Thursday, February 26, 2015

Winter in the Soul by Jennifer Novotney - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

In a world divided by power and greed, seventeen-year-old Lilika harbors an intense desire to return to Winter in the Soul, the place her family left to escape the darkness that was manifesting from a coldness of the soul.

When she meets Talon, their connection is evident right from the start, and together they travel through the Black Kingdom to recover Lilika’s stolen locket. And in search of an answer to the mystery behind Winter in the Soul.

Lilika holds the key to stopping the darkness from spreading. The fate of their world lies in her hands. Will she stop the Black Kingdom before its darkness overtakes them all, or will they succumb to the darkness that is spreading across the land?



“This book is original, cleverly written and most of all a great read.”

“This novel is very suspenseful and can be enjoyed by young and old alike.”

“I really, really liked the story line, it is fresh take in the high fantasy/magic genre.”



Spring Bloom

Pulling her blond locks away from her face, Lilika headed outside her cozy house to do her morning chores. When she hit the doorway, she stopped and lifted her face skyward, soaking in the sun’s beams. She reveled in the heat beating down on her and the feeling of warmth that bathed her skin.

She walked to the garden and sat down. Lilika pulled the weeds with the sun shining on her. Her fingers ran across something smooth.

“What is this?” she muttered to herself, digging quickly to try to see just what was in there. She exposed something gleaming from underneath the brown soil.

What could be under the dirt here? She pulled out a gold heart locket from the garden bed. It glittered in an almost magical way, like nothing she’d ever seen before.

“Lilika!” Jet yelled through the open kitchen window. “It’s almost time for school.”

She shoved the locket in her pocket. “Okay! I’m coming.” Her little brother could be such a nuisance sometimes. She would have to wait until later to inspect her find up-close.

“Hello,” a female voice came from behind her.

“Hello?” She jumped up and turned around, shielding her eyes from the sun.

It was so bright, all she saw was a figure blocking out the light, a black silhouette outlined by the sun’s rays. As her eyes adjusted to the change in light, the figure became clearer and clearer: A beautiful, golden-hued woman stood before Lilika.

“Lilika,” the woman said.

How does she know my name?

“Lil! It’s time to go,” her brother yelled again.

She whipped her head around. “Okay, I’m coming.” By the time she turned back, the golden woman was gone.

She stood, walked to the side of the house, and peered around the corner, but the golden woman wasn’t there. She swiveled her head to each side, but didn’t see her. Could this all have just been a figment of her imagination? Maybe sitting in the sun was affecting her. Butterflies danced in her stomach at the thought of the locket she’d found, and she hurried into the house to get ready for school. 


The mile-long walk to school was a quiet one except for Jet humming to himself. Children said goodbye to their parents and walked out of their rural homes surrounded by lush green grass and foliage, through the center of Spring Bloom. Boys in button down shirts and long pants and girls in light colored, pastel dresses lined the walkways when Lilika and Jet got closer and closer to their destination. Lilika walked along with a solemn expression on her face.

She couldn’t help but think about the golden woman, whether she’d simply imagined her or if their conversation had really happened. What did it mean? She couldn’t tell Jet or their mother or father. They wouldn’t believe her. Something was actually happening to her for a change.

The sun cast bright light over all the individual stone cottages and gardens.

“Good morning, Lilika!” Mr. Woodland waved from his garden.

“Good morning.” Lilika hurried toward school.

“Lil! Slow down,” Jet said.

“Come on,” she said with pursed lips, “we’re going to be late.”

More and more residents filtered out of their houses, tending to their gardens, trimming their bushes, and cleaning windows of their homes. With every stone cottage Lilika passed, the people smiled and waved. She greeted everyone with a wave and picked up her pace once she reached the hill.

Standing in front of the school, she paused and caught her breath before opening the classroom door.

“So, do you want to do something after school? Maybe we can go for a walk or something.” Bryony stopped her just outside the door. Lilika had been friends with her for as long as she could remember.

“Oh, I can’t.” Lilika sighed. “I have to do my chores right away when I get home since I didn’t have time to do all of them this morning.”

“Well, I found something I thought you might be interested in.” Bryony pulled out a big book from her backpack and wiped the dust off of it.

Lilika whipped her head around. “What? What is that?”

“It’s called The History of Winter in the Soul.” Bryony moved her fingers along the raised gold title on the front. “It’s all about Wits.” Bryony opened it and read from the book. “It was a cold that could only manifest out of the coldness in the soul. That is how Wits got to be known as the Winter in the Soul.”

“What are you doing?” Violet butted in. Great, she was always putting her nose where it didn’t belong.

“Nothing. Keep your voice down.” Lilika glanced toward the window to make sure no one was looking. Leave it to Violet to try and join in with them when they were trying not to bring attention to themselves.

“What do you have there, Bryony?” Violet put her hand on Bryony’s shoulder to get a glimpse.

“Nothing.” Lilika shook her head.

“Well, what is it? What’s so interesting?” Violet leaned in closer.

“Oh, please,” Lilika whispered, “just stop. Someone’s going to see, and then we’ll all be in trouble. Just mind your own business and leave us alone. Go, go on.” Lilika waved her hand at Violet.

“Fine.” Violet rolled her eyes and stormed off.

“Bryony, you really shouldn’t have that book. Where did you get it anyway?”

“I found it under my parent’s bed. Aren’t you curious about Wits?”

“I am, but…”

“But what?”

The golden locket popped into Lilika’s head. Who was she to tell Bryony not to ask questions about Wits? She had questions of her own.

“Nothing, come on, we’d better get inside. We’re going to be late.”

Bryony shoved the book back inside her backpack and followed Lilika into school.

About the Author

Jennifer Novotney was born in Burbank, California and lived in Los Angeles for most of her life until settling in North Eastern Pennsylvania with her husband and daughter. She attended California State University, earning a bachelors degree in journalism, and Northern Arizona University, earning a masters degree in English. After college, she spent several years writing and teaching, including at Pennsylvania State University.

Author Links:

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 3/22/15
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Brothers’ Keepers by Matthew Peters - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Most of us are familiar with Jesus’ parents, Mary and Joseph, and Jesus’ purported spouse, Mary Magdalene. But what about Jesus’ siblings? What role did they play in early Christianity?

Contemporary Jesuit and renowned religious historian Nicholas Branson is about to find out…and the answer will shake the foundations of the Judeo-Christian world.

It all starts with the murder of a United States Senator in a confessional, and the discovery of a strange religious document among his possessions. At the urging of his FBI friend, Branson joins the investigation. His effort to uncover the truth behind the murder draws him into the search for an eight-hundred-year-old treasure and into a web of ecclesiastical and political intrigue.

Accompanied by a beautiful, sharp-tongued research librarian, Jessica Jones, Branson follows a trail of clues, from the peaks of the awe inspiring French Pyrenees to the caves of war-torn Afghanistan. Along the way, shadowy powerful forces trail the pair, determined to keep safe a secret buried for centuries.



Father Rawlings drained his cup and set it on the table. “What I’m about to tell you may sound ridiculous and melodramatic. At best it will seem the stuff of conspiracy theories and spy novels. However, I assure you it is not.” He fixed Branson with a steely gaze. “As God’s soldiers, we are engaged in a battle, Nicholas. As real as any battle ever waged. The war we fight has raged for centuries, but the battle we fight now could well be the last. And we, you and I, the Roman Catholic Church as a whole, must emerge victorious. Nothing less than the foundations, the stability of the Christian world is at stake.” He smiled again, this time with bitterness. 

“Of course it sounds unbelievable, even paranoid, but believe me, it is neither. I choose my words carefully. I don’t make bold assertions I cannot support. I assure you I am telling you exactly how things stand, exactly what is at stake. Before I go on, however, I must demand a pledge from you, your promise to help the Church in the epic struggle in which we currently find ourselves. We require your guarantee, your warrant if you will, that you will use all your energies, resources, and powers to secure the interests of the Church, and that you will let nothing deter you from the task at hand. With this binding agreement comes an inexhaustible supply of resources: anything and everything you deem necessary to accomplish your mission. But I must have your pledge before we proceed.” Rawlings rose from his seat, motioning for Branson to stand as well. “Before you give me your answer, listen again to Jesus’ words: ‘He who is not with me is against me.’ Nicholas Branson, tell me now: Are you with our Lord, or against Him?”


Tell us about your book, what inspired it?

THE BROTHERS’ KEEPERS is a religious thriller, one that has been favorably compared to Dan Brown’s THE DA VINCI CODE. Here is a blurb:

Most of us are familiar with Jesus’ parents, Mary and Joseph, and Jesus’ purported spouse, Mary Magdalene. But what about Jesus’ siblings? What role did they play in early Christianity?

Contemporary Jesuit and renowned religious historian Nicholas Branson is about to find out…and the answer will shake the foundations of the Judeo-Christian world.

It all starts with the murder of a United States Senator in a confessional, and the discovery of a strange religious document among his possessions. At the urging of his FBI friend, Branson joins the investigation. His effort to uncover the truth behind the murder draws him into the search for an eight-hundred-year-old treasure and into a web of ecclesiastical and political intrigue.

Accompanied by a beautiful, sharp-tongued research librarian, Jessica Jones, Branson follows a trail of clues, from the peaks of the awe inspiring French Pyrenees to the caves of war-torn Afghanistan. Along the way, shadowy powerful forces trail the pair, determined to keep safe a secret buried for centuries. 

I was inspired to write THE BROTHERS’ KEEPERS for two main reasons. First, it allowed me to capitalize on my love of history, politics, and research. Second, it gave me a chance to examine some of the issues I struggle with on a daily basis: faith, the role of religion in politics, and the role of truth in society. 
I’ve always felt that the best novels are those with immediate relevancy to current political and social issues. THE BROTHERS’ KEEPERS is my contribution to the debates that rage in society concerning politics and religion—the two topics people say to avoid in polite company.

What can you tell us about the character of Nicholas Branson?

Nicholas Branson is the male protagonist in THE BROTHERS’ KEEPERS. He is a Jesuit, who has not yet taken his priestly vows. He is someone who leads with his intellect. Emotions are secondary. He has a hard time confronting his feelings, especially with regard to faith and interpersonal relationships. He is a recovering alcoholic. Consequently, his emotional maturation did not keep pace with his intellectual development. In some ways he is very developed, but deep down inside he is a hurt little boy who seeks confirmation and love.

Have you based any of your characters on someone you know, or real events in your own life?

Yes. Nicholas Branson is based partly on me. Though he is smarter and more accomplished—I mean, he speaks like ten languages--we share the disease of alcoholism. I would say I have some of Branson’s tendencies to approach things on an intellectual basis, and I’m not always comfortable with expressing my feelings, though I’m trying to improve. 

The protagonist in my other book, CONVERSATIONS AMONG RUINS, is dual diagnosed, like myself. The term dual diagnosed generally describes a person who has a mood disorder (e.g., depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder), and some form of chemical dependency (e.g., alcoholism, and/or addiction to cocaine, heroin or prescription medication). I have Major Depressive Disorder and alcoholism. Part of my work consists of raising awareness of dual diagnosis, a condition that affects 6% of the American population.

What is your favorite scene in the book?

Oh, wow. That’s a very hard question. I think as a writer, you become attached to several scenes as you construct them and then reflect back on them. I’d have to say, though, and I really can’t give anything away here, that my favorite scene is the big reveal that happens at the end of the book. I hope it has as much dramatic impact as it can. Readers have told me that it does, and I trust them, so I’ll leave it at that. 

Why love for history and research?

Well, I’m trained as a Political Scientist, and I was more qualitatively than quantitatively oriented, preferring history to number-crunching. I’ve always loved research. When I was actively teaching in my field my research interests were dictated by my profession. Since I’ve been writing fiction, I can pretty much choose what to read and research. I am much happier in this capacity.

Can you tell about the condition of dual diagnosis?

I am happy to. Thank you for asking.

As I said earlier, the term dual diagnosed generally describes a person who has a mood disorder, and some form of chemical dependency. 
Approximately 6 out of 100 Americans have a dual diagnosis. 
It is estimated that 29% of those who suffer emotional/mental disorders have abused substances and that 53% of substance abusers have had a psychiatric problem. 
Having a dual diagnosis differs, in terms of recovery, in that it is not just about refraining from alcohol, or taking anti-depressants. It is a synergistic condition where one illness exacerbates the other.
Famous individuals among the dual diagnosed include Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Ernest Hemingway, Sigmund Freud, and Robin Williams. I, myself, am dual diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and alcoholism. My mom was, too. As I mentioned previously, my other novel, CONVERSATIONS AMONG RUINS, features a protagonist who is dual diagnosed. 
I think it is important that we talk about this issue, especially since there is such a stigma attached to each component of the diagnosis. There is nothing to be ashamed of in having a mental illness and/or a chemical dependency. Dual diagnosis is a treatable condition. The more we talk about it, the easier it is to break the stereotypes and procure effective treatment. For more information, please see my website: 

What profession would you choose if you were not an author?

If I were not an author, I would choose to be a creative writing teacher.

Any last words?

Thank you so much for having me on your blog. And thank you, in particular, for asking about dual diagnosis. I love to hear from readers, so please feel free to get in touch with me. My contact information is on my website, listed above. Also, if you have the time, please write a review of THE BROTHERS’ KEEPERS and/or CONVERSATIONS AMONG RUINS. There are few things that make an author happier than reading a review of his/her book. It shows us that someone actually took the time to share what our work means to them.


About the Author

Dual diagnosed* from an early age, Matthew Peters dropped out of high school at sixteen. He went on to obtain an A.A., a B.A. from Vassar College, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Duke University. He has taught various courses in a variety of disciplines throughout North Carolina. He is committed to increasing the awareness and understanding of the dual diagnosed. In addition to The Brothers’ Keepers, he is the author of Conversations Among Ruins, which features a dual diagnosed protagonist. Currently, he is working on a sequel to The Brothers’ Keepers.

*The term dual diagnosed refers to someone suffering from a mood disorder (e.g., depression) and chemical dependency.

Author Links:

Matthew Peters will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Third Twin by CJ Omololu - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

When they were little, Lexi and her identical twin, Ava, made up a third sister, Alicia. If something broke? Alicia did it. Cookies got eaten? Alicia’s guilty. Alicia was always to blame for everything.

The game is all grown up now that the girls are seniors. They use Alicia as their cover to go out with boys who are hot but not exactly dating material. Boys they’d never, ever be with in real life.

Now one of the guys Alicia went out with has turned up dead, and Lexi wants to stop the game for good. As coincidences start piling up, Ava insists that if they follow the rules for being Alicia, everything will be fine. But when another boy is killed, the DNA evidence and surveillance photos point to only one suspect—Alicia. The girl who doesn’t exist.

As she runs from the cops, Lexi has to find the truth before another boy is murdered. Because either Ava is a killer . . . or Alicia is real.



“[An] original, riveting thriller.” — Melissa Marr, New York Times bestselling author of Made for You

“Delicious and deceptive, The Third Twin is a twisty-turny thrill ride! I couldn’t flip the pages fast enough!” –Kimberly Derting, author of the Body Finder series and The Taking

“A classic whodunit.”–Kirkus Reviews

About the Author

CJ OMOLOLU is the author of the ALA-YALSA Quick Pick Dirty Little Secrets and several other YA novels. She loved to read but never thought to write until she discovered that the voices in her head often have interesting things to say. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and their two sons.

Author Links:

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 3/19/15
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, February 16, 2015

Polar Day by Julie Flanders - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

The midnight sun bakes Fairbanks, Alaska as residents gather for the annual summer solstice baseball game. Amidst the revelry and raucous shouts of “Play ball,” a spark alights and a jogger bursts into flames. Detective Danny Fitzpatrick, still reeling from his near death at the hands of vampire Aleksei Nechayev, watches in horror as the man burns alive.

Someone is burning Fairbanks and its residents and leaving nothing but smoldering embers behind. As the city sweats under a record-breaking heatwave and unexplained fires claim more victims, Danny and his colleagues struggle to find an arsonist who can conjure fire out of thin air.

To Danny’s horror, the only one who may be able to help him stop the arsonist is his nemesis Nechayev. Will the vampire help in the hunt for a witch?



The inquisitive Fairbanks detective Danny Fitzpatrick had ruined the peaceful home Aleksei had maintained in the Arctic town of Coldfoot for decades. He enjoyed checking in on the detective and, while he couldn’t help but feel a strange fondness for the man he had chosen to let live, he always hoped to find him struggling with some new problem. He was tickled to see that this time he got his wish.

Aleksei grinned from ear to ear as he read about the mysterious fires that were plaguing Fairbanks while the city suffered through its worst heat wave in history. How fascinating! And by all accounts, the police, including the dear detective, had no idea who was starting the fires or even how they were doing it. 

Fire was one of the few things Aleksei feared and hated as much as humans did. He still remembered the time he had been nearly burned to death by a male witch not long after he’d arrived in Alaska. He couldn’t help but wonder if a supernatural force was responsible for these fires as well. Was there a witch on the loose in Fairbanks?

Since he was safe and sound on the other side of the world, Aleksei desperately hoped so. How would his favorite detective deal with a situation like that? And what of the fire starter? What was his, or her, motivation? What was the game? 

His lousy winter here in Australia had suddenly taken a surprisingly lovely turn. Clearly, the summer in Fairbanks was turning out to be more horrific than anyone there could have imagined. He couldn’t wait to see how it all unfolded. It was going to be such fun.


What inspired you to write this book?

This book is a sequel to my first novel Polar Night. Polar Night takes place during the winter in Fairbanks, Alaska and is centered on the winter solstice, when Fairbanks has nearly 24 hour darkness. So I thought it would be interesting to set this story during the opposite time of the year, when the city has nearly 24 hour sunlight. The summer solstice plays a key role in the beginning of the story and as the story goes on the city suffers under a record-breaking heatwave. The idea of heat and constant sunlight made me think of fire and that led to the antagonist and the central horror of the book. 

What 5 words would you use to describe your main characters?

Grief-stricken, cynical, evil, egotistical, delusional

What was the hardest part to write in this book?

The hardest part to write was the story of the antagonist, Jamie. All of the other main characters came from Polar Night so I had them in my head already and knew where I wanted to go with them in this story. But Jamie was totally new so I had to build a past for him and fit him into the Polar Night universe. 

Have you started your next project?

I have, but it’s still mostly in the idea stage. I am working on a ghost story that takes place in Cincinnati (my hometown) during World War I. I’m also working on a short story for an anthology that my writing group Untethered Realms is putting together for release in the fall of 2015. 

How do you react to a bad review of your book?

I learned early on that I do better if I don’t read any reviews, good or bad. I don’t have a thick enough skin to let bad reviews roll off my back and I tend to take them personally, even though I know that is a silly thing to do. 

Favorite book to recommend?

Game of Thrones by George RR Martin. I love the Song of Ice and Fire series. 

Do you have a favorite quote?

I love quotes and have so many favorites it’s hard to pick just one. But this is one that means a lot to me as it helped inspire me to start on my writing journey:

 A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step ~ Lao Tzu

Anything else you might want to add?

Just that I want to say thank you for hosting me here on your blog and for interviewing me! It was fun to answer your questions and I appreciate the opportunity.


About the Author

Julie Flanders is a librarian by day and a writer all the rest of the time. She is also a television show addict with a particular fondness for Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead and a slightly obsessive sports fan who cheers for the Ohio State Buckeyes and the Cincinnati Reds. Julie is an animal lover and animal rescue advocate who shares her home with her rescued dog and cat. She has written about the joys of pets for outlets such as Cat Fancy, Thrive in Life, and Best Friends Animal Society. Visit Julie at

Author Links:

Julie will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn host.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Summer of Haight 67 by Diane Sager - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

KATHERINE RHODES has a tragic accident which sends her back in time. She wakes up as the 20 year old hippie she was back in 1967 in the Haight/Ashbury district of San Francisco. This was the period known globally as the “Summer of Love”. It’s all here, Hippies, Hells Angels, Black Panthers and the abhorrent war in Vietnam. “KATIE gets the chance to re-live this era with her friends FROG and MOONBEAM. This time she knows what to expect and tries to change things……….. Can she ?


“Thank you.  That’s a great compliment coming from the MC, but what exactly are we discussing?  I do lots of business dealings in the Haight, many different avenues. Which one are you referring to?” 

“Drugs Frog. We’re referring to drugs.”

“There’s already lots of drugs in the Haight. Are you speaking of grass, uppers, downers, acid? We have it all.”

Sal and Dave looked at each other and laughed.  “No man, not grass, not pills, and not acid,” Dave said.  “You’re right, there’s lots of that in the Haight. There are too many dealers to contend with and not enough money to be made in those drugs. Hell, half the time, the Diggers are giving that shit away free at gatherings. What we’re proposing is much more than grass, and much more profitable. The Angels want to eventually control the drugs that are going in and out of the Haight and we want to destroy our competition in the process, but that’s a long way down the road.  Right now, all we want to do is to get our foot in the door.  We want to offer something that isn’t readily available. What we want to know is would you be interested in a marketing agreement with the MC? The market right now is small, but with a little help it will eventually replace all the other drugs in the Haight. What we’re talking about is heroin.  Black tar heroin from Asia. We happen to have a connection that will never dry up.”


Tell us about your book, what inspired it?

OK, I have to admit here that I was born in the 60’s…… Thanks for squeezing that out of me so early in this interview!  LOL

But seriously, I was and still am lucky enough to live within an hour of San Francisco, so when I was a very young child I can remember my parents driving me through the Haight/Ashbury district to look at what my Dad called “the freaks”. I remember driving through the “panhandle” and seeing the “Diggers” hand out free food at 4 O’Clock daily to the homeless kids wearing their “free frame of reference” around their necks. I now know them as the homeless hippie kids that flocked to San Francisco in the late 60’s.  

I have always felt that I missed out on this very unique part of history (well, not the homeless part !) and I often wished I was just a bit older to have experienced it fully. My goal and inspiration in writing this story was to have my characters live in this period and have it be as accurate as possible. I want my readers to feel like they are living and breathing 1967 with my crazy characters.

What do you think about the period "Summer of Love"?

I’m still fascinated by the whole 60’s hippie phenomenon and I wish I could have lived it. I love the music and the clothing and the carefree way of life. I can remember being taught how to make daisy chains in the middle of Golden Gate Park by a young hippie girl. I didn’t really understand the political stuff but I knew of the war in Vietnam as it was on the news constantly, and I got to see some of the protest marches. 

As I wrote this book I watched multiple YouTube videos of the subjects in my book – Hells Angels, Black Panthers and the Vietnam War.  I read all the books and watched all the videos I could find on Janis Joplin. Other books include Sleeping Where I Fall by Peter Coyote – a founder of the Diggers in San Francisco.

It was an awesome period in time and I wrote this book to bring it back. It was so rewarding to do all the research to make it as accurate as possible for my readers.

Have you based any of your characters on someone you know, or real events in your own life?

So far I haven’t. My characters start off as strangers to me and nobody in SUMMER OF HAIGHT ‘67 is based on anyone in particular. As I develop them they become more and more familiar to me. Some of the events in the book are based on what I experienced, as that very young child.

I have a photographic memory so I can recall so much. I can see the hippies as I drove past them in the back of my Dad’s car and I can see my record collection and my stickers and my clothes; I had a lunch box with the Monkees on and my little dolls of Mickey Dolenz and the other Monkees. I think I still have them in an old trunk somewhere.

What is your favorite scene in the book?

Without giving too much of the storyline away, my favorite scene is the cocktail party hosted by Katie’s parents. It’s back in 1967 and Katie is being rebellious against her controlling father. Mark Rhodes is a young executive in her father’s firm and is being groomed as Katie’s eventual suitor – Well, in the first 1967 he does become Katie’s husband. But in the re-lived 1967 Katie is determined to stop that happening again. In this 1967 she has met Dylan, a Hells Angel from the San Francisco Chapter and she takes him to the cocktail party – but not in his motorcycle attire. Cut to the back yard and Dylan warns Mark to stay away from Katie. The ever arrogant Mark stands up to Dylan unaware of the biker’s lifestyle. Dylan casually removes his shirt to reveal a huge tattoo of the Hells Angels’ logo on his back. Needless to say, it scares the hell out of Mark………….. great scene and I loved writing it.

Do you listen to music when you're writing?

I ALWAYS listen to music when I’m writing, but writing the Summer of Haight ‘67 was so special because of the music. My husband even bought me a new record player just so I could play my LP’s. It took me 15 months to write the book and I immersed myself in the era. I bought more LP’s from a record store on Haight Street and even more from eBay. I wore hippie clothing and really got into the psychedelic hippie thing. I even caught myself saying words and phrases from the 60’s……….. I’m back to normal now, ALMOST !

What kind of music do you listen to?

I listen to a very wide variety of musical tastes. My iPod is categorized by decade or genre of music. As I said, when I was writing SUMMER OF HAIGHT ‘67, my whole thing was the 60’s. Since Janis Joplin plays a big part in my book, I bought her LP’s with Big Brother & the Holding Company. I also dug out my Grateful Dead, Moby Grape, Quicksilver & the Messenger Service, Country Joe & the Fish and the Charlatans….. to name a few. 

 I also write horror books under my other author name of D.S. Sager, but the psychedelic 60’s stuff would not be a good fit here!  For example, when I am writing my zombie series called EVIL VEIN, I tend to go more punk rock or Emo style. During the writing of my Vampire story I drifted into the 20’s era. I love the 1920’s Jazz prohibition era. Billie Holiday and “Ma” Rainey stand out for me here.

I also love the 40’s and Frank Sinatra, Glen Miller and Duke Ellington will always make a guest appearance at my radiogram………… LOL

Have you started your next project?

I always have multiple projects going on in my head. I keep a pad by my bed and try to capture crazy dreams. I make notes all the time when I get book ideas. My current project is a horror anthology which I haven’t named yet. I have four short stories written and I’m working on the 5th.  

I also have a Vampire novel being edited right now. It’s a re-write from my first full novel I wrote in 2000. I never got that one published and it sat in a box for years……..Vampires?    Box ?  Sorry about that …….Anyway, it’s better than before and I hope my readers enjoy it.

The rest of this year will see the final volume in my EVIL VEIN trilogy and I plan to have Katie and some of her friends from SUMMER OF HAIGHT ‘67 stick around in the past…….. but I can’t blow the whistle on that just yet……….

Anything else you might want to add?

I was a high school teacher of emotionally disturbed and high risk youth before I turned to full time writing about 5 years ago. I write my horror stories as D.S. Sager while this book and my other non-horror works will be as Diane Sager.

I have worn a POW bracelet since the beginning of the Iraq war and I vowed to keep it on until all our troops are withdrawn from Afghanistan. It bears the name William H Searfus who was tragically killed in Vietnam in 1967 and on MY birth date, November 25th.

All my published books have a character in them named Searfus as a tribute to this man and all the other brave souls who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. This gentleman has son living in Southern California named Stanley Searfus. I hope to make contact with him some day and pay my respects. I have tried.

THANK YOU so much for including me in your busy schedule. I hope you read the SUMMER OF HAIGHT ‘67 and enjoy it as much as I did researching it and living it for 15 months.

Peace !
Diane Sager

About the Author

Author Diane Sager was raised and resides in the San Francisco Bay Area with her awesome husband Russ, three dogs, two cats and an African grey parrot named Storm. She holds a fascination for all things macabre and has developed a deep knowledge of serial killers, vampires, zombies, the Tarot, world religions, witchcraft, horror and the occult. 

However, her latest indie release, SUMMER OF HAIGHT ‘67 is none of the above albeit a little supernatural……..This story is nestled between her zombie series “EVIL VEIN” published by Permuted Press and penned under her “apocalyptic” name of D.S.Sager

A former high school teacher of emotionally disturbed and high-risk youth, Diane is now dedicated to full time writing.

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Diane will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn host.

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