Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Special Delivery by Judi Lynn - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Karli Redding is a traveling nurse. She has a month off between jobs, so when Mill Pond's mailman, Keagan Monroe, calls to say that her grandfather can't care for himself anymore, Karli volunteers to go to Mill Pond and help set up suitable health care for him. Axel's always been a pain in the rear, and age hasn't improved him. The two bump heads, and Karli ends up cooking and cleaning for the old man while she tries to decide what to do with him. She also finds herself getting more and more attracted to Mill Pond's mailman. But Keagan's been through one bad romance and he wants something permanent this time, nothing temporary. Can Karli give up her footloose lifestyle? Can she find happiness in a small town?


She crossed the threshold and stopped.  Good grief.  The inside of the house was worse than the outside.  The rooms she could see looked as though no one had set foot in them for years.  No one had dusted in a decade and cobwebs hung from corners.  It smelled musty, and a faint scent of urine drifted from a back room.

Keagan pressed his lips in a grimace.  “It’s not pretty.  A woman comes in to clean his room every other week, but he won’t let her touch anything else.  I fetch groceries for him when he needs them, but I think he stopped cooking a while ago.  The only empty containers I’ve seen in the trash lately held applesauce, cottage cheese, and Ensure.”

Karli turned a serious gaze on him.  “You’re awfully nice to a mean, old man.”

The voice called again.  “Mean, huh?  Which one of Donna’s miserable kids did she send?  She was too much of a chicken to come herself.”

Karli was glad she could spare her mom this.  She could have dealt with it, but thankfully, Mom had put her growing up pains behind her.  Why stir them up again?

“I don’t see any other kids lining up to rescue you!”  Karli followed the voice toward the back room—a depressing journey.  The kitchen had worn linoleum flooring and a grease covered, four-burner stove.  Flies buzzed an open can of peaches.  She shook her head.  “Can he get around?”

Keagan nodded.  “Everything’s set up for his wheelchair, but he’s moving less and less these days.”

Keagan kept walking until they stepped into a three-season room.  Axel sat nearly upright in a hospital bed, cranked so that he could see out the windows.   He had on stained pajamas, and his steel-gray hair hadn’t been washed.  A black garbage can sat close by, and the corner of an adult diaper drooped over its edge.

“For heaven’s sake, shut the darn thing!”  Keagan cracked the lid and let the diaper slide inside, then quickly shut it.

Axel looked a lot like she remembered him—average height, lots of long, messy, gray hair, and a stubbly chin.  But his shoulders were stooped, his frame withered, and his legs thin and frail.  Age was taking its toll.

About the Author

I taught elementary education for six years before I had my two daughters. I have a fondness for kids, so lots of them have been in and out of our house. I have a fondness for cooking, too, which means I fed a lot of them. As much as I love hamburgers and hot dogs, the kids had eclectic tastes, so I collected more and more recipes and cookbooks. Today, food sneaks into my stories, and if I'm lucky, so do children...and strays. I invite most of them in and now have a stray cat who walked through our doors to rule our house, a stray chihuahua who barks at everything, and an adopted parakeet and rat terrier. I also have a very patient husband, or he'd have probably left before now.

Author Links:

Judi will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, October 30, 2017

Son of the Moon by Jennifer Macaire - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

In Nysa, Alexander the Great and time traveling journalist Ashley find their abducted son Paul being worshiped as ""the son of the moon"". Knowing she can’t change history and that Alexander’s kingdom will be torn apart when he dies, Ashley must make the terrible decision to leave her firstborn son in the sacred valley.

Alexander presses on to India, where he and Ashley are welcomed with feasts - and treachery.  They struggle through monsoons, face the might of Porus’s army, and outwit deadly Brahmin rebels. Facing the reality of Alexander’s looming death, Ashley considers the unthinkable - How to save him, and the consequences of cheating the Fates. Book III in the Time for Alexander series"


The last house in the village stood by itself in the midst of a large garden. Wind chimes jingled softly in the night breeze. A cuckoo called. The door opened and a woman beckoned me. I couldn’t stop shaking. 

Inside, lamps were lit. Yellow light danced around the walls. On the floor lay richly colored rugs and soft cushions. A low table was set with a warm meal. Light glittered off the brass brazier and the copper bowls. However, there was nobody in the room.

“Please, don’t make me wait any longer,” I whispered. “Just let me see Paul.”

The man clapped his hands and a woman entered the room. 

She led a little boy by the hand. I dropped to my knees. The boy stood and stared at me gravely. He was four and a half years old, tall, sturdy, with long, magnificent eyes in a triangular face. He had a proud nose and a wide forehead. His blond hair curled softly and lifted off the back of his neck and temples. He stood perfectly still. I hardly saw him breathe. But a pulse beat in the base of his throat. A pulse I knew so well. 

I stretched my arms out to him, my vision blurring with tears. “Come, Paul,” I said in English. 

He came into my arms, laying his head gently on my shoulder. His small arms crept around my neck. I held him. I just held him. I hardly dared to breathe. It was akin to seeing a ghost. 

I stood up and swung Paul into my arms, holding him on my hip. For a minute I had only one urge, to leave, to take my child and leave.

About the Author

Jennifer Macaire lives in France with her husband, three children, & various dogs & horses. She loves cooking, eating French chocolate, growing herbs and flowering plants on her balcony, and playing golf. She grew up in upstate New York, Samoa, and the Virgin Islands. She graduated from St. Peter and Paul high school in St. Thomas and moved to NYC where she modeled for five years for Elite. She went to France and met her husband at the polo club. All that is true. But she mostly likes to make up stories.

Author Links:

Purchase Links:


Jennifer will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC plus a digital copy of Book I in the series The Road to Alexander to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. In addition, 5 other winners will receive a digital copy of the 1st book of the series THE ROAD TO ALEXANDER.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A Haunting of Words Anthology - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

From Scout Media comes A Haunting of Words—the third volume in an ongoing short story anthology series featuring authors from all over the world.

In this installation, the reader will experience a multi-genre journey beyond traditional haunts; from comedy, to drama, fantasy, romance, and horror, these stories put eclectic spins on the every-day ghost tale. Whether you are running from the ghost of a vengeful mother, falling in love with an apparition, touring with a deceased famous musician, saving a newborn from a possessed crib, or having a specter cat as a sidekick, these stories of hauntings and apparitions will warm your heart, send shivers down your spine, and tickle your funny bone.

Whether to be enlightened, entertained, or momentarily caught up in another world, these selections convey the true spirit of the short story.

Interview Author William Thatch

Have any hidden talents you would like to share? 

I once convinced the dodo to come out of extinction by appealing to its sense of wonder and vanity. The dodo is a particularly vain bird. Not a lot of people know that. Mostly because they've been extinct for years and I'm lying. Other than the wildly fantastic and unrealistic, I can't think of any particular talent I have. 

How long does it take you to write a book? 

I've yet to complete a full-length novel, though I haven't been focusing on doing so. But, using various mathematical equations I can guess about three months if factoring in planning stages, some days where I just don't get anything written because other life based things take priority. 

Where’s your favorite place to write? 

My grandmother's. I don't get to write there often, but when the living room always has someone in there talking or watching television. Some might find that distracting, but for me it's the right level of noise that I can block it out by focusing on what I'm writing. 

What are you working on next? 

I'm cutting it close on my entry for the next Of Words anthology, A Contract of Words. It's going to be another absurdist comedy, much like A Wacky, Fantastical Misadventure in New Haven is in A Haunting of Words. 

What do you do when you are not writing? 

I play video games and read books. Nothing revolutionary, though I occasionally shout at the skeleton of long since dead dodos in hopes of convincing them to come out of extinction. So far my less than scientific tests have been inconclusive at best, utter failures at worst. 

Do you have any advice for other writers? 

Make your writing a routine that you do every day. My best days of writing have been when I set aside specific time and don't waiver from the routine. On average I can get 750 words in a writing session, but I was regularly getting up to 1,500 when I forced myself into a routine. 

Any last words? 

My army of dodos will rule the world as soon as I can get them to stop being dead and start listening to me. That's the thing with extinct creature, they're quite hard headed. I've been shouting at them mercilessly for years now and they just lay there, ignoring me as if all of their vital organs and senses have long since rotted away. Rude, if you ask me. Very rude.

About the Author

William Thatch, born in 1989, has been writing stories for twenty-two years. As a storyteller, Thatch gravitates towards science-fiction while incorporating elements of other genres such as westerns and noir. His eccentric personality and sense of humor has given rise to fellow A Journey of Words writers referring to him as a pirate. Thatch can be found online at williamthatch.wix.com/author

The authors will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Jane Austen Lied to Me by Jeanette Watts - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

What college girl doesn’t dream of meeting Mr. Darcy? Lizzie was certainly no exception. But when Darcy Fitzwilliam comes into her life, he turns out to be every bit as aggravating as Elizabeth Bennett’s Fitzwilliam Darcy. So what’s a modern girl to do?

Jeanette Watts’ satire pokes loving fun at Jane and all of us who worship the characters who shall forever be our romantic ideals.


I’ve been thinking about my conversation with Professor Jacobson over and over.  The thing about formulas and people.  It makes a certain kind of sense, but does it lack a romantic sensibility?

Ha!  Sense and Sensibility!  

This is the second time that Professor Jacobson has me thinking about S&S. Well, if I’m no Lizzie Bennett, there are worse things in life than being a Marianne Dashwood.  She had youth and beauty and high spirits.  She wasn’t good at the dating thing, either, and overlooked the better man at first.  Why was that?  Did Colonel Brandon seem unromantic at first impression?

Even though I’ve got an assignment due in Spanish, as well as the inevitable calc and chem homework, I grabbed Sense and Sensibility to take with me to read while I went to dinner. I wanted to read everything in the book about Colonel Brandon.

Anne spotted me in the dining hall while I was halfway through a tuna sandwich and a really big pile of potato chips.  “Hey, Roomie.” She slid her cafeteria tray onto the table across from me and plopped her book bag down beside it.  “You having a really bad day?”

“Um, no I don’t think so, why?” I asked.

“Usually, if you’re having a bad day, you pick up Jane Austen and read a little something before you start to study.  Since instead of sitting here doing your homework, you’re sitting here reading Jane Austen, I take it you had an exceptionally bad day today.”


Tell us about your book, what inspired it?

The title of the book is Jane Austen Lied to Me, so obviously Jane… 

I love Jane Austen, and it’s fun playing at JASNA (Jane Austen Society of North America) events. But I do get this nagging question in the back of my head, even while adoring the works, the characters, and Jane’s unique and delightful writing style: how would her characters hold up, today? 

My favorite example of how different times are is looking at Mrs. Bennett. In the early 1800s, all that was expected of her was to produce a son. She failed. Under those circumstances, the only opportunity that life presented her was to marry off her daughters as well as possible. Think about what a narrow life that is! But the woman was something of a genius. Look at her machinations on several occasions to pull off her goal. She no doubt utilized the same skill to get herself married above her station in the first place.

Now, put that woman in 2017. With her understanding of human nature, and a world that gives women a few more choices than just marriage, she would be a pretty fearsome trial lawyer.

Applying that same line of questioning to the heroes of Jane’s novels is what gave me JAL2M. 

What is your favorite scene in the book?

The scene where my heroine throws herself at her college professor. I feel sorry for her, she was getting signals that she interpreted other than how they were meant. But her professor is a kind man, how was he supposed to behave differently? This scene is actually based on something that happened to a friend of mine, who really is a college professor. It’s a moment that is funny, and yet awkward and horrifying all at the same time.

How do you react to a bad review of your book?

It depends upon how you define “bad review.” To me, a bad review is one that demonstrates the reader wasn’t paying much attention. I spend something like $100 on a Kirkus Review, and I got back this lukewarm, mechanical, corporate paragraph that wasn’t too much different than a 7th grade book report. That, to me, was a horrible review, and I was irritated. Worst review I’ve ever seen. I get MUCH better reviews from people who just feel like posting on Amazon. I would rather get 1 star from a reader who says they don’t like my hero, and here’s 3 insightful reasons why. I love those sorts of reviews! It’s honest, and well thought out. When the next review gets posted, and it’s someone saying how much they love my hero, and here’s 3 reasons why, I’m absolutely giddy with glee. It proves that my characters are well-developed portrayals of real human beings. They are a collection of qualities, both good and bad. Not everyone should react to my characters the same way. If they do, I did it wrong.

Do you listen to music when you're writing?

I don’t know how people can do that! I don’t mind a fairly noisy hotel lobby, I like the sound of ocean waves or train whistles in the background. But how am I supposed to write when there’s a cha-cha playing in the background? I’m a dance instructor, whenever music is playing, I’m listening to it and filing it into what kind of dance or dances can be done to it. So no, never any music. Except for that internal radio all of us have inside our heads. Mine seems to be playing Vivaldi right now. Which is a nice change, it’s usually playing classic rock.

What’s something unusual or fun that most people don’t know about you?

Wow, you ask hard questions! I’m an extreme extrovert. I’ve never met a stranger. I also travel in packs, like a wolf. My dancers are all closer than family members: they can order for me at restaurants, pick my favorite songs, bring me wines they know I’ll like, nag me to eat more salt when I stand up and get dizzy from low blood pressure. They know me so well, they can tell me things about myself that I didn’t even know. And of course right now I can’t think of any examples… 

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

To write more books! I have so many stories trapped inside my head, beating on my brain yelling to get out. JAL2M has taken a long time, because of other demands going on in my life. Now that it’s out in print, I’m impatient to start the research on my next book. But first I’m taking a break for a couple of weeks, because I’m moving to Charlotte, North Carolina. I’m sad to leave my house and friends and dance groups, and excited to have a new adventure.

Any last words?

Two of them:
Serendipity. One of the most powerful forces in the Universe.
Defenestration. It strikes me as endlessly funny that this word even exists, because it really used to happen… which strikes me as even funnier. 

About the Author

Jeanette Watts had been writing historic fiction when the inspiration for Jane Austen Lied to Me hit her on the drive home from the Jane Austen Festival. The idea was simply irresistible, and she put aside other writing projects in order to focus on writing a satire, thinking it would be a "mental vacation." It turned out to take every bit as much research to write a modern story as it does to write a historical one.

She has written television commercials, marketing newspapers, stage melodramas, four screenplays, three novels, and a textbook on waltzing.  When she isn’t writing, she teaches social ballroom dances, refinishes various parts of her house, and sews historical costumes and dance costumes for her Cancan troupe.

Author Links:

Jeanette Watts will be awarding a doll dressed in Regency clothing, handcrafted by the author (International Giveaway) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Hide and Seek by Desiree Holt - Book Blast And Giveaway

About the Book

Anything can happen when you let your guard down . . .

After receiving a violent threat on the heels of her father’s disappearance from the town of Arrowhead Bay, Devon Cole fears for her life—until Vigilance, a local private security agency, steps in to shield her from danger. Although she isn’t usually quick to surrender her freedom, she has no problem stripping her defenses for her new sexy bodyguard . . .

Tortured by the painful memory of lost love, Logan Malik is determined not to fall for a client again. So when he’s tasked with watching over Devon day and night, he’s focused on doing his job. Day is no problem, but as tensions rise at night, nothing can protect them from giving in to unbridled passion . . .


“And we’re working on the backgrounds of the Cole International execs. Do you have everything there you need?” 

Logan had his own personal weapons with him—a Glock 19, a Ruger LCP and his Kabar knife—but on the remote chance of an invasion he wanted to be covered on all fronts.

“More firepower. I’ll text you the list as soon as I hang up. How are you coming with the phone?”

“We’ve just gotten started with it. First of all, it’s not an ordinary cell phone. It’s made by a company like the one that makes ours.”

“So it’s ten times as hard to crack.”

“That’s right. We got past the factory restore and there’s data on it, but it also seems to have multiple passwords.”

Logan snorted. “Can you say paranoid? Now I’m sure there’s shit on it we need.”

“I’ve got Del on it. He’s got it hooked up to a bunch of different programs at the same time. If anyone can break it, that would be him.”

“Okay. Keep me in the loop on that.”

“Ginger’s been digging into Graham Cole with an electronic shovel. I want to know everything from the past ten years, personal and corporate. There’s a clue somewhere and I mean for us to find it. I’ll bet we find a lot of unpleasant crap there.

“I hope we find something soon,” he told her. “I don’t think they’re near done with her.”

“And that’s why you’re there, Mr. Marine.”

“Ooh rah.”

About the Author

Desiree Holt is the world’s oldest living published author of erotic and spicy romance. A graduate of the University of Michigan with double majors in English and History, her earlier careers include agent and manager in the music industry, public television, associate vice president of university advancement, public relations, and economic development.
She is three times a finalist for an EPIC E-Book Award (and a winner in 2014), a nominee for a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award, winner of the first 5 Heart Sweetheart of the Year Award at The Romance Studio as well as twice a CAPA Award winner for best BDSM book of the year, a USA Today Bestselling author and winner of the Holt Medallion for Excellence in Romance Literature.

She has been featured on CBS Sunday Morning and in The Village Voice, The Daily Beast,
USA Today, The (London) Daily Mail, The New Delhi Times, The Huffington Post and numerous other national and international publications. She is also the Authors After Dark 2014 Author of the Year.

“Desiree Holt is the most amazing erotica author of our time and each story is more fulfilling then the last.” (Romance Junkies)

Author Links:

Desiree will be awarding a Kindle Fire 7 with Alexa to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, October 16, 2017

DEADSPEAK2 by Ruth Bainbridge - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

DEADSPEAK2. The chilling new entry in the Deadspeak Mystery Series

Things look different when you're dead.

It’s Halloween and a group of teens throw a party at Harbinger Falls’ most celebrated haunted estate. It’s all fun and games until a session with a Ouija board guides the partygoers to the body of a young girl hidden in the attic.

Detective Kimberly Trent is assigned the case and quickly discovers that all is not as it seems. First, there’s the connection between the death and a string of petnappings terrorizing the neighborhood. Then there’s the suicide note that only leaves more questions than answers. A visit from Kimberly’s ghostly friend Griff Lindon sheds an unwelcome light. It seems she’s had a run in with the newly deceased who tells her she’s been murdered.

This is the second in The Deadspeak Mysteries. The entries are meant to be read in sequential order and do not standalone. In each book, you’ll find a new murder for Kimberly Trent to solve. You’ll also find the continuing search for who murdered Kim’s sister Elizabeth. Each book will take you closer and closer to finding out the identity of The Hex Killer, the serial killer who ended Elizabeth’s short life. It will also bring you to the heart of the evil that’s come back to life to wreak revenge.


“This reminds me of when I was in summer camp and stayed up all night trying to contact the dead,” Julie Welch commented. 

Mia or no Mia, the time had arrived and the Ouija board was placed in the center of one of the folding tables. 

“You did that, Mrs. Welch?” Angie asked. 

“Of course,” Julie confessed with a giggle. “I lived for those summers, and the camp counselors had no idea what we were up to. They only wondered why we were all so tired in the mornings.” 

The atmosphere of the Halloween Party had changed. Ever since the announcement, things went from Party Central, to an eerie, expectant quiet. The music was turned off and the food lined up on the rented tables was bereft of pawing hands. 

The six rested their fingers lightly on the planchette. “Remember: no cheating! Understood?” Mrs. Welch warned. 

The participants nodded in agreement as the woman with the highlighted blonde hair inhaled deeply. 

“Hello? Is there anyone with us?” Julie asked, starting off the questioning. 

A soft scrape… and … movement! Infinitesimal at first, the planchette picked up speed.


“What the—” Gen started. A loud moan interrupted the moment. 

“Yes, I’m here,” a deep voice bellowed. 

Fear spread quickly as attendees sprang up from their chairs and readied to run. Another unearthly groan penetrated the air. Angie latched on to Glenn’s hand. 


Someone was climbing the basement stairs. 

About the Author

Born in the idyllic, sleepy town of Ithaca, NY, Ruth Bainbridge has been a lover of mysteries for her entire life.

Ever since a child, she has consumed detective stories at regular intervals, becoming enamored with all the superstars of crime. She loved nothing more than to match wits with the likes of Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, Thomas Pitt, Lord Peter Wimsey, Richard Jury, and Edward X Delaney, becoming inspired by their brilliance. Hoping to emulate her writing idol’s achievements in dreaming up such characters, she started composing her own short stories.

However, life interfered with her plans of becoming the next hopeful to try a life of crime—on paper at least. Devoting herself to her marriage and the raising of four children, the empty nest syndrome gave her the impetus to return to her first love—murder.

Author Links:

The author will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly chosen commenter. Please use the following Rafflecopter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Lust, Lace & Lingerie by Brandi Evans - Book Blitz and Giveaway

About the Book

I love managing Red Light Lingerie, a sexy boutique in Dallas. I get to spend my days talking to people about bedroom wear, sex toys, and enhancement lotions for all occasions. But by far, my favorite erotic job perk is my sexy British boss, Maxwell Penn.

Max is a Matthew McConaughey look-alike who’s equal parts dreamboat and domineering pain in the neck, and I regularly fluctuate between “I want to bed him” and “I want to strangle him.” But still, yum.

The paradigm of our relationship, however, changes irrevocably when a lingerie designer, a friend of Max’s from Britain, comes to town, and I have to stand in for a no-show lingerie model. Before I can say G-string, I find myself sandwiched between Max and his dark-n-sexy friend.

I’d be in total heaven if it weren’t for the guilt swirling in Max’s blue eyes. I have no idea why it’s there, but I’m bound and determined to find out.

Publisher’s Note: This book contains descriptions of consensual activities, including eroticism and discipline. If you object to these elements, please do not read this book.


Max strolled in like he owned the place, which was appropriate, considering he did own the place. But did he have to do it looking sexier than any man should be allowed to be?

I clutched my hand over my heart. “Max, you scared the living shit outta me! I thought a maniac had stuck around after hours.”

“My apologies, Ms. Jennings,” he said.

Bree. Bree. Bree. I wished he’d stop with the formalities and go back to calling me Bree, the way he used to before our relationship had gone sideways.

“It’s okay,” I said, readjusting the strap of my travel bag. “My mind was…elsewhere.”

Max nodded, looking me up and down with the Texas-sky-blue eyes that fueled my fantasies, and my heart kicked up a few more beats per minute. That time, however, my reaction had nothing to do with fear.

Why’d he have to be so damned sexy?

Tanned, muscular, and topping six foot, he was a walking wet dream, and the stimulating hum between my legs, the one that had been driving me crazy all night, morphed into a high-powered tingle. I doubted even my trusty Rabbit could ease the ache.

About the Author

Brandi Evans was raised by a caravan of traveling Gypsies. She spent her days learning the ways of her people and her nights lost in legends as old as time. Okay, not really, but that's way more interesting than the truth!

In reality, Brandi grew up the oldest child of an ordinary family. Grade school, middle school, high school. Nothing extraordinary happened until she left the nest. She joined the military, went to college, got married, and became a mom. And somewhere along the way, she discovered she liked to read—and write!—stories hot enough to melt eReaders.

Author Links:

Sign up for Brandi’s newsletter and receive a free book!

Brandi Evans will be awarding 3 $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to three randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, October 9, 2017

Devil's Gamble by Michele Arris - Cover Reveal and Giveaway

About the Book

Sienna Keller saw how men used her mother, and from an early age she swore she’d never allow it to happen to her. So when she meets smooth-talking billionaire Gavin Crane, who uses his connections to help her art career, she resolves to keep things strictly professional—no matter how gorgeous he is.

Gavin might be the son of the head of the Kavanagh organized crime family, but he wants no part of that life. It’s important to him to prove to Sienna that he’s a good guy. But when she winds up in the hospital with a gunshot wound, he is driven to exact revenge. His father agrees to provide security to watch over her as well as find the man who shot her, but at a cost—Gavin must come back into the family business.

As Sienna begins to let her guard down around Gavin, seeing the kind, caring man he’s always wanted her to see, his secrets begin to pile up. Has she done the one thing she vowed never to do—trusted her heart to the wrong man?

About the Author

Award winning author, Michele Arris, writes steamy contemporary romance.
Michele is always plotting out her characters’ next move. Even when she’s not seated in front of her laptop writing about strong-willed, professional heroines and the complex heroes who strive to have them, she’s plotting scenes in her head.
“I love to write story where my characters are guaranteed their Happily Ever After.”

In her spare time, Michele enjoys reading all types of romance genres. She loves paranormal romance as well as historical romances, enjoys watching period classics (Little Dorrit, The Buccaneers, and Persuasion to name a few), actually looks forward to working out, is a holistic enthusiast/vitamin junkie, and spending time with family and friends – simply enjoying life.

Author Links:

Purchase Links:

Michele Arris will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway