Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sinners & Saints: A Patriot's Manifesto by Kristina Garlick - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

My name is Zoey Major and I live in Fort Star, New Jersey. I am also a survivor in the zombie apocalypse. Seems very cut and dry but I have been hiding something- like really huge. My secret is game changing. I am not like the others... I know, what a surprise twist! Unfortunately, I can’t tell you why I am different. If you really want to know, you have to figure it out. Hey, even in these dark times, a girl needs her secrets.

Sinners & Saints is $0.99 cents during the tour.


Present Day, July 7, 1:22 pm

One of the first things I noticed when Saint and I were driving into the fort was that the PSC's flag was now waving from the fort's flag post. I know that the PSC flew their flag out of courtesy, to signify to any other groups passing by that this fort was presently occupied by their group. While the courtesy was appreciated I still did not like seeing the PSC flag flying high. It sincerely took all my control not to jump out of the truck, run to the flag pole and yank down their disgraceful flag. Oh, how I missed Old Glory waving in the majestic sky.

Saint: “The minute we get out of this vehicle, everything is going to be different.”

Zoey: “I know. Eyes are already on us.”

Saint: “Yeah, and I guarantee you it has nothing to do with the undead zombie head, in the back of our truck. I think we have their attention.”

Zoey: “You could be wrong. They could be interested in the tacky mask on Killian’s face or the fact we have a zombie, which is missing all his limbs.”

Saint: “I can’t tell if you are kidding.”

I pick up one of Saint’s water bottles and take a sip out of it as not to break my emotionless face. Years of playing poker had taught me not to give away anything. I think at this moment my poker face was aiding me quite well.

Saint: “Don’t you get it?”

Zoey: “What?”

About the Author

Kristina Garlick lives in Warren County, New Jersey. She holds a Masters in Parks & Resource Management from Slippery Rock University. While she loves the outdoors and has many hobbies such as soap making, writing has always been her passion. Kristina wrote her first full length fantasy story at ten and had her first book published when she was fourteen. She has a unique style of writing, which she calls Diary-Play format. Kristina is also available for book signings, panels, discussion groups and other special functions.

Author Links:

Kristina will be awarding a $15 azon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Fiduciary Delusion by John Molik - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

An unambitious young man finally finds himself, only to nearly lose everything in an apparent web of international economic terrorism and intrigue. But, as his world begins to unravel, has he become genuinely delusional? Or is he really on to one of the most dangerous global conspiracies of all time? Against all odds, only love and a true friend's faith can save both him and the world as we know it from the abusive power of evil.


Lary weaved in and out of traffic driving like a maniac toward the intersection of I-495 and the beltway.  He continued on the bluetooth.  'Good work, by the way.'

Marvin kicked back in his chair.  His pale and puffy moon face was lit by the glow of several monitors in the darkened room.  He casually shoveled a handful of Cheddar Jalapeno Cheetos into his mouth, crunched a few times then continued.  'Lucky break.  Seeing that woman with the manager down by 3410.  I thought something was up.  Especially when that hillbilly retard started showing her the camera.'

'How'd you know when to look?'

He slapped his hands across each other to remove the crumbs.  Flecks of fluorescent orange dust   fell all over his coffee stained stretched out blue business shirt.  'Trade secret, boss.'  He giggled.  'No, really. I have a passive IR device hooked up to an android cellphone utilizing an IP webcam application that is  pointed down that alley.  Every time something crosses it, I get several JPEG photo captures that are instantly emailed to me with a security alert.'

'English, please.'

'A gadget that spies better than Nick Fury and Elektra combined.  And like I said last night, yesterday morning's capture feed looked suspicious.'

'Good work.'  He crossed into the shoulder just inside the fast lane and passed three cars in a row.  'Any other subsequent feeds give you a better view of our mysterious woman?'

Marvin swallowed and coughed.  'Not really.  Damn nice ass, though.  Athletic.  Dark hair.  Just saw her from back.  Plus those cameras they have out there are total crap.  That moron doesn't give a rat's ass about his system. Now, if it was me, I'd have—'

'Enough, Marvin.  Look, hang tight.  I may need your help again if they happen to get loose.  Remember our agreement.'


He patted his suit coat.  'Mr. Glock and I are going to make this collection call.'

About the Author

John grew up in Rancho Palos Verdes, California and graduated from UC Davis with a B.A. Degree in Economics and has worked in numerous corporate finance and project management jobs in the consumer electronics and IT industries. In 1990, after taking an extended backpacking trip of the South Pacific before attending graduate school, he met his would be wife and in 1991 was married. They settled back in Irvine and South Orange County area of California. In 2003, he and his family (now with two kids in tow) relocated to Christchurch, New Zealand.

John's interest in writing began when he was a student at UC Davis, having worked as a Feature Writer for the California Aggie Newspaper. Possessing the desire to write again, and with a bucket list goal of eventually trying his hand at thriller novels, he took the plunge, and in 2014, began writing his first novel, The Fiduciary Delusion. John's interests also include: science, existential philosophy, health, and both western and eastern holistic medicine. John also plays guitar, piano, sings and writes music. In addition, John is an admitted “gym rat” and can be regularly found lifting weights, trudging up hills, sea kayaking, and getting out and about enjoying the beautiful wild outdoors.

Author Links:

John will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Barrier by D.C. Renfroe - Cover Reveal and Giveaway

About the Book

Available October 10, 2016

When Claire Luna is kidnapped and taken to a remote island, her predictable life is torn to shreds. She thought she understood grief, loss and loneliness. But nothing prepared her for the island.

Tucker Knight had his world turned upside down when he was a young teen. He’d known love, security and normality. But things changed, and somehow he lost his innocence along the way.

Barrier takes you on a compelling, thrilling and sometimes brutal journey of Claire and Tucker, who in a bid to control their destiny, must learn about trust and submission. And also about love.

The island is under the control of Dr. Stephen Bell, a scientist obsessed with the secrets of humanity through genetic engineering. Claire is part of his obsession, and quickly comprehends Bell’s twisted intentions. She is forced to decide between submission and life-altering consequences. In her desperate attempt to survive, Claire surprises Bell and Tucker with her strength to fight.

But, can she trust Tucker? Is he her enemy or her savior? Claire understands that to surrender means to survive, but can she endure? Tucker can’t help but be enamored by the spirited and determined Claire, but to survive, he must face and overcome his haunting past. Up until Claire’s arrival on the island, he had never thought himself capable, or deserving, but perhaps this was his chance to finally do the right thing.

About the Author

I began writing many years ago and put it aside to raise a family. I put myself through college working toward a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, which I have almost completed. I took every writing class that was offered and finally put pen to paper after dreaming of completing a novel for almost twenty years. In the meantime, I worked as a freelance journalist for a local newspaper briefly and wrote a personal blog while living in south Florida. I currently work as an Instructional Designer based in Austin, Texas. I am a mother of four and truly believe they are my greatest creation! Two of my children inherited my love of writing and I encourage them to write every chance they get!

Author Links:

The author will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Emma G. Loves Boyz: A True Love Journal by Taro Meyer - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

Emma G. is CRAZY about Aaron, lead singer of Boyz3000. Of course, she doesn’t actually know him, but so what? Feelings are feelings. That is until Josh appears… and he’s soooooo CUTE. Navigating her two crushes and her middle school life, especially with eighth-grade hater Renee around, is a challenge. And oh yeah, she’s got to earn money for an AWESOME trip to the Bahamas to see the band of her dreams. Hello???? How much can one thirteen-year-old take???


“You know that thousands of girls like Aaron,” she said. “Right?”


“So it’s statistically almost impossible that a pop star boy will date a fan.”

I should have known she’d say something like that. I wanted to say, “Okay, just forget it.” But instead I said, “Whatever! I mean I just love his singing and his writing. That’s all.”

But that’s not all. How do you change what you feel just because some stupid statistics say you don’t have a chance? An article in Tigerbeat said Aaron had dated a girl from his high school for three months! And she wasn’t a star! So who knows what can happen? When you feel something, you have to believe! Your feelings are totally crucial to your life! When I look at Aaron’s face I get those stomach flutters! And feelings CANNOT BE IGNORED.

I started thinking about stomach flutters instead of the essay and wondering why they happen with just one particular boy. Why can one boy make your stomach go CRAZY????

I called my cousin Elyse to ask what she thought because she’s older and experienced.

“No one really knows,” she said. “That feeling just hits you. But you want to make sure that the boy you like, likes you back.”

“How can you tell?”

“Well,” she said after thinking for a minute, “sometimes boys don’t want you to know they like you. So they look at you like they are trying to look like they aren’t looking at you or liking you, but really, they are.

About the Author

Taro Meyer is a Grammy, Parents’ Choice, and Audie Award winning Audio Producer who has been producing and directing YA audiobooks for over 20 years, including The Princess Diaries Series starring Anne Hathaway, the All American Girl Series starring Ari Meyers, The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisngr) and Judy Blume’s The Pain and the Great One, Here’s to You Rachel Robinson and Tiger Eyes among others.

She co-produced two touring companies of Trans-Siberian Orchestra's smash rock show Christmas Eve and Other Stories and their TV special The Ghosts of Christmas Eve, receiving Gold and Platinum Albums for her work with the team. She was associate producer of the award winning anti-bullying movie, “The Contest,” and co-produced the premier showcase of off-Broadway’s Little Willie.

As an actress and singer, she starred on Broadway in the musical Zorba, in numerous regional and off-Broadway shows, and on TV’s All My Children, Another World (for which she also composed music) and the mini-series Memories of Midnight, amongst others.

Meyer wrote and produced the upcoming children’s album: Mighty Musical Fairy Tales, starring international artist Patti Austin; an updated, joyous musical version of Classic Fairy tales, accompanied by an illustrated book, The Ugly Duckling.

Author Links:

Taro will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

A Lady Never Lies by Stephanie Burkhart - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

Jocelyn Dunkirk is not your typical Victorian lady. She dresses in leather, wears goggles and is not afraid to get a little grease under her fingernails. Gentlemen avoid her like a dirty rivet.

Richard Windsor, the Prince of Wales, travels through time to claim Jocelyn's heart, but if it isn't one challenge, it's another. He determines to be a constant, steady presence in her life, hoping to prove he'd make a worthy husband.

Jocelyn's facing a bucket full of problems. The Prime Minister wants her to assist in ending a coal strike before it cripples the nation while her father attempts to recover from a serious injury. Will Jocelyn's dedication to her country and family ruin the one chance she has at love?


Jocelyn inventoried her belt in case she needed to flash her gizmos and toys to make a point. Her gadgets could be very intimidating to men not used to them. Then she double-checked her schedule. She had the rest of the rain soaked day and tomorrow. She frowned. Better to get it over with. If only the knots in her stomach would subside, but if she learned anything from her father, it was better to tackle a problem sooner rather than later, rain or shine and she was now committed to this one. 

Taking a peek in the mirror over her dresser, she frowned. Her hair was all frizz. 

Grabbing a ribbon from the small container on the dresser, she put it up in a bun. It wasn't her neatest work, but it would do. Satisfied, she raced downstairs, joining Richard and Sergeant Eastman in the foyer. 

"Are you sure you want to go now?" Richard crossed his arms. "You should rest. There are lines under your eyes." 

She waved her hand in the air. "Now's the time to strike -- while the coals are hot or the rain is wet, depending on your point of view." 

Richard placed his hands on his hips and looked her over from head-to-toe. 

Jocelyn pursed her lips. "What now?" 

"You're exasperating, frustrating, infur--" His tone remained light as he helped her into her overcoat. 

"I've heard it all, I assure you. Do you want to stay with your brother?" 

"Not on your life. Ed can keep Mrs. Riddle plenty of company and I don't want to miss out on the adventure of a lifetime." 

She cracked a grin despite herself and flung open the door. Mr. Riddle waited with the horses, protected by a heavy coat. The rain was lighter now, but still steady. Jocelyn hoped it would taper off soon. She grabbed the leather reins, tugged, and the horses trotted away. Unfortunately the driver's seat proved cramped with Richard and Sergeant Eastman both insisting on sitting with her, neither willing to budge. 

The trip proved soggy, but Jocelyn made good time. Mr. Riddle's directions were spot on and Jocelyn's memory hadn't failed her. She turned onto Rosewood, avoided a puddle and spied a long, brick building with grey smoke spitting out of the chimneys. Jocelyn parked the carriage next to the stoic façade and her companions helped her secure the horses to the hitching posts. Jocelyn extended her brass and iron umbrella, up to her ankles in mud. Once the horses were tied up, Jocelyn approached the entrance. She grabbed the iron knocker, and pounded on the door. Richard and Sergeant Eastman stood on each side. 

"I hear ya!" a gruff voice said, pushing the unwieldy door open. "Who might you be?" He gasped for breath between yellow stained teeth and narrowed his dark eyes, giving her the once over. Thank the rivets her overcoat hid most of her unusual dress. 

"I'm Lady Jocelyn Ridgecroft. The prime minister sent me to meet with the miners regarding the coal strike." 

"You're a day early."

"I've had a change of plans."

About the Author

Stephanie Burkhart is a 911 dispatcher for LAPD.  She was born and raised in Manchester, New Hampshire.  After serving 11 years in the US Army she currently calls Castaic, California her home. Stephanie was married in Denmark in 1991 and has two young sons. She adores chocolate, is addicted to coffee and enjoys early morning walks.  She's also an assistant den leader for her son's Cub Scout den and is a Boy Scout mom. She writes paranormal, contemporary, and steampunk romance and has two children's books published with 4RV Publishing.

Author Links:

Stephanie will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway