Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Out of Hiding by John Feldman - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Charles Dampor was supposed to be a blessing, but instead turned out to be a curse. A family torn by deception and greed now saw Emily for what she was, and a co-worker with a vicious past of his own now has his own personal vendetta against her. If Emily doesn't open her eyes and see the doors she's unlocked, she'll find herself at the bottom of Lake Bermin...with Charles's ex-wife.


My eye is now on the bottom half, literally. The bottle is held up to my face, eye level. I can see the amount of liquid sitting in there, yet to be touched. Soon to be ingested, digested, then disposed of. That remaining fluid seems to have the possibility for a story in there. Each ounce contains a few words. That story could be the malicious murder of Emily Geiser. It could be. But it could also be the twist in the story I have yet to write. A twist I do not want. A twist leading to a happy ending. Emily and Charles live happily ever after, skipping off into the sunset. Maybe she gets a promotion, becomes his secondhand man. They cut out the money-hungry daughter Carla for good and enjoy their own life. And me? I finally get punished for the murders of Veronica, my wife and her whore friend Sam, and their boy toy. The possibility of me turning myself in could even be lying within the contents of this bottle, but that’s doubtful. The words that write that ending are in a second bottle, sitting somewhere on a liquor store shelf nearby. But I won’t go there. I haven’t had the urge for a Bottle Number Two in quite some time.

About the Author

John Feldman was born and raised in southern New Jersey, but has since moved to Florida at the request (demand) of his beautiful wife. He has written several short stories and novels, including his newest release, OUT OF HIDING. He writes a lot, thinks a lot more, and is currently wondering why he’s writing this in the third person.

For more information, visit www.johnfeldman.com, or email him directly at askjohn@johnfeldman.com.

Twitter: @johnfeldman_

John Feldman will be awarding a $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, April 23, 2018

Dead Giveaway by Diane Benefiel - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Diane will be awarding a $15 in Boroughs Bucks + a copy of Flash Point to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other tours on the stop.


If asked, Gwendolyn Ballard would admit she co-parented her best friend Chloe's son, Cameron. Now Gwen is all he's got as they flee from the man who murdered his mother. There's only one place Cameron will be safe, and that's with his uncle, Elijah MacElvoy. Arriving on his doorstep at the Broken Arrow Ranch is a desperate decision, and Gwen knows he'd slam the door in her face if she didn't have his nephew with her. But she'll do anything for Cam, even if it means putting up with Elijah's distrust and judgment.

Chloe's dead. Cam's orphaned, and Elijah is confronted with the prospect of living with the one woman who's driven him crazy for the past ten years. He'll fight to keep her safe. That's encoded in his DNA. But can he trust her with a little boy who just lost his mother? As Eli watches how Gwen loves and cares for his nephew, he reevaluates his thinking and gives in to the smoldering attraction he felt the first time he saw her. With so much on the line, Eli comes clean about his past, making way for a future that's all about silver linings.

Enjoy an Excerpt

A quiet sound had him glancing toward the door. Gwen stepped into the room, her gaze fixing on his. As always when she was near, his body tightened and he had to fight back the urge to touch. To touch that glorious hair, the smooth skin, the subtle curves. His reactions to her were visceral and made him crave the impossible. They always had. Acting on the attraction would be suicide. Gwendolyn Ballard was all the things he didn’t need in a woman, and self-preservation demanded he reject the temptation.

She broke their contact and glanced around the room. He took the moment to make a careful survey. Her damp hair spread across her shoulders, hair that when dry curled into a mass that held all the colors of a wheat field in summer, from golden brown to sunny blond. Like her hair, her eyes couldn’t seem to settle on one color. They were a whiskey brown shot through with gold, and right now lit by the warm light of the lamp, they gave away her exhaustion. Finally, her gaze returned to his, and she appeared to tamp down on whatever emotions she felt. He’d seen those eyes glow with a warm light when she looked at Cameron, then turn cool and aloof when she looked at him.

The memory of the first time he’d seen her flashed across his mind. He’d arrived at his mother’s house for the Thanksgiving holiday after the long drive south. And there Gwen had been, his sister’s college roommate standing in front of a window, the sun bringing out the warm tones of her hair. She’d been flirting with a neighbor kid, a young man about her own age, her face alight with fun and laughter. Then she’d caught sight of him, eyes still shining. He’d felt himself scowl, and watched the animation fade, replaced by a carefully blank look that had irked him even more. He shook off the memory.

“Cameron asleep?”

“Yes. Oreo is sleeping with him. Thank you again for taking us in.”

He frowned. “What did you think I’d do? Send you hiking back to your car?”

She lifted a shoulder. “You could have. Honestly, I did think you would give us a safe place to stay for a few days, or else I wouldn’t have risked coming. But I wasn’t one hundred percent sure.”

He moved to the recliner and sat, gesturing to the sofa. “Sit before you fall down, Gwen. Tell me what happened to Chloe.”

She perched at the end of the couch, feet flat on the floor, body rigid. He wondered if she would ever loosen up enough to relax when he was near. She glanced at him, then down at her hands tightly clasped in front of her. She remained silent for so long he thought she wasn’t going to speak. Then, attention resolutely focused on the hands in her lap, she spoke in a quiet voice. He listened carefully, sensing the emotion held tightly in check.

“Cameron and I were going on vacation. Thursday was the last day of school for both of us, so I’d gotten the car packed and we were going to leave early Friday morning.”

“Wait. What do you mean it was the last day of school for both of you? Are you still in college? I thought you’d graduated.”

He caught the confusion in her expression. “Of course I did. I graduated several years ago. I’m a teacher.”

Disbelief had him sitting back in his seat. He couldn’t have been more surprised if she’d told him she made her living as a rodeo clown. “A teacher? With your background?”

She raised her head, whiskey eyes narrowed. “And what background would that be, Eli?”

He decided he’d be better off leaving that one alone. “Never mind. What grade do you teach?”


He tried to reconcile his memories of her with the kind of person who taught kindergarten. To him a kindergarten teacher meant someone with a sunny personality who could shift from teaching shapes and letters to tying shoelaces and keeping kids from eating paste. Maybe he was stereotyping, but he had a hard time equating party girl with wholesome. “Huh, kindergarten.” He shook his head.

About the Author:
National Readers' Choice Award winner for her novel, Solitary Man, Diane Benefiel has been an avid reader all her life. She enjoys a wide range of genres, from westerns to fantasy to mysteries, but romance has always been a favorite. She writes what she loves best to read – emotional, heart-gripping romantic suspense novels. She likes writing romantic suspense because she can put the hero and heroine in all sorts of predicaments that they have to work together to overcome.

A native Southern Californian, Diane enjoys nothing better than summer. For a high school history teacher, summer means a break from teenagers, and summer allows her to spend her early mornings immersed in her current writing project. With both kids living out of the house, in addition to writing, she enjoys camping and gardening with her husband. Diane loves hearing from her readers.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A Mother's Gift by Charlotte Hubbard - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

For Leah Otto, marrying Jude Shetler is a long-held dream come true. As a young girl, she was captivated by his good looks and talent as an auctioneer. When Jude, now a widower with three children, begins to court her, Leah doesn’t hesitate. Other men may not appreciate her tomboy ways, but Jude values Leah’s practical nature and her skill with the animals she tends, and both enter the marriage with joy and optimism.

Three months later, Leah feels as if her world is coming down around her. Her twin teenage step-daughters, Alice and Adeline, are pushing boundaries and taking far too many risks, while five-year-old Stevie deeply misses his mother. Leah, more at ease in a barn tending her goats and chickens than in a kitchen, struggles with her housekeeping duties.

Then a baby is abandoned on their doorstep, and Leah must search her soul. Caring for little Betsy fills her with renewed purpose and the strength to begin pulling her family together. With Jude’s steadfast support, Leah finds that what she once thought of as a happy ending may be something even better—the beginning of a life rich in love, faith, and unexpected blessings


Jeremiah Shetler leaned his elbows on his kitchen table, gazing earnestly at his younger brother—who, at thirty-three, was surely old enough to know better about what he was getting into. “Last chance to see reason, Jude,” he stated bluntly. “If you go through with this wedding tomorrow, you’ll be signing on for a lifetime of sorrow and regret.”

Jude’s dark eyes flashed with resentment. “Sounds more like my marriage to Frieda—God rest her soul,” he added quickly. “Why can’t you let me find my happiness with a woman who won’t keep secrets? A woman who adores me and makes me laugh?”

“Leah’s a nice girl, jah,” Jeremiah said with a shake of his head, “but she’s clueless about such basic activities as putting a gut meal on the table—”

“Why are you telling me this?” Jude demanded.

Jeremiah exhaled forcefully. He’d never understood what Jude saw in Leah. He could only assume that his widowed brother was so desperate for affection and companionship that he was willing to settle for a woman who’d never progressed beyond being the tomboy daughter Raymond and Lenore Otto hadn’t taught much about a wife’s responsibilities.

“Have you ever eaten a meal Leah cooked?” he challenged. “Vernon Gingerich has told me that any time he’s visited the Otto home, Lenore’s been bustling around in the kitchen and Leah’s been in the front room chatting with him and her dat. And at our family dinners these past months, Leah’s cleaned up the dishes, but I’ve not seen any signs that she knows how to operate a stove.”

“Lenore does the cooking when Vernon visits because he’s her bishop, and she enjoys cooking for a man now that Raymond’s gone,” Jude explained impatiently. He raked his hand through his disheveled dark waves, glancing downward with an anguished sigh. “Come on, man. You know how it is to lose a wife—and you don’t even have kids to look after. Doesn’t the loneliness—the need for adult conversation—eat you alive at times?”

Jeremiah looked away, his heart pierced by the blatant reminder of Priscilla’s absence. After three years of living without her, he did indeed know how the silence of nights alone clawed at a man’s heart like a relentless beast. But he needed to pursue his present purpose before Jude made the biggest mistake of his life.


What is the sweetest thing someone has done for you?

My husband Neal, even in the times I made zilch money during my 25+ years as a published author, has never once told me to quit writing and get a real job. Believe me, there were a LOT of years when getting a job would’ve been the more sensible thing for me to do!

How would you spend ten thousand bucks?

Easy: I’d put it toward a cruise.

Where do you get your best ideas?

Out of thin air, usually during those early-morning hours when I’m not sleeping but I’m not really awake yet, either.

What comes first, the plot or characters?

My characters and plot tend to push each other along. I often have random ideas I want to write about, and then figure out who can make them happen—and I write a synopsis at that point. Then the story tends to move forward from the opening scene until I run out of gas and stop to figure out the next section of the book, so I can get from point A or B to my envisioned point C and have it all make sense. I try not to overthink it. After 25+ years, my mind takes the story where it needs to go—usually.

What does your main character do that makes him/her special.

Leah is a VERY unusual Amish heroine because her parents allowed her to follow her tomboy pursuits as child, raising goats, chickens, and ducks with her dat instead of learning to cook, sew, and manage a household. When she marries Jude, the man of her dreams, she is totally naive and unprepared to parent his rebellious teenage twin daughters and sad little Stevie—not to mention dealing with her mother-in-law’s disapproval and a baby that’s abandoned on the front porch. It still amazes me that Leah pulled everything together and made it work out!


About the Author

Charlotte Hubbard is the acclaimed author of Amish romance and fiction that evokes simpler times and draws upon her experiences in Jamesport, the largest Old Order Amish community west of the Mississippi. Faith and family, farming, and food preservation are hallmarks of her lifestyle—and the foundation of all her novels. A deacon, dedicated church musician and choir member, she loves to travel, read, try new recipes, and crochet. A longtime Missourian, Charlotte now lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, with her husband and their border collie, Vera. Please visit Charlotte online at www.CharlotteHubbard.com.


Order Ebook

Order Print
Kensington Bouquet 
March 27, 2018
ISBN-13: 9781496712189
ISBN-10: 1496712188

One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/BN.com gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, April 16, 2018

Daemon Reckoning by Mariah Ankenman - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Mariah Ankenman will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Hidden in the shadows of our world, supernatural creatures wage war for the fate of humanity.

Euadaemons protect the innocent, Kakodaemons desire absolute power. Both have altered Krista Culver’s life. After spending the past ten years as a Drone for evil, she’s finally awake and doesn't want to waste another moment. No one will stand in the way of her kicking Kako butt. Not her sister, not her father, not even her incredibly tempting boss.

Racine is about to go mad trying to find his evil twin brother responsible for the Kako uprising, but Rysis is in the wind. Adding to his problems, Krista returned from Enforcer training. Gone is the sweet girl. In her place is a fierce woman who stirs something deep inside. Something he thought long dead and buried.

As their desires grow so does the danger surrounding them. The Kako threat is mounting and the time for a reckoning has come.

Read an Excerpt:

“Dammit, Krista, do as I say.”

“Shut up and help me kill this thing,” she replied.

He cursed, saying something about stubborn women. She smiled, knowing she had won this small battle. Now they just needed to win the next one, the one currently walking toward them with pointy teeth and a look that promised death.

The Cer, as tall and large as Racine, stopped a few feet in front of them. It opened its massive jaws to let out another bloodcurdling shriek. Her Tira charged, sword up and swinging toward the massive beast’s head. The Cer ducked the blow with impressive speed.

Krista threw one of her knives. It landed with a satisfying thunk right in the Cer’s side. The beast howled in pain. Its red eyes narrowed on her. It pulled the blade from its side, hissing through massive fangs. She threw her other knife, landing it straight in the Cer’s chest. If she could distract the monster, maybe Racine could sneak up on it and cut off its head.

The Cer staggered with the new blow, but didn’t fall. In fact, it only looked angrier. Great, she just pissed off a minion of hell and now she only had one weapon left. She left her rods back at base, but still wore her whip belt. Pulling the weapon from her waist, she faced the Cer.

“Come on ugly, I don’t have all night.”

“Do you have to taunt the creature currently trying to kill us?” Racine asked beside her.

“Well, I’m not going to sing it love songs.”

About the Author:

RWA® Golden Heart® Nominated author Mariah Ankenman lives in the beautiful Rocky Mountains with her two rambunctious daughters and loving husband who provides ample inspiration for her heart-stopping heroes.

Whether she’s writing hometown heroes or sexy supernaturals, Mariah loves to lose herself in a world of words. Her favorite thing about writing is when she can make someone’s day a little brighter with one of her books.

The Wild Rose Press: http://bit.ly/2FBAVF6
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/2p48s4x

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, April 13, 2018

Heart of a SEAL by Dixie Lee Brown - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Dixie will be awarding a $30 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

They’re brothers in arms, Navy SEALS risking their lives for their country . . . and the women they love.

This is Luke Harding’s story.

Six months in a desert hellhole taught Navy SEAL Luke Harding things he never wanted to learn about life and death. Only tender memories of the beautiful brunette he met a few weeks before his deployment helped get him through the torturous days and nights. Back in the States after a perilous rescue, physically and emotionally damaged, Luke’s about to plunge into a new kind of war. In a seemingly bucolic Idaho town, Sally Duncan faces real—and unpredictable—danger.

All Sally ever wanted was a safe place to raise her nine-year-old daughter. Her identity hidden behind a façade of secrets and lies, can she trust Luke—a man she barely knows—with the truth? Even as they give in to long-denied passion, a killer with a personal vendetta is setting an ambush that will leave them praying for a miracle and fighting for the future they may not live to see.

Read an Excerpt:

Screaming wasn’t really Sally’s style. The best she could do at the moment was crawl out of the reach of the enraged lunatic and hope he came to his senses.

“Go ahead. Touch her again and see what happens.” The suggestion, coming from the darkness behind Emmett’s vehicle and delivered with steel-edged composure, took her completely by surprise.

Sally swung toward the new player, forgetting Emmett for the moment. The voice was all too familiar, stirring unwelcome memories. Eyes watering from Emmett’s blow, she squinted to see the man standing in the darkness just beyond her yard.

“Luke?” Sally staggered to her feet, clenching her teeth against the sick feeling that swirled in her stomach.

It couldn’t be him. Not the man she’d fallen hard for before he deployed with his SEAL unit over a year ago. Not the man who’d refused to see her when she hurried to the hospital in Bethesda after hearing he’d been rescued from a terrorist prison. Rushing to his side because she’d thought they meant something to each other, she’d quickly learned the truth of the matter. His disregard had let her know, in no uncertain terms, that the feelings had been one-sided. That man had no reason—or right—to show up at her door.

Sally searched the shadows near the street, where the voice had originated. When she finally made out his silhouette, her breath caught in her throat.

Luke didn’t spare her a glance.

“Who the hell are you?” Emmett turned to face him.

“Does it matter?” Luke’s words contained a dangerous warning that Sally had never heard before.

As he stepped from the shadow of the SUV, his military fatigues and the duffel he carried reminded her of the homeless people who’d camped on Elk Creek last fall. A knife in a leather sheath hung at his side. His face was etched with lines of exhaustion, and he might have carried himself stiffly, but otherwise he was the same man she remembered. Light brown hair, longer and a bit more disheveled than the last time she’d seen him, always tempted her to run her fingers through it…even now.

About the Author:
Dixie Lee Brown lives and writes in Central Oregon, inspired by gorgeous scenery and at least three hundred sunny days a year. Having moved from South Dakota as a child to Washington, Montana and then to Oregon, she feels at home in the west. She resides with two dogs and a cat, who are currently all the responsibility she can handle. Dixie works fulltime as a bookkeeper. When she's not writing or working, she loves to read, enjoys movies, and if it were possible, she’d spend all of her time at the beach. She is also the author of the Trust No One romantic suspense series, published by Avon Impulse.

Please visit her website: http://www.dixiebrown.com

Order today at:

Barnes & Noble - http://bit.ly/2EpY38y
Google Play - http://bit.ly/2n5CpPT

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Serial Wives by Yvonne Walus - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Yvonne Walus will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Why would a rich girl become a prostitute?
Three years ago Joy refused to sleep with an ex boyfriend. When he committed suicide, her guilt was enormous. To punish herself she opted to serve as a prostitute for three years.

How far would you go to protect your child?
Cora loves her convict husband despite - or because of - his bad boy ways. But now that he's back in her life, she has their daughter to consider. Is a faulty father better than no father at all?

A serial killer…
A serial killer who murders women and displays their bodies dressed in a white sheet with a fencing mask covering the face. Who will be next?

Read an Excerpt:

Zero’s shared office at the police station looked bleaker than usual. Not even nine o’clock and the morning was already too full of coffee and too scant on breakfast. After three hours in bed, Zero had chosen an extra fifteen minutes of snoozing instead of muesli and shower. She was regretting the no-muesli decision.

“So,” Zero said. “I got that list of psycho reasons for wanting to kill prostitutes.”

Kath raised her eyebrows. “Thought you’d get too sucked into the TV to do any work.”

Of course she did.

“Didn’t even switch it on. Used the Internet. According to Dr Google, scenario one is we could be looking at a man who has issues with women as such. He hates women and wants to hurt them, and the prostitute is simply an easy option. We’ll call him Bitter Boy.”


“The second scenario is that he despises prostitutes specifically. The attacks could be his mission to rid the world of women who, in his eyes, are morally unacceptable.”

“The Missionary.” Kath got up, reached for a blue marker and printed the two nicknames on the whiteboard, right below the photos and names of the two victims. Rebecca Mahoney, also known as Raven. Stella Baxter, a.k.a. Sirocco.

Zero wondered if their department would ever get a Smart Board. Unless Smart Boards were so smart they helped the police solve crimes, the official line went, the department would stick to the status quo in technology, thank you very much.

About the Author:
You won't believe this, but when I'm not a novelist I'm actually a Doctor of Mathematics. A business and data analyst. A wife and a mother. Most of all though - I am a writer (in several languages) hoping to change the world one book at a time.

My heritage is inter-continental. I was born and raised in Poland. When I was twelve, my family and I emigrated to South Africa. Your teenage years are usually your formative years, so it’s no surprise I consider South Africa my second homeland. For the past twenty years, I’ve lived in New Zealand, and people ‘back home’ tell me I’ve become a real Kiwi.

Crime fiction is my passion. My childhood hero was, predictably, Hercule Poirot. I've changed my mind several times since, and for a time I was totally into Harlan Coben's super-rich super-able Win (Windsor Horne Lockwood), but my current favourite is Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch… I mean, Sherlock Holmes.

My co-ordinates:

Here’s a link to the promo video for my latest book: http://stairwaypress.com/book/serialwives/.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Songs for Lucy by Philip Wilson - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

It’s spring, and Allison Connelly has it all – pretty, popular and smart. With a summer job teaching tennis and starting Harvard Law School in the fall, Allison plans on a successful law career, marriage and kids – and dreams of becoming a Supreme Court Justice.

When relentless headaches drive her to her doctor, Allison receives a terrifying diagnosis that destroys her plans and imperils her life. Devastated, Allison struggles to accept her

shattered dreams and uncertain future. One night, she happens into a small-town pub and, on a whim, takes a job singing, finding solace and a measure of peace in her music. She settles in the town, and from that small beginning finds love, a new life and a new reason for living.


Dean Richardson went to the podium, looked back at Allison, and smiled. “It is now my great pleasure and privilege to introduce Allison Connelly to give the Valedictory Address. Allison has made an extraordinary contribution to our school. Not only has she achieved the highest academic standing in her graduating class, but she captained the tennis team – which won the Northeastern Intercollegiate Championship – and was on both the swim and debating teams. Rumor has it that she also sings occasionally at one of the local pubs. I really don’t know when she found time to study. It had been my hope that Allison would stay at BHU and continue with our MBA program, but... I am delighted to announce that she has been accepted into Harvard Law School. While I’m very sorry to lose her, Allison is the first BHU grad to be accepted into HLS in almost a decade and I’m sure you will all share my pride in her achievement. Allison.”
There was a burst of applause. Prepared to stand and approach the podium, she again felt a searing pain over her left eye. She remained seated and again breathed deeply, fighting the pain.

“Allison,” the dean prompted again.

To Allison’s great relief, the pain dissipated. She stood, walked confidently to the podium, and looked out at her classmates and others in the auditorium.

Allison paused and the audience waited expectantly, anticipating the usual salutation acknowledging students, friends and families, alumni, the dean, and the faculty.

“Hi Guys,” Allison began with a smile.


Where did you get the idea for your most recent book?

Building off a positive reaction (both in reviews and sales) to my first book – The Librarian, I wanted to try something different – more thoughtful, emotive and where the character development really drives the storyline. In considering possible plots, the concept of a talented young woman, Allison, struck down in the prime of life with a terminal disease, seemed to provide a good foundation for pursuing these objectives. While it would have been easier to try another in the same genre that would appeal to the same audience, I hope readers are able to connect with Allison’s character and reflect on what they would do if faced with a terminal diagnosis. 

What is your favorite scene in the book?

Unfortunately, describing my two favorites (one being the final scene in the book) would create spoilers. One of the other scenes I like is when Allison receives her diagnosis and slowly realizes she’s being told she’s going to die. Another is when Allison, in reflecting on her prognosis for a steady decline in cognitive ability, physical capability and an increase in pain (manageable with opiates), stands on a cliff overlooking the ocean during a violent storm contemplating jumping.

What exciting story are you working on next?

I just started my third novel, tentatively titled ‘Ayla’s Arc. It is about a young Syrian woman who is orphaned during the recent Syrian civil war and who goes to work for the CIA in the Middle East, first as an interpreter, then as a spy and ultimately as an assassin. While she becomes one of the most successful and prolific assassins on the CIA payroll, she realizes she keep up that kind of life and profession forever. She eventually gives it up and moves to New York to pursue a legal career but still finds the occasional need to fall back on her old skills.

What are four things you can’t live without?

Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and good scotch.

Favorite place to read?

It varies, but at my place in Florida, I enjoy reading both inside and outside. I’m also usually on a couch – whether I’m reading or writing.

Do you listen to music when you're writing?

Occasionally, and when I do it’s usually movie sound tracks. The score from Wonder Woman is great.


About the Author

Philip Wilson is a retired financial executive who spends winters in Florida and summers sailing on the Great Lakes in his 32-foot sailboat. Songs for Lucy is his second book. His first, The Librarian, was rated one of the best reviewed books of 2017 by IndieReader and featured in the Huffington Post. Learn more at www.philipmwilson.com.

Facebook: @authorphilipwilson

Buy Links:

Philip Wilson will be awarding a signed paperback copy of the book to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Accidental Jesus Freak by Amber Lea Starfire - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

In 1973, Linda was a flute player and music major at a California community college, until she met and fell madly in love with a charismatic piano player, plunging into his world of music-making and drug-fueled parties. When, just three weeks after their wedding, he reveals that he's been "born again," Linda makes the spontaneous decision to follow him into his new religion and, unwittingly, into a life of communal living, male domination, and magical thinking.

With unflinching candor, Amber Starfire chronicles her journey as Linda Carr into the evangelical church culture, where she gives up everything for her husband and their music ministry. But in the process, she loses her most valuable assets: her identity and sense of self-worth. It is only when Linda returns to live with her birth family and faces her complicated relationship with her mother that she finds new purpose and the courage to begin to extricating herself from the limiting beliefs of her past.

Accidental Jesus Freak is the story of one woman, one marriage, and one kind of fundamentalism, but it is also the story of the healing that is possible when we are true to ourselves. Both a cautionary tale and celebration of personal empowerment, Accidental Jesus Freak is a powerful reminder for anyone who seeks to live a life authentic to who they truly are.


As it happened, our formal outreach period coincided with the coldest winter Amsterdam had experienced in twelve years. The canals were frozen, and the famous Elfstedentocht speed-skating race or “Eleven Cities Tour” was on that year. The tour occurs only when it is cold enough to form ice at least fifteen centimeters thick along the entire 200 kilometer course. 1985 was one of those rare years when the temperature plummeted to 13 degrees Fahrenheit and hovered there for six weeks. So, except for one or two memorable occasions, our outreach became a time of so called Inn-reach, because it was too cold to be out on the streets for long. We ended up going with YWAM’s night teams to proselytize in restaurants and nightclubs, as well as serve in the organization’s Christian coffee bar.

On one of the few outdoor occasions, we took all the children to the spacious plaza in front of Amsterdam’s Central Station and had them perform a dance while we played music and then preached. It was so cold that day, I wore my long wool coat and scarf and played flute with fingerless gloves. I worried that my lips would freeze to my flute. When it was time for the children to dance, we had them take off their coats, perform, and then bundled them back into their clothing and gave them steaming cups of hot chocolate.

Travelers and Amsterdam natives walked around us as if we were part of the structure of the plaza, pillars that stood in the way of their path, nothing more. Other than a few quick glances in our direction and eyebrows raised at the sight of the children during their dance, we were only another odd group of people on the streets.

Guest Post

Top 10 Writing Tips for New Authors

Do you desire to become an author?

I have found that writing is, hands down, the most difficult — and most satisfying — work I’ve ever done.

Writing takes having something to say and the willingness and ability to dig down into yourself and find the best way to say it.  It’s a skill and, like any other skill, writing well takes practice. This is why it’s called the “craft of writing.” You have to be willing to work at it.

But then . . . after you have toiled and sweated over your words and paragraphs and chapters for days and months and sometimes years, when you have finally gotten it just right and your story is complete, when you finally hold your book in your hands, and when you hear from readers how much your story has touched or entertained or helped them . . . well then, writing feels like the grandest thing you’ve ever done.

Because I believe everyone has an important story to tell and that anyone who wants to work at it can become an author, I’d like to share with you the following top ten writing tips that have helped me along the way:

1. Believe in yourself. When you believe that writing is a part of who you are, you will naturally apply yourself to practicing and learning how to be a better writer. 

2. Read — a lot. You have to read to fill your own well of creativity, to learn what works and what doesn’t, to understand what speaks to you and what doesn’t, and to trigger new ideas. Stephen King, in On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, writes, “If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”

3. Schedule your writing time and show up for yourself. It’s all about consistency and persistence. Set a goal each week for your writing and then work toward that goal. For most writers this means writing every day. For others, it means thinking and thinking and thinking about their story and then writing in larger blocks of time. Figure out what works best for you and then do it. No excuses.

4. Outline your story. To reach your destination, you have to know where you are going, what road to start down, and where to turn along the way. So don’t be afraid to map out your story. Having a plan will help you stay focused and on track. And remember that you can always change your route along the way.

5. When you’re writing a first draft, don’t worry about being a good writer. First drafts are always ugly. So, just get that story or essay onto the page. Revise and craft it later.

6. Be a semi-perfectionist. This tip goes with the previous one. You have to allow yourself to write badly in order to write. But then, once you have that first draft, revise and revise and revise. Be willing to write as many drafts as necessary to polish your piece as much you can. At the same time, don’t expect perfection — there is no such thing. At some point, you have to call it “good enough” and release your work into the world.

7. Share your writing with others — when it’s ready. Wait until after the second or third draft to share your writing because comments, when they come too early, can derail you. Keep writing, stay focused. Once you reach the end of your piece and have revised it until you feel it is presentable, then invite others’ comments.

8. QTIP  — Quit Taking It Personally. Remember that the story you are writing — even when you’re writing about your own life — is not you. Consider all critique with objectivity. Listen to what makes sense and throw out the rest.

9. Hire an Editor. Hiring an editor is like hiring a fitness coach. In addition to line editing, an editor will point out inconsistencies or gaps in your writing, ask questions to help you write with more clarity, show you what is and isn’t working, and just generally push you further than you are willing to push yourself in order to strengthen your writing and give it “muscle.”

10. Don’t give up. Know this: failure is an integral part of success. Your work is going to be rejected more often than accepted for publication. At times, you’re going to struggle. At times, you’ll feel uninspired and inadequate and like a pretender; you’ll wonder why you write; and you’ll be your own worst critique. But remember, that you have a unique perspective. You have something to say — this is what drives you to write. So, whenever you feel like giving up, circle back to Tip #1 and start over.

Which of these tips inspires or helps you the most? Do you have tips you’d like to add?

About the Author

Amber Lea Starfire MA, MFA, is an author, editor, and creative writing coach whose passion is helping others tell their stories. She has published two memoirs: Accidental Jesus Freak: One Woman’s Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom (2017) and Not the Mother I Remember: A Memoir — finalist for both the 2015 Next Generation Indie Book Awards and the 2013-2014 Sarton Women’s Literary Awards. She has also published several books of non-fiction, including Journaling the Chakras: Eight Weeks to Self-Discovery, and Week by Week: A Year’s Worth of Journaling Prompts & Meditations. Amber is co-editor of the award-winning anthology, Times They Were A-Changing: Women Remember the '60s & '70s. Her creative nonfiction and poetry have appeared in numerous anthologies and literary journals.

Website and Social Media Links:

Amazon Link for Accidental Jesus Freak:

Barnes and Noble:

Amber Lea Starfire will be awarding a $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, April 9, 2018

Edger by David Beem - Book Blitz and Giveaway

About the Book

It’s been said every story must start somewhere. Ours begins with a professional dork. The kind who fixes computers and lives in his gran’s basement. The kind tapped by destiny (that saucy minx) to become the world’s first superhero!

And not a moment too soon…

A nano-sized artificial intelligence is on the loose! It got itself dart-gunned into a cow butt by a frog man in a porn store! Two stoners are corrupting it on twitter! And that’s just the first three pages!!

Join our dork of destiny as he channels the collective unconscious—his psychic superpower—in a harrowing tale of high drama, romance, betrayal, revenge, jesus chickens, cocaine, weirdos, magicians, ninjas, nfl spies, and disco ball water torture administered to the tune of rapture, by blondie. My god, man, what does it all mean!?

It means uncorking that next bottle of wine isn’t only a good idea—it’s advisable.


Water and glass shower the dance floor. Needle scratches vinyl. Hattori Hanzo seizes control instinctively and I land with the grace of a ninja. Mary, who has no dead ninja in her head, thuds with the grace of a turkey carcass dropped from the Level Two parapet of Westfield Horton Plaza.

“Kill them!” someone yells.

“Don’t kill them!” I yell back, figuring that’s got to be worth a try.

Shots are fired. Screaming patrons run and duck for cover. A bullet ricochets off the wall. I grab Mary by the ropes binding her, and drag her behind a nearby couch.

More gunfire.

I chance a peek. Caleb Montana is near the front door, exchanging shots with two Nostradamus agents hiding behind a life-size statue of Caleb in his quarterback uniform, one arm cocked back, preparing to pass the football, and the other stretched out in front, pointing.

I round on Mary, who flings her wet hair back like a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model. Water sprays my supersuit’s visor.

“Cut me loose.”

“Right, right,” I say, feeling around on my utility belt. Jeez, I’ve never tried to locate anything without someone helping me from the Collective Unconscious. There are a lot of things here. I pull a tiny ball out, and the nano-technology grows into a switchblade-shaped object. Seems promising. I flick it on. Blue flame blows out from the end.

“Holy crap!”

“Come on, quit fooling around.”

“Don’t rush me! Do you have any idea how stressful this is?”

“Come on,” she says, her voice husky, cheek to floor, back arched, butt in the air.

“You never see Batman having this problem,” I mutter.

About the Author

David Beem enjoys superhero movies, taekwondo, and flossing. He lives in Djibouti with his family and crippling self-doubt. Help actualize David’s inner confidence. Visit his website today, and buy all the stuff.

Buy Link:

David Beem will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway