Thursday, December 29, 2016

Flash Crash by Denison Hatch - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

When a rogue quantitative programmer intentionally crashes the gold index, it seems that Wall Street's worst nightmare has come true. In truth, the crisis has just begun.

Across town, an armored truck filled with $120M of gold bullion is hijacked by an ingeniously crafted electromagnetic crane and seemingly driven into thin air.

Programmer David Belov discovers that his virtual "Flash Crash" was simply a required stepping stone towards the largest physical gold robbery in history, and that's he's been framed for the resulting chaos, the lives of his beloved wife and son on the balance...

With brooding, hardboiled detective Jake Rivett and the NYPD's finest operators from the Major Crimes Division actively seeking to locate and arrest David, and other, darker elements nipping at his heels, David is forced to confront his own past in order to have a future.


Suddenly there was a faint whooping noise in the distance.

“Did you hear that?” David asked.

“No. Do you hear me?”

David pulled Marina in for an embrace. “You have to trust me. I know what I’m doing . . .”

“He’s a scorpion.”

“What?” David asked as he scanned the horizon, searching for the source of the mystery vibration.

“Your mom’s favorite story. I’m sure you remember. A frog needs to get across a river, and there’s a scorpion sitting there at the riverbank. The scorpion helpfully offers to carry the frog on his back. So the frog says to him, ‘Well you’re a scorpion. Why should I trust you? How do I know you won’t just sting me?’ And the scorpion answers, ‘Because you have my word. I promise that I won’t bite you.’ So the frog takes the ride. And just as the two of them are about to reach the safety of the other shore, the scorpion suddenly stings the frog. As poison runs through his body and he lays there dying, the frog asks the scorpion one final question: ‘Why’d you do it?’ And the scorpion says, ‘Because I’m a scorpion.’ Vlad’s stung you before. And he’ll sting you again.”

About the Author

Denison is a screenwriter and novelist. He has a number of feature and television projects in development, including his original screenplay, Vanish Man, which is set up at Lionsgate. A graduate of Cornell University, he lives with his wife and a big dog in a little house in Hollywood. He is presently working on the third Jake Rivett thriller.

Denison Hatch will be awarding a copy of Flash Crash (U.S. only) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Friday, December 16, 2016

Captain Hawkins by H. Peter Alesso - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

Jamie Hawkins was living on an obscure planet in the twenty third-century when on one fateful night—his life changed forever. His heroic effort to save the lives of innocent women and children, caught in the cross-fire of war, placed him squarely in the crosshairs of avenging soldiers.

A former marine, Hawkins was stunned when his rescue effort was seen as treachery. Unfairly convicted of treason by a corrupt judge, he was sentenced to life imprisonment at hard labor on an infamous penal colony.

Once in prison, Hawkins was mistreated by a paranoid warden, but his courage and perseverance won him the admiration and trust of his fellow convicts. While he was plotting his escape, an enemy attacked the planet—giving this daring warrior his chance. Together with his fellow prisoners, he launched a bold assault and high-jacked an enemy warship.

From then on, the exploits of Captain Jamie Hawkins became legendary.


The black of night had fallen, but Jamie Hawkins couldn’t sleep. Though the surgeons had patched up his many wounds, the remorseless pain persisted, even now, months after his medical discharge from the Marines.


Despite his desire to ignore the unwelcomed thundering blows, he answered the door to his country home and found his neighbor, tall scrawny seventeen year old Joshua Morgan, gasping for breath.

“Captain Hawkins, come quick! Come quick, or they’ll all be killed!”

“Who? What are you talking about, Joshua?”

“I’ve just come from the city—it’s a war zone. People are dying,” Joshua’s voice broke. “The hospital is taking care of the wounded and sheltering women and children, but its force shield is buckling.” He finished in a breathless rush, “It’s only a matter of minutes before it fails.”

A troubled frown creased Hawkins’s face. Their mothers had been friends and he had known Joshua since he was born.

Has the boy been drawn into the turmoil? He wondered.

Hawkins had listened to the broadcasts throughout the day, absurd in every detail; demonstrators declared that they were only protesting injustice, while the government insisted the violence was a last resort against rebels.

Which is the greater lie?

“I told one of the doctors, I knew someone who could help. My flyer’s right outside, sir. You must come,” begged Joshua, his expressive eyes pleading.

A more kindhearted man, who possessed his insight, might have agonized over what was happening in the capital city, but though Hawkins was not unsympathetic, past adversity had left him more hardboiled and cynical than most.

“That’s not my concern anymore,” he said.

Joshua’s desperate voice squealed, “You’re a veteran. You could make a difference, sir.”

Hawkins put his hand on his hips, threw his head back, and barked, “Ha!”

Then, giving vent to a deep inner passion, he demanded, “What difference can one man make?”

As a Marine, Hawkins had been a hot-blooded warrior, always quick to action, so at this moment of great upheaval, while frenzied violence was playing out in the capital, he surprised himself with his reluctance to act. As he ran his hand over the long jagged scar that marred his chest, one thing was certain, the foolish mutinous passions of the people could only lead to ruin.

But the look that spread across the boy’s face was indescribable—it was as if he had just lost his hero.

“Alright, if you won’t come, at least tell me how to maintain the shield,” said Joshua, showing a daring and persistence beyond his years. “I’ll go back alone, but you must tell me what to do.”

“You have no idea what you’d be getting yourself into. All hell has broken loose. Can’t you see, you can’t contribute anything worthwhile, and most likely something terrible will happen?”

“I must go back, my mother is a volunteer at the hospital,” said Joshua. Throwing back his shoulders with a determined jerk of his chin, he challenged Hawkins’s jaded gaze, pleading, “Please. Tell me how to fix the shield.”

Hawkins opened his mouth, but the words froze on his lips. The boy’s courage was a splash of cold water in his face, stinging his sense of honor. It wasn’t in his nature to send this boy to certain death—for Joshua could never accomplish what had to be done—nor it was in his makeup to let innocents be condemned to death with the hospital’s destruction.

A gritty resolve washed over Hawkins. He said, “Let’s go.”

About the Author

As a scientist and author specializing in technology innovation, H. Peter Alesso has over twenty years research experience at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). As Engineering Group Leader at LLNL he led a team of scientists and engineers in innovative applications across a wide range of supercomputers, workstations, and networks. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a B.S. and served in the U.S. Navy on nuclear submarines before completing an M.S. and an advanced Engineering Degree at M.I.T. He has published several software titles and numerous scientific journal and conference articles, and he is the author/co-author of ten books.

Author Links: 

The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Final Kill by Leslie McKelvey - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

The world doesn’t know Cat Beckett, CIA linguist and expert sniper. She does her best to keep her skills secret, but when a SEAL team is ambushed in the remote mountains of Afghanistan she doesn’t hesitate to take out the enemy. After saving the SEALs, the third Spec Ops team to be compromised in as many months, she realizes someone in her unit is giving classified information to the enemy. She suspects that Peter Mitchell, her supervisor and ex-lover, is behind the betrayal, and sets out on a dangerous quest to prove his treason.

Lt. Ryan Heller, US Navy SEAL, is accustomed to facing death. When his team is attacked by Taliban fighters he thinks his last day is upon him, until an unknown sniper saves their lives. The prickly, green-eyed beauty handles a rifle as easily as most women handle a purse, but who is she? And what is she doing in the middle of a war zone? He is intrigued, and attracted, but his instincts and her piercing, tiger-like stare tell him to tread carefully.

Afghanistan’s Bagram Valley is not the ideal place to find love, but these two are trained to make the best of bad situations. Geography alone makes starting a relationship challenging enough, but caught between extremists and an unhinged, obsessed Mitchell makes it downright deadly.


He scanned the hills and saw a flash of movement as Cat said:

“Ten o’clock, gentlemen, 30 meters south-southwest of that huge conifer.  See ‘em?”

Ryan adjusted his aim.  “Roger that.  Grady, you got eyes?”

“Affirmative, Reaper.  Locked and loaded.”

“Fire at will,” he said.

He started firing, and a grim smile curved his mouth when he saw a splash of blood on the snow behind the man he’d taken aim at.  The target went down, but like roaches, another took his place, and this one had a bigger weapon.

“RPG!” he called out.

The helicopter shuddered and left the ground.

“Got him,” Cat said, in a low, calm voice.

After the boom of the .416 it seemed like forever before the bullet hit home, even though Ryan knew less than a second had passed.  He whooped as the extremist with the grenade launcher took aim at the chopper at the same moment his chest blew apart.  The body remained standing for a few seconds.  Then the weapon fell to the ground and the dead man toppled over.

“Nice,” Ryan said, firing in rapid succession as terrorists continued to stream over the rocks and down the trail like ants on a mission.  There were more than a dozen, and probably more than that behind them.  “That puts you in double-digits today, doesn’t it?  Not bad.”

The .416 roared again.  “For a girl?”

“Hey,” Ryan began, “just because the US military thinks a sniper has to have a penis doesn’t mean I do.”  He paused, gave her a sidelong glance, and then lied through his teeth.  “And I hardly noticed you were a woman.”

About the Author

Leslie McKelvey has been writing since she learned to write, and her mother still stores boxes of handwritten stories in the attic.  When her high school Creative Writing teacher told her she needed to be a novelist, she decided to give it a try.  Finally, at the ripe old age of...forty-something...her debut novel, Accidental Affair, was contracted and published by Black Velvet Seductions Publishing.  Two follow-up novels, Right Place, Right Time and Her Sister’s Keeper completed the Accidental Encounters series, and Runaway Heart, a standalone book, was released in March of 2016.  BVS also published one of Leslie’s short stories in the erotic anthology First Submission, and her fifth novel, Final Kill, will be released in late 2016.

Leslie is a war-veteran who served with the U.S. Navy during the Gulf War, and she was among the first groups of women to work the flight deck of an aircraft carrier.  During her five years tour she was stationed at NAS Miramar and spent time on the carriers USS Independence, USS Ranger, USS Lincoln, and the USS Nimitz.  The final two years of her enlistment were spent on Guam and her squadron frequently deployed to Japan and the Middle East.

She learned everything she knows about firearms and tactics from her police officer husband, who is a weapons expert, range master, and firearms instructor for one of the most highly-respected law-enforcement agencies in the world.  She has three boys who contribute daily to her growing number of gray hairs.  Her two oldest sons are United States Marines and the youngest vows to follow suit.  She spends her off-time (kidding...WHAT off-time?) reading, taking pictures, and sending lead down range (that's shooting, for those who are unfamiliar).  One of her favorite scents is the smell of gunpowder in the morning....

Facebook Author Page


Leslie will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Audio Book: Food Junkies by Vera Tarman & Phil Werdell and read by Lisa Bunting - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Is it possible to be addicted to food? When does indulging in 'comfort' food become substance abuse? Is it possible that there is more than a lack of will power at work when someone can't stop eating? In Food Junkies, Vera Tarman and Phil Werdell explain what is - and isn't - food addiction, tackling this complex and poorly understood problem through the stories of many survivors and from the perspectives of medical researchers/practitioners. They break down the science behind the research so that anyone can understand it, and take a fresh look at obesity, overeating, binge eating, anorexia and bulimia. For people struggling with these issues — and their families — recognizing the condition is the first step to gaining the kind of support and advice they need.

Food Junkies (finalist in the 2016 Voice Arts Awards) offers hope and guidance. Read by Lisa Bunting, according to one audible customer review, her "calming voice assists with decreasing the shame so often found with addiction and can open the listener up to actually hearing," while another noted the audiobook version "brought the science to life in a different way than the book. It made it even more real as one can't 'skim' or 'rush' through the life-changing content."



Dr Vera Tarman

Do you have any tattoos?  Where? When did you get it/them? Where are they on your body?

NO tattoos. Not my generation! If I wanted a job or success in a career, I could not get tattoos. It is very different now. But, would I have a tattoo now? Nope – the permanency of ink deters me. I also find tattoos are too unattractive when the body ages. I have seen too many people regret them after a few years.

Is your life anything like it was two years ago?

Yes, as a person in my 50s, the last 10 years of my life have been pretty consistent: work, family, house, and chores. All the same. Routine. Boring? Well, it allows for a vivid inner life.  Mind you, two years ago I was still writing my book, and this routine life was disrupted.

How long have you been writing?

I started to write as a teenager and into my 20s, but I have found that the writing process is very disruptive for a solid working life. I am a physician and need structure throughout the day and evening. Writing puts a wrench into this. The creative process has no routine and would often rob me of my sleep. I had stopped writing for years for this reason, other than the occasional post, poem, eulogy. I reopened the writing process for my book, and sure enough – it created havoc to my daily life. Like a mother with a mewling newborn baby, I am very glad I did it, but not sure I want to do it again! The book-writing process took about five years to write. Now I am enjoying my recovery from this!

What advice would you give a new writer just starting out?

Be prepared to have a disrupted life, to have your routines take second place.  Don’t push creativity away (you can’t!) and keep writing despite its cruel demands.  Do lots of walking, sleeping, music, conversation, reading to allow the ‘right brain’, where creativity emerges, guide you?

Tell us something about your newest release that is NOT in the blurb.

The personal is political. Food calls to everyone, and while some hear the message louder and more compellingly, most of us struggle somewhere, somehow with food. This book will help anyone understand why this is so, why it actually normal to crave food even beyond our self will.

Our current food environment is toxic. I had never expected to become political about this issue. I wanted to speak to those who struggled with eating disorders and weight. Let the advocates speak out against Big Food. But, how could I ignore that our food industry dominates our food choices AND our research, educational and clinical agendas? That it is insidiously making our population sicker as decades past, and dooming our children to shorter sicker lives?

Once we change our diets and see how much better we feel, it behooves us (and me) to challenge our toxic food environment, if for no other reason than to save our children. They are our most vulnerable victims.


Vera Tarman is a medical practitioner who focuses on addictions. She is the medical director of Renascent, an addictions treatment centre. Dr. Tarman conducts workshops and speaking engagements on the science of food addiction and "comfort food" abuse. She has reached audiences across the world. She lives in Toronto.

Phil Werdell is a recovering food addict, a social work clinician, and an educator. He is the primary organizer of the Food Addiction Institute and the International Society of Food Addiction Professionals, and is Director of ACORN’s Professional Training Program. Phil currently teaches Addictions Studies at Springfield College, School of Human Services, Tampa. He lives in Florida.

Narrator Bio:

Lisa Bunting is a stage, screen and voice actor, drama instructor, audition coach, and professional skills development simulator.  For Post Hypnotic Press, she has narrated the non-fiction self-help titles The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, The Remarriage Blueprint, Voice Arts Awards-nominated Food Junkies and the forthcoming i-Minds. She was named Best Supporting Actress at LA’s Focus International Film Festival, Winter 2015. She is a member of Canadian Actors’ Equity and ACTRA.

Social Media Links:


Vera Tarman:

Phil Werdell:

Lisa Bunting:

Post Hypnotic Press:

Buy links for the books:

One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/BN gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, December 9, 2016

Ties of Smoke by Claudia Herring - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Lady Lavinia Bramley is master of a Djinni.

Lavinia runs away from her husband to make a life with the djinni Yasir, but it’s not what she thought, not pearls and flying carpets and wishes come true . . .

Her desperate efforts to find happiness with Yasir are foiled by her husband’s reappearance, murder attempts by the jealous magician who cursed Yasir to the urn, and Yasir’s desire for revenge.

Lavinia finds love, and loyalty, are as ephemeral as ties of smoke.


Chapter 10: pages 1-2

She turned her head at a soft knock on the door, didn’t move until the baby quieted, then slipped from the bed and crept over. 

“Who is there?” Lavinia said in a loud whisper. She stepped back, staring at the door. How could she have been so foolish? It could be the guards, ready to carry out whatever evil Rakhshan had commanded. Then she shrugged and, in spite of the fear enveloping her, laughed to herself. Most likely they wouldn’t knock.

“Mehadeh.” A deep silky voice answered.

A female voice. Familiar. 

Mehadeh? She searched her mind for the familiar name, for someone to fit the voice and clamped her hand over her mouth. The fearsome dark lady from the garden. 

So they had sent her. The cold of the tile floor shivered through her bare feet up her legs. She pulled her blue shawl tight and turned away. She did not have to speak with this woman, whoever she was, whatever she was. Lavinia swallowed, but her throat had narrowed into a tight dry tunnel, and she managed only a shallow gulp. 

Glancing wildly around the room, she spotted a cloisonné candleholder, short and squat, She picked it up. Tapped it a few times against her palm. Heavy enough to discourage someone.

The knock sounded again and her heart pounded almost as loud. She wondered at the woman’s recklessness. The baby had frightened Mehadeh earlier this evening. Surely the woman had learned her lesson. Lavinia put her hand on the small bulge under her nightdress. 

“I bring news.” Mehadeh’s tone was laced with alarm. 

A ruse. Lavinia curled her fingers around the sturdy brass candlestick. She would go to bed, wake early and call Yasir with her ruby ring using the vision crystal. She twisted the ring on her finger. Would it work? The jagged crack running through the crystal grew even larger in her imagination. 

“I can help you save your baby,” Mehadeh spoke through the door. “You want to save Yasir’s son, do you not?” She knocked once again, soft but insistent. 

So the woman knew of Rakhshan’s plot. Did everyone know? Even Ya’Qub? 


About the Author

Claudia Herring aspired to be a baton twirler when she was five and an archaeologist at thirteen. When she became a graphic designer and an author of fantasy, she decided she'd hit upon the perfect compromise.

Along the way she worked as a gift wrapper, a server in a Mexican restaurant at an amusement park (where she rode the Black Dragon at midnight—an actual ride, not a sexual allusion) and an illustrator in medical graphics (where they featured videos on wound healing during lunch) at the Texas Medical Center.

Her novel, His Master's Bride, a historical fantasy with romantic elements set in Regency England, won first prize in the Houston Writer's Guild Novel Competition. Ties of Smoke is the second in the series The Djinn Chronicles.

When she's not delving into the world of the Djinn, Claudia is practicing yoga to go to that hushed space where she imagines and plots her next fantasy novel.

If you like Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series or Carol Berg’s Soul Mirror series you'll love His Master’s Bride and Ties of Smoke.

Author Links:

Claudia will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Kiss Me at Last by Holly Cortelyou - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

What's better than wine, chocolate and a little renovation magic? A sweet and sexy matchup between a handsome, hammer-swinging contractor, Sean McMallory, and a flirty and stubborn champagne bar owner, Melinda York, who's in a remodel pickle! Kiss Me at Last brings you back to the charming mountain hamlet of Wescott Springs, Colorado in a heartwarming contemporary, small town romance that's sweet with a little kiss of heat!

One tempting kiss will rock his world…

Melinda York has every last penny tied up in her business remodel so the last thing she needs is a complication—like surly Sean McMallory. But when "McGrumpy" blows through her front door with a hammer and toolbox, she knows she’s doomed…her replacement contractor is none other than the jerk who humiliated her at the town council meeting. With Melinda buried in sawdust and the exasperating, but ever-so-sexy, Sean constantly underfoot, how is she supposed to maintain her professional poise when she can’t stop daydreaming about his broad shoulders and his unexpectedly kind heart?

Sean McMallory likes his life simple and straightforward, and his plate is full with a booming construction business and family responsibilities. When a cousin begs a favor, he’s plunged neck-deep into the whirlwind that is elegant, jet-setter Melinda York and her wine bar renovation. There’s just no trusting the flirty Melinda even if he can’t forget her kissable lips and surprisingly, vulnerable eyes. So he’ll stick with his beer and country roads, and she can keep her bottles of bubbly and fancy truffles!

Can one kiss build a bridge to love and heal their wounded hearts?


He stared at her with those penetrating emerald eyes and Melinda's voice petered to a stop. There was a small furrow between his eyebrows as if he was curiously studying a new breed of beetle or a peculiar specimen of noxious weed. 

Melinda gurgled a nervous laugh. So much for unnerving him with a bout of pushy flirtation. She went for broke. "One of these days, we're going to convince you to sample our wares."

Sean's gaze whisked from her face to her chest and then down to her hips before returning to her eyes. Melinda flushed. That backfired.

"I'm a beer kind of guy. I'm here for the truffles." His voice was dismissive, but his eyes widened as if he noticed the disparity in his choice of words.

Melinda blinked and refused to smile, but she had gotten under his skin…at least a smidge. "You might be surprised. Many of our goods are most approachable to any type of customer. You only have to be open-minded to new things."

A flicker of a grin played at the corner of his lips, and a glimmer of triumph streaked through her veins. Ha! She'd scored a hit. But just as quickly, his expression darkened. He glanced at the ornate clock hanging on the wall.

"I'm running late," Sean said. "I'll stick with the usual."

"Of course," Melinda replied and was careful to keep her fingers from touching his as she took the debit card from his hand.

Without another word, Sean signed the receipt, picked up the white and gold bag with its expensive cache of rich, French chocolates, and exited out the door.

She glared at his retreating back and wished for the hundredth time that he would move to a new town. Melinda scrunched her nose in irritation.

About the Author

Holly Cortelyou is a romance author who pens sweet and spicy small town, contemporary romances as well as supernatural and paranormal romances. On any given day, you’ll likely find her posting dog and cat pics on Facebook (HollyCortelyouAuthor) or goofing off on Twitter (@HollyCortelyou) and Pinterest! And of course, you can always visit her on the web at Holly has hazel eyes, a goofy sense of humor and…all the rest is subject to change without notice.

Author Links:

Holly will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Sunrise Over Brasov by Stephanie Burkhart - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

Rosa Getzi lives a life of intrigue at Poiana Brasov with Clement, a werewolf, and Cassandra, the witch. Her past doesn't matter to her – until she discovers what it holds.

Prince Michael Sigmaringen joins his sister-in-law, Caroline, and the vampire prince, Darius, in a daring rescue, igniting Rosa's desire to find her family. However, all is not as it appears. Rickard, Rosa's friend, escapes with her. Clement will go to any lengths to get Rosa and Rickard back.

At Darius' fortress, Michael soon discovers Rickard is a new breed of werewolf – one who can control the change, and Clement hopes to exploit Rickard's abilities.

Michael's courage, strengths, and convictions will be tested like never before. Can Michael and Rosa find true happiness and the rid the lupine haunting of the Sigmaringens once and for all?


Rosa bolted upright. "No!"

Michael's eyes snapped open and he raced to her side. "What's wrong?"

"It was just a dream." Her voice faded away. Sweat beaded on her brow and her body 
trembled. It must have been a disturbing dream if it affected her like this. The need to comfort her outweighed his common sense to put distance between them and he placed a hand on her shoulder. 

"What was it about?" he asked.

She turned to face him, confusion splaying across her lovely features.

"I was in my room sketching and Rickard came in--"

Michael scowled and removed his hand. "Did he hurt you?"

"No. He was talking about Cassandra."

Michael drew in a breath to calm his displeasure. He hated to hear Rickard's name on her 
lips. Every time she mentioned him, that arrow in his heart twisted deeper. "What did he say?" 

"Cassandra asked him questions about the wolf who made him, but Rickard couldn't answer them all. His memory had holes -- pieces of time he couldn't remember." 

"I'm not surprised."

She wrapped her arms around herself. "He was given anise, wasn't he?"

Michael nodded.

She exhaled, striking a vulnerable pose. Her usually focused eyes stared at the wall. Michael grabbed a fresh log and threw it onto the fire. He poked at the burning wood  with a stick.

"What did you do at the fortress?"

"I had lessons with Cassandra in the morning. In the afternoon, Lucien or one of the 
guards would escort me into Brasov proper--"

"I'm surprised Clement allowed you to leave." 

"I never felt like I was a hostage." 

Michael raised an eyebrow. Was she a prisoner or not? "What did you do when you went to the city?" 

"I usually visited the St. Nickolas Church. They have an extensive library with a comprehensive section on witchcraft and werewolf legends. I spent an hour or two studying certain books, reading newspapers, and taking notes." 

"You were a researcher?"

"I guess you could say that. I also went shopping for personal items."

Michael reached over, removed another apple from his food satchel, and offered it to her, 
recalling she hadn't finished the previous one.

Rosa slid her fingers next to his and a familiar pulse traveled up his arm. She affected 
him even now. He jerked his hand away, but the pleasure from her touch lingered. A quiet moment passed between them. Finally, he reached over and placed his thumb on her chin. Some instinctual force inside him told him she needed this. Their eyes found each other. A spark passed over her expression. Did she recall something? 

"Rosa, I--"

About the Author

Author Bio: Stephanie Burkhart is a 911 dispatcher for LAPD.  She was born and raised in Manchester, New Hampshire.  After serving 11 years in the US Army she currently calls Castaic, California her home. Stephanie was married in Denmark in 1991 and has two young sons. She adores chocolate, is addicted to coffee and enjoys early morning walks.  She's also an assistant den leader for her son's Cub Scout den and is a Boy Scout mom. She writes paranormal, contemporary, and steampunk romance and has two children's books published with 4RV Publishing.

Author Links:

Stephanie will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway