Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Gumshoe Girl by Andi Ramos - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Andi will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Sheagan O’Hare got more than she bargained for when her newly inherited detective agency lands its first case; a missing person, embezzlement, and murder. Sheagan’s out to prove she can hang with the pro's, despite the constant reminder of her amateur status from an annoyingly attractive FBI agent, Colin 'Mac' MacEvine, who’s forced himself into her life.

How does she feel when an old high school friend hopes to ignite a new romance?

Will she be able to discover if detective work and love can mingle before someone gets hurt?

Read an excerpt:

“Does this have to do with this detective stuff you decided to play around with?”

She shot a dirty look at the wall. “Listen, don’t worry about it. I’ve got it under control.”

“Obviously you don’t. I’m going to the police.”

“Um, no. You can’t call, uh, not yet.”

“Why can’t I?” He came back into the room.

“I can’t explain that.”

“You’d better explain something, because I am calling 9-1-1 right now.” He picked up the phone.

“Stop!” she yelled.

He looked at her like she was crazy. “Why?”

“Listen, just let me call my friend first.”

“Your friend?” It was his turn for sarcasm.

“Yes, my friend.” She snatched the phone from him, grabbed her bag, and went into the bathroom. She fished around until she found the card from Mac and punched in his number on her cell.

“Yup,” Mac answered.

“I have a sticky situation.”

“What is it?”

“Well, I’m at my old place.”

“I’m not here to settle disputes for you and your boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend? What are you talking about, we broke up?” Then it dawned on her. Her address showed she was still living with Rat Bastard.

“Sheagan,” she heard him shout, breaking into her thoughts.

“What!” she shouted back.

He grunted. “What is the situation?”

“The O’Dwyer boys came to visit my ex-boyfriend last night.”

“I’ll be right there. Don’t call the police.”

“I know. I called you.”

“Well, you got something right.” He hung up.

She screamed into the receiver, “You son-of-a-, I’ll give you, ‘you got something right’. You can kiss my butt.”

When she emerged from the bathroom, Rat Bastard cocked his head. “Friend, huh?”

“It’s complicated!” she snapped.

About the Author:

Andi Ramos grew up in central Massachusetts where she still lives today with her family, goat, and Boston Terriers. Her love for reading grew into a passion for writing. She dabbled with pen and paper for a long time and eventually stopped pushing her amusements aside and started developing those stories into novels. One of her favorite things to do is to hop into her motorhome with her family and write while traveling down the road as they journey to various destinations.

This is the author's debut book.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Monsterland Reanimated by Michael Okon - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

After Monsterland has imploded, the entire world is thrown into chaos. World leadership is gone, economies have collapsed, and communications are non-existent. Wyatt must go beyond the boundaries of his small town to reestablish contact with the outside world, and alert the government about a traitor-in-chief.

During his journey he discovers a new threat released from the bowels of the defunct theme park.

When an army of relentless mummies, a life-sucking ooze called The Glob, and a hybrid reanimated Behemoth rise from the depths of Monsterland, who will survive?


He knew the werewolves were dead; he had seen it with his own eyes. A figure detached from the shadows. Igor flattened himself against the wall. He watched it move stealthily down the street, stopping when it scavenged a morsel of rotting flesh. It looked up to stare at Igor, its eyes glowing in the darkness.

A coyote? He waved a hand, dismissing it. It had to be a coyote; it was too small to be a wolf, too big to be a dog. The beast twitched its ears, then resumed its meal.

Igor knew the coyote was not a threat, and he continued his mission. His lame foot hit a can, sending a cacophony of sound like an explosion in the deserted park. The beast dropped the bone it was gnawing on, sniffing the area. Its iridescent eyes searched the streets.

It could be a baby wolf, Igor thought, keeping himself as still as possible. He felt it watching him, even from this distance. It was not a threat, yet.

Igor skittered away, hugging the walls of Monsterland, putting as much distance as he could between  them.  Not an easy feat, considering his distorted hips.  He muttered  to  himself about carrion and the wind. His eyes darted nervously, scouring the hills, not exactly sure what he was looking for. Adrenaline coursed through his veins. His heart pounded so loudly he was certain that the creature watching  him  could  hear it too.

His feet stumbling to a halt, he bent over, gasping for air, cursing Vincent and those meddlesome teenagers, as well as the rest of the world.

The beast gave another mournful howl that went right through him. Igor glanced at his empty hands, berating himself for not bringing a weapon. He searched his surroundings for anything to protect himself.

Then he saw it, one of the axes they had on almost every corner. All of them had been pulled from their protective cases. One was lying in a pool of coagulating blood, the blade long gone. He picked up the broken axe handle, turning in a semicircle. He was ready for an attacker.

About the Author

Michael Okon is an award-winning and best-selling author of multiple genres including paranormal, thriller, horror, action/adventure and self-help. He graduated from Long Island University with a degree in English, and then later received his MBA in business and finance. Coming from a family of writers, he has storytelling in his DNA. Michael has been writing from as far back as he can remember, his inspiration being his love for films and their impact on his life. From the time he saw The Goonies, he was hooked on the idea of entertaining people through unforgettable characters.

Michael is a lifelong movie buff, a music playlist aficionado, and a sucker for self-help books. He lives on the North Shore of Long Island with his wife and children.

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One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

For the Brave by Holly Bush - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Holly Bush will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

1869 – Matthew Gentry joined the Confederate Army at eighteen years of age after an argument with his father, leaving Paradise, his Virginia home and famed horse breeding stables, for the fields of Gettysburg. Having survived the War Between the States, Gentry is haunted by the violence and inhumanity of the war. He continues to roam the country long after the conflict is over, finding solace in the arms of soiled doves and at the bottom of whiskey bottles. Finally traveling home after learning of a family tragedy, he nearly loses his life in a spring-flooded riverbed.

Annie Campbell, lone survivor of her family, lives at a remote farm near the North River, raising pigs and trying to grow enough to feed herself, and to stay out of the crosshairs of the Thurmans, violent men who run the town of Bridgewater. Annie’s secrets threaten her safety, even as she rescues and nurses Matthew Gentry.

Matthew knows he must return to Paradise, to grieve with his family. Will his heart lead him back to Bridgewater and Annie Campbell?

Read an Excerpt:

He watched as she sharpened his blade on a worn leather strop and ran a brush around a tin cup, making lather with the soap on the bottom. She walked up to him, close enough that he could feel her body heat up and down his right side, and he smelled hay and horse, and some faint note of wintergreen or peppermint. Her shirt gapped when she leaned around him to scrape his other cheek and he was pleased to note that he was interested in seeing the top of her breast, as at some point in the last few days he’d convinced himself that there were parts of him that might never recover.

“Almost done,” she said. “Tilt your head back and let me get your neck.”

He did as he was told and let the sun beat down on his face. Her fingers were strong, moving his chin one way or another or dabbing soap from around his ears and wiping his face clean with a piece of towel she’d dunked in a pan of water. The warm towel wiping his face felt better than anything he’d felt for a long while, and he relaxed his shoulders and let her wipe away two weeks’ worth of sweat and grit. His eyes closed and he let run her comb through his long, filthy hair.

“I need to bathe. I can smell my own stink.”

“I’m going to cut your hair while we’re out here. The weather’s temperate, so we could wash it without heating water.”

“I don’t care if the water’s cold. I’m tired of pulling it back with a string. Cut it. Cut it all off.”

About the Author:

Holly Bush writes historical romance set on the American Prairie, in Victorian England, and recently released her first Women’s Fiction title. Her books are described as emotional, with heartfelt, sexy romance. She makes her home with her husband in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

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Monday, May 21, 2018

Order Up by Barbara Valentin - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Barbara Valentin will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Nancy Braley is the Chicago Gazette's food editor with a taste for hot chefs and talent for replicating their "secret" recipes. But when she finally gets up the nerve to ask out a hot local café owner, Doug Johnston, she's crushed when he says she's not the "marriage material" he's looking for.

Doug is perplexed by his attraction to Nancy whose take-no-prisoners personality reminds him way too much of his cheating ex. To keep Nancy and his conflicted feelings at bay, he throws out the only excuse he can come up with—she's just not marriage material.

Not one to be deterred, Nancy becomes obsessed with figuring out what exactly that means—partly because she doesn't want to emulate her oft-married but divorce-settlement-wealthy mother, and partly because her attraction to Doug is driving her to distraction. So when a married and very pregnant colleague gets put on bed rest until her baby arrives, Nancy volunteers to feed her family, hoping to get a first-hand look at what marriage is all about. And when Doug's ex opens a new coffee shop nearby, stealing business from his café, it's Nancy who comes to his aid! Eager to call Doug's bluff, can she convince him she's the real deal?

Read an Excerpt:

"Ladies. What can I get you this morning?"

Caught off guard, a rather loud gasp escaped Nancy's surprised lips.

I'm a successful, award-winning, well-connected professional, I'm a successful, award-winning, well-connected professional… The mere sight of Doug, wearing a gray T-shirt that read I'm an English Major. You do the math was enough to trigger a weird little tug in her chest.

Despite a rush of warmth threatening to turn her complexion from the color of uncooked bread dough to a ripe pomegranate, Nancy shifted in her seat to better face the man who had hijacked her cooking class (and may very well have shoved her name to the top of the layoff list).

"I'll have the daily brew, Doug, with just a pinch of sugar and…" Before she could stop herself, Nancy reached over and put her hand on his forearm, giving it a gentle squeeze as she asked, "What did you say the specials were today?"

Her touch seemed to spellbind him. His gaze trained on her, Doug recited, "Lemon poppy seed scones and asparagus Swiss cheese quiche."

"Oh," Nancy gasped, finally releasing his arm. "The quiche sounds delicious. I'll have that."

Granted, he could have said "toilet paper," and she would've still ordered it on the spot.

About the Author:
Author of the popular Assignment: Romance series, Barbara was named "Indie Star of 2015" by Publishers Weekly when her first book earned a coveted starred review. A member of Romance Writers of America, she looks forward to the days when her to-do list includes tasks such as “Attend premiere of movie based on my book” or "Accept Godiva's request to be a taste-tester” …much better than “Vacuum hallway” or “Pick up clothes from dry cleaners,” don’t you think?

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Friday, May 18, 2018

Old Gold Mountain by Bradley W. Wright - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Justin Vincent is a San Francisco based artist who leads a secret double life as a cat burglar. He likes the freedom, money, and self-determination his unusual career provides but also increasingly feels that it is a life he fell into by accident. When a valuable painting is stolen from his lover Valerie, Justin agrees to use his underworld contacts and knowledge of the black market to help. The search leads him to an antiquities dealer who has fallen on hard times and a mysterious European middle man. With the help of his friend Ashna, a skilled hacker, and Gabrielle, owner of an art gallery in Nice, Justin gathers clues that lead him to a mysterious chateau in the South of France and a dangerous web of secrets and lies. To escape with his life and complete his objective, Justin’s skill, luck, and perseverance will be tested to their utmost limit.


“What happened to that painting you used to have above the bed?” I asked.

“Above the bed? I didn’t—” Val turned, stopped speaking, breath caught.

A moment later, she whirled, flipped on the light switch, jumped onto the bed, and placed her hands on the wall above the headboard. In the light, I noticed there was a picture hanger still nailed into the wall and a square of slightly brighter paint where the painting had hung. She ran her hands over the bare wall then turned to look at me. Her eyes were manic, her body tense. “Tell me this is some kind of joke, Justin.”

“No joke,” I replied. “Was it there when you left for the gallery?”

“Yes, I think so.” She stepped down off the bed and started frantically pacing the room, looking everywhere. “I’m sure it was.”

“Did you have cleaners scheduled today?”

“No. They come on Wednesdays.”

“Did you leave your balcony door open?”

She looked at me, suddenly focusing. “No. I never leave it open.”

“It was open when we came in. Was it locked?”

“Maybe not. I don’t know. I was in a hurry.”

“Let’s see if anything else is missing,” I said, turning toward the door.

Valerie grabbed my arm, pulling me around to face her. “I don’t care if anything else is missing.” She was on the brink of tears, a tight, almost hysterical, edge to her voice. She raised her hands, placed them over her ears, shaking her head back and forth. “I don’t care. That painting is the only thing I own that I care about, Justin.”

Guest Post

Writing tips to new authors

1. Be yourself. It’s okay to be inspired by other writers but you need to develop your own voice and ideas. The thing that will make you stand out is originality, not sounding like someone else.

2. Read a lot of books and not just in the genre you want to write. Read a non-fiction book for every two fiction. Read the classics and learn from them. Read bestsellers and obscure self-published books. You never know where you will find inspiration. If you only read books in the same genre you want to write it will be difficult to break out of the mold and do something innovative.

3. Don’t pay for expensive software or fancy computers. You can use Google docs for free and write on a cheap chromebook.

4. Write an outline. If you want your book to be well paced and for the plot to develop in an a way that keeps the reader interested, you need to know where you are going before you begin.

5. Research your details. For every detail there will be a reader who knows more than you and will be thrown off if things are inaccurate. For Old Gold Mountain, I read books and articles on lock picking, techniques used by successful thieves, computer/network hacking, the international art market, and the history of the Corsican mafia among others.

6. Don’t watch TV. Don’t play video games. In general, don’t waste time with mindless entertainment. Write your book or read a book instead.

7. Bake your own bread. Mastering bread baking is a lot like figuring out how to write a book.

8. Don’t take advice from other writers like me. Just write in whatever way makes sense to you.

About the Author

I am a writer and educational technology professional. I lived in San Francisco for the past fifteen years but recently moved to Los Angeles with my wife and five year old son. My first book Old Gold Mountain is out now. Buy it at Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Also available through Apple iBooks, Google Play, and Indigo.

The book will be $0.99.

Bradley W. Wright will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC  to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Waking to Black by V.H. Luis - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

He shattered my defenses, and I was fragile to begin with…

The first time I saw Adam Black, I was between the arms of a criminal, a gun to my throat and even then, I knew I was staring at the most dangerous man in the room.

Maybe it was his confident, cerulean eyes, or the sex appeal radiating from his pores like heat waves on a scorching day, but by proximity alone he made my vision blur and my heart stammer.

The day I was nearly killed in a bank hold-up, I began to live—because of him.

Now, I’m praying for the first time in years, hoping the scars of my past, the secrets I keep, don’t interfere with my future…


I close my eyes and bend my knees—or at least I think I am. I’m finding it hard to breathe, and the room is spinning. I must not be moving fast enough because the next thing I know, the man with the big gun grabs me and shoves the cold tip of the barrel against my neck.

This is how it ends? A pang of regret stabs deep within my belly. I wonder who will feed my cat when I’m gone, and the pathetic nature of that last thought is sobering. I haven’t accomplished much in the last twenty-four years. My eyes begin to water, and my vision clouds.

“Hey, take it easy,” a much calmer voice calls out from behind me.

I try to focus on the deep tenor of this stranger, who to my shock is defying a man with a gun, but my senses aren’t cooperating.

Using me as a shield, my captor spins me and I get a blurry first look at my would-be hero. Through pooling tears, I see he’s dressed in an expensive black suit, a crisp white shirt, and a solid black tie. He has hair the color of dark coffee, and because he defies the order to hug the floor, I notice he’s tall. His sapphire eyes lock on mine, urging me to breathe, and for a split-second I forget I’m in the arms of a lunatic because it’s this stranger’s gaze holding me hostage.

Though his hands are in the air, like everyone else’s, he seems to be humoring the robber rather than obeying him out of fear. And while not armed, his calm demeanor is more threatening than the creep jamming a gun against my throat. It’s as if under the façade of composure something dark and dangerous lingers—the insight makes me tremble.


1. Tell us about your book, what inspired it.

Waking to Black is a steamy character-driven romance. However, the heroine and hero of this story Evelyn Snowe and Adam Black are both in different ways damaged. I like the concept of writing about people who have to work towards finding peace and happiness because that is a real struggle in life for many people. My father was one of those people and his struggles in part inspired me to write this story.

2. Where’s your favorite place to write?

My room without-a-doubt. My desk is set up exactly how I like it and I appreciate being able to write in the privacy of my bedroom with music blasting in my ear. I’ve tried other more serene settings and everything around me ends up distracting me.

3. What are you working on next?

I’m currently finalizing the edits/rewrites for Fading to Black (Uninhibited #2), since it is due to be released August 2018. I’m excited to offer the continuation of Evelyn and Adam’s love affair.

4. Do you have a favorite quote?

I have a few actually, though I’ll go with the one I think I use most often. I like William Shakespeare’s “This above all: to thine own self be true,” because that is solid advice. If you want to be appreciated for what you can offer, if you want to accomplish anything and be happy, you must be true to yourself.

5. What do you do when you are not writing?

I’m usually reading or spending time with my beautiful son. I used to love playing video games, especially role-playing games which often have richly developed plots weaved into game-play. However, I’ve found that to accomplish my dream of publishing and still have time for my son, I need to focus my attention. So, lately I’ve been busy reading, writing, and being a mommy.

6. Do you have any advice for other writers?

Truthfully, I find myself so early on in this endeavor it’s hard to offer much advice. I think any person who puts themselves out there to be critiqued by others has to have thick-skin. Some people will love what you write and often enough they will go out of their way to tell you how much something you have written has affected them positively. The truth of course can be said in the reverse. You need to be confident in what you are producing and advocate for your characters and story. An audience exists for what you are writing, you just have to find that audience. Remember to always be positive and confident.

7. Any last words?

It’s been a sincere pleasure to answer these questions and have the opportunity to talk about my debut novel. I hope readers will take a chance on Waking to Black (Uninhibited #1), since Evelyn and Adam’s story is not only steamy, but meaningful. Again, thank you so much for having me!


About the Author

V.H. Luis is the author of the Black Series, an erotic romance trilogy that follows the love affair of Evelyn Snowe and Adam Black. Her debut book WAKING to Black, will be released in 2018, and the subsequent sequels FADING to Black, and SURRENDERING to Black, will follow shortly thereafter.

Welcome to my internet haven!
I’m a born and bred Miami Girl—and proud of it! I would wear shorts and flip-flops every day of the week if I could. Growing up in Miami, surrounded by my parent’s heritage has made me proud of my Cuban ancestry. Cafecito and a guava pastry for breakfast? Yes, please! Salsa music while I tidy the house? Of course.
If I’m not busy scribbling notes about the story pounding out of my head, I’m painting, listening to music, or spending time with the love of my life—my son. If I decide to travel, I bring the whole family (in-laws included), or at least I try to, because life is too short not to spend it with family; one of the many lessons my father taught me.

My website:

V.H. Luis will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Renaissance Club by Rachel Dacus - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Rachel Dacus will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Would you give up everything, even the time in which you live, to be with your soul mate? That’s the question my heroine, May Gold must answer in this time travel love story. And she has to answer it in three short weeks, on a tour of Italy. A college adjunct teacher, she often dreams about the subject of her master’s thesis—17th century sculptor Gianlorenzo Bernini. In her fantasies, she’s in his arms, the wildly adored partner of the man whose passionate art invented the Baroque style. But in reality, May has just landed in Rome with her teaching colleagues and older boyfriend. She considers herself a precocious failure and yearns to unleash her passion and creative spirit. May finds she has to choose: stay in a safe but stagnant existence or take a risk.

Read an Excerpt:

In Bernini’s Studio

That smile of his ought to be illegal. She was standing too close to him for a biographer. Nevertheless, she moved closer. “You’ve made him so noble. Really, he wasn’t this beautiful,” she pointed out. From his surprise, she gathered that he wasn’t used to having his work critiqued. Of course, he was Bernini. Only his patrons had the power to criticize his art, and they seemed to universally consider it fabulous. The matter of fidelity wasn’t an issue in his time the way it was in hers.

“I show his stature in his eyes and forehead,” he said. “I reveal the rest of his nature in the face below the nose, where I capture his fondness for feasting. And even that is beautiful.”

“Beauty in his fat jowls?”

He laughed. “They say he has expansive meals.” He ran a loving hand over the clay. “I captured his face when he was about to speak, so you can read his lively thought. Perhaps it was of mutton!”

They both laughed, and she said, “This king’s image is beautiful in your eyes and under your hands.”

“I tried to imagine what would move this man. You’re a poet. You must be able to feel it when the strings of your heart make a music that becomes a stream of light. You stand in that light and fold your hands. If you are sincere, truth comes as the body of an angel. A visitation.”

She stepped closer and bowed. “Cavaliere, you are my stream of light.”

He laughed and pulled her up. “I was simply answering your question.”

About the Author:

Rachel Dacus is the author of The Renaissance Club, a novel called “Enchanting, rich and romantic…a poetic journey through the folds of time.” Dacus’ book Gods of Water and Air is a collection of poetry, prose, and drama. Her other poetry collections are Earth Lessons and Femme au Chapeau. Her poetry and prose have appeared in Atlanta Review, Boulevard, Prairie Schooner, The Pedestal, and Valparaiso Poetry Review. Her fourth poetry collection, Arabesque, is forthcoming in August 2018 from FutureCycle Press. Read more on her website:

Follow on Twitter: @Rachel_Dacus.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Rescued from the Dungeon by Anarie Brady & Kristi Ahlers - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Rescued from the Dungeon: Oubliette

It took a tornado and the near destruction of his home for Jason, a professor of history, to learn that his family had once owned his neighbor David’s family. While repairing the damage from the storm, friendship and more blossom between David, Jason, and Marina, Jason’s submissive wife. Determined to ease Jason’s guilt over his family history, Marina proposes a unique way of putting old ghosts to rest.

Rescued from the Dungeon: Love’s Captive

Victoria Padgett is working the front lines as a nurse during WWI. She has just finished celebrating her first wedding anniversary with her husband and Duke of Willby, Ashton Padgett, in Paris. Together they decide it would be best if she returns to England, open up the ducal estate as a hospital and treat the wounded there where she will be safe and can practice the medicine and sanitary practices she thinks will aide in recovery. She returns to Belgium and the front line to turn in her resignation but while there she is kidnapped and held hostage in a château dungeon by Ashton’s once best friend who thinks Victoria should’ve been his. Will Ashton be able to save his Victoria before war and a madman takes the love of his life from him?


Throughout dinner, Marina remained quiet. She served the men first and made sure they had two full glasses – one of water and the other of wine – at all times. She herself drank only water and ate lightly. She never liked going into a session with an overly full tummy. Once they'd finished, the men chatted amicably while she cleared the table. When everything was neat and tidy, she returned to the dining room and knelt between the men.

"Marina, what is it you want to propose?" Jason asked. She wouldn't speak until he had given her permission. She was in full submind, a level just below subspace. Submind could be maintained for hours, days even. It happened when she let go of the needs, desires, and stresses of the outside world, allowing her mind to focus only on the needs, desires, and wishes of Jason, her dominant. The source wasn't necessarily sexually motivated, but rather service motivated, unlike subspace, which was often achieved while sexually stimulated. In truth, subspace was rather like that delicious glow that often happens to vanilla couples after sex, but that glow was more like a nuclear explosion.

"Sir, I know how upset you've been since David shared his history. I wish to propose something that might, in some small way, appease your sense of fairness," she began.

"That's not necessary..." David began.

"No, she's right," Jason interrupted. "I agree with you that we need to leave hate and guilt and blame in the past. There's no way I can ever make up for what my family did to yours, David, so there's no point it trying. But, I can't let go of this. The image of what your ancestors suffered at the hands of mine keeps running through my mind. I need to find a way to still those ghosts. What were you thinking, Marina?"


Tell us about your current release

My current release is Love’s Captive in the book compellation for “Rescued from the Dungeon.”
It’s about a female doctor who goes to work in field hospitals for the British during WWI, she is captured and taken behind enemy lines. I’ve always had a fascination regarding the history of this war, and the ramifications of how it touched the lives of people involved.

What exciting story are you working on next?

I’m actually working on something vastly different from the historic romance I’m talking about today. I recently lost my sister unexpectedly and as a result my life kinda turned upside and pear-shaped to boot. As a result, a different idea came to me and I’ve been working on this, a story about a person who has to wake up to a new normal and adjust and find their place in the world after they’ve lost someone close to them. How they deal with the grief, and the fallout of the change.

What are your future ambitions?

Well, I’ve always believed if you’re going to dream, dream BIG! And over the course of the last nine months or so, I’ve realized that this crazy ride we call life doesn’t come with a lifetime guarantee you’ll have all the time in the world to accomplish those pesky life goals. So….my future “ambition” is to write a treatment for a television show, or movie. I think the best job, the dream job (for me anyhow) would be a writer on a show. The challenge of getting a script out in five days, the ability to sit down with a room full of writers and brainstorming. And then the reward of seeing the character(s) coming to life.

How do you react to a bad review of your book?

I try to stay separated from a bad review. I mean I’m not going to make every reader happy with my stories or characters. I do try to learn from the feedback, I don’t ignore it, if I read the same negative feedback more than three times I take what is said seriously. Unless the complaint is “the story is too short” and it’s a novella. Not much as a writer we can do about that as we are giving a word count from our publisher. 

Favorite place to read?

I’ll read just about anywhere. I carry a book in my purse wherever I go. No seriously. Wallet, keys, book. Or Nook. If I don’t have a book with me I get twitchy! But, if I had to pick a favorite spot, I love reading on the beach, or in a hot lavender bath. But, I really can read anywhere provided the book has grabbed my attention.

Favorite book to recommend?

Oh, wow, this is hard. I have so many favorites! As far as a good classical read, I adore Les Miserable. I read it every other year, I love it so much. Kid you not, I think Jean Valjean is one of the most amazing characters written. I’m currently reading Laura Esquirel’s Like Water for Chocolate. I’m totally in love with this story, Tita is another great character. This book is part of my yearly reading challenge, to read books outside my normal go-to genres. I picked up a book called 1001 Books to Read Before You Die I’ve read several that have been amazing and few that left me wondering why they’d made the list. But, hey to each their own. As far as the Romance Genre, I’ll automatically pick up Karen Rose (great romantic suspense reads), Heather Graham because she’s amazing, and Maya Rodale, Shana Galen, and Laura Lee Ghurke.

Anything else you might want to add?

I love books but movies are a second passion for me. If you’re wanting a fun movie challenge may I suggest either watching all 90 of the Oscar Best Picture movies. Hey, I started this challenge back in mid-February and I’ve watched all but 3! I have 3 left! And no, I didn’t fast forward any of them, but boy did I want to on a couple, ok, more than a couple. After all a movie is nothing more than a book with pictures. I love hearing from my readers and I can always be reached through my author Facebook Page


About the Author

Kristi Ahlers is a California girl! She grew up in Northern California in a small city called Yuba City. Since then she's lived in Brussels, Belgium, and England along with a myriad of other locations. A former flight attendant, she was able to continue to feed her love of travel. This has greatly influenced her writing, allowing her to pen stories about places she's managed to visit and things she's experienced.

Kristi loves to hear from her readers and can be reached at
visit her at her virtual home at

Anarie Brady writes hot, happy ever after love stories filled with strong men and strong women who choose to submit to their own desires. She also loves scratching her chinchilla in all his itchy spots, sipping tea, and savoring whiskey. She absolutely adores hearing from fans, so don’t be shy! 

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The authors will be awarding a print novel and goody bag signed by the model, Vikkas, to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, May 14, 2018

Unbreakable Bond by Jess Bryant - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Jess will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Sometimes fate gets it all wrong.

Zoey Kent has lived with that fact ever since she turned eighteen and learned that the man she loved could never be hers. He’s a born shifter, a wolf, and she’s a mere human. Fate doesn’t care if on paper they’re a perfect pair. She isn’t his fated mate and she’s resigned herself to the knowledge that someday, she’ll have to watch Michael mate with another. It’s never crossed her mind that there might be someone else out there for her, that she would be the one to mate another, to choose another over everything she’s ever known or wanted.

Sometimes fate gets it all right.

Rafe Hudson left his pack behind years ago. Physically and mentally scarred from an attack that left his parents and twin dead, he walked away from his responsibilities as Alpha. He never intended to return but lone wolf or not, he can’t leave Michael open to an attack he’s learned is coming for his only brother. What he didn’t know was that going home would mean scenting his mate, the one person in the world that could make him whole again, that could give him everything he thought he’d lost. His pack, his home and his family.

But fate always has a plan.

There’s no way Michael’s brother is her future, is there? Just like there’s no way that the girl his brother has loved since they were kids, was always meant to be his, right?

Only fate knows why they were brought together but there is one thing for sure, the sparks between Zoey and Rafe are undeniable. The bond between them is unbreakable. And together… they’ll change the face of the pack forever.

Read an Excerpt:

Rafe Hudson was going to rip his little brother’s intestines out and use them to choke him to death. It was a fantasy he’d been living over and over in his head for the past few hours. It was a fantasy that he would have fulfilled already if only she hadn’t stopped him.

Her. Zoey. His mate. He was still trying to wrap his head around how that was even possible.

All of those years out there in the big, bad world. All of his time spent roaming from city to town to countryside. He hadn’t been out there looking for her but he was what he was. He was a shifter and it was hard coded in him to seek the woman that was meant to make him whole. In the back of his mind, every time he encountered a new woman, a new wolf or other shifter, he’d wondered if she was the one.

He’d wondered if he would find her at his next stop or the one after that. He’d wondered where she was and if she was looking for him too. And, in his darkest moments, he’d wondered if fate had even seen fit to give him a mate when he’d already failed to protect those that meant the most to him once.

He’d failed his family, his entire pack. He had been the one to run past the boundary line. He was the one the hunters had followed back to camp. He was the reason they were all dead, every one of them.

His proud father, the leader of them all. His mother, the sweetest wolf to have ever been born. And Gabe, his littermate, his twin, his other half in every way. The only member of his family that hadn’t been in the woods that day was Michael and because fate liked to throw punches when you were already down, Rafe knew that the reason his little brother hadn’t been there was because he’d been with her.


To find out, after all of this time, that she was his? That she’d been his all along? That she was his but that she’d been here with his brother? Well, that was an injustice he wouldn’t, and couldn’t, tolerate.

About the Author:
Jess Bryant is an avid indoorswoman. A city girl trapped in a country girl's life, her heart resides in Dallas but her soul and roots are in small town Oklahoma. She enjoys manicures, the color pink, and her completely impractical for country life stilettos. She believes that hair color is a legitimate form of therapy, as is reading and writing romance. She started writing as a little girl but her life changed forever when she stole a book from her aunt's Harlequin collection and she's been creating love stories with happily ever afters ever since.

Jess holds a degree in Public Relations from the University of Oklahoma and is a lifetime supporter of her school and athletic teams. And why not? They have a ton of National Championships! She may be a girlie girl but she knows her sports stats and isn't afraid to tell you that your school isn't as cool as hers... or that your sports romance got it all wrong.

For more information on Jess and upcoming releases, contact her at or follow her on her many social media accounts for news and shenanigans.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Love by Marcelle - Book Blast and Giveaway

Love by Marcelle

When a hard-working, Southern boy rescues an opinionated, capable girl… Welcome to a Southern Louisiana cul-de-sac where a single mother, her college-aged daughter, two orphans, a Cajun, a Creole, and five Mexicans live as one lively, extended family. Together, these neighbors share a lot of sweet romance, friendship, laughter, and sorrow. Ava Baptiste and her Mama live a tranquil life in the rural South. A brutal event leads her into a deep bond of friendship with Remi, a noble, young man burdened with life’s difficulties. Ava and her boisterous neighbors encourage Remi to persevere through the challenges he faces. Grateful for finding nourishment for his disillusioned soul, Remi encourages his new friends to obey their hearts and pursue love. Through lots of laughter and occasional pain this group of friends, young and old, persevere together to squeeze every drop of goodness they can get out of life. A stand-alone, Christian, coming of age story with lovable characters, tender romance, and terrific humor. A moving tale of a community bonded by their love of life and their genuine faith. Greater love has no one than this ...


Praise for the book:

“A must read! Very well written. I love the characters in this book. Couldn’t put it down, especially the parts where Ava and Remi affectionately and humorously interact with one another. A beautiful love story even in the midst of hardships. And, of course, I love happy ever after!!!” Amazon Customer “Our generation needs more books like this one. Great book, it was very insightful and inspiring. I hope there are more books to come from this author.” Raige, Amazon “This was a great book that I truly enjoyed. It made me laugh often and it made me cry once. There was a lot of romance between several characters, a little suspense, some action, adversity, and many funny moments. The characters were engaging and the dialogue between them was realistic. It was a stand-alone and it was clean, which I really liked. Five stars, definitely!” Cyrano, Goodreads


About the Author

Marcelle has lived many places, but always in the Deep South. She is married to the most romantic and affectionate husband in the history of the world. Cupid in the flesh without the speedo and jelly belly. Just ask their children, they will tell you that when it comes to Mama, Papa is a real, non-suicidal Romeo. Marcelle is also Mama to ten, literally, remarkable children. Yes. That is correct. She endured childbirth ten times. Yet, she is still practically sane, and every single child was so worth it. Life is sweet. Marcelle is a voracious bibliophile who has recently come to accept that it is not unethical to use an electronic device to read a book. Although she still experiences utopian sensations in the midst of a library filled with old tomes, she is now able to read an ebook without feeling aberrant Having always loved to read and to write, Marcelle became an author with the hope of sharing her love for encouraging, Christian fiction with new friends. She had so much fun writing her first novel, Love, that she is industriously burning up her keyboard at her top speed of twenty words per minute, composing her next work of Christian fiction.


$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway
Ends 5/21/18 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.