Friday, December 21, 2018

Christmas & Cannolis by Peggy Jaeger - Book Tour and Giveaway

With Christmas season in full swing, baker Regina San Valentino is up to her elbows in cake batter and cookie dough. Between running her own business, filling her bursting holiday order book, and managing her crazy Italian family, she’s got no time to relax, no room for more custom cake orders, and no desire to find love. A failed marriage and a personal tragedy have convinced her she’s better off alone. Then a handsome stranger enters her bakery begging for help. Regina can’t find it in her heart to refuse him.

Connor Gilhooly is in a bind. He needs a specialty cake for an upcoming fundraiser and puts himself—and his company’s reputation—in Regina’s capable hands. What he doesn’t plan on is falling for a woman with heartbreak in her eyes or dealing with a wise-guy father and a disapproving family.

Can Regina lay her past to rest and trust the man who’s awoken her heart?


My free hand slid up his jacket, basking in the rich texture of the fabric, to skim across the column of his throat and settle against his cheek. His skin was smooth and clean-shaven, warm and velvety soft against my palm. Connor let go of my arm and slipped his hand down my back. With his fingers pressed against the dip in my spine, he pressed me in even closer. His tongue nipped and sipped at my own as his fingers fanned across my back and kneaded.

Mio Dio. 

Who knew the small of your back was such an erogenous zone? He must have first-hand knowledge about a particularly sensitive nerve bundle in that region because my thighs started to tremble and a deep-seated liquid warmth, like warm butter melting over hot morning ciabatta rolls, spread throughout my system. A restlessness for more shunted through me from top to bottom, making me fidget and writhe for release. I think I moaned. Or maybe that was Connor. I wasn’t sure, but one thing I was sure of was that in all the time I’d been married, I’d never felt so turned on by a simple kiss before.

Okay, well, it really wasn’t a simple kiss. More a life-changing event.


What should readers expect when they pick up your book?

That’s a loaded question, hee hee! Well, what I hope they expect is to find is a story about a strong woman, a family who supports her, and a man who won’t be able to live without her! If a reader decides to pick-up a copy of CHRISTMAS AND CANNOLIS, I can guarantee they’ll get all that, plus a lot of humor, a little sadness, and whole lot of quirky, crazy characters that you could find in any big family. I love writing about big families because there are so many diverse personality types, and yet they all seem to blend well together. Your family are the first people you ever love unconditionally, and that means a great deal to me when I’m creating new ones on the page. 

What was the hardest part to write in this book?

There is a backstory event that sets the tone for most of the book and is revealed to the hero about 2/3 of the way through. But that wasn’t the hardest part to write. There is a scene where my  heroine, Regina San Valentino, goes to Rockefeller Center in NYC for an afternoon to watch the skaters and see the huge Holiday tree. While she is there she sees a young mother and father teaching their little boy to ice skate. That scene churns up mournful memories for Regina that send her into a full fledged panic attack. The reason the scene was so difficult for me to write is because I needed to get Regina’s emotional responses just right. She goes from happiness at watching the family, to sadness, to anger, and then to a heart-stopping panic. If I didn’t show how that happened correctly, the reader wouldn’t be able to feel her emotions as they rollercoaster out of control. I wanted to be true to her responses and not make them too over the top, but not negate them as well.

Which character is your favourite and why?

Ursula San Valentino, Regina’s mother, is hands down, my favorite. She is a typical 60-ish Italian/American mama. Short and round, a product of 60+ years of good cooking, she resembles the root meaning of her name: Urso, which means bear. Her husband Sonny calls her Teddy as a nickname, as in Teddy Bear. No woman will ever be a good enough wife for her boys and no man will ever be a good enough husband for Regina. Ursula believes food heals all problems, worries, and sicknesses. She does tend to obsess about weird things, though. For instance, her head spins when she wonders why you drive on a parkway and park in a driveway. She tends to not get puns because she thinks in absolutes and blacks and whites. No gray at all. But she is loyal, fiercely protective of her family, and doesn’t suffer fools. 

What’s next for you?

Right before CHRISTMAS AND CANNOLIS released, I had another book release in a brand new series I’ve started titled, DEARLY BELOVED, A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN ROMANCE. I am currently writing book 2 and plotting out book 3. The series centers around 3 sister who live in the fictional town of HEAVEN, NH and who collectively run a wedding business while keeping their 93 year old Irish activist grandmother out of trouble, which isn’t easy on the best of days. One sister is the wedding planner, one is the Officiant, and one owns the Inn where many of the receptions take place. The family name is O’Dowd and they are the best parts of sisters in every way.

Is there any particular author or book that influenced you in any way?

From the very first time I read a Nora Roberts book I was hooked on telling romance stories about multileveled families. 

Three of your all time favourite books?

Gone with the Wind
Pride and Prejudice
Naked in Death

Any last words?

Just thank you so much for hosting me today and for asking such great questions! I had a blast answering them and I hope I didn’t bore your readers too much. I tired to not babble and go off-topic, but sometimes it’s a struggle for me. Oh, who am I kidding? It’s a struggle every day for me. Every. Single. Day.


About the Author

Peggy Jaeger is a contemporary romance writer who writes about strong women, the families who support them, and the men who can’t live without them.

Family and food play huge roles in Peggy’s stories because she believes there is nothing that holds a family structure together like sharing a meal…or two…or ten. Dotted with humor and characters that are as real as they are loving, Peggy brings all topics of daily life into her stories: life, death, sibling rivalry, illness and the desire for everyone to find their own happily ever after. Growing up the only child of divorced parents she longed for sisters, brothers and a family that vowed to stick together no matter what came their way. Through her books, she has created the families she wanted as that lonely child.

Tying into her love of families, her children's book, THE KINDNESS TALES, was illustrated by her artist mother-in-law.

Peggy holds a master's degree in Nursing Administration and first found publication with several articles she authored on Alzheimer's Disease during her time running an Alzheimer's in-patient care unit during the 1990s.

In 2013, she placed first in two categories in the Dixie Kane Memorial Contest: Single Title Contemporary Romance and Short/Long Contemporary Romance.

In 2017 she came in 3rd in the New England Reader's Choice contest for A KISS UNDER THE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS and was a finalist in the 2017 STILETTO contest for the same title.

In 2018, Peggy was a finalist in the HOLT MEDALLION Award and once again in the 2018 Stiletto Contest.

A lifelong and avid romance reader and writer, she is a member of RWA and her local New Hampshire RWA Chapter.

Peggy Jaeger will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Vengeance by Gail Z. Martin - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Gail Z. Martin will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

When undertaker brothers Corran and Rigan Valmonde became outlaw monster hunters and fled beyond the walls of Ravenwood, they thought they had defeated the source of the abominations that killed so many of their friends and loved ones. But the more successful they become at destroying the creatures, the more they realize a greater evil is at work – larger and more monstrous than they ever could imagine…

Read an Excerpt:

A powerfully built creature crouched in the middle of the workshop, muscles tensed to fight. The monster stood, revealing itself to be the height of a tall man, but more powerfully built. Leathery gray skin with patches of sparse brown hair covered its naked body. Its arms were muscled like a dockhand, with equally massive thighs. The feet looked like the paws of a big dog, while the hands had thick fingers that ended in claws. The wolf-like face and head and the four red eyes confirmed Rigan’s guess. Capcaun.

Training and practice had Rigan moving left while Corran went right. The capcaun tracked them both, showing no sign of fear. Rigan grounded his magic, calmed his thoughts, and raised one hand, focusing all his will on his intention.

A stream of fire lanced from his hand, striking the capcaun in the chest. Rigan set his jaw and narrowed his gaze, widening the flame jet, forcing it to burn hotter. The smell of burning hair filled the workshop, and the capcaun roared in anger, but though its skin blistered and charred, the fire did not destroy him.

Rigan’s heart pounded in his chest. They had agreed to lead with their strongest defense, seeing no reason to get hurt working up to a magical assault. He knew with certainty that the fire would have immolated a normal man, and more than one type of monster would have fallen to the flames as well. Yet the capcaun stood before them.

About the Author:
Gail Z. Martin writes epic fantasy, urban fantasy and steampunk for Solaris Books, Orbit Books, Falstaff Books, SOL Publishing and Darkwind Press. Vengeance is the second in the new Darkhurst epic fantasy series. Also new is The Dark Road, the second in the Jonmarc Vahanian Adventures series, and Assassin’s Honor (coming, October 2018), the first in the new Assassins of Landria series.

Her Deadly Curiosities urban fantasy series set in Charleston, SC has a new novel, Tangled Web, and two new collections, Trifles & Folly, and Trifles & Folly 2.

Other work includes the Chronicles Of The Necromancer series, the Fallen Kings Cycle, the Ascendant Kingdoms series, and the alternate history novel Iron & Blood and the Storm & Fury collection (co-authored with Larry N. Martin) She is also the co-author (with Larry) of the Mark Wojcik monster hunter series (Spells, Salt and Steel) and the upcoming Wasteland Marshals series and the Cauldron/Secret Council series from Falstaff Books.

As Morgan Brice, she writes urban fantasy MM paranormal romance. New and upcoming books include Witchbane, Burn, Dark Rivers, Badlands, and Lucky Town.


She is also the organizer of the #HoldOnToTheLight campaign: Join her email update and never miss a new release—plus get great free stories just for signing up!

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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

What a Widow Wants by Jenna Jaxon - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Jenna Jaxon will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn commenter.

Widowed by the Battle of Waterloo, the ladies of Lyttlefield Park are returning to London society—with their futures in their own hands . . .

The widowed Lady Stephen Tarkington, Fanny to her friends, has finished mourning her cad of a husband and is ready to enjoy her freedom. The kind of freedom neither a gently bred miss nor a close-watched wife is permitted: dressing up as Aphrodite for a masquerade, drawing gentlemen away from the party, and hinting at late-night assignations with her dance partners. All is going pleasurably according to plan—until the Roman god Fanny kisses during a masquerade turns out to be Matthew, Lord Lathbury, whose proposal she refused years ago . . .

Lathbury is charming, passionate, inventive, everything Fanny wants in a lover—but unfortunately, he’s on the hunt for a wife. He’s more than willing to use all his wicked skills to persuade her back to the altar, but he can’t wait forever. And now Fanny’s position is more precarious than she once thought. If the tongues of the ton set to wagging, it’s possible no offer in the world will save her from ruin. But does she want to be saved? . . .

Read an Excerpt:

Heart pounding, Fanny ran on tiptoes in an effort to keep up with him. This was madness. Wherever was he taking her? And what on earth did he have in mind? Oh, but she knew what that was. That deep desire in his eyes told her exactly where his intentions lay. Would she allow him to have his way with her? She didn’t quite recognize him; the mask hid just enough of his face. Still he reminded her of someone. Someone who had been most dear to her what seemed a lifetime ago. But that man had left London, swearing never to return to the ton years before. He’d retreated to his country estate and had not been seen in Town for seven years.

They raced down the corridor, Pollux still in the lead, Castor right behind her. That gave her some comfort. Pollux wouldn’t ravish her in front of his brother, or friend rather. Still, the urgency of his headlong flight, dodging wide-eyed guests left and right, persuaded her that this man would stop at nothing to get her alone.

He turned a corner into a deserted hall and slowed finally. Stopping at a door on the far end, he glanced around then put his hand on the latch. “Keep watch, Cas. No one enters.”

Castor grinned. “Not a soul, Pol. My word as a gentleman.”

Pollux pushed down the latch, opened the door into a shadowy room, and drew her inside.

The flickering fireplace across the room gave the only light. Fanny’s eyes took a moment to adjust to the dimness. A moment in which Pollux pulled her hard against him, crushing her breasts against his unyielding chest. He wrapped his arms around her, pinning her to him, and sank his mouth onto hers.

About the Author:
Jenna Jaxon is a multi-published author of historical romance in all time periods because, she says, “passion is timeless.” She has been reading and writing historical romance since she was a teenager. A romantic herself, Jenna has always loved a dark side to the genre, a twist, suspense, a surprise. She tries to incorporate all of these elements into her own stories. She’s a theatre director when she’s not writing and lives in Gloucester, Virginia with her family, including two very vocal cats and one silent one.

Jenna is a PAN member of Romance Writers of America as well as an active member of Chesapeake Romance Writers, her local chapter of RWA. She has four series currently available: The House of Pleasure, set in Georgian England, Handful of Hearts, set in Regency England, and Time Enough to Love, set in medieval England and France, and The Widows’ Club series, also set in Regency England and available from Kensington Publishing in both print and digital.

She currently writes to support her chocolate habit.

Find Jenna Jaxon online:

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Thursday, December 13, 2018

Final Notice by Van Fleisher - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Van Fleisher will be awarding a $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The year is the very near future. A brilliant young doctor and mathematician, Vijay Patel, has invented a new health/sport watch that monitors blood chemistry so accurately, it can actually predict when someone will die – within 10, 20, or 30 days. The intention of this “Final Notice,” as it is called, is to allow people to get their affairs in order and reach out to loved ones before it’s too late. But when those notified have easy access to a gun, the result is sometimes lethal for more than just the watch-owner.

These are the stories of several people who receive their Final Notice and their very different reactions ... including a desire to get revenge with impunity. They range from an 89-year-old resident in a retirement home to a U.S. Senator...from a benevolent widow to a crass tycoon to a noted climate change scientist.

But in this fresh, fast-paced page-turner, their stories are all set against the all-too-recognizable backdrop of a guns-gone-wild America, and the relentless push by the NRA and their surrogate politicians to make guns even easier to acquire.

There is plenty of dark humor and political satire in FINAL NOTICE, as well as touching scenes and outright suspense. So expect to laugh out loud, dry some tears, and bite your nails (not necessarily in that order).

Read an Excerpt:

And sure enough, in 1.24 seconds, Trudi had 1,620,000 results. “Here it is. California law protects us if we shoot a burglar in our home. Still, it wouldn’t help if we didn’t hear them until they burst into the room. I can’t see either one of us having the presence of mind to reach for the gun, roll out of bed and blast away. What are you smiling at?”

“At the image of you doing just that!”

“Hey. I’ve been watching Angelina Jolie and I think I can manage the moves.”

About the Author:
“After 21 years with an airline, and 30 years in management consulting, I retired and found that my phone didn’t ring and the only emails I got were asking for money. So, since I was at my computer, I decided to write a novel.”

This is only half the story. (Van is notoriously modest.) The author was Director of International Marketing with TWA, and an International Management Consultant – taking him behind the closed doors of boardrooms and executive offices around the world. He knows how business works, which gives the slightly “sci-fi” premise of Final Notice a realistic feel. Moreover, his two careers led him to live abroad for much of his life. After growing up in New Jersey and Florida, where he never thought much further than the length of a football field, and going to college in New Mexico, he wound up living in England, Scotland and France, travelling frequently to the Middle East and Asia. He even spent a year living in India. And his first-hand experience with – and respect for – other cultures is apparent in this book.

“Final Notice is meant to highlight, my concerns with America’s handling of three important issues: gun control (not anti-gun), ageism and the importance of immigration. The book won’t fix these issues, but there are a number of great organizations with even greater people working on our behalf to right these wrongs. Proceeds from sales of Final Notice will help support those efforts.”

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Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Dark Road by Gail Z. Martin - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Gail Z. Martin will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Jonmarc Vahanian fled from the raiders and monsters that killed his family, but when danger dogs his steps once again, he leaves the traveling caravan that gave him shelter to become a mercenary in nearby Principality. His fighting skills help him rise through the ranks, and draw the attention of a Nargi general—and the general’s undead mage. An old, unsettled score turns deadly, trapping Jonmarc in dangerous intrigue. He can save himself—and betray everything he holds dear—or die a hero as the raider’s curse holds true.

This collection is the second set of short stories and novellas that reveal another phase of Jonmarc’s growth from a blacksmith’s son to becoming one of the greatest warriors in the history of the Winter Kingdoms.

Soldier. Fight slave. Smuggler. Warrior. Brigand Lord. You may have encountered Jonmarc Vahanian in the Chronicles of the Necromancer but you don’t really know him until you walk in his footsteps.

Read an Excerpt

Bad Blood

Sure enough, Peters insisted that the small caravan camp for the night on a field just inside the border of Lord Nemic’s lands.

“It’s still early,” Harrtuck argued. “We could travel another hour, be that much closer to the manor, and arrive before noon.”

“It will do no good for us to arrive exhausted,” Peters sniffed. “We are performers. We must be sufficiently rested. Lord Eston’s orders were clear. We are to provide an excellent performance for Lord Nemic, as befits a gift of this magnitude. We will not drag in like peddlers, half-asleep and unable to give our best showing.”

“We were hired to defend you,” Harrtuck snapped. “And as your guards, I need to warn you that this position is once again too close to the trees and difficult to defend.”

“Deal with it,” Peters replied, eyes narrowing. “We are camping here.”

This time, Harrtuck did not attempt to hide his muttered curses as he stalked away. “Either that man is incredibly stupid, or he wants to be attacked,” he mumbled to Jonmarc when he had returned to where the rest of the War Dogs waited with their horses.

Jonmarc raised an eyebrow. “I’m not questioning his stupidity, but maybe he does want to be attacked—there’s something about this whole thing we don’t know, a piece we’re missing.”

Harrtuck nodded. “Aye. But I can’t figure out what it is.”

About the Author:

Gail Z. Martin writes epic fantasy, urban fantasy and steampunk for Solaris Books, Orbit Books, Falstaff Books, SOL Publishing and Darkwind Press. Vengeance is the second in the new Darkhurst epic fantasy series. Also new is The Dark Road, the second in the Jonmarc Vahanian Adventures series, and Assassin’s Honor (coming, October 2018), the first in the new Assassins of Landria series.

Her Deadly Curiosities urban fantasy series set in Charleston, SC has a new novel, Tangled Web, and two new collections, Trifles & Folly, and Trifles & Folly 2.

Other work includes the Chronicles Of The Necromancer series, the Fallen Kings Cycle, the Ascendant Kingdoms series, and the alternate history novel Iron & Blood and the Storm & Fury collection (co-authored with Larry N. Martin) She is also the co-author (with Larry) of the Mark Wojcik monster hunter series (Spells, Salt and Steel) and the upcoming Wasteland Marshals series and the Cauldron/Secret Council series from Falstaff Books.

As Morgan Brice, she writes urban fantasy MM paranormal romance. New and upcoming books include Witchbane, Burn, Dark Rivers, Badlands, and Lucky Town.

She is also the organizer of the #HoldOnToTheLight campaign:
Join her email update and never miss a new release—plus get great free stories just for signing up!

. Buy on Audio, ebook, paperback or free on Kindle Unlimited here:

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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Dickensen Academy by Christine Grabowski - Book Tour and Giveaway

Dickensen Academy isn’t a typical boarding school. The faculty is hiding an unbelievable secret within their fine arts program. When Autumn Mattison receives an invitation to attend the high school, she yearns to escape her overbearing father yet remains reluctant to leave her mother and brother. Her doubts fade away when a vivid dream convinces her she belongs there.

Away from home, Autumn discovers a unique school environment that awakens her creative potential, and her new friends become like a second family. However, as she uncovers more about the dark side of the school and struggles with its curriculum, she questions whether Dickensen Academy is truly where she belongs. 

When tragedy strikes, Autumn must learn to believe in her own power and stand up to her greatest fear or risk having her memories destroyed to protect the school’s secrets. Caught between secrets and dreams, can she find her true self?


Clues to the secret existed from day one, yet they appeared to belong to separate puzzles. Most students either missed these signs or chose to ignore them. We were busy acclimating—as the faculty called it—to a new environment. Some outsiders might call what they did to us those initial weeks a form of brainwashing or fostering a cult-like mentality.

But not me.

I agreed with Principal Locke. We weren’t ready. We needed time to separate from our families and become a cohesive group. And some of us, myself included, even needed a little nudge to accept the invitation. If someone had told us the truth on Day One why they’d brought us to Dickensen Academy, we would have never believed it. We’d think they were crazy. Or worse, we’d turn around and run back home. But if we left, we would have missed out on something extraordinary. Something worth the wait.


What inspired you to write this book?

I knew I wanted to write a young adult novel based around an unusual premise because those are the types of books I am drawn to. I began to go through my dreams each morning hoping I’d dream up a blockbuster idea like Stephenie Meyer did with her first written scene of Twilight. Although I never dreamed an amazing dream, I did start to question why I remembered some dreams but forgot others. That idea led me to the premise for Dickensen Academy.

What is your favorite scene in the book?

I love the dance scene followed by the first kiss. By this time in the book, I am in love with Ben too and am so happy Autumn and Ben finally get together and share their true feelings.

What exciting story are you working on next?

Although I published Dickensen Academy as a standalone with series potential, my early readers have overwhelmingly asked for more in the series, so I have working on a sequel about Autumn’s sophomore year. It will be a little darker and the antagonist will be someone on campus rather than her father as the issues in book 1 were wrapped up. I am currently a little more than half way through the first draft and has been my focus during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).

How do you react to a bad review of your book?

I read all my reviews carefully (good and bad) to see if there is any feedback that will help me improve my writing. Fortunately, there have been few bad reviews. For the most part, it seems it is simply not the book for them, so I try and forget about them and focus on all the good ones. I have to remember books are subjective and I can’t take it personally.

What are four things you can’t live without?

Coffee, books, exercise, my family/friends/dogs 

Favorite place to read?

It’s strange to say, but my bedroom closet. (It’s big, so there is room to lay down). I have a lot of sleep issues and need a consistent nighttime routine to fall asleep. Because my husband goes to bed early, reading in our bed isn’t possible. I used to read downstairs in my favorite chair, but I found I would get sidetracked on the way to bed. Upstairs, I can read until I’m ready to fall asleep and then be in bed within one minute. Also, there are no interruptions from my kids because they think I am asleep.

Anything else you might want to add? 

Although adults love the fresh spin on a boarding school story, parents and teachers believe Dickensen Academy is a perfect book for tweens and teens because it appeals to this group but doesn’t have the mature content that is in some YA books. It might make a great holiday gift.


About the Author

Dickensen Academy is Christine’s debut YA novel. After graduating from the University of Washington, she earned her MBA at the University at Albany. She honed her technical writing skills in marketing and consulting but attributes the creative part of the process to her passion for reading.

When she isn’t reading or writing, Christine can often be found running, skiing, or hiking. She lives in Newcastle, Washington, with her supportive husband, two avid teen readers, and their energetic wheaten terriers.

Buy Links:

Christine Grabowski will be awarding $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Twelve Days by Hope Waters - Book Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Hope Waters will be awarding a $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Zoey Blake is having a perfect holiday season. Finals are over and it's time to head home for Christmas, but when she wins the Hartbreakers True Love contest to join them of their tour, she has a chance to follow her favorite band for twelve days -- and twelve steamy nights.

Mackenzie Hart has been a player since and joining Hartbreakers has only edged up his game, that is until he meets Zoey. She's turned his world upside down and only she can make it right. Now all he has to do is convince her to stay with him forever. For a guy like Mack, that shouldn't be too hard but it's gonna take all he has and twelve days to win her true love.

Read an Excerpt

“Zoey,” Nia yelled from inside her bunk, where she had been talking to Josh. “Mack wants to say good night.”

I heard a chorus of approvals from the back of the bus. I stuck my tongue out at them and they laughed. I took the walkie-talkie from Nia and went back to my bunk.


“Hi, Zoey.

“I just wanted to say goodnight,” Mack said over the crackles.

I smirked. “Why don’t you just call me?”

“Isn’t there something romantic about saying good night over a two-way radio channel in the wilds of Texas where a dozen truckers can hear us?”

I rolled my eyes. “I guess it’s romantic,” I said with a laugh. “Thank you. That is very sweet. Good night Mack.”


Before I shut off the walkie-talkie, I heard from over the waves, “Aw, you kids are cute.” I let out a laugh and turned it off as I handed it back to Nia. I closed my curtains and laid down to sleep as visions of Mack danced in my head.

About the Author: Straight out of fandom, Hope Waters has been writing for over thirty years. From a young age, she was crafting stories to entertain others of all ages and continues to do so to this day. Hope uses she/they for pronouns and enjoys a good book with a cup of coffee and snuggles from her cats.

NOTE: The book is on sale for $0.99.

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Monday, December 3, 2018

Love at The Electric by Jenn Hughes - Book Tour and Giveaway

Walking wildfire Sam Owens gets Lillian hot in all the right ways, but there's more to the software CEO than just a pretty face. And a great body. And… Oh, right. He’s the enemy, according to the contract she signed with his rival. So when they secretly meet up for movies at The Electric, Lillian can't get too involved with Sam. She could lose her job. Her reputation. And her heart.

Sam is in love with his company, his image, his video games, and his ability to avoid commitment--at least until he levels up with attorney Lillian Walker. With her love of campy horror flicks and a body that makes him want to howl like a cartoon wolf, Sam’s found his leading lady. Too bad getting close to Lillian means tangling with her boss, a supervillain in the making.

In the nights leading up to Christmas, movies at The Electric mean more than just mutant toads and cannibal fruitcakes. Between shenanigans with old flames and an arch nemesis out to destroy any future they might have, Sam and Lillian learn the hard way that falling in love isn’t as easy as it looks on screen. When the past gets in the way of a perfect “the end,” there’s really only one solution--if werewolf Santas can bring them together, zombie ex-girlfriends can keep them together.

After all, anything’s possible at The Electric.


“Hey! Lillian! Over here,” Sam called out from his booth while waving his hand.

Slow turn in his direction. Fake, slight surprise at finally finding him. Soft smile. Not too big as to seem excited. Lillian walked over to join him, dodging busy waiters and waitresses carrying loaded trays of food. Her smile grew wider every step of the way.

“In the Still of the Night” played on the glowing jukebox in the corner, and everything else sort of fell away. The other patrons disappeared. So did the diner. Only bottomless pools of cobalt blue remained…

Until Lillian bumped into the edge of the table, jarring silverware and glasses of water. She tried to take her seat opposite Sam, but when she slid into the booth she kind of…fell into it. Like a big mackerel flopping onto a dock. She quickly pulled herself upright and then scooted across the red vinyl seat.

I’m living in this booth now. I’ll never get up again. No problem.

Her face and neck burned like she’d been doused with scalding water. She averted her eyes and wriggled out of her coat. When she finally mustered the courage to look up, Sam’s grin left her with third-degree shame burns.

“Worn out?” he asked, one dark eyebrow raised above the rim of his glasses.

“Oh, no. Fine. Everything’s fine.”

She played it cool…ish. Hard to appear cool when klutzing in front of a dreamboat. And she refused to give Sam a hint of how damn good it felt just to sit across from him in that demon booth.

Guest Post

Which Port Bristol character are you?

Take the Love at The Electric character quiz to find out which character from Love at The Electric is your personality soul mate!

About the Author

Jenn Hughes writes romance with a heavy dose of humor. A lifelong love of all things sci-fi, combined with her day job in marketing, IT, and graphic design, infuses her writing with tech-centric and geeky references.

When not reading and writing, she enjoys spending time with her family and gardening at her home in North Carolina. You might also find her gaming, repairing computers and electronics, experimenting with mixed media art, or finishing furniture.

You can find her online at:

Author Website:
The Bristol Beagle, Port Bristol’s Trusted Source for News:

Jenn Hughes will be awarding a $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Tar by Taylor Hohulin - Book Tour and Giveaway

Brendan Cobb calls it tar, but there might be as many names for it as cities left standing.

To some, it’s known as filth, or blight. Others call it the Black God in reverential whispers. Whatever name it takes, the effects are the same. Cities left in ruins. People turned into monsters. Living infections with no known cure. The best anyone can do is avoid it, but even that gets harder the more it spreads.

Brendan survives this waking nightmare by trading salvage for shelter and for repairs to his cybernetic arm, until a newcomer arrives, convinced Brendan is the key to ridding the world of tar once and for all. Reluctantly, Brendan and his mechanic join the newcomer on a journey across the desolate highways of a ruined world, where he learns the true history of the tar…and of the dark power inside him, which grows stronger every day.


Tiger Stripe barked something harsh and insistent, but Brendan barely heard it. He’d descended into a place ruled by impulse and instinct. Coldness enveloped him as his legs pumped, pulling the tunnel in the debris ever closer.

Tile exploded a few inches from Brendan’s feet, an errant shot from Tiger Stripe’s blaster. He did not fire again—a wise decision, considering Brendan was running toward the only way out. The last thing anyone needed was a collapsed tunnel.

Just as Brendan wondered if he would escape, a sound roared behind him, speeding closer at an alarming rate. Metal joints pistoned over and over, faster than any human could move on his own.

Brendan glanced back. The kid with two mods in place of his legs was sprinting after Brendan. The slender prosthetics looked more like they belonged on an insect than a human. As the thought crossed his mind, a single word cut through the coldness that surrounded him. The salvagers were chanting.

“Grasshopper! GRASS! HA! PER! Grasshopper! GRASS! HA! PER!”

Grasshopper leaned forward as he ran, with an expression equal parts grin and grimace. Brendan didn’t want to fight him here, not with four other salvagers waiting to join. It would be cleaner if he could separate them and take them one by one.

None of these things occurred to Brendan as thoughts. They were instincts, like don’t touch a fire, or don’t breathe underwater. They passed through his mind in an instant, registering deep within his very core.

Guest Post

What is your writing process?

My writing process could best be described as “one step at a time.” There’s a lot of problems you need to solve when writing a book, and trying to knock them all out in one go is just overwhelming to me. The good news is books aren’t written as live performances—you have the luxury of working on them for a long time and tweaking things here and there until you have something beautiful that you love.
So I start by hammering out the basic framework of my plot. Who wants what, and what’s in their way? From there, I start building in my story beats and fleshing things out bit by bit until I have a full scene-by-scene outline of the book. That doesn’t mean scenes won’t get added or deleted along the way, but at least I have a roadmap of where I’m going and what I need to foreshadow, as well as a bird’s eye view of things so I know each act is paced properly.
From there, I start writing the story. This is where I start playing with things like voice and tone, and where I start to get a feel for each of the characters. Anymore, I’ve kind of accepted that I’ll need to edit the first 15,000 or so words more heavily, because those are the ones where I’m trying different things and seeing what feels right. It’s usually somewhere in the second half of this rough draft that I get an idea of what themes the book might explore. I usually make a mental note of it and look for opportunities to sprinkle it in with word choices, lines of dialog, or even extra scenes when it comes time to edit. 
Once I’ve finished my rough draft, I like to take a break to start outlining the next book. The big thing this does for me is to allow me to create some emotional distance between myself and the book I just finished. Once I finish a draft, I’m usually completely in love with it, so it’s hard to edit with any objectivity. But when I’m outlining something new, it gives me some time to let the draft cool down, while also allowing me to get excited about something else. Plus, when I finish the main project, I have a full outline to work with so I’m ready to start the next project immediately.
When I do come back to edit, I focus each pass of edits on something different: Story continuity for one, clean prose for another, typos on another still. Rather than sitting down at an especially rough draft and saying “Okay, what are all the bad things in this book and how can I fix them?” I say, “Okay, let’s make sure all the characters are tonally consistent throughout the book.”
Then comes the tricky part: Deciding when I’m done. As an indie author, I don’t have an editor or publisher giving me a hard release date or telling me, “Yes, this book is ready,” or, “No, let’s tweak this.” Those decisions are all up to me. The best standard I heard is actually from an indie musician. He said he could keep tweaking every song he’s ever recorded forever, but he knows he’s done when he reaches a point that he can’t think of anything he could do that would make him love the song any more. There are always things I can think of to tweak in my books, but if those tweaks don’t lead me to loving what I’ve done any more, it’s probably time to get the publishing wheels turning.
And then I start the whole process over again.

About the Author

Taylor Hohulin is a radio personality by morning, a science fiction author by afternoon, and asleep by 9:30. He is the author of The Marian Trilogy, Tar, and other genre-blending works. He lives in West Des Moines, Iowa, with his wife, where they are owned by a dog and a cat.

The book will be on sale for $0.99.

Taylor Hohulin will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Company of Demons by Michael Jordan - Book Blast and Giveaway

The brutal murder of a friend leaves lawyer John Coleman stunned and sends shock waves through the city of Cleveland. The technique of the killing recalls memories of the Torso Murderer, who dismembered at least twelve people decades ago and vanished--eluding even the legendary Eliot Ness. Jennifer, the victim's beautiful daughter, hires John to handle her father's estate, and romantic feelings for her soon complicate his already troubled marriage. When John finds himself entangled with a cold-blooded biker gang, an ex-cop with a fuzzy past, and the drug-addicted son of the dead man, he struggles to make sense of it all. But he cannot escape a growing sense of dread.


A deep breath helped to calm me. Oyster’s death had brought an ugly past alive. Just as I’d been assuring everyone, though, there was nothing wrong. My main task for the day was to pick Molly up after school and hope that she wouldn’t be too disappointed when she learned that we wouldn’t be visiting the skateboard park. We would head straight home for a quiet, uneventful spaghetti dinner. Cathy would have polished and set the oaken table. We would talk of things other than serial killers. She would remind me of her upcoming birthday dinner, with her sister and brother-in-law. Her parents would stare down at us from faded color photographs arranged in thin wooden frames on checkered blue-and-white wallpaper. There were photographs of my mom, too, with her tight-lipped smile. 

One photo of my father, handsome in a blue uniform, hung on the wall. Whenever Cathy said grace, my eyes would wander to the particular picture, and I would recall games of catch, walleye fishing on the lake, our hikes through the Metroparks. We’d wander the trails there most Saturday mornings, just my dad and me. Afterward, he’d take me to Pete’s Hotdogs on Lorain, and we’d gorge on dogs stuffed into steamed buns and topped with local Stadium mustard and greasy fried onions. Those were the memories I’d try to focus on.

But I could never, ever block out the rest.


What should readers expect when they pick up your book?

Raw and honest characters who, along with the reader, are trapped in a series of unexpected twists and turns.

What inspired you to write this book?

I was captivated by the history of the Torso Killer, who brutally murdered at least twelve people, eluded legendary crime fighter Eliot Ness, and vanished without a trace. The Company of Demons asks this question: what if the killer returned today for a final act of vengeance? 

What is your favorite scene in the book?

When our troubled protagonist comes face-to-face with his worst nightmare. Will he succumb to the ghosts of his past or find an inner strength?  

How do you react to a bad review of your book?

I try to read them objectively to see if there might be a constructive basis for the criticism. 

What are four things you can’t live without?

Friends, travel, entertainment, and writing.

Favorite place to read?

A quiet, comfortable room.


About the Author

Michael Jordan obtained his undergraduate degree from Ohio Wesleyan University, with highest honors, and his law degree from George Washington University, where he was a member of the Law Review. A trial lawyer and arbitrator for over three decades, he has been recognized as an Ohio Super Lawyer and named to Best Lawyers in America. A member of the International Association of Crime Writers, The Company of Demons is his first novel.
An avid traveler, Michael has climbed Mt. Fuji, swam in The Devil’s Pool on the cusp of Victoria Falls, trekked a glacier in Patagonia, and visited numerous other countries. Yes—an international thriller lies in the future! He has also acted in several theatrical productions and his experience on stage is helpful in creating characters for his novels. He is currently working on his next book, a thriller set during the closing stages of WWII.
A native of Saginaw, Michigan, Michael and his wife, Linda Gross Brown, a soft pastel artist, divide their time between homes in Rocky River, Ohio, and Longboat Key, Florida. They enjoy traveling, pleasure boating, and very cold martinis.

Twitter:  @mjordanauthor  (
Facebook:  michaeljordanbooks  (

Buy links:

Michael Jordan will be awarding a $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner.
a Rafflecopter giveaway