Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Purr M for Murder by T.C. Lotempio - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

Sydney McCall left behind an ex-fiancé and a New York advertising job to return home to Deer Park, North Carolina and help her sister, Kat, run the local animal shelter, Friendly Paws. Determined to save the shelter from financial trouble, Sydney and Kat organize a cat café fundraising event at a local coffee shop. Things are looking up until their landlord, Trowbridge Littleton, threatens to shut down the event. When Sydney drops by his art gallery to make peace, she finds Kat--along with Littleton's dead body.

Local homicide detective Will Worthington--who just happens to be Sydney's old high school crush--is highly suspicious of the sisters' involvement. Desperate to clear their names from the suspect list, Sydney pounces on the investigation. With the help of one of the shelter cats, a savvy orange tabby named Toby, Sydney begins poking her nose into other local businesses whose owners may have benefited from Littleton's death--until the killer notices she's pawing a little too closely at the truth.


We were in the doorway now.  A large desk was at the far end of what appeared to be an office.  The light was coming from a small lamp perched on the edge of the desk, and as we crossed the threshold, it flickered and then went out.  Kat shone the pencil thin beam of the flashlight around the room, letting out a sharp cry as it hit the wall nearest us.  “Lightswitch,” she squealed, and a minute later the room was filled with a harsh fluorescent light.  

I glanced around.  Yes, this was definitely an office, and not a very tidy one at that.  There were several file cabinets pushed up against the far wall, and two of the drawers in the one on the left were half open. Papers were strewn across the desk, and some file folders had dropped onto the floor and were scattered across the Oriental rug.

“Good Lord,” my sister exclaimed.  “For someone always so fastidious about his appearance, he certainly likes to work in a mess.”

I frowned.  “It looks more to me like it’s been ransacked. Someone was searching for something. What do you think, Kat? Kat?”

My sister had moved over to the far corner of the room and was standing before a large wardrobe.  “Wow, this is beautiful,” she said, lifting a hand to run it over the smooth exterior. She balled her hand into a fist and rapped it against the wood. “Solid oak.  I saw a picture of one like this in a catalog.  French, dates back to the late 1800’s.  I wonder what it’s doing in his office?”

“Who knows? Maybe he keeps his suit jackets in it,” I said.  “Why do you care, anyway?”

“It’s such a beautiful piece,” my sister murmured. “Too good for that rotter. It seems out of place in this office.”

“Maybe it just came in and he’s got it here for pricing,” I ventured.

“Maybe.  I wouldn’t mind having something like this,” Kat said, running her hand once again across the smooth wood.  “It looks deep enough – I wonder if the doors swing out all the way? It would be great to put a TV in.” 

I eyed the piece. “That thing looks hand-carved. He probably wants an arm and a leg for it.”

“Probably.” She gave the handle a tug. “Hm.  The doors seem to be stuck.”

I waved  my hand impatiently.  “Oh for goodness sakes, leave it alone. Must you examine it now?”

Her lower lip thrust forward. “Yes.  Who knows, I might not get another chance.”

I shot her a sharp look.  “You’re not thinking of buying this, are you?”

She sighed deeply. “I suppose not.  Littleton will probably want some astronomical figure for it.  But I might never get another opportunity to see such a finely made one up close.” She shot me an appealing look.  “Give me a hand, won’t you? You’re strong. Maybe if we both pull on the handle at the same time it’ll open.”

I knew my sister. Once Kat made up her mind about something she was like a pitbull with a bone. I knew when it was futile to argue with her. “Okay, fine. But if we get this open, one quick look and then we’re out of here.”

She nodded and I placed my hand on top of hers. “On the count of three, give it all you’ve got. One, two—three.”

We both tugged at the same time and suddenly the door flew open.  We went staggering backwards at the same time the body of Trowbridge Littleton, his eyes bulging almost out of their sockets, tongue lolling to the side, hit the floor at our feet.

About the Author

While Toni Lotempio does not commit – or solve – murders in real life, she has no trouble doing it on paper. Her lifelong love of mysteries began early on when she was introduced to her first Nancy Drew mystery at age 10 – The Secret in the Old Attic.  She (and ROCCO, albeit he’s uncredited) pen the Nick and Nora mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime – the first volume, MEOW IF ITS MURDER, debuted Dec. 2, 2014. Followed by #2, CLAWS FOR ALARM.   #3, CRIME AND CATNIP, is out this December. She, Rocco and Maxx make their home in Clifton, New Jersey, just twenty minutes from the Big Apple – New York. Catch up with them at www.tclotempio.com and www.catsbooksmorecats.blogspot.com.

Purchase: Barnes & Noble

The author will be awarding autographed copy of PURR M FOR MURDER (hardcover - US ONLY) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, March 27, 2017

Stealing Magic by Alex C Vick - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Shannon thought there was no such thing as real magic. Until that day. The day that changed everything.

Put yourself in her shoes. Would you open your eyes, if you were the one that heard them? Two magic-takers from another world, arguing about whether they can collect what they came for before you wake up. It sounds like a crazy dream, or a practical joke.

But what if the air around you started to vibrate with an invisible force field? What if, all at once, it felt scary, yet familiar too? You would have no way of knowing that this discovery would set you on a path no-one from our world has taken for centuries. Towards a deadly enemy, and a fight you will almost certainly lose.

All you know is that your heart is beating so fast you're worried they will hear it, and your brain is starting to buzz as the force field reaches it. Would you open your eyes?

Join Jax and Shannon as they live through the most exciting and terrifying ten days of their lives!

Stealing Magic will be $0.99 during the tour.


“Why do you-?” started Shannon, at the same time that Jax said 

“How did you-?” 

They both laughed nervously.

“You go first,” said Jax. “I’ve got a feeling I need to answer a few of your questions first before you can be any help answering mine.” 

“OK,” replied Shannon. “Why do you travel to my world and steal its magic?” she began. 

“Steal?” replied Jax, shocked. “Stealing magic is not what we do. We harvest it.” 

“You steal it,” retorted Shannon. “If it’s not stealing, why do you only do it in secret? And why does no-one on my world seem to know that it’s happening?” 

“Exactly!” said Jax. “If you don’t know it’s happening, and you don’t even know the magic is there in the first place, and you don’t miss it when it’s gone, how can it be stealing?

Besides, it has always been this way. For hundreds of years magic-takers have travelled from Androva to Terra to harvest its magic.” 

“You still haven’t answered my question anyway,” said Shannon, crossing her arms. “Why do you do it?” 

Jax shifted in his seat, and looked out of the window.

“I don’t exactly know why,” he mumbled. 

“What?” said Shannon. 

“I don’t know why!” repeated Jax, more loudly. His cheeks went a little red, and he scuffed his shoe along the floor.

“I am not permitted to know until I am of age. I only know that it has something to do with a very old Treaty, and that it’s a really bad thing if Androva doesn’t harvest its full magic Quota each month.”


What was the hardest part to write in this book?

It’s probably a strange thing to say, but in terms of the actual writing, I enjoyed it all. This was my first book. There was no pressure on me, I had no readers, and no-one waiting for me to finish. I could have stopped and walked away at any time, and not a single person but me would have cared or even noticed. Whereas now, of course, things have moved on a little bit!

However, I did find parts of Stealing Magic difficult, just because I have a lot of empathy for my characters. Writing them into trouble is not something I enjoy, even though it’s necessary for the story. There is a rather unpleasant person called Marcus on the Androvan Council who gets the better of Jax, Shannon and Darius, and I felt pretty aggrieved on their behalf. I could never write a thriller, because I’d probably end up having sleepless nights!

What do you think makes a good story?

Great question! For me, a story is only as good as the characters who bring it to life. Great characters can turn even the mundane and predictable into a good story. However, all other things being equal, I like to discover something new when I’m reading.

It could be an event in history told from a different perspective, or a shocking future for the world we live in, or an imaginary world entirely. It could even be something contemporary set in a place or situation that I have no experience of. I also like it if I can’t predict the ending until I’ve nearly finished the book!

What’s next for you?

The fourth book in the Legacy of Androva series came out at the end of 2016, and I’m currently writing the fifth. It’s nearly finished, and I hope to release it as soon as the editing is complete, perhaps in April or early May.

I introduced the world of Imbera in the fourth book, and I wanted to explore it in more detail for the fifth book. Jax and Shannon’s adventure was resolved, (because I can’t seem to write a cliffhanger!), but they met a boy, Callax, who had a whole backstory and future that deserved to be written.

Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?

If I could only choose one format for the rest of my life, it would be ebooks. I read a lot. The freedom to purchase spontaneously, and read on multiple devices whenever and wherever, is brilliant. However, there is a nostalgic part of me that loves picking up a real book. I still buy a handful each year, when the cover or illustrations are particularly appealing. The last books I bought were the illustrated editions of Harry Potter, and they are incredible!

What kind of music do you like?

A lot of different kinds. It depends on my mood, where I am and what I’m doing. When I’m writing, I always play music, and certain songs become linked with each book in my head. If I ever struggle to write part of the story, it usually helps me to return to that playlist.

I guess the best way to answer the question is to give some examples. Two of my favorite albums are Ten by Pearl Jam, and Foot of the Mountain by A-ha. I have the Jamiroquai album Automaton on pre-order. The last single I bought was the new song by Lorde.

What are your future ambitions?

If the day ever arrives when I can be a full-time writer, that would be my dream come true!  Right now, the pace of my writing is dictated by a lot of external factors. I work long hours in an office and family life is incredibly busy. The cast of characters inside my head don’t get as much space as they would like.

I’m definitely pursuing my ambition of being a full-time writer, but there is also a lot to be said for finding the joy in today. I haven’t quite found the right balance yet, so I’ll have to keep working on it!

Any last words?

Thank you so much for featuring my book on your blog today! I really enjoyed the interview. I’d also like to say a big thank you to each and every person who has read one of my books.


About the Author

Alex writes contemporary fantasy books for a middle grade audience and older. There are three (self-contained) stories in the Legacy of Androva series so far, with a fourth on the way. You can contact Alex, and find more information about Androva, including a character interview, at http://www.alexcvick.com

Alex lives in the South of England with her husband and two daughters. When she's not working, or writing about magic, she also loves reading and photography.

Alex C Vick will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Never Go Alone by Denison Hatch - Book Blitz and Giveaway

About the Book


"Never Go Alone is an explosive return for both Denison Hatch and his hero." - BestThrillers.com

A rash of elaborate cat burglaries of luxury buildings in Manhattan has the city panicked.

When a group of social media obsessed millennials--a loosely organized crew that call themselves "urban explorers"--are suspected in the heists, undercover NYPD detective Jake Rivett is assigned the case.

Rivett dives deep into the urban exploration scene in pursuit of the truth. But what, and who, he finds--deep in the sewers, up in the cranes above under-construction skyscrapers, and everywhere else in New York--will change not only Jake, but the city itself.


Jake paced along the familiar corridors of One Police Plaza. He padded across the detective bullpen and past his old office. A clean-shaven man, about his own age, stared back blankly at Jake. Rivett didn’t even recognize the guy who now occupied his former workspace. That wasn’t the nature of most police departments, but it certainly was in New York. The volume of crime was astronomical and the volume of new detective recruits equally high. In fact, many beat cops spent their entire careers trying to become detectives, only to burn out or transfer out within a handful of years. Jake had once been a boy in blue as well. He’d spent the minimum time required—two years—out in a patrol car. He’d gotten his gold shield ten months after that; primarily due to the sources he’d managed to scrounge up while on patrol in Chinatown. While Jake’s ability to measure people was strong, his ability to split them open was legendary. As was his chutzpah. He was like a pit bull when it came to everything, cases not excluded. That was why, during his first few years as a detective, not a single one of his cases went unsolved. But his discipline was another thing altogether. The department was half squares and half circles, but he was four-dimensional. It was a simple as that.

About the Author

Denison is a screenwriter and novelist. He has a number of feature and television projects in development, including his original screenplay, Vanish Man, which is set up at Lionsgate. A graduate of Cornell University, he lives with his wife and a big dog in a little house in Hollywood. He is presently working on the third Jake Rivett thriller.

Author Links:

Denison Hatch will be awarding a physical copy of the Jake Rivett Series, Flash Crash and Never Go Alone, (US ONLY) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Human Element by Donna Galanti - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

Evil comes in many forms…

One by one, Laura Armstrong’s friends and adoptive family members are being murdered, and despite her unique healing powers, she can do nothing to stop it. The savage killer haunts her dreams, tormenting her with the promise that she is next. Determined to find the killer, she follows her visions to the site of a crashed meteorite in her hometown. There, she meets Ben Fieldstone, who seeks answers about his parents’ death the night the meteorite struck. In a race to stop a madman, they unravel a frightening secret that binds them together. But the killer’s desire to destroy Laura face-to-face leads to a showdown that puts Laura and Ben’s emotional relationship and Laura’s pure spirit to the test. With the killer closing in, Laura discovers her destiny is linked to his, and she has two choices—redeem him or kill him.


The man could hear the child's bellowing cries coming from underneath the blanket covering it. She pushed the child into his arms as if eager to be rid of it. He took the bundle and handed the nurse his packages. The nurse began to close the door when he heard another far away cry. 

The man wedged his foot in the door. "What was that?" 

"N-Nothing." The nurse looked up. 

The man risked looking her in the eye. 

"The girl is in pain and won't keep quiet." She clutched the envelope and folded her arms across her sagging bosom. 

"It sounded like another baby," he said. 

"It's just the whimpering slut. Now she's paid double for what she's done." The nurse took a step back as if aware she had said too much already. She glared at him. "Now go on. You have what you wanted. And so do I." She shut the door in his face. 

The man in black stood there for a long moment, considering the woman's choice of words. What if another child had been delivered and the frigid woman and country doctor kept it secret? 


He decided to keep this information to himself. He would find the opportune time to use it. He was a patient man. But first, he had to see for himself. He peeled back the child's bunting and looked for the first time into its yellow eyes. For that moment, the baby fell silent. 

"Welcome to Earth X-10." 

The baby resumed its wailing. 

The man turned with his noisy package and melted into the darkness satisfied, as the doctor had been, that the night's events had provided him with more than he had asked for.

About the Author

Donna Galanti is the author of the paranormal suspense Element Trilogy (Imajin Books -http://www.imajinbooks.com/ )  and the children’s fantasy adventure Joshua and The Lightning Road series (Month9Books -http://www.month9books.com/ ). Donna is a contributing editor for International Thriller Writers the Big Thrill (http://www.thebigthrill.org/) - magazine and blogs with other middle grade authors at Project Middle Grade Mayhem (http://project-middle-grade-mayhem.blogspot.com/search/label/Donna Galanti) . She’s lived from England as a child, to Hawaii as a U.S. Navy photographer. Donna enjoys teaching at conferences on the writing craft and marketing and also presenting as a guest author at elementary and middle schools.

Website  /  Facebook  /  Twitter  /  Pinterest  /  Goodreads  /  Instagram

Purchase books 1 and 2 in the Element Trilogy:

Donna will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Deep Blue by Kathleen Duhamel - Book Blitz and Giveaway

About the Book

“Barely-not-starving” Denver artist and cancer survivor Claire Martin has almost given up finding an older man with a youthful spirit when she meets charismatic New York soul singer Robert Silver of the legendary band Deep Blue. She soon learns that hero worship can be dangerous, especially when the object of her desire comes with a disturbing past.

Robert is smart and sexy with a self-deprecating sense of humor, but he’s also a man who has suffered from panic attacks, drug abuse, a well-publicized stint in rehab and the death of his wife, screenwriter Elaine Jordan. When his demons resurface on tour, jeopardizing his voice and the band’s future, Claire must decide if she’s willing to take the biggest risk of her life—betting her future on a troubled man.


About the Author

Kathleen Duhamel is the author of Deep Blue and Deeper. She wrote and illustrated her first short story at the age of eight, and has been a writer for most of her life.. Her love of the written word continued throughout her varied career as a newspaper journalist and editor, public relations executive, freelance travel writer and owner/operator of two small businesses. A native of Texas, she spent most of her adult life in Colorado before relocating to Virginia in 2014, where she lives with her husband, a standard poodle and geriatric cat. She is a lifelong devotee of rock and soul music, contemporary art and pop culture.

Author Links:

Purchase Links:

Kathleen Duhamel will be awarding a $30 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Good Spy Dies Twice by Mark Hosack - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

"The Good Spy Dies Twice," the cryptic final words from a condemned death row inmate draw Jake Boxer, the one-time king of cable news, out of retirement, setting him on a collision course with a deadly global conspiracy involving his secretive wife, a depraved New World Order, and the "guests" at a posh Alaskan ski resort. Everyone is a suspect. Part spy thriller, part whodunit, "The Good Spy Dies Twice" is the first book in Mark Hosack's explosive new thriller series, Bullseye. Called "an undeniably spry and rousing espionage tale" by Kirkus Reviews.


Panting (he was an audio guy, not an athlete), Brody reached the fence. He put a hand on it and felt his arm spasm uncontrollably in one long, sustained, hot pulse. 

The same type of electric shock that had knocked him off the second fence was once again rushing through his fingers and into his arm. He crumpled to the ground with a new, yet familiar, scream on his lips. Luckily, he fell backward, and the weight of his body jerked his hand away from the fence, breaking the electrical current. 

Lying in the snow, his arm shook violently for several seconds, and Jesus, his heart—it was skipping beats like a rock skimming a lake. He looked back at the fence. It was just fifteen feet high, and slouching in parts where the support poles were bent, or in some cases missing. It was old, a relic of a bygone era. Totally unassuming.

Or so he’d thought.

Somehow, there was now electricity coursing through it, electricity that hadn’t been there when he’d first scaled it, just minutes earlier. 

Someone had turned on the juice, and that meant someone was watching him.

When he first parked his car, he’d counted two fences from the road. 

Two fences between him and the rumored Soviet installation. 

No problem, he’d thought. The fences were falling apart—he could easily climb them. But now here he was, stuck in between them. Like a rat in a cage. 

With his stomach in his throat, Brody cradled the audio recorder. 

Okay, so he’d recorded a sound that just might change the world, but as several headlights appeared in the road just beyond the now-electrified fence, as dark silhouettes of bulky Russian men poured out of the cars and hurried through the snow toward him, he found himself asking a much more personal question:

Was it also a sound worth dying for?

About the Author

Mark Hosack is the author of THE GOOD SPY DIES TWICE (Book 1: The Bullseye Series), and IDENTITY (Simon & Schuster). He also wrote on the web series SEQUESTERED for Sony Crackle, the screenplay for GIVE 'EM HELL, MALONE (Thomas Jane, Ving Rhames), and he both wrote and directed the award winning independent film PALE BLUE MOON. Mark lives in Los Angeles with his wife and a brood of gremlins that insist on calling him Dad.

Author Links:

Purchase Links:


Mark will be awarding a $30 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, March 13, 2017

The Soul Seekers Series by Marilee Brothers - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Twenty-two year old Honor Melanie (Mel) Sullivan has an affliction. Due to childhood trauma and inappropriate social behavior, she is diagnosed with Aspergers, a form of autism. But, Mel knows Aspergers is not her true affliction. She prefers not to gaze into a person’s eyes because she is a soul reader, and what she sees can be frightening. It can also get Mel into trouble.

After a brush with the law, Mel leaves her family home in Southern California and travels to Oregon where she meets Harley-Davidson riding William McCarty (Billy the Kid) and stumbles upon a human trafficking/baby-selling scheme involving a foreign girl from Kazakhstan, and others. Even though Mel's life is in danger, she won't stop until she finds the answers that will help those unable to help themselves.

About the Book

Transplanted California girl, Melanie Sullivan, vows to stay in Oregon until she nails the killer of her best friend, Dani. Mel’s ability to search a soul for innocence or guilt is a big plus. Her love for Billy the Kid, former Marine and now a detective with the 3 Peaks police department is also a factor in her decision. She’s not quite sure what’s going on with Billy. Has the PTSD from his Middle East deployments returned?

When a hate crime is committed in 3 Peaks, Mel is recruited by sexy Homeland Security agent, Mick, who requires her soul-reading ability. Mick doesn’t hide his feelings. He’s more than eager to step in if Billy steps out, a complication Mel doesn’t need or want. As she goes undercover, Mel embarks on a dangerous journey, aided by her Uncle Paco and devoted friends. Along the way, she learns a valuable lesson about the power of forgiveness.


Mick fights a grin but continues to ignore me and directs his comment to Billy. “Guess it’s no secret I’d like to spend time with Mel. Just wanted to make sure it’s okay with you.” 

I can’t believe this. Twice in one night. First, Darrell wants to know if I’m up for grabs. Now, Mick is asking Billy if I’m on the auction block. 

Billy also acts like I’m invisible. “Are you saying you want to date Mel? I’m not sure how I feel about that. She might not be ready to...” 

“Stop!” I yell. “Do you see me? I’m right here. In this room. And the two of you are acting like mongrels fighting over a steak bone. Let’s get one thing crystal clear. I’m nobody’s steak bone. All I want is for both of you to leave so I can heat up a bowl of noodles in the microwave, take a shower, and go to bed in a man-free environment. Got it?” 

Since they’re both obtuse, I look around the room for something to throw. Finding no missiles, I settle for the broom propped in the corner of the room. I grab it like a baseball bat and begin swinging it at both men. “Out, get out!” 

They both run for the door. Mick is laughing his butt off. Billy keeps looking over his shoulder, saying, “Wait, wait, we need to talk.” 

I slam the door and lock it, thankful I’m alone.


Tell us about your books, what inspired it?

I guess you could describe me as a writer who can figure out where she belongs. I’ve written a medieval romance, a contemporary romantic suspense, six young adult novels and now, a three book series that fall into the New Adult genre - romance with a dash of fantasy. Maybe I’ll write a cozy mystery next. Who knows?

How long have you been writing?

Since 2007

If your books were made into a movie, who would you want to play your characters?

Mel – Emma Watson
Billy the Kid – Richard Madden (Rob Stark in Game of Thrones)
Mick – Rupert Friend (Quinn in Homeland)

What are the 3 books that inspired your work/career?

Yikes! I have three kids and that question is like asking me who my favorite is. My parents instilled my love of reading and I’m never without a couple of books on my nightstand. I totally love all the thrillers by David Baldacci. Hey, maybe I should write a thriller!

What are you working on next?

I’m working on Hope and Honor, the final book in the Soul Seeker series.

What kind of music do you like?

I lean toward old-fashioned country and often listen to Outlaw Country on satellite radio. I dare you to come up with a better song than, You’re the Reason are Kids are Ugly.

Any last words?

Oh, that sounds like I’m on my deathbed – just kidding! Nothing more, other than to say thank you for hosting me.


About the Author

Marilee Brothers is a former teacher, coach, counselor and the author of ten books. Marilee and her husband are the parents of three grown sons and live in central Washington State. After writing six young adult books, Marilee is once again writing romantic suspense for the adult market. She loves hearing from people who have read her books.

Feel free to contact her at http://www.marileebrothers.com and sign up for her newsletter The Obsessive Page Turner. Her author page on Facebook is: www.facebook.com/marilee.author and she occasionally tweets @MarileeB.

Check out Marilee’s Amazon page here: http://www.amazon.com/Marilee-Brothers/e/B003RL7EWQ/

Marilee’s blog is Book Blather, http://bookblatherblog.blogspot.com where she features aspiring and published authors as well as some tidbits of her own.

Buy Links:



The author will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to one randomly drawn winner and print copies of AFFLICTION and ALLEGIANCE to another randomly drawn winner (US only) via rafflecopter during the tour

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Wenna by Virginia Taylor and Schooling the Viscount by Maggie Robinson - Book Blitz and Giveaway

About the Book

The lady’s maid meets her match…

Wenna Chenoweth’s future is secure, until dashing Devon Courtney’s illicit flirtation gets her dismissed from her job as a lady’s maid. With nowhere to turn, Wenna is forced to accept Devon’s bold proposal: To be his bride. To enter society on the handsome aristocrat’s arm. To give him the heir he requires. It’s a foolproof plan. Except Wenna finds herself falling hard for a man who can never love her for who she is….

Wenna is passionate, mysterious, and ill-suited to the idle life of a society wife. She’s also exactly the kind of woman who could endanger Devon’s hopes to build his own future far from his family’s influence. For the spirited beauty has embarked on an unthinkable plan of her own—one that could lead him to surrender his resolve, and sacrifice everything he believes he holds dear….

Yet amid the wondrous landscape of colonial South Australia, anything is possible. Perhaps even love between two people the boundaries of society would keep apart….


“Does the color suit me?”

“It looks better on Mrs. Brook,” she said, her chin raised. “With respect.” Evading his gaze, she scooped one hand around the bodice of the at his chest height and the other under the fullness of the skirts. The top of the gown dropped onto her arm, but the bottom didn’t move. She tugged.

He might have not noticed the lace had caught beneath the placket of his fly buttons had she not given an almighty jerk, which almost pulled him forward. Strangely, his voice came out husky. “You’re gripping my fly. I don’t mind, of course, but if you leave your fingers there, I’m liable to think far too kindly of you.”

She reared back, only to be stopped by the skirts again. “Can you—oh dear Lord—untangle the lace from yourself?”

He glanced down, trying not to laugh again. “I’ll likely need to unbutton my trousers.”

“Better you than me,” she said, staring at his fly with exasperation.

“I don’t want to damage the gown. You’ll be quicker.”

“Stand still.” She worked the fingers of one hand into the material, apparently trying to feel her way to the right button.

“That’s good,” he said encouragingly. “A little lower.”

She lifted her head. “I’m not doing this for your amusement.”

“I’m not as amused as I was. Now I’m downright interested, which you will feel if you keep groping blindly in that area. You can either get down on your knees to see what you are doing, which will maintain my interest, or we can go into my bedroom, where I can fiddle around with my trousers without an audience.”

“Well, there’s a choice,” she said, sounding frazzled.

Her fingers moved faster, his cock twitched for attention, and suddenly the material came free.

“Chenoweth!” He turned his head and saw Patricia standing at the end fo the passage, her eyes narrowed and her mouth tight.

About the Book

Welcome to Puddling on the Wold, where the sons and daughters of Victorian nobility come for a little rest, recuperation, and “rehab,” in this brand-new series of rebellious romance from Maggie Robinson.

After a harrowing tour of duty abroad, Captain Lord Henry Challoner fought to keep his memories at bay with two of his preferred vices: liquor and ladies. But the gin did more harm than good—as did Henry’s romantic entanglements, since he was supposed to be finding a suitable bride. Next stop: The tiny village of Gloucestershire, where Henry can finally sober up without distraction or temptation. Or so he thinks…

A simple country schoolteacher, Rachel Everett was never meant to cross paths with a gentleman such as Henry. What could such a worldly man ever see in her? As it turns out, everything. Beautiful, fiercely intelligent Rachel is Henry’s dream woman—and wife. Such a match would be scandalous for his family of course, and Rachel has no business meddling with a resident at the famed, rather draconian, Puddling Rehabilitation Foundation. All the better, for two lost souls with nothing to lose—and oh so very much to gain.


“Quite right. I haven’t the best reputation. A sensible girl like you is wise to be wary. See, that’s why I want to marry you. You’re sensible.”

Rachel curbed the urge to throw her inkpot at him. She didn’t want to be sensible at the moment! But really, of course Henry didn’t love her. She didn’t love him either. She hardly knew him, and she wasn’t even supposed to know as much as she did. She’d be getting a visit from members of the Puddling Rehabilitation Foundation any second to accuse her of sabotage. 

Someone would have noticed him walking down the hill to the school on such a filthy day, and would blame her for being some sort of Circe. Unless he was planning on plunging into the stream and getting even wetter, the school as the final destination. 

She stood up. “While I am grateful for both your offer of escort and of marriage, I must decline both. Good day, Lord Challoner.” 

He rose too, with a blinding smile. “At least take my umbrella.” 

“Did you hear me?” Rachel cried. 

“Yes. I have my good ear turned toward you. And I’m getting better at reading lips. Of course, when I look at yours, I forget what you’re saying and just want to kiss you.” 

Well, that was almost romantic. Rachel tried not to feel a pleased flutter. 

“I insist you take the umbrella.” Henry propped it against her desk. “I assume you don’t wish to be seen with me.” 

“You assume correctly.”

“Very well. Shall I leave first?”

“Don’t you have a hat?”

“No, I hate them.”

Blast. He would be soaked by the time he climbed back up the hill. 

He was probably used to marching in the rain. Beneath the scorching sun. Under conditions in countries she couldn’t even fathom or find on a map. It wasn’t as if it was an Indian monsoon out there—just a heavy warm English rain. Rachel had not been looking forward to it herself, but hadn’t been afraid to brave the elements. Why should she worry about a strong, healthy man?

Yet she did. She’d worried last night when she’d left him unconscious in the cool night air. Henry needed someone to take care of him. Care for him. 

No, Rachel. No. But she picked up the umbrella and took hold of his arm, ignoring the warning voice in her head. Sometimes being sensible was overrated.

About the Author

After training at the South Australian School of Art, Virginia Taylor worked in an advertising agency. This segued into re-training as a nurse/midwife before meeting the man of her dreams, marrying and producing two children. Over the years Virginia has been a theatre set painter and designer, but now she fills her days as a full-time writer.

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About the Author

Maggie Robinson didn’t know she wanted to write until she woke up in the middle of the night once really annoyed with her husband. Instead of smothering him with a pillow, she decided to get up and write—to create the perfect man—at least on a computer screen. Only to discover that fictional males can be just as resistant to direction as her husband. The upside is that she’s finally using her English degree and is still married to her original, imperfect hero. Since she’s imperfect, too, that makes them a perfect match. Until her midnight keyboarding, she had been a teacher, librarian, newspaper reporter, administrative assistant to two non-profits, community volunteer, and mother of four in seven different states. Now Maggie can call herself a romance writer in Maine. There’s nothing she likes better than writing about people who make mistakes, but don’t let the mistakes make them.

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