Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sudetenland by George T. Chronis - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Sudetenland© is the premiere novel by author George T. Chronis. The book delivers suspenseful and sweeping historical fiction set against Central European intrigue during the late 1930s leading up to 1938′s Munich Conference. The characters are the smart and sometimes wise-cracking men and women of this era – the foreign correspondents, intelligence officers, diplomats and career military – who are on the front lines of that decade’s most dangerous political crisis. With three million ethnic Germans in Bohemia at stake, Adolph Hitler’s unshakeable will demands that the Sudetenland be ripped from Czechoslovakia and joined with Germany. The novel takes readers behind the scenes into the deliberations and high drama taking place within the major capitals of Europe as the continent hurtles toward the crucible of a shooting war.



"The Germans are very keen to have news of the conference broadcast live across the world. They are very confident of the outcome. Godesberg is a great victory for them," Shirer felt a tad uncomfortable at helping them promote their success.

"Yeah, that's what I have been reading in the local rags," Endicott found the towing of the government's pitch lines to be remarkably uniform.

"Don't be too hard on us, my friend," an overly cheery German broke into the conversation to sit down at the table without waiting for an invitation. "Godesberg is one of those rare occasions where everything we print is actually true."

Shirer laughed and slapped the tabletop. "Eavesdropping again, Manfred?"

"Of course! And so do you. I am just better at snooping than you are," the German boasted, although he ranked Shirer's attention to detail as amazingly high.

"Charles," Shirer turned to Endicott. "Meet Herr Culemann, one of Germany's leading editors."
"Pleased to meet you. Charles Endicott, Hearst International News Service," Endicott reached over the table to offer his hand.

"I just read your story. Great work there: Kidnapped By the Sudeten Freikorps. I am glad you survived unscathed. Many of their number are severely undisciplined," Culemann was sincerely pleased no harm had come to the American.

"Thanks on both counts. Sometimes I get lucky," Endicott hoped the roll lasted for a while longer. "Say, you look like a man in the know. When does Herr Hitler arrive?"

"Oh, the chancellor is already in Godesberg... upstairs as we speak," Culemann informed them.
"Now you're talking," Endicott perked up. "When do you think we will get a chance to see him?"
"Any time really. One never knows. He could stroll through the lobby in five minutes on the way to his river yacht. The vessel is tied up at the water's edge," Culemann located the vessel through the window and showed them.

"Somehow I expected something more formal," Endicott sounded let down.

"Do not despair, the Teppichfresser will not disappoint," Culemann lowered his voice as he teased the Americans.

"The what?" Endicott did not understand the term.

"Carpet eater?" Shirer's translation did little to ease his own confusion.

"You two have obviously not been paying attention to the discussion at the next table," Culemann nodded in the direction of two party hacks nearby.

"I imagine not," Shirer had been ignoring their boorish neighbors on purpose.

"Perhaps you have heard... the chancellor often has strong reactions to bad news," Culemann continued in a whisper. "Chamberlain promised him that he could deliver the Sudetenland on a platter and all of the news from Prague says Beneš is obstinately refusing to go along. Those two over there were just mentioning how this continued stubbornness by the Czech president has brought on one of Hitler's rages causing the leader of the great German Empire to fling himself on the floor where he chews on the edge of the carpet."

"You have to be kidding," Endicott found such a tale difficult to believe.

"Trust me, on such matters, I never kid," Culemann wagged his forefinger at the Americans.

About the Author

After years as a journalist and magazine editor, George T. Chronis decided to return to his lifelong passion, storytelling. A lover of both 1930s cinema and world history, Chronis is now devoted to bringing life to the mid-20th Century fictional narratives that have been in his thoughts for years. Sudetenland© is his first novel. Taking place during turbulent times in Central Europe during the 1930s, the book took eight years to research and write. The author is already hard at work on his second novel.

Chronis is married with two daughters, and lives with his wife in a Southern California mountain community.

Author Links:

George T. Chronis will be awarding $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host.

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Monday, December 29, 2014

Camouflaged Encounters by David J. Englund - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Forget what you think you know. How well do you really know your neighbors or fellow workers? Do you trust your boss? What about politicians? The fabric of our society is under attack. Our way of life, our livelihood, our very existence is under full assault. No one even realizes that it’s happening. Disguised as horrible natural disasters on the news, the world is caught unsuspecting as events draw us ever nearer to extinction. As “natural disasters” escalate and tensions between nations mount, one man hears a whisper. It has begun . . .


Clark gasped and dropped his fork. There they were in downtown Des Moines! Four aliens, large as life, were walking around disguised as humans. The phone device allowed him to see two images in the spot where each alien existed. The human image appeared as his eyes saw them. The alien image had a fuzzy, faded hologram-like appearance to it.

He could see the red tinted skin with black spots on their bodies. Their heads were long like a horse’s head with narrow yellow eyes on either side. They were roughly three-feet taller than their human disguises. Their knees bent outward as they walked. Each alien wore a black skin-tight uniform. The most alarming features were the four arms each alien sported. In each case, the two unseen hands carried various gadgets that they fidgeted with as they walked.

The human disguises appeared as smiling, happy people while the Ascanti images each revealed scowling angry aliens seemingly trapped in an unpleasant form. These creatures would have won casting rolls in any Hollywood horror film.   
I can’t believe this. This can’t be happening. Everything Rick said is true. Aliens walk among us. They look so natural in their disguises. They fit in perfectly within our society. Look at them just walking up the street. That one across the street is delivering a UPS package. That one over there is carrying shopping bags, like she’s just some average housewife out on errands. This one over here is crossing the street, as if it’s perfectly okay for aliens to cross the street in Des Moines!

About the Author

David Englund is a storyteller (science fiction author) and teaches economics at North Dakota State University.  His first three titles, Upsetting the Tides, UNSEASONAL WAR, and Camouflaged Encounters are available on Amazon.  Camouflaged Mischief is in progress.

Author Links:

David will be awarding a digital copy of Camouflaged Encounters to 6 randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A City Full of Santas by Pooja Sardana - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

Ranked as #1 BestSeller on Amazon India

This Christmas is special; really special for Santa. Read this lovely Christmas tale that would re-define the meaning of Christmas.

A must read for everyone.

Just like Pooja’s other books, this book brings love, warmth, and a special message.

A story that parents would love to read to their children.

Just .99 cents on Amazon.com


“Such a lovely story that brings back the meaning of Christmas, one that many will want to read.”

“Parents/teachers will enjoy reading this story to their children. The children will be full of questions and want to discuss Santa’s surprise.”

“Artwork “pops” off the pages pleasantly and storyline has a great message. A fine addition to any Christmas collection and it is a children’s book that I would recommend!”

About the Author

Pooja Sardana, is a mother, a teacher, an illustrator, an author, a visionary and the co-founder of PictureBookTree.

Her books and her initiative – PictureBookTree have been widely covered in Indian media and abroad. Titled as one of the Unsung Hero in ‘Saga of the Unsung Heroes of India” , she continues to touch lives of many through her books and her work.

Her picture books for children can be availed free of cost by NGOs or individuals working with Under-privileged children. If you work with under-privileged children, you can drop an email at Picturebooktree (AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM to receive your free copy.

Author Links:

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 1/4/14
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Tale of Treasures by H.F. Parkhurst - Book Blitz and Giveaway

About the Book

A four hundred year quest for a mysterious lost treasure; bloodthirsty Pirates; plundering Conquistadors; noble Indians; and a sinister and secret religious Order are the tantalizing ingredients stirred together in the turbulent, steamy, and exotic Spanish Main, of yesterday and today.

To the rhythmic background of classic R&B soul music, Harry Carlton and his new love Helen are unexpectedly thrust into a violent encounter with ruthless and malevolent forces and a rogue’s gallery of dastardly villains. These two, near their fifties, are not kindly white-haired grandparents ready to sit sedately in rocking chairs. Instead, they confront danger with bravery, and battle dishonesty and injustice with valor. They discover a priceless, lost artifact treasure of the ancient Indians of South and Central America. In the struggle to return the treasure to its rightful owners, they must outwit the assortment of murderous villains, and stay alive.


From the lead canoe a man stood and flat-dived into the shallow water. With powerful strokes he swam toward the girl.

Crimson blood stained the agitated brown water where the jaws of a six-foot alligator clamped down on the girl’s arm.

“Mother,” she shrieked.

“Oh my daughter. Someone help.”

The reptile started its death spin just as the man grabbed it from behind. A handmade Bowie knife materialized in his hand. He plunged the eleven-inch blade into the creature’s belly.

Bright red blood gushed.

The man tightened his grip, and rammed the lethal blade into the gator once more.

More blood sprayed. The reptile’s tail lashed in a violent side-to-side motion and the man lost his grip.

With a spin, the gator dragged the girl under.

“Oh my Rachel,” wailed the girl’s mother. “Please help her.”

The man dove after the girl.

In the canoes, the tourists sat transfixed by the spectacle of horror.

The man erupted from the water holding the reptile, the girl in its jaws. He drove his bloody knife into the creature again and again.

Blood spurted, but the creature lashed its tail in a lethal snap.

“Ayee,” yelled one of the guides as he lunged into the churning, bloody water brandishing his Natchez Bowie knife. With both hands, he slammed the twelve inch blade into the creature’s brain.

The beast disappeared underwater, taking the man and the girl with it.

The canoe passengers searched the water frantically, but no movement stirred the bloody, silt-brown water. Seconds passed. Nothing.

About the Author

H.F. earned double finalist honors in 2011 Florida Writers Association Royal Palm Literary Awards. Born and raised in the northeastern United States, he’s lived in the south, southwest, and mid-west of the US, as well as Asia, Australia, and Europe. A student of traditional Chinese martial arts for the last sixteen years, he practices daily. After forty years as a successful, international architectural interior designer of offices and hotels, he sought a new creative outlet. 

In a turbulent time of global conflict, he seeks to be an ardent voice of reason speaking against illogic and the darkness of injustice, violence, and hatred pursued by the irrational and fanatic zealot faithful, worldwide.

An Objectivist, his novels reflect his commitment to logical thinking and the right of free people to rationally choose a destiny in their own best self-interests. He enjoys spinning outrageous tales based on his fertile imagination and real life experiences. Married, he lives with his wife in Florida. Currently projects are two novel series: an Epic Fantasy and an Action/Adventure. Also in the works are sci-fi novels and short stories.

Author Links:

The author will be awarding a grand prize of a $50 BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour and a second winner will win a $25 BN GC.

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Curious Stories by Gregory Eaves - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

If you like mysteries with a surprise twist at the end, then Curious Stories is for you. This is a small diverse collection of mystery short stories, ranging from the noir detective story to supernatural suspense. Neurotic characters and strange turns populate the pages of this quick and entertaining read.




He started to nod off to sleep, the rum still sloshing around in his skull. He laid the book on a heavy wooden table and stretched out on his sofa yawning, trying to remember his Uncle Jim. He had only spoken to him over the phone, as a child. Maybe his father’s side was friendlier, he mused, as the lights faded and his consciousness glided into sleep. The last image in his mind was of a phone ringing through a receiver, endlessly, with no one picking it up on the other end. 


     The southern California landscape outside his car window was new to Grover, and he liked it at first. It was filled with varying shades of green and tawny brown, and the air was still warm. The dry heat felt better than Indiana’s cool fall weather. The smell of car exhaust was strong on the freeway though, and the sunny brightness everywhere was starting to give the scenery a washed-out look, the way a photograph looks when overexposed. Then there were the Santa Ana winds that always came in October.

      He hadn’t heard about the Santa Anas. When a San Jacinto weather report described them on the radio, how they whistled down through the canyons from the high desert, hot and dry, he wondered out loud if the grit could cause a gun to jam. He laughed and patted his side. The Walther PPK was snuggled close against his ribcage, but it wasn’t uncomfortable yet. That was a good sign. He had chosen that gun, of World War II vintage, from his private collection because it was smaller and easier to carry than his Glock. It didn’t have great firepower or accuracy, and it was old, but he wasn’t really expecting to need it. He just felt naked without a firearm.

About the Author

Gregory Eaves was born October 18, 1950, in Indianapolis, Indiana. He attended Speedway High School and Indiana University. In his twenties, he traveled extensively throughout the United States, with an eight year stay in San Diego, California, where he studied and practiced meditation.
Gregory moved to Florida and completed a master’s degree in Library and Information Science from the University of South Florida.
Library school rekindled his interest in reading, which had been his favorite activity as a child growing up. Mysteries had been his first love, and he devoured his first mystery books with singular passion and zeal. Nothing else seemed to hit the sweet spot like reading The Hardy Boys, Sherlock Holmes, and Poirot. He later enjoyed authors like Raymond Chandler, John D. McDonald, Graham Greene, Patricia Highsmith, and others.    
SCHISM is Gregory’s first novel.  His prior experience with writing included poetry and short stories. One of his short-shorts won runner-up in a contest in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine.   

He now lives on the east coast of Florida, and when he isn’t writing, he enjoys playing guitar and collecting vintage stereo gear and vinyl records. He is a member of American Mensa.

Author Links:

Gregory will be awarding $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner during the tour via Rafflecopter, and a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Tales from Suburbia by Brandi Haas - Book Tours and Giveaway

About the Book

Brandi Haas brings her trademark wit from her popular blog to this new collection, sharing stories of birthday party mayhem, mommy martyrdom, and snow shoveling majesty.

The setting is Anytown, USA, among barking dogs, picket fences, and eclectic neighbors. You don't have to be crazy to live here, but it helps!

Tales from Suburbia will make you laugh, warm your heart, and let you know you're not alone. Mothers (and fathers) will recognize themselves, their children, and the absurd situations that family life brings to us all.



I seldom fall victim to Pinterest, but on this rare occasion, I looked at pictures of tea parties for little girls. The cuteness was almost overwhelming. My daughter loved the idea, which only fueled my enthusiasm. Even my husband was not immune to the excitement and he quickly joined in with the planning.

“How about a chocolate fountain?” he asked with a smile.

Chocolate flowing from an exquisite fountain sitting in the center of a beautifully decorated table. What could possibly go wrong with that, I thought.

“That’s a great idea, honey!” I exclaimed and began a painstaking search of Amazon for the perfect chocolate-oozing birthday party accessory. 

What I envisioned as six little girls daintily dipping strawberries and chunks of pound cake into flowing chocolate ended up being the worst idea ever conceived. The chocolate fountain itself turned out to be a poorly-constructed, steel and plastic contraption spewing chocolate out of tiered orifices while making a grinding noise that sounded a lot like a sixteen-year-old learning to drive a stick shift.

A deranged group of six-year-olds hovered around the fountain clutching sharpened sticks in their hands ready to impale fruits, marshmallows and my husband’s inconveniently placed hand. But the worst was the double dipping. I watched as kid after kid shoved a strawberry into the chocolate, took a small bite, then thrust the bacteria-infested berry back into the chocolate. I was certain that a new outbreak of dysentery was about to sweep through our neighborhood because of this wretched chocolate fountain. I could almost hear the accusatory whispers, “Isn’t that the lady who gave all the kids on Tawny Drive diarrhea for a month? Yes, if she offers you chocolate, run away.”


Tell us about your book, what inspired it?

It’s a collection of humorous short stories about parenthood and life in the suburbs. When my daughter started kindergarten, I began writing about my life and all the humor I see in it.

Which character is your favourite and why?

The main character is basically me, so I think she’s my favorite. She’s funny and sarcastic and isn’t afraid to make a fool of herself.

What was the hardest part to write in this book?

I think the hardest part was when I would already be in bed for the night and suddenly a great idea would come to me and I would have to make the decision of whether to get out of bed and write or try to hang onto the idea until the morning. I usually got out of bed, which is why that was the hardest part.

What should readers expect when they pick up your book?

They should expect to laugh, to cry, and to see themselves reflected in my words. Parenthood is a universal experience that bonds anyone who has a child—this book shows parents that they are not alone in the frustration and joy parenting brings. 

Where is the best place you’ve traveled to?

Mt. Rushmore, without a doubt. It’s right here in our own backyard and is absolutely amazing to behold.

How long have you been writing?

I have been writing since I was in the second grade. I have always loved the art of story telling and I have always keep a journal of story ideas. 

What sacrifices have you had to make to be a writer?

I have burnt dinner on more than one occasion because I got very into a story. But I guess that is more of the sacrifice my family makes for my writing because they still ate it.

Have you started your next project?

Yes, I am writing more tales from suburbia—more stories about the hilarity that lurks in subdivisions. 

Any last words?

Check out my book, Tales from Suburbia: You Don’t Have to be Crazy to Live Here, But it Helps, and get ready to laugh.

Thanks and great success with your book.

About the Author

In kindergarten, I was asked what I wanted to do when I grew up. My answer was a neatly written sentence: “I want to write a book about a story.”

The joy I find in writing has never waned. I find humor in all that I see and live my life secure in the knowledge that everything is funny. And now after an amazing ten years of teaching, I find myself wife to the world’s best doctor, mother to the sweetest daughter, caretaker to one wonder mutt and countless ill-fated goldfish and ready to write again. Our residence is Anytown, USA, among barking dogs, picket fences, and eclectic neighbors and these are my stories.

Author Links:


Brandi Haas will be awarding $30 Amazon/BN Gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $20 Amazon/BN Gift card to a randomly drawn host.

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