Monday, February 26, 2018

Hope and Honor by Marilee Brothers - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Life is becoming more complicated for soul reader Honor Melanie “Mel” Sullivan. Her boss needs help with his rebellious teen daughter who believes rules are made to be broken and Mel’s current boyfriend, Homeland Security agent Mick Petrov, is becoming an absentee lover, dropping hints about a major decision he faces. To make it worse, Mel’s ex, 3 Peaks detective “Billy the Kid” McCarty wants her back. And those aren’t the only challenges. When a paramilitary group called New Dawn wants her soul-reading skills, Mel meets five-year-old twins who steal her heart. Unwilling to abandon the motherless children, she strikes a deal with the compound’s charismatic leader. Drawn deeper and deeper into New Dawn’s twisted agenda, Mel must figure out a way to save the twins and herself before it’s too late.


My peripheral vision catches sight of a sudden movement. I walk down the steps and turn right until I reach the edge of the building. I peek around the corner and see a little girl pressed against the rough siding. Her dark hair is braided. Her jeans and jacket are too big and look like boy clothes. Her gaze is fixed on the ground. Her thumb is in her mouth. She’s clutching a stuffed rabbit.

I take a step toward her and smile. “Hi. Are you waiting for your dad?”

She nods.

I take a step closer, trying not to spook her. “I’m Mel. What’s your name?”

Without removing her thumb, she mumbles something unintelligible. I take a step close and squat down until we’re eye level.

“I didn’t quite get your name. Maybe if you take your thumb out of your mouth it will work better.”

She lifts her head and I’m looking into eyes identical to those of the little blond boy. Bright and blue. My heart breaks when I look into her soul. Streaked with pale blue accents, it’s a soft shade of pink and bisected with a jagged black line. This little girl has experienced severe trauma.

“I think I saw your dad and brother go into the hall. Am I right?”

She nods. The thumb comes out of her mouth. “Papa and Gunner.”

“Can you tell me your name again, sweetie?”

“I’m Kimber.”

“Do people call you Kim?”

She shakes her head. “Nope. People call me Kimber, ‘cause that’s my name.”

“Got it,” I say. “How about you keep me company until the meeting is over. I’ve got nobody to talk to and I’m lonesome. We could go sit on the stairs and wait together.”

“Not there. No females. We can sit on the bench, though.”

She takes my hand and leads me to a rickety bench a few yards in front of the porch railing. We sit in companionable silence for a few minutes. I’m dying to know more about Kimber, but don’t want to bombard her with questions.

“This is Blossom Bunny,” she offers, thrusting the stuffed rabbit in front of my face.

Blossom Bunny is not attractive. Her fur is dull gray and splotchy. Her long, floppy ears droop down to her skinny legs. Black, beady eyes peer straight ahead atop a little pink nose.

“Very nice,” I lie.

“I love Blossom Bunny. She has zippers in her ears. I keep important stuff there.” 
She lays the bunny across her lap, lifts one of the floppy ears and points out the zipper.

“Very cool. It’s good to have a place to keep important stuff.”

She nods solemnly, unzips one of the ears and pulls out stubby pencil, a little rubber ball and a hair ribbon. Seeing her sparse array of treasures makes me sad.


Tell us about your book, what inspired it?

It’s book 3 and the final in the series. Consequently, I wanted to write a satisfactory ending, a happily ever after ending. Also, since my main character is a twin, a twin theme was important to me. Finally, I attempted to write two story lines that come together at the end. I think it worked. If not, I’m sure I’ll hear from readers.

What is your favorite scene in the book?

I wrote an epilogue that takes place six months after the final chapter. It is, by far, my favorite scene in the book.

What are your future ambitions?

I’ve started a cozy mystery titled A Woman Scorned. It features an amateur sleuth and starts with a dead body found on the eighteenth green of a golf course named Fairway to Heaven.

What do you like to do when you are not writing?

As you may have gathered from the previous response, I like to play golf. After writing ten books, my friends keep asking me, “When are you going to write a book about us?”

How do you react to a bad review of your book?

Mutter some very bad words and then forget it.

The best book/s you ever read?

Too many to list but really loved The Glass Castle and Boys in the Boat. They are both non-fiction. In addition, read a lot of fiction thrillers. I’ve read all of David Baldacci’s books.

Any last words?

I hope you enjoy Hope and Honor. It’s a stand-alone even though it’s book 3. If you haven’t read the first two books, Affliction and Allegiance, give them a try.


About the Author

Marilee Brothers is a former teacher, coach, counselor and the author of ten books. Marilee and her husband are the parents of three grown sons and live in central Washington State. After writing six young adult books, Marilee is once again writing romantic suspense for the adult market. She loves hearing from people who have read her books. Feel free to contact her at and sign up for her newsletter The Obsessive Page Turner.

Her author page on Facebook is: and she occasionally tweets @MarileeB. Check out Marilee’s Amazon page here:

Marilee’s blog is Book Blather, where she features aspiring and published authors as well as some tidbits of her own.

Marilee Brothers will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Nadia's Heart, Part One by Wendy Altshuler - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

When an amnesiac girl who thinks she has been born without a heart utters a prayer, she is met by a mysterious angelic stranger from her forgotten past. Together they embark on a journey to recover her removed heart, but enter into battle with an Evil Voice on a rampage to remove the hearts of an entire generation of children - and replace them with stones.


Nadia stole a glance at Georgeonus,  musing  at  such  a  thought,  but  stopped.     For looking at him, and noticing his hair moving slightly in the wind, Nadia thought that she remembered him.   Indeed, she was recollecting something—something she could not put her finger on—something which sent a chill down her arm towards the metal, and as Georgeonus turned his head sharply, Nadia let go, her fingers released from the metal and she began to fall.

She hardly knew why or where but only that she was falling toward the sleds below.  It was a lucky thing that they had flown ahead of the teams, because she just might make landing in the second.  Below was an even rockier grade, and Jasper looked up as Georgeonus soared to reach her.  Suddenly all hands were in the air and Nadia was caught by suspecting and unsuspecting men.  The driver was bumped in the force and the sled swayed, and so did the arms, and so did Nadia, towards the cliff.  They were so high up now and Nadia felt her stomach leap towards her throat as she looked over the cliff at the thought of being sent over.   They rolled away from the cliff, Nadia had a man’s shirt tightly crumpled and clutched in her fist, her vision magnified  from  the  adrenalin  coursing  through  her.     Nadia made her way up to sit on the supplies as the sled in front of them continued on and disappeared behind a bend.

They were now definitely aware that the dogs had changed. When once they had headed the dogs on along the ice, now it was if they were led by the dogs.  Without even steering, they barely had their bearings when the sled continued up the steep incline.

She sat looking at the gear and felt the cold brown canvas lump which she leaned upon, holding on as the sled jangled. The team slowed as they turned around the last bend.

About the Author

Wendy Altshuler is a writer-producer who explores myth in new media. She writes fantasy novels and creates works in stop motion animation.  Her credits include award-winning screenwriting and WGA-accredited representation. With a degree in psychology and a Master of Arts from Columbia University, Altshuler documented the work of international choreographers and wrote and produced regional programming. Her short plays have been performed at Boston Playwrights' Theatre, at regional schools and most recently, Puppet Showplace Theatre. Altshuler's young adult book series has been hailed as "emotionally moving, uplifting and wholesome," and "spirited and haunting. . .with much symbolism and beauty."

Wendy will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Ice on the Bay by Dale E. Lehman and Kathleen Lehman - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

The forecast: Record cold. The crimes: Colder still.

A saintly young veterinary technician disappears on Christmas Eve, leaving behind only a broken window and smears of blood on his clinic's back steps. Two years later, his disappearance remains a mystery. A home in an exclusive area burns to the ground, mirroring fires ignited the previous year by an arsonist who now sits in prison. Is the new fire a copycat, or has the wrong man been convicted? A criminal with a long list of enemies is shot dead, and not even his friends are sorry. While temperatures plummet, cold cases collide with new crimes, and somewhere a killer with blood as icy as the waters of the Chesapeake Bay watches and waits.


Hannah took two pairs of latex gloves from her pocket and handed one pair to Harold. They pulled them on, careful not to rip them, then Harold eased up the short flight of wooden steps leading to the door, his footfalls quieter than a rabbit's. He gently rotated the knob. Of course it was locked, but it never hurt to check. No sense smashing things if the owner had invited them in. Leaning to the left, he felt around the nearest window, examined it in detail, and gingerly tried to push up the lower sash. Again, no luck. Again, none expected.

Hannah tiptoed up the steps while he worked and stood close behind him. "Hammer," she whispered, pulling the tool from her coat pocket and handing it to him like a nurse handing a scalpel to a surgeon.

He took the hammer and with a swift stroke smashed the pane, then cleaned the jagged shards from the sash with the head. Falling splinters chattered as they struck the floor inside. Once satisfied the opening was clean, he helped Hannah through the window. She moved so quietly she might have vanished, but in his mind Harold could see her go to the door, disarm the alarm with the code they had been given, and unlock the deadbolt. The door whispered open.

He slipped inside and eased the door shut, then took her face in his hands and kissed her on the forehead. She beamed, a dog basking in her master's approval.

The very next instant, the job went horribly wrong


Tell us about your book, what inspired it?

"Ice on the Bay" is the third book in my Howard County Mystery series, set (oddly enough) in Howard County, Maryland, although I actually live in eastern Baltimore County. A couple of years ago we had an unusually cold winter. In my 20 or so years in the area, I had never known it to be so cold here for so long. Not that it bothers me; I'm a Midwesterner. But one day while driving to work I was crossing the Francis Scott Key Bridge, which arches over the Patapsco River, the tributary of the Chesapeake that flows out from Baltimore's harbor, and below me I saw ice covering the water from shore to shore as far as the eye could see. I immediately thought, "Ice on the bay! What a great title for a mystery!" So then of course I had to figure out a story to go with it. Obviously it had to have themes of cold and warmth running through it. It strikes me that this is exactly backwards: surely the story should come before the title? But that's happened to me twice now. My second book in the series, "True Death," also started with the title. 

What was the hardest part to write in this book?

For me it was the Catholic content, because I'm a Baha'i, not a Catholic. The second of my detective trio, Detective Sergeant Corina Montufar, begins the series as a non-practicing Catholic, but as the books progress she is slowly reclaiming her faith. Fortunately my wife Kathleen is both my editor and a Catholic, so I handed certain sections of the book to her. She did an amazing job developing this aspect of Corina's character, so much so that I decided she deserved a byline. Aside from that, certain elements of the plot were tricky. In this novel, I have three seemingly unrelated crimes running side-by-side. Marshalling them all into a coherent order and connecting all the dots took some doing.

Tell us about the cover and the inspiration for it.

We had a heck of a time with the cover. I originally wanted a photo of the Chesapeake with ice on it. I figured a lot of photographers would have captured that winter. But a search of photo libraries proved disappointing. Kathleen ultimately designed it, using a black and white photo of the Patapsco with Baltimore in the background. She found a font that looked rather like letters made of ice and positioned them to suggest ice breaking up and floating away. The whole thing is supposed to feel cold and impersonal. And if certain other elements feel a bit wrong or off-kilter, that's intentional, too.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I've been a software developer for nearly 40 years and am badly in need of a retirement plan. I hope writing will be it. I'm not entirely joking. I've been writing for as long as I can remember and have a lot of fun telling stories. Many days lately I wish I could do it full time, but unfortunately my creditors insist on a steady paycheck. Oh, well. Maybe eventually. I currently have a science fiction/humor novel searching for an agent. I'm also at work on HCM #4 (no title yet this time) and a really fun crime/humor novel.

Do you listen to music when you're writing?

Not generally. I tend to prefer relative quite when writing. However, when there is too much noise in my environment, I sometimes plug in the earbuds and listen to classical instrumental music. I can't write with someone else's words in my ears.

Favorite place to read?

Propped up in bed or stretched out on the sofa. Reading should be done in comfort if at all possible. And with a real book in hand. I don't own an e-reader, although lately I've been reading some books by indie authors on my computer in order to review them on my blog. It's far more economical to pick up a bunch of books that way.

Anything else you might want to add?

First, thank you for having me and my thanks to your readers for reading this. I enjoy hearing from readers and would love to listen to your feedback, answer your questions, or make funny faces for your amusement. (My children and grandchildren always enjoyed that last part, anyway.) I hope you enjoy "Ice on the Bay," and look forward to bringing you many more books.


About the Author

Dale E. Lehman is a veteran software developer, amateur astronomer, and bonsai artist in training. He is the author of the Howard County Mysteries series (The Fibonacci Murders, True Death, and Ice on the Bay ). His writing has also appeared in Sky & Telescope and a couple of software development journals. With his wife Kathleen he owns and operates One Voice Press and Serpent Cliff. They have five children, five grandchildren, and two feisty cats.

Author Links:
Author website and blog:

Book Links: 

Dale E. Lehman will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Don't Let Him Go by Kay Harris - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour. Kay Harris will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Candace Gleason passed the bar, landed a great job, and is making a killer salary--basically, all of her dreams are coming true. Until she’s assigned to keep the boss’s petulant son out of trouble.

Jack Morrison is the rebellious black sheep of a mighty real estate family. He runs a nonprofit whose mission is to save poor people from evil corporations, like the one his own family owns. He is obnoxious, ridiculously charming, and insanely hot. He is the bane of Candace’s very existence.

Sparks fly from the moment they meet. Candace suddenly has more to worry about than keeping Jack out of jail. She has to keep him out of her heart.


I folded my arms across my chest and glared at Jack as he moseyed into the room. “You ambushed me.”

Jack came to a stop a few feet away and nodded. “I did.”

“That’s it?” I spread my arms out and leaned forward. My voice rose despite my effort to control it. “That’s all you have to say?”

“What do you want me to say? You’re smart. You can see what I did back there. I used you for my own gain.”

“You’re a prick!”

“I’m not surprised you feel that way. But I am sorry you had to get caught in the crossfire.” He moved to the couch and took a seat in the middle of it, purposefully giving me the high ground.

He slung his arms over the back of the couch casually, making him look like an arrogant ass. And that is exactly what I thought of him at that moment. So I called him on his supposed apology. “Are you?”

“Yes, I am. But you’re not innocent, Candie. You put yourself in this position by going to work for Morrison.”

“It’s Candace!” I shouted, on the edge of insanity.

He didn’t respond. He just looked at me with that infuriatingly handsome face and waited, an amused grin dancing on his face.

About the Author:
Kay Harris has had a diverse career with jobs ranging from college professor to park ranger. Now she adds author to her repertoire. Kay writes romance novels that contain a little bit of sweet, a dash of sexy, a touch of heartbreak, and a whole lot of fun!

Kay grew up in the Midwest and has since lived all over the western United States including Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and California. She loves to hike, is obsessed with museums, and enjoys taking her extremely tall and very handsome husband on adventures.

Social Media Links:

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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Truth Inside by Trish Edmisten - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Trish Edmisten will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

For as long as he can remember, Nate’s dreamed of being an MMA fighter. Nothing is going to stand in his way and no one is going to distract him. Everything is going according to plan when Natalie comes along. Even though he wasn’t looking for love, Nate can’t help falling fast and hard. Smart, sweet and supportive, she seems too good to be true, but it’s actually the other way around. Nate isn’t good enough for her, and he’s keeping a secret that will change everything between them. One day, she’ll see the truth inside of him. Until then, Nate’s determined to keep Natalie in his life for as long as he can.


“I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. Then you’d know I’m so glad you’re mine. That I love you just the way you are.”

“How can you still want to be with me? I lied to you.”

“I know, but I understand why you did.”

“And you’re not mad?”

“I wish you would have trusted me enough to tell me the truth, but I’m not mad,” Natalie assured him. “I can’t really blame you for being afraid to tell me when your own parents rejected you.”

Nate frowned. “How do you know that?”

“Until tonight, the only thing you’ve ever said about them is you don’t really talk to them.”

“Yeah, they didn’t understand. When I left, they told me not to come back until I could be the daughter they deserved.”

“If they can’t see how great you are, they don’t deserve you. Lucky for me, I can see it.”

“Are you sure about this, Natalie? Sure about being with me?”

“Nate, you are the sweetest man I know. You’re smart and funny and easy to talk to and we have so much fun together. You treat me like a person and not an accessory. Why would I give all of that up just because you weren’t born in the right body?”

“You can’t be real,” Nate whispered.

“Does this feel real?” Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to his.

Nate’s mind may have been conflicted, but his body was quick to respond. There wasn’t any hesitation or doubt in his kiss.

About the Author: Trish Edmisten is the author of several novels, including Extraordinary Will, a Reader Views Literary Award Winner. Her work has appeared in Writer’s Journal, Creative With Words and A Long Story Short. Besides being an author, she holds a degree in criminology. Trish lives in Fresno, California with her husband and their teenage daughter.


Buy the book at

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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Moonlight City Drive by Brian Paone - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

11:18 p.m. Subject is checking into the Desert Palms Motel, accompanied by an unknown female.

Snapshot in the parking lot. Man and woman embrace. Betrayal, I see it every day, like my own reflection in the mirror staring back at me. Another case, another bottle of booze, life is no longer a mystery to me …

… Because I’m the private eye, hot on your trail; the top gun for hire. You’ll find me lurking in the shadows, always searching for a clue. I’m the bulletproof detective. I got my eye on you …

What’s a little sin under the covers, what’s a little blood between lovers? What’s a little death to be discovered, cold stiff body under the covers?

I’m digging you a desert grave, underneath the burning sun. You won’t be found by anyone. Vultures circle in the sky, and you, my dear, are the reason why.

… I was always easily influenced.


Smith spit out another peanut shell onto his Chevy’s floorboard as his gaze stayed trained on the Desert Palms Motel’s front entrance. His fingers instinctively found the opened bag in the complete darkness and pinched another nut. He squeezed his eyes closed to ward off the simmering residual headache from the most recent blackout. The sound of the rain pelting the windshield was soothing.

“Come on. Where are you? You took the last two nights off. I can’t imagine you being on vacation.”

Headlights turning into the parking lot diverted his attention from the motel’s front door. He squinted to decipher the make and model of the vehicle through the downpour. A Bentley. He sighed and returned his focus to the motel as he fingered the brim of his newly purchased replacement fedora and then tossed it next to him in frustration.

Smith removed his revolver from his shoulder holster and checked that all six chambers were loaded for the umpteenth time. He secured the weapon and grabbed the small notebook from underneath his discarded fedora, lying on the passenger seat, where Wynn should be sitting. But she had maintained radio silence throughout the past two days since storming from Hank’s office. He shook his head in disgust for letting Wynn’s drama distract him from the job at hand.

He swiped the Chevy’s dashboard with his palm to clean off the thick layer of dust that had collected from months of neglect. He wiped his hands on his pants, leaving a graying smear across the fabric covering his thighs. He reached into his trench coat’s inner pocket and removed a silver flask. He opened the top and looked at the engraved insignia on the front. His index finger traced the shining eyeball hanging freely in the cut-out middle of a pyramid. Taking a swig from the decorated flask, he grimaced as the brown liquid hit the back of his throat.

Smith retrieved the Polaroid from the dashboard and cleared his throat. “Let’s see what tricks you’re playing on me now.” He flicked the corner of the photograph as he sighed deeply in expected disappointment.

Guest Post

10 things most people don't know about you

- I guess if I had to tell you the ten things that make up who I am, and include hidden facts, they would be:
1) I have webbed feet. Both toes next to my big toe on each foot are stuck together. Up until last year (and I’m 41), we thought it was a birth defect caused by a morning sickness drug my mother was taking in the 70s. But, after my daughter Edelweiss was born last year, and she has the exact same 4 toes webbed, we then were told it must be genetic.
2) I have 11 piercings in my body: 5 in my ears and 6 in my genitals (2 of those are Prince Alberts). Between the ages of 16 – 18, I went really crazy with body piercing. I still don’t regret it, even though I haven’t gotten a new piercing in 23 years.
3) I grew up living in a funeral home. When I was 8, my parents got divorced and my mother married a funeral director. I lived on the funeral home’s property until I was 16 and we moved into a new house.
4) I am a roller coaster junkie. I have traveled the world and have ridden the world’s fastest, tallest, most inverted, and longest roller coasters.
5) I am the singer of 4 bands, my current being Transpose, and have released a total of 7 album between the 4 bands and have opened for bands such as Godsmack, Faith No More, Limp Bizkit, Mushroomhead, and many many others.
6) My dream car is a 1983 DeLorean.
7) My favorite color is burnt orange.
8) My favorite single food is pasta, but my favorite meal is a taco.
9) My guilty pleasure is the band Milli Vanilli 
10) I’m deathly afraid of mirrors; so much so that when my wife and I were looking for reception halls, some were nixed because of how many mirrors they had surrounding the dance floor, and a few times, I’ve requested the host/hostess of a restaurant to re-seat us if they sit us at a table where a mirror is hanging next to us. 

About the Author

Brian Paone was born and raised in the Salem, Massachusetts area. Brian has, thus far, published four novels: a memoir about being friends with a drug-addicted rock star, Dreams are Unfinished Thoughts; a macabre cerebral-horror novel, Welcome to Parkview; a time-travel romance novel, Yours Truly, 2095, (which was nominated for a Hugo Award, though it did not make the finalists); and a supernatural, crime-noir detective novel, Moonlight City Drive. Along with his four novels, Brian has published three short stories: “Outside of Heaven,” which is featured in the anthology, A Matter of Words; “The Whaler’s Dues,” which is featured in the anthology, A Journey of Words; and “Anesthetize (or A Dream Played in Reverse on Piano Keys),” which is featured in the anthology, A Haunting of Words. Brian is also a vocalist and has released seven albums with his four bands: Yellow #1, Drop Kick Jesus, The Grave Machine, and Transpose. He is married to a US Naval Officer, and they have four children. Brian is also a police officer and has been working in law enforcement since 2002. He is a self-proclaimed roller coaster junkie, a New England Patriots fanatic, and his favorite color is burnt orange. For more information on all his books and music, visit

One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

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Friday, February 9, 2018

Havana Blues by David Pereda - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. David Pereda will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The year is 1952 and Ramon Rodriguez’s life as a teenager in fun-loving Havana is filled with typical activities and concerns: girls, education, religion, baseball, parties, and hanging out with friends. The country is enjoying a period of prosperity and happiness--until General Batista stages a coup that topples the government and Ramon’s life is flung into chaos.

In a few short years, the carefree fifties morph into a vicious and repressive dictatorship highlighted by corruption, organized gambling, school closures, student demonstrations, police brutality, and assassinations.

As Ramon experiences the thrills of his first romantic relationship, graduates from school, and struggles to plan for an uncertain future, he is forced to make important decisions that may be dangerous to him, his family, his friends, and his girlfriend – the beautiful Sonia -- and could turn deadly.


A car turned the corner with a screeching of tires. With mechanical harmony, another creeching echoed from the opposite direction.

Siren noises combined to wreck the peacefulness and drown my father’s voice as two cars skidded face to face in front of my house. I recognized the blue and white stripes. Car doors opened and slammed. A stream of policemen armed with rifles and machine guns crashed through the garden door and spilled over our garden like insects.

My mother shrieked once. My father stood paralyzed.

I stared in growing disbelief at the bulk who loped into the garden and stopped just outside the bright range of the porch lights. The clean-shaven face, the brittle smile, were familiar to me. So was the voice.

‘Buenas noches,’ Santana said. ‘Lovely night, isn’t it?’

Even with a veneer of politeness, Santana’s voice made the hair in the back of my neck stand on end.

‘What's the meaning of this?’ my father asked, surprising me. ‘Crashing into our house, as if we were common criminals.’

Santana’s stare was cold. ‘Just doing my duty, Señor Rodriguez.’

He turned to me, smoothing out the front of my dinner jacket with his hand. ‘You're very elegant tonight,’ he said. ‘Don’t tell me, let me guess. You were at the Club Profesionales, weren’t you?’

‘Yes, we were,’ my mother said sharply, ‘and we had to leave because of some terrorists. Disgusting. And on his graduation dance night too.’ She glared at Santana.

He gave her a polite smile, more of a smirk, and turned to me.

‘Being in the building as you were, you could have planted that bomb very easily, couldn’t you?’

‘What? You think I…? No!’

‘No what?’

‘No, I couldn’t.’ My heart pounded in my chest. ‘My mother can testify to that.’

My mother had turned a chalky white and her lips were open and round like an O. She seemed at a loss for words.

About the Author:
David Pereda was born in Havana, Cuba. The award-winning author of seven previous novels, he enjoys crafting political thrillers and edgy mainstream novels with unique characters placed in exotic settings. He has traveled to more than thirty countries and speaks four languages. Before devoting his time solely to writing and teaching, David had a successful international consulting career with global giant Booz Allen Hamilton, where he worked with the governments of Mexico, Venezuela, Peru and Qatar, among others.

A member of MENSA, David earned his MBA from Pepperdine University in California. He earned bachelor degrees in English literature and mathematics at the University of South Florida in Tampa.

He lives in artistic Asheville, North Carolina, with his youngest daughter Sophia, where he teaches mathematics and English at the Asheville-Buncombe Community College. He loves sports and is an accomplished competitor in track and show-jumping equestrian events.

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Thursday, February 8, 2018

Interwoven by Michelle Montebello - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Belle Hamilton is a romantic at heart. She's engaged to the love of her life and dreams of marriage, children and a happily ever after. Belle’s world is close to perfect until one afternoon she makes a decision she can't take back.

In the blink of an eye, Belle’s life spirals out of control. She loses everything that is dear to her and is forced to flee to the other side of the world where she meets Andrea, a local bartender from Rome, and develops an unexpected connection with him.

Can they break through the complications of past hurts and a long-distance relationship to make it work or will one terrifying night in Paris end it before it had a chance to begin?


The drive from Balmain to her parents’ house in Hunters Hill normally took ten minutes if the traffic on Victoria Road cooperated. The day was lovely and warm, the sky effortlessly blue, as though to mock Belle’s mood. She’d hung up the call with her mother, made herself a piece of toast, another coffee, and had stood in the shower for a long time.

She was anxious about the visit to her parents’ house, anxious to know what Ben had told her father. It was a devious move on his part, to get her father on side so quickly. She wondered as to what watered-down version of events he might have relayed; what sordid bits he may have left out. 

She knew Ben had always valued his relationship with Edward Hamilton, appreciated the mentoring and enjoyed the boost to his reputation that a friendship with a Supreme Court judge could bring. Belle had never minded. She’d welcomed the bond that had formed between them. It had served to ease her own strained relationship with her father. However, Edward was still that. Her father. It was irritating that Ben would speak to him before speaking to her.

Belle drove along St Malo Avenue and rounded the corner onto Le Vesinet Drive. Her parents’ house was nestled at the end of the peninsula in a cul-de-sac flanked by lanky palms and velvety soft lawns. Belle steered her car into the driveway, pressed the intercom button and heard Mr Sutton’s clipped British accent greet her through intercom static. 

‘Good day, Miss Belle. Drive on through.’

A grey louvered gate slid open, and Belle manoeuvred her car down the black drive, parking by a row of lilly pilly hedges. Grace Hamilton was waiting for her by the double oak front doors, arms outstretched. She was dressed in grey slacks and a white blouse, a blue and white silk scarf tied around her neck. She was graced with the same ballet-honed physique as her daughter.

‘Belle, darling! Mr Sutton said you’d arrived.’

‘Hi, Mum,’ she said, letting her mother embrace her.

‘How are you, sweetheart?’

Belle shrugged. Her mother squeezed her shoulders.

‘Come on in. Mrs Sutton is preparing afternoon tea for us. We can have it outside since it’s such a lovely day.’

Belle followed her mother into the cavernous foyer of her childhood home. It was as she’d always remembered it; nothing ever changed. It reeked of conservatism—her father’s love of rich leather couches, dark timber flooring and heavy burgundy drapes. Framed pictures of hunting themes adorned the walls—deer, buffalo and forests. Lots of forests. There was a large round table in the centre of the foyer with a vase full of fresh flowers from her mother’s garden; the only splash of colour in the house.

About the Author

Michelle Montebello was born and raised in Sydney, Australia, where she lives with her husband and two young children. She has always had a passion for reading, writing and the dramatic arts and she spent most of her childhood immersed in books, writing stories and performing in plays.
She has worked full-time in the corporate sector since 1998. It wasn't until she completed a writing course with James Patterson that she was inspired to write and publish her first novel, Interwoven, in 2017.
In addition to her writing, she also has a passion for travel and loves to combine her two favourite things - creative writing and travelling - to create vibrant worlds for her characters to explore.
When this busy mum is not working, chasing little ones or searching under beds for monsters, she can be found reading, writing or plotting her next story.


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