful at poetry.


We can edit your book
find things you didn't see
It will be fun to look
at the changes from me.

Yeah, for some reason, Judy won!

Even better, her poem is correct. We DO offer editing as one of our options. Here are a couple of testimonials from clients:

I worked with Marianne on a complete edit and was very happy with the results. Her feedback was clear, easy to follow, and she probed on things I hadn’t thought of. She was also responsive whenever I had questions and helped me work through a few issues. Her feedback and guidance improved the quality of my manuscript, all at a very fair price. I’m working on my next book and plan to use their services again.

-J B Glazer, author, In Search of Mr. Anonymous


Choosing the right editor for a project is incredibly important to an author. Let’s face it, we want the best for our books. When I was considering editors for my first indie-published book, Regenerate, I naturally thought of Goddess Fish Promotions–and I’m so glad I did.

Marianne Arkins and Judy Thomas are incredibly attentive and professional during the entire editing process. Their input was invaluable and the story is much stronger because they cared enough to help unsnarl plot points and find order in the chaos..

I can’t wait to work with them again. Truly, a top-notch editorial team! – Sarita Leone, award-winning author of Regenerate

We also offer Virtual Book Tours, Graphic Design, Social Media Promotion and more. You can see more testimonials here.

We hope you enjoyed getting to know us a little (more information is below) and we'd like to do the same. We'd LOVE to see a little poem that tells us a bit about you in the comments. We'll be awarding random book giveaways and $5 Amazon GCs to some of the best poetry we find. It might not be at every stop, but when something really makes us smile, we'll reward it! Come on, be daring...

And now, more about us:

About Goddess Fish Promotions

Goddess Fish Promotions was established October 14, 2008. Why? Well, when Marianne became a published author and got her the first taste of trying to promote a book on a budget, there was only one other virtual book tour company in place at the time, and their fees were simply too high for a small press author. After coordinating and running her own tour, she knew other authors could use the same service for a reasonable price. Thus, Goddess Fish Promotions was born.

Because both Judy and Marianne were authors and editors prior to running Goddess Fish Promotions, they approach the business with a unique point of view, and treat their clients how they would expect to be treated.


What's your favorite book-turned movie?

Judy: Currently it's The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.  I think an admirable job was done turning that marvelous book into a movie!
Marianne: I’m not usually a fan of these, but one of the best (recent) ones had to be The Hunger Games Trilogy.  Despite having to make changes and leave things out due to time constraints, they did a fantastic job of keeping the “heart” of the story true.  I find this is not true of most adaptations.  And, though many Potterheads will disagree with me, I think the same is true with the Harry Potter series.

What is your most treasured possession?

Judy:  I can't pick just one- I'm a grandmother and have many things that the grandchildren have made for me.  Plus I have things my mother has given me.  I also have the flag that was on my grandfather's casket.  In case of a fire, those would be among the things I would grab first.
Marianne: Probably my scrapbooks.  Most of those pictures are irreplaceable. Old photos of my parents, etc.  I should probably scan them some day, but for now, they’re all I have. Otherwise, notes from my husband and my kid.  I keep them all, even the scraps.  <3

What is your favorite journey?

Judy:  Going to take a sentiment journey… sorry, got distracted by the earworm. My husband and I love to take off on the weekends and ramble. Sometimes we go to the coast where we own a home, sometimes we go to festivals, sometimes we just take off and go wherever the wind blows us. We love being together and seeing what we can see.
Marianne: The one that takes me home. I don’t mind visiting places or going somewhere, but my favorite place to be is home.  I’m never happier than I am when I’m here.

The people behind the fish

Judy Thomas

Judy has a college degree in English and she’s worked in retail, education, at her local library as well as an editor for a small press and for the now defunct ShadowKeep Ezine. She’s also a published author so can see things from both sides of the fence. In 2013, she “retired” and now spends her days helping authors make their dream come true—as well as working as much as she can with her local theater group.

Marianne Arkins

Grammar freak and coffee lover, Marianne wrote her first novel at ten years old, built her first commercial website in 2000, and published for the first time in 2006. She worked as a professional editor for just over a year, and knows what it’s like to write, edit and promote a book on a budget.

For Everyone: One $50 Amazon/BN GC, two $25 Amazon/BN GCs, Two $10 Amazon/BN GCs
For Authors: 2 $10 GC for any Goddess Fish Promotions service, Winner’s choice of either a free blurb blitz (2 wk) or book blast (5 day), 50% off any tour (excludes Review tour or Full Service Tour), 4 free 25 page complete book edit, 2 Winner’s choice of teaser or social media cover graphic design.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, October 29, 2018

Flawed by Vivian Kohlman - Book Tour and Giveaway

That guy—the one that most girls would run away from—captured Kara’s attention and wouldn’t let it go. As expected, he turned out to be a player. So she cut him off.

But he wasn’t done with her yet. He waited until the memory of their start would have been forgotten—at least, softened a bit. Then he returned to her life, and captured her heart.

Finally blissfully happy, they fall in love and decide to make it official…until his past catches up with him and he destroys her again. But this is it…this is the last time she’ll fall for him.

And she keeps telling herself that until she almost believes it.

This book is for mature audiences.


Chapter 9 

A few minutes later, I heard the door open again.

“That was quick,” I said while shuffling cards, not paying attention to Anna’s return. But it wasn’t Anna. It was Naheed…he walked around the corner, and leaned next to me, putting a hand on the back of my chair.

“You forgot your drink,” he said, setting the drink down in front of me while keeping his hand on the back of my chair, essentially enclosing me in his arms.

“Thank you.” I felt the heat emanating from him and I know my face was bright red. I couldn’t breathe. Butterflies were storming around my stomach.

“You’re welcome. Aren’t you going to even say hello? You’re acting like I’m a stranger.”

“Hello,” I said. I haven’t even looked at him yet. I was avoiding that like the plague. I knew our eyes would lock, just like they used to…and I can’t let this get out of hand.

“So, you’re engaged to Dominik. Why him?”

A slight fit of anger made me look up to Naheed; he’s still standing incredibly close to me. 

“Why do you care?”

“Because…he’s not the one for you.”

“Ah, how ironic. That’s what my friends said about you.”

“Yeah, I remember.”

“And you still have a girlfriend…so, I guess things ended up the way they were supposed to.”

I got to him; he looked pissed. He was quiet for a minute…then sat in the chair next to me. 

“Kara, I’m with her because you walked away. YOU WALKED AWAY from us,” he said loudly. 

“What did you expect me to do?”


What should readers expect when they pick up your book?

When a reader picks up Flawed, they can expect to read a fun, contemporary, urban romance story. This book is part of the Young and Privileged of Washington, DC series; the characters in all of the stories are like us all, but they do drink, curse, and party. Flawed is based on real life events and characters, and describes a love that is deep and passionate, and slightly obsessive. 

How long does it take you to write a book?

From start to finish, it takes about 5 months to finish a book. I don’t write if I’m not “feeling” it; I wait until I get into the grove of the story. Once I’m there, I can get the first draft out in less than 2 months; the rest of the five months is multiple rounds of editing, book cover creation and other administrivia.

What are you working on next?

I’m currently not writing at this exact moment—I haven’t gotten in the grove of a new story yet—but I have a few things on my to-do list. I plan to write book six in the series, which will complete Ava’s story. I also want to write a couple of screenplays—one comedy and one horror script. In the long term, I plan to keep writing new novels that’ll fall into the Young and Privileged of Washington, DC series, but I have no concrete plans past book six.

What do you think makes a good story?

I can’t say one thing that makes a good story, but for me as a reader, I love a story that pulls me in. That can be done by a spectacular first scene, or strong characters that you relate to immediately, or by great writing. Anything that grabs me and makes me get lost in the story, I find to be a good story.

Do you have a favorite quote?

My father raised me with this quote and it’s always stuck with me: “Hope for the best; prepare for the worst”. I’ve applied this quote to most parts of my life and find it to be very practical. 

But my more whimsical side has a different favorite: “Work like you don’t need the money. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching.” by Satchel Paige

Any last words?

Thank you for reading this blog post! I would love to connect with you! Please follow me on Instagram, and like my Facebook page to stay up-to-date and learn more about the series.


About the Author

Vivian Kohlman writes romance novels based on stories of love and loss under the backdrop of Washington, DC. She grew up in Maryland just outside DC, but lived in Los Angeles on and off in her 20's before returning to the Washington, DC area to live out her adult life.

Vivian attended a private university in Washington, DC for undergraduate and graduate school, and lived a very active social life. During her teens and twenties she and her friends lived through a lot of ups and downs—these experiences have fed the stories of this series.

Currently, she loves to travel with her husband and reads or writes romance novels as often as she can. When she’s not writing, she works a fulltime job and enjoys all of the bars, restaurants, and other hot spots of the nation’s capital. Born and raised in the DC metro area, she adores the culture of the city and is passionate about highlighting the city's attributes, lifestyles, and norms—not including politics.

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B013M8PJDE  Flawed, Book 1 of the Y&P series (Kara’s story, part 1)

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01801MRO2  Found, Book 2 of the Y&P series (Kara’s story, part 2)

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GUDGQGW  Let Go, Book 3 of the Y&P series (Billi’s story)

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074ZN48CD Girls Like Me, Book 4 of the Y&P series (Ava’s story, part 1)

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C1C5WSX Guys Like You, Book 5 of the Y&P series (Ava’s story, part 2) 

Note from Author:

The book, Flawed, is not erotica, but does include some steamy scenes, and contains adult situations (curse words, drinking alcohol, etc).

Vivian Kohlman will be awarding $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, October 26, 2018

Rescued by the Scot by Laura A. Barnes - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Laura A. Barnes will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Rescued for vengeance

Set out to finalize a deal for her brother’s return, Skye MacKinnon instead captures the double agent working alongside her enemy. When she holds her prisoner hostage at her castle, he draws her into an attraction that spirals out of control. After she fights off his spell, she deceives him for her own agenda. As she betrays his trust, she is caught in the web of the evil villain who is terrorizing England. When her prisoner rescues her from the torture, she becomes afraid of her own shadow. As Skye recognizes her love for him, can she overcome her fears, or will she be forever destroyed by the violence of her mission?

Rescued for desire

Chained and left waiting for his own demise, Zane Maxwell is soon rescued by a Scottish goddess. He is enraptured by her charms and drawn under her spell. Her touch and look sink into his soul a connection he cannot resist. While he lures her into his confidence and seduces her into his bed, her only plans are betrayal. When she is captured, he realizes she was only protecting his life. Now he must rescue her and destroy the man who hurt her. Can Zane convince her of his love, or did he miss his chance of a life filled with the woman of his dreams?


Read an Excerpt:

“Do you need help Skye?” his dark voice invaded her thoughts.

She sat up in the tub, causing water to rush out, splashing on the floor in waves. Then she swiftly slipped under the water until only her face was emerged. She grabbed the towel from the stool and covered her body with it. The rotten luck with that was she realized it was the only thing to cover herself with when she planned to exit the bath. And exit she must, to clothe herself against him.

“How did you get in here?” she demanded.

“Now Skye, I can get in anywhere I want. That is a warning to you, you won’t keep me from anywhere I want to go,” he explained as he emphasized her god given name.

He sounded so proud of himself that he learned her name. She wondered which one squealed first, Agatha or Isobel. Traitors the whole lot; she would handle them later. Why was everybody in her clan trying to play matchmaker with this man? Did they not see what he was? A scoundrel of the highest order. He oozed his charm, obviously on the women of her clan. Well he wouldn’t charm any information out of her.

“Leave this room right this instant. Have you no shame? You sir are no gentleman.”

“I never said I was.”




“Temptress,” he whispered to himself. But not quietly enough, for she overheard the words which passed through his lips.

About the Author:

I have always dreamed of being an aspiring author. I am making my dreams come true, one word at a time. When I am not writing, I am spending time with my family. I love reading books on lazy afternoons, and late into the night. Anytime really. Married 28 years to the love of my life and we have three wonderful children and two sweet grandbabies. Besides writing, I have always wanted to travel. In the last few years we have gotten our passport stamped in England and Scotland. We are hoping to add Italy to the list soon. My debut novel is Rescue By the Captain.

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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Ribbon of Light by Claire Yezbak Fadden - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Claire Yezbak Fadden will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Julie Rafferty’s life-long dream is within her grasp. But just as the toy company she founded verges on becoming a multi-million-dollar enterprise, her husband abandons their marriage.

Trevor had no choice but to walk away from Julie. How else could he show his wife that the business was her priority, not him and their three children? His drastic stunt backfires though, jeopardizing the family business and seemingly pushes Julie into the arms of a younger man.

Just when Julie and Trevor find their way back to each other, a ruthless competitor escalates a bogus lawsuit. Together they plot to reclaim control of the toy company, only to uncover a shattering betrayal that puts them in unimaginable danger.

Can they overcome their dreadful mistake and reclaim the passion, trust and commitment that once drew them together? Or will the greed of an evil man irreparably destroy everything they hold dear?

Read an excerpt

Before Julie placed her purse on the desk, Leanne handed her three phone messages, two from Gary and one from a local reporter.

“Oh, and I thought you might want to read this,” Leanne handed over an article printed off the Internet. “After your meeting with Bennett Burnside, I remembered reading this from two years ago.”

The story recounted the case of a family from Georgia. The parents of a ten-year-old had won $100,000 in compensatory damages and $9.9 million in punitive damages in a lawsuit against MaxOut Toys. The suit claimed their son permanently lost partial use of his right hand after playing with BlastAway, a handheld video game manufactured by the start-up company. The article read in part:

“Because of their negligence, this young lad is unable to perform any of the normal activities a boy of ten would enjoy,” their attorney said, arguing that MaxOut management knew the dangers of overuse of their product and was required to provide consumer warnings. “Young Benji is now designated as a special needs student. On the Little League field, Benji can’t pitch, play first base, or even bat properly.”

Julie remembered Mort Gunther’s appeal to the ruling. An appellate court upheld the original judgment, forcing the fledgling toy manufacturer to file for bankruptcy.

Funny. She hadn’t seen Mort since he lost his company…until he introduced her to Bennett Burnside.

Leanne handed Julie a copy of another news item dated months later from the Global Business Briefs section of the Wall Street Journal, announcing Game Masters’ acquisition of bankrupt MaxOut Toys for an undisclosed amount.

An icy surge ran down Julie’s back. She set the papers on Leanne’s desk and clenched the journalist’s phone message in her hand.

Roberta Perkins, San Marcel Mercury News. Please call before 2:00 p.m.

Julie recognized the name and the same byline on the patent-infringement lawsuit article.

While placing the call, Julie licked her lips, a nervous habit she had since a child, waiting for the phone to connect.

“Ms. Rafferty, thank you for returning my call.” Roberta Perkins’s monotone voice replied. Julie pictured her more as a Helen Thomas-style journalist than a wide-eyed Lois Lane.

“An unnamed source on the San Marcel Narcotics Task Force claims the US attorney’s office is requesting a court order to confiscate your company files. Would you care to comment?”

Julie collapsed in her chair, her legs no longer able to support her. “What did you say?”

“Is FunWorks actually a front for money-laundering?”

“I don’t understand the question,” Julie said, her voice shaking.

“It’s the first step before the Narcotics Task Force initiates an investigation,” the reporter said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Nervous energy soared through Julie’s veins. “The Narcotics Task Force? What is this all about?”

“The task force received a tip that FunWorks launders money for drug traffickers.”

“What a ridiculous allegation.” Julie’s pulse quickened, and her hand flew to the silver crucifix dangling on a thin chain around her neck. She fingered the cross and took in a deep breath.

“May I quote you?”

“Quote me? For what?”

“For the article I’m working on. You did know you are under investigation?”

Julie didn’t respond.

“In my experience, allegations of federal law violations are taken very seriously by the United States Attorney, especially Del Evans’s office,” Roberta said, suddenly sounding supportive. “If I were you, I’d call my attorney.”

“I have no comment about the allegation,” Julie managed to say. “I will remind you, though, that a libel suit can be very expensive. In my experience, newspaper publishers fire irresponsible writers whose sloppy work costs them money.” Julie disconnected the call and threw the cordless phone across the room.

Now those jerks had gone too far.

She retrieved her phone.

Twenty minutes later, after waiting on hold, a clerk in US Attorney Del Evans’s office informed her that Mr. Evans was unable to take her call. The clerk couldn’t say anything about the allegations, but she confirmed that contacting a lawyer would be a good idea.

“How long do these investigations take?” Julie asked.

“Hard to say,” the droning voice replied. “Every case is unique. When it’s connected to money, sometimes the IRS and the DEA get involved.”

Julie held the phone receiver near her ear for a minute or two listening to the dial tone.

The IRS and the DEA?

Burnside wanted FunWorks so much, he sicced the Feds on me. Why? About the Author:When she’s not playing with her granddaughters, Pennsylvania native Claire Yezbak Fadden is writing contemporary women’s fiction. Her books feature strong women who overcome life’s challenges, always putting their families first.

There's a special spot in Claire's heart for carousel horses – quite possibly the result of watching “Mary Poppins” 13 times as a young girl. She loves butterflies, ladybugs and confetti! Just ask anyone who's received a birthday card from her.

The mother of three lives in Orange County, California with her husband, Nick and three spoiled dogs.

Claire’s work as an award-winning journalist, humor columnist and editor has appeared in more than 100 publications across the United States, Canada and Australia. Ribbon of Light is the third novel in her Begin Again series.

Email her at claire@clairefadden.com
Join her mailing list: http://eepurl.com/cclBRv.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Not a Chance by Maureen L. Bonatch - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Maureen L. Bonatch will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The last thing Hope Hallows wants is to become the latest headline. Living in a town that likes secrets, she prefers to keep hers hidden. Avoiding a nosy reporter’s questions about her ability to infuse euphoria or despair with a single touch, and those who crave this bliss, is nothing new. But having her brother’s annoying girlfriend, Berta, go missing is—especially when it makes Hope suspect number one.

As a triplet, her resemblance to her beloved dead sister causes her family to grieve even more, and her escalating supernatural skills makes Griffith, her half-human-half-Oppressor boyfriend, wary. He wants to put his unsavory past behind him—this could include Hope—since her abilities remind him of the Underworld.

In her desperate search to find Berta, she stumbles across a tunnel. Phantom voices within whisper that evil has been waiting for a new leader—and isn't she lucky, they've chosen Hope.

Read an excerpt:

Too many times in my life I was assumed guilty until I proved my innocence. This wouldn’t be one of those times. Disliking Berta wasn’t a crime and neither was going on a bike ride. It figures the first time I try to be nice to her it stirred up more trouble than all the times I was rude. “The last time I saw Berta was when she and I went on a bike ride. I’ve done nothing that would require me to visit the police station. I’m starting to think you have something against me personally.”

The officer scowled, as if he sensed my shift in control and was none too happy about losing the upper hand. “I told you before, we stick together in this town. You claim you returned to be with your family, but since you arrived things have changed. People are disappearing, not just vagrants or others passing through, but townies.”

I lifted my chin. No matter how long I lived here, or how many of my family members did, I’d never be considered a townie. Not in this town.

About the Author:

Maureen lives in small town Pennsylvania and her love of the four seasons —biking, sweat pants, hockey and hibernation—keep her there. Surviving twins gave her the confidence to learn to belly dance, declare herself a tequila connoisseur, act as biker babe to her alpha hubby and to release the characters from her imagination. These adventures, and a love of sarcasm, help her craft paranormal and fantasy stories full of fun, family, magic and mayhem. She survives on caffeine, wine, music and laughter. A feisty Shih Tzu keeps her in line.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Waltz With Me, Cowboy by Debra Holt - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Debra Holt will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Calla Rose returned home to McKenna Springs to help save her family's business... The Yellow Rose... a ninety-year old Texas dance hall. She also came home to heal. Being a victim and finding her trust level in men damaged, she is determined to succeed in this one thing for her family and nothing is going to deter her from doing just that. Now even a green-eyed cowboy/mayor with heart-stopping smiles and kisses that threaten to thaw the ice around her heart.

Ty Conners wasn't looking for love. He had simply stopped in to welcome the latest business owner to town. But coming face to face with Calla Rose would prove an unforgettable experience in more ways than one and send his heart into a tailspin. Never a man to not face a challenge head-on, he prepared to get past the barricades she had erected between herself and the male population. But it was easier said than done, and just when he's within reach of her heart, a lie brings memories of pain and distrust and Calla's heart may be out of his reach for good.

Read an Excerpt:

“Don’t feel too bad… you weren’t the first to fall for my husband’s patent lines. Although, I must say you’re a cut above his usual conquests.” Lauren stood in the doorway. Switching on the light switch next to her, she moved into the room. Barclay had gone white as a sheet beneath his perpetual salon tan.

“And don’t worry dear,” she spoke as she looked at her husband with a cold smile on her features. “I just ordered a wonderful gift from Tiffany’s from you to me… to begin to make amends for this latest little transgression.”

“It wasn’t a transgression,” he spoke, finding his voice. “We never even had sex.”

“Really?” A fine eyebrow rose as the cold eyes landed on Calla. “Smart woman… keeping him on the hook until you got what you wanted. But I think we all know that your services to this firm won’t be needed in the future. I’m certain my father-in-law will back me up on that.”

Calla’s anger had stiffened her resolve and she had had enough of the whole sordid scene. Rising from her chair, she looked at the pair and slowly shook her head. “I can say that I’m the lucky one in this room right now. I managed to sidestep making the worst mistake of my life. No two people could be more suited to each other than the pair of you. And while this is still my office, you can both get out.”

About the Author:
Born and raised in the Lone Star state of Texas, Debra grew up among horses, cowboys, wide open spaces, and real Texas Rangers. Pride in her state and ancestry knows no bounds and it is these heroes and heroines she loves to write about the most. She also draws upon a variety of life experiences including working with abused children, caring for baby animals at a major zoo, and planning high-end weddings (ah, romance!).

When she isn’t busy writing about tall Texans and feisty heroines, she can be found cheering on her Texas Tech Red Raiders, or heading off on another cruise adventure. She read her first romance...Janet Dailey's Fiesta San Antonio, over thirty years ago and became hooked on the genre. Writing contemporary romances, is both her passion and dream come true, and she hopes her books will bring smiles...and sighs...to all who believe in happily-ever-after’s.

Debra invites you to visit her website. She loves to hear from other aspiring authors or readers via email. Twitter is and Facebook at . Website: http://www.debraholtbooks.com
Email: debraholtbooks@gmail.com

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, October 22, 2018

Can Dreams Come True? by Krysten Lindsay Hager - Book Tour and Giveaway

Cecily has always had a huge crush on singer Andrew Holiday and she wants to be an actress, so she tags along when her friend auditions for his new video. However, the director isn’t looking for an actress, but rather the girl next door—and so is Andrew. Cecily gets a part in the video and all of Andrew’s attention on the set. Her friend begins to see red and Cecily’s boyfriend is seeing green—as in major jealousy. A misunderstanding leaves Cecily and her boyfriend on the outs and Andrew hopes to pick up the pieces as he’s looking for someone more stable in his life than the models he’s dated. Soon Cecily begins to realize Andrew understands her more than her small-town boyfriend—but can her perfect love match really be her favorite rock star?


Andrew sat back and nodded. “Well, Dimitri got the song, you know? He understood what I was looking for—a relationship where two people understand each other on a spiritual level. You know, where their souls connect. Make sense?” 

“Yeah, is that what you have with your girlfriend?” I asked hoping it didn’t look like I as phishing for info on who he was dating. 

He shook his head. “Nah, I’ve never had anything like that before. But it’s the ultimate idea though, you know? How about you?”

“No, never,” I said and then I felt guilt wash over me. “I mean, I’ve had deep connections with people—just not what you’re talking about or what Dimitri said—the whole deep mystical thing.” 

Andrew stared at me and I felt like he was looking into my soul. “Sometimes it feels like it’s impossible to get that connection with anybody. Or you think you’re halfway there and they say they get you, but then something happens and you know they weren’t as deep into it as you were—or at least as deep as you were hoping. That’s the inspiration for next song I’m working on. It’s about when you want to believe so badly that you have a soul connection, then something happens and you realize it was just another superficial relationship. That’s the title: Just Another Superficial Relationship.” 

“Wow, I can’t wait to hear it.” 

“I can sing you the chorus if you want,” he said. 

Holding my breath, I tried to be cool and not squeal with delight that my favorite singer was about to not only sing for me, but let me hear an unreleased song. This was like a dream come true and it made me question if I hadn’t indeed fallen into the water and hit my head on some rocks, and was now either dreaming this in a coma somewhere or this was my own personal version of heaven. I felt guilty for inwardly gushing over Andrew when I had a boyfriend. But this wasn’t about me being interested in going out with Andrew. It would never happen anyway. This was just me meeting my crush who happened to be a singer, who I felt understood my feelings more than anyone else. 

Andrew sang the chorus and a warmth washed over me. The song was perfect—the yearning, the longing—I had experienced all of it myself. It was like he had taken all my innermost thoughts and somehow put them into words. 

“Amazing,” I said. My whole body was warm as my mind raced. Was I actually sitting here with him and having him trust me enough to share a new song? This was beyond anything I had dreamt of happening today.


What should readers expect when they pick up your book?

A sweet romance that’s funny and relatable. It’s a pop star romance that feels like maybe the girl next door could find her soul mate in her favorite singer.

What inspired you to write this book?

I had singer/songwriters who I really connected with when I was younger who I also had crushes on, so I wanted to explore the idea of getting to meet your ultimate favorite singer and find out he likes you back. I wanted to write about what that would be like and how awkward it could be. It was a lot of fun to write those scenes.

What exciting story are you working on next?

I’m working on the sequel to Can Dreams Come True? It’s been a journey as the Andrew character went in a different direction than I thought he would!

What are four things you can’t live without?

My TV—I’m a complete TV addict. It calms me down. My Kindle—I love to read before bed. My phone—I call my mom several times a day. Tea- the day feels off without having a cup of tea.

Favorite place to read?

I like to read in bed before I go to sleep. I love reading those newer Nancy Drews. The only downside is I tend to need to finish them before I can go to bed so I stay up too late.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

I would like to live in a little beach cottage by Lake Michigan. 

Anything else you might want to add? 

While working on this story my childhood crush, George Michael, died, and it really threw me. I had to take time off from the story because he was such an inspiration to the story. In the end, I found an interview where he said when he lost his mom it was hard for him to write and I was dealing with losing my own parent, so it kind of inspired me to keep going with the story. 


About the Author

Krysten Lindsay Hager writes about friendship, self-esteem, fitting in, frenemies, crushes, fame, first loves, and values. She is the author of True Colors, Best Friends...Forever?, Next Door to a Star,  Landry in Like, Competing with the Star, Dating the It Guy, and Can Dreams Come True? True Colors, won the Readers Favorite award for best preteen book and the Dayton Book Expo Bestseller Award for children/teens. Competing with the Star is a Readers' Favorite Book Award Finalist.

Krysten's work has been featured in USA Today, The Flint Journal, the Grand Haven Tribune, the Beavercreek Current, the Bellbrook Times, Springfield News-Sun, Grand Blanc View, Dayton Daily News and on the talk show Living Dayton.

Buy links:

Krysten Lindsay Hager will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

A Simple Christmas by Charlotte Hubbard - Book Tour and Giveaway

The rustic beauty of a country Christmas fills the Simple Gifts crafts shop, while the Amish residents of Willow Ridge pull together in uncertain times—and in the face of an unexpected homecoming.

Nora Hooley’s shop is abuzz with preparations for the holiday open house, and Rosalyn Riehl is handcrafting wreaths from evergreen boughs, pinecones, and other natural materials. The work is a welcome diversion for the only unmarried daughter of Cornelius Riehl: her gruff dat has been receiving envelopes marked Past Due, leaving dutiful Rosalyn to manage the household’s inexplicably shrinking budget. Then another distraction swaggers into Simple Gifts—blue-jeaned and leather-jacketed, with a reputation that precedes him.

Marcus Hooley hightailed it to Willow Ridge on a wing and a prayer—not that he’s the praying type. He rejected his Amish roots long ago. But behind the bad-boy attitude is a gifted horse trainer who’s counting on some bent-but-not-broken family ties to throw him a lifeline. He can’t erase his past, but a sparking attraction with strong, spirited Rosalyn holds the promise of a second chance . . . and of shedding light on shadowy secrets to build a bright tomorrow.


As Rosalyn Riehl walked alongside the county highway pulling a cartload of Christmas wreaths, she gazed up at the sky in surprise. When she’d left home a few minutes earlier, the sun was shining but now low, gray clouds were rolling in and the wind picked up—and for a brief moment tiny pellets of hail pelted her.

It’s going to be a tricky winter, she thought. The weather seems as crazy and mixed up as I feel.

Rosalyn adored the holidays—Thanksgiving was only a week away—yet the thought of the approaching winter made her sigh. Her youngest sister Edith lived across the road with her husband, Asa, and their twins, and her younger sister Loretta was sharing the bedroom down the hall with her new husband, Drew, so Rosalyn felt like the odd woman out. All her life she’d longed for a husband and a family, yet at twenty-eight she saw no probability of fulfilling that dream.

Her cheeks tingled when the season’s first snowflakes met her cheeks. It’s a gut thing I have my new job at Simple Gifts to look forward to, Rosalyn thought as she made her way up the hill toward the store housed in a huge red barn. Working for Nora on Wednesdays and Saturdays sure beats dealing with Loretta and Edith’s moony-eyed gazes and happy chatter about being married to the Detweiler twins whenever we’re all together.

It wasn’t that she begrudged her sisters their happiness. She just wanted some of her own.

About the Author

Charlotte Hubbard is the acclaimed author of Amish romance and fiction that evokes simpler times and draws upon her experiences in Jamesport, the largest Old Order Amish community west of the Mississippi. Faith and family, farming, and food preservation are hallmarks of her lifestyle—and the foundation of all her novels. A deacon, dedicated church musician and choir member, she loves to travel, read, try new recipes, and crochet. A longtime Missourian, Charlotte now lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, with her husband and their border collie, Vera.

Please visit Charlotte online at www.CharlotteHubbard.com.

Order Ebook

Order Print

September 25, 2018
ISBN-13: 9781420138733
ISBN-10: 1420138731

Barnes & Noble:  

Charlotte Hubbard will be awarding $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, October 15, 2018

Love for Christmas by Jill Jaynes, Barb DeLong, Kathleen Harrington, Ottilia Scherschel, and Angela Shelley - Book Tour and Giveaway

Five Christmas Romances from the heart warming to heart pounding:

A Witch for Christmas by Barb DeLong

Whimsical witch Abigail Goodbody must find her one true love by Christmas Eve or be doomed to a loveless future.

The Christmas Wish by Jill Jaynes 

Southern California girl Allie hopes a magical Christmas ornament will bring her the Mr. Right she is hoping for.

A Vote for Love by Kathleen Harrington 

In 1886 Montana, feisty Suffragette Paulette Winslow finds love where she least expects it.

Night Train to Hong Kong by Ottilia Scherschel 

Sarah Crawford finds getting home for Christmas more dangerous than she bargained for on a Night Train to Hong Kong

Winter’s Warmth by Angela Shelley

Drawn to an abandoned mansion by mysterious Christmas cards, artifact hunter Alma meets a strangely familiar yet distant astronomer and his captor, a powerful, icy specter in a tale inspired by the myth of the Snow Queen.


from A Witch for Christmas by Barb DeLong

“I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since you were cursed. I wish I could have found you a true love,” Sam said, creating a cloud of soap bubbles as she scrubbed her hands.

“Don’t forget the ‘true love of heart, soul and mind’ part,” said Abby as she twisted the cork free of the bottle of cabernet.

“I’m trying, but the search might be easier if we had the whole male population to choose from and not just the witches. If only there were a witchmatch dot com, but we’re such a secretive lot.” Sam made a rude sound. “We need more time than this Christmas Eve, Abby. Damn that Hilda Grimm. I’d like to curse her to the devil’s pit.”

“Well, we can’t.” Abby topped off two glasses with the ruby liquid and handed one to her friend. “Both of us together aren’t powerful enough to create a wart on the nose of a sorceress like her.”

“She already has one, anyway.”

About the Authors

Jill Jaynes began her love affair with romance when she was a teenager growing up in Southern California, spending many a late-night under the covers with a flashlight and good romance novel.  This early addiction stuck, and she discovered one day that telling great stories was even more fun than reading them.

When she’s not writing, you can find her a) wine-tasting, hiking or otherwise hanging out with her awesome husband, b) walking her two high-maintenance dogs, c) plotting her next story with her writer-daughter or d) working at her day job in her spare time.

Barb DeLong has always had a passion for reading and writing. She has won and been a finalist in several writing contests. Animals are another passion, and creatures both wild and domestic are featured in most of her stories of love, laughter and magic. Barb contributed contemporary romance stories in Romancing the Pages and Secrets of Moonlight Cove anthologies. A transplant from Canada, she enjoys the sunny climes of Southern California with her one-and-forever hubby and a fluffy, blue-eyed ragdoll cat, two children and five grandchildren.

Kathleen Harrington, multi-published, award-winning author, has touched the hearts of readers across the country and the world with her sparkling tales of high adventure and unending love. Her historical romances have been published in Chinese, Russian, Italian, and German. She lives in Southern California with her American Bulldog, Auron.

When Ottilia Scherschel, a Hungarian immigrant, started sixth grade, she learned her fifth language. After retiring from teaching languages at the college level, she spends her time writing romantic suspense stories set in foreign climes. She has been a finalist in a number of writing contests and published a short story in the Romancing the Pages anthology. Ottilia loves to pack a suitcase to visit family, friends and food or wine purveyors anywhere in the world. When she is not writing, she can be found at the movies, at the gym, or cooking for her husband, kids and grandkids.

Angela Shelley was born in Vancouver, Canada in 1973 and grew up in rural Southern British Columbia. Her love for children's fantasy stems from reading CS Lewis, Tolkien, George MacDonald, JK Rowling, Terry Brooks, Neil Gaiman, and many, many more wonderful authors. She lives in Los Angeles, California, with her husband and their twins.


The authors will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveaway