Friday, November 28, 2014

Hand of Fatima by Myrna Sokoloff - Book Blitz and Giveaway

About the Book

It had been a year since the sealed casket of Holly's beloved husband Jake had been flown from the war zone to Dover Air Force Base with an honor guard. The American flag and the music didn't lesson the agony of his death for her.

Nobody ever told Holly what had really happened on that classified mission in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.

The painful memory of his death came crashing in on her when Alex, a former special-warfare operator, approached her on a clear autumn day. Alex and his teammate TJ had been wounded on the same raid with Jake.

These tough wounded warriors were determined to find out the facts, but they knew for sure that the SEALS had been betrayed.

By uncovering the treacherous truth about the Helmand mission, this group of patriots and their friends discover an even more sinister plot that will put the country in danger . . . and it leads straight to the White House.



Alex paced in front of D.C.'s Union Station. He had worked with Susanna and trusted her but she still worked for the President he did not trust.

Susanna saw Alex, took a deep breath and walked towards him. “Alex,” she whispered. 

He turned and walked into the station and got lost in the crowds surrounding the fast food restaurants and sat at on a bench.

Alex started, “Tariq betrayed us.”  

Susanna gasped, “How do you know this?”

“We've tracked him since the attack in Helmand Province,” Alex said breathlessly, waiting to see Susanna's reaction.

Susanna looked stunned.

“Tracked him—how could you track him? Do you have mercenaries in the field or is TJ's dad at NSA going outside the wire?”

“Tariq was there on the day of the attack.” Susanna’s mouth fell open.

Alex leaned close to her. “I'm not telling you the details because then you don't know anything to testify to in case…”

“Testify,” she shouted. “What do you mean? How do you know he was at the site of the attack?”

Alex looked glum. “I saw him!”

 Susanna gasped. “Are you sure it was Tariq?”

“Yes absolutely. You forget I was observing his interrogation at Gitmo. You know what this means Susanna?” he carefully said.

Susanna sighed and leaned back on the bench, “The President's poster boy for Gitmo releases reverts to his old ways…he's still a terrorist.”

“And worse, he set us up. He just didn't escape into thin air—he led us into a trap by giving us false info in order to kill us. He was laughing at us!” Alex was intent on making her see the danger.

Susanna got up and started walking, pulling her coat around her against the chill autumn wind. Alex followed but hung behind giving her some space. Her pace slowed as she faced him.

Alex pleaded, “We need to tell Holly, wife of a dead SEAL and a respected analyst.”

“Holly is not political and she was devastated by Jake's death. To bring it up again is cruel, especially if she finds out it was avoidable. I am speaking as her friend!” cried Susanna.

“Don't you think she would want to know? And if her best friend knew something, don't you think she'd be mad if you kept it from her?” asked Alex.

Susanna looked exasperated. But what he said made her feel unsure of her position. Maybe Holly would want to know.

“I tried to talk to her at Temple, but she was with family and besides, I lost my nerve,” he said, embarrassingly.

“I know how we can all meet away from prying eyes. It's Sukkot Thursday night.” Alex looked stunned and smiled.

“I didn't know you were Jewish!” he laughed.

“Holly always invites this Catholic to her sister's Sukkah in her backyard in Connecticut. There will be lots of people all unrelated to our work. Holly said I could bring guests. Ask TJ. We'll take the train.” Alex grinned and nodded his head.

Alex walked out of the station, happy he had met with Susanna. And he was glad he was going to see Holly again but he didn't want to think of her in personal terms. 

His thoughts went to Tariq. He was sure he had seen him at the edge of the staging area, which didn't surprise him. After all, he had provided the intel. Then he thought he made a mistake and then everything was explosions, pain and darkness.

Alex was wounded. In the hospital room and in therapy, he felt like he had forgotten something important. But he was confused and the doctors told him some memory loss was perfectly normal after an explosion.

But it came back to him one night when he was watching The Godfather, and he called TJ.

“TJ, remember the scene in The Godfather when Michael was hiding out in Sicily after killing Sollozo and McClusky. His beautiful Sicilian wife—what was her name?”

“Appollonia…yeah I remember her,” said TJ.

Alex continued dramatically, “She was about to start the car. Michael called to his bodyguard Fabrizio. He looked back at Michael and then ran. In that instant Michael knew he had been betrayed and then his wife turned on the ignition and blew up. It had been meant for him.”

“Yeah, yeah I get it, but…,” interjected TJ.

“When I was watching that scene it came back to me. I saw Tariq that day and when I called to him he looked back with the same expression and then ran just like Fabrizio and then the explosions started.”

“We can't use The Godfather as a reason you remembered Tariq. They'll have you back in psych evaluation and think you are confusing life with a movie.”

“You do it all the time,” laughed Alex

“Yeah, I know, but not at a debriefing.” TJ sighed.

About the Author

I grew up in the beautiful suburb of Westport Connecticut. After Boston University, I moved to New York City. In Manhattan I spent time in many political campaigns as fundraiser and writer. New York was a Democratic town. We never fought with Republicans, we fought with each other! It was exciting and I thought I was making a contribution. When I moved to California, my connections helped me transistion into the political world in LA. 

September 11th, 2001, changed me and I had to re-evaluate my politics. I used to work in lower Manhattan and saw on TV the streets and buildings covered with dust and so many people killed in an instant. In LA, I volunteered for the USO at LAX and watched Marines from Camp Pendleton fly out to their next training base. I also served an Army Family Readiness unit near me.I called families of deployed soldiers to check if they needed anything and helped with the Army Christmas parties for the kids. It didn't seem enough. I had to find another way to express my ideas and support the troops. I made political commercials and wrote articles.

In 2008 I was the co-writer and executive producer of the political comedy feature 'An American Carol'

I decided to write my first novel 'Hand of Fatima' because I was angry about the lies surrounding Benghazi, the terrorist attack that occurred in 2012. The four men that died that day had families and friends who loved them. Our leaders acted as if it was a political mess to get passed and forgotten. The novel is a thriller about terrorism and how it affects real people.

Author Links:

Myrna will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn host.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thief By C.L. Stone - Book Blast and Giveaway

About the Book

Kayli Winchester is a dirt-poor girl living out of a hotel, forced to be the parent for a drunken father and teenage brother who she’s desperate to keep in school. The only way she scrapes by is to utilize her one skill: pickpocketing. But even though she’s a thief she has a moral code: no kids or old ladies, only targets who can defend themselves. Not that they see her coming…

Thinking she’s been working under the radar, Kayli has no idea The Academy has been watching and taking notice. Now a team that needs her skill has offered her a way out of her predicament and it’s her last chance: work with them, or face jail time. Kayli resists at first, but slowly the boys reveal they can be trusted. With Marc, the straight man, Raven, the bad-boy Russian, Corey and Brandon the twins as different as night and day, and Axel their stoic leader, there’s a lot Kayli can learn from these Academy guys about living on the edge of the law. If only she can stay on the good side instead of the bad.

Especially when the job they offer her is more than any of them bargained for. After it’s done, the hunters have become the hunted and their target is now after Kayli. The Academy boys do their best to keep her hidden, but a thief like Kayli will never sit still for long.

Meet an all-new Academy team in Thief, the beginning of the Scarab Beetle series.



Men are brilliantly stupid.

For one thing, guys carry the most cash with them anywhere. Didn’t anyone ever tell them cash was dead? 

I nestled myself in one of the side branches of Citadel Mall. I picked my way through a Claire’s but the lights were too bright reflecting off the sparkling plastic and crystals of the teeny bopper jewelry and handbags. I ducked into a shoe store where the lighting was dimmer and the window wasn’t as obstructed. Waiting was the hardest part.

My favorite place to find dumb guys with lots of cash was the mall. Always fairly crowded on a weekend; I could count on at least a couple of twenties for every wallet I temporarily borrowed. 

I never kept all of it. Forty to sixty dollars at the most. Not enough to bother reporting to the cops. I didn’t mess with credit cards, or bother with selling ID cards. That’s the kind of crazy stuff that gets you sent to prison. I always left the wallets and the rest of the leftovers tucked away in the food court and on benches where management would see it and find the owner. That way, the people wouldn’t have to get new ID, which is a huge hassle. 

And they never suspected a thing. All they saw when I accidentally bumped into them was batting eyelashes and as much cleavage as I could muster the absurdity to expose without dry heaving.

About the Author

C. L. Stone once lived in Charleston, SC, and currently lives among Cajuns. She writes about cute boys and uncomfortable situations, usually mixed together. You can email her at Sign up for email updates, get exclusive info on upcoming release dates, get notified when freebies are offered, and sometimes sneak peeks! Subscribe:

Author Links:

C.L. Stone will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour, and a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Olympus Confidential by Robert B. Warren - Book Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

When a band of super-powered humans stirs up trouble in New Olympia, Zeus knows just who to call.

Wisecracking private investigator Plato Jones is used to cleaning up the gods' messes. But this might be his most dangerous case yet, placing him deep behind enemy lines, in Tartarus Maximum Security Penitentiary. After infiltrating the enemy's organization, Plato inches closer to the truth. But he learns a hard lesson along the way: to defeat a villain, he might have to become one himself.

Olympus Confidential skillfully weaves humor and Greek mythology into this fast-paced fantasy. Whether new or returning to the Plato Jones series, fans of thrillers, contemporary fantasy, and Greek mythology will have a tough time putting this one down.


“We want you to go undercover and find out how King and his friends acquired their special abilities.”

“But King is in jail.”

“Yes, he is.”

I held up my hand. “Hold on. Let me get this straight. You want to send me to jail to make friends with a potentially dangerous criminal and his equally dangerous accomplices?”

“Of course not, Mr. Jones.”

“Good. For a second there, I thought you’d lost your mind.”

“We want to send you to Tartarus.”

“Tartarus? The Tartarus?”


I let out a humorless laugh. To call Tartarus Maximum Security Penitentiary the most dangerous prison on Earth would have been completely inaccurate. That’s because it wasn’t located on Earth, but in another dimension, only accessible by one of Hades’s magical portals. The facility housed some of the worst criminals of all time. Monsters beyond redemption.

“You know, I take back what I said about your losing your mind,” I said. “Because I see now that you’ve clearly gone bananas. I should’ve known it from the moment you walked in. Only a crazy person would wear a suit like that in public. Can I offer you another cup of coffee?”

Hermes ignored both the insult and the offer. “King and his associates will be going to trial soon. They will be convicted, they will be sent to Tartarus, and you will be right there beside them, becoming a member of their inner circle.”

“And what if I say no? Which I will most certainly do.”

“Refusal would be ill-advised.”

“Ill-advised, huh? What are you going to do? Hold my ex-wife hostage again? Blackball her new husband?” I paused. “On second thought, you guys can have a field day with him. But leave Alexis out of this.”

“No one’s going to be held hostage, Mr. Jones.”

“Then it looks like you don’t have anything to threaten me with.” I checked my watch. “Oh, would you look at that. It seems we’re out of time. I even gave you two additional minutes. Aren’t you lucky?”

“Stubborn as usual.” Hermes slid the reports into the folder and stood up. “But I’ll change your mind.”

“Whatever you say, chief. Now if you don’t mind, I have work to do.”

“I respectfully advise you to cooperate.”

“And I respectfully decline.”

“Have it your way, Mr. Jones. I’ll be in touch.”

About the Author

A fan of thrillers, fantasy, and science fiction, Robert B. Warren has been writing stories ever since he could hold a pencil. In 2009, he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and creative writing from the University of Alabama. He currently lives in the south.

Author Links:

Commenter Prize: $50 Amazon GC plus print or digital copy of book 1 or book 2 in the series.
Runner Up Prizes 15 ebooks of winners' choice of book 1 or book 2.

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